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Francisco DH Apr 2014
He carries remnants of a broken child.
Cradles the pieces as he tries
To silence the echoing cries.
He provides love with strong tight hugs
But the pressure isn't enough.
He can't continue on nurturing himself.
Francisco DH Apr 2014
I feel different.
More in-tuned to emotions
yet more in-tuned to reason.
I just can't be one without the other.
I feel alienated.
My emotions always are expressed.
My reason is always expressed.
I feel as if no one in my family is like that and that worries me.
Francisco DH Apr 2014
And do you love him?
My heart gnaws on my conscience.
Does the Friendzone count?
Francisco DH May 2014
We were two spoken words
but the long drawing out

s e p a r a t e d  u s
Late night Inspiration
Francisco DH Aug 2014
And it's behind these notes
I hide and let myself sing.
Tomorrow will be better.
Francisco DH Jan 2014
Truth is...
I can hear a part of my heart
Protesting with every heartbeat.
It screams
"Don't date, Just wait"
But My mind tells me
"It's done too late"
While I just stand there
Truth is...
I still want you...
Francisco DH Mar 2013
T ired of feeling like this
      because you are so far away, stuck in your head with what others would think
       not thinking of anything but that
R eally? That's the question I ask, why? I wasn't good enough, if you break his heart or he yours you'll go  
     with me and be mine.
Y esterday I might have waited. Yesterday I might have just dreamed but now I got someone
     I don't know what will happen, but I am going to TRY.
Francisco DH Jan 2014
Tonight was busy
Got more to check off the list
But can't check him off.
Francisco DH Dec 2012
Talk to you later I will say
Not Goodbye nor Farewell
Because in doing so I will be admitting that you are leaving

I will not hug you, with wet eyes and a mind wishing you'll stay
I will fight the urge of running towards you as you walk away
because I will lie to myself and tell
That I will TTYL

I will shake your hand with a firm grasp and pat you on the back
I will let your hand slip away and my voice will not crack
When I speak those words with a heavy heart,
Knowing I might not ever see you again,
Francisco DH Jan 2013
Tu eres mi amor, you are my love
and tu tienes mi corazón para siempre

Nothing can compare to the love I have for you
Not the sun or the Luna
Nor las  estrellas
you are the goddess(more of a god) of fortune and good luck, Fortuna

The love for you has been building up
Like a volcano and it wants to explode
its fuegos artificiales going up in the sky

Tu eres mi amor
and you have my heart forever

You are my love
This poem was written A while back but lost it so I had to start over, not as good as the first but it will have to do.
Francisco DH Apr 2014
I thought I was done
but love aint done with my yet
when is it ending?
Francisco DH Jan 2013
Two Minutes*
That's all I need to hold on to you
To inhale the familiar scent of yours
To rest my head upon your chest  

Two Minutes
That's all I need to tell you that you are the only one that matters
To kiss your cheek and hold you tighter
To hold you and feel safe

Two Minutes
That's all I need to tell you I will always care
To kiss those lips with passion
To cherish the feelings I will have

All I need is Two Minutes
Francisco DH Sep 2013
Draw me a picture
with my heart in two pieces
not with the shattered line drawn in the middle
but with them on opposite sides
Because one side is still needing to catch up.
Francisco DH Jan 2013
My weekend was horrible
leaving me emotionally numb
But on the bus I heard you bickering with another guy
"I am going to do it today."
"You should do it now."
Back and forth Y'all did

Then when we were inside
You asked for me to go outside
"I like two people, One is this girl, do you know the other one."
I knew right then
My mood changed
my cheeks warmed
"I do but I rather hear it from you." I said
I was in heaven
You took sometime and then you said
"Well it's you, I like you too."
Even though I knew
My day changed in two seconds flat

Even though you like her also
And I don't like being a a second choice
I will take this and make the most of it
because I have been waiting
For this moment
To make me feel happy in two seconds flat
Francisco DH Dec 2014
At times winter visits early,
Spitting fragments of yesterday’s snow,
To strike an already scarred face.

Yet, at other times the curve of its finger
Interlocks with the conscience’s
As it blabbers on like an infant.
Francisco DH Aug 2014
But then his back severed the cord as it closed the door to our conversation.
What wanted to be said got hit in the face and retreated into my throat.
I choked on every syllable.
I too turned not desiring to be cradled by the arms of silence.
I opened the door leading to the case of stairs.
Every step mimicked his words enraging my feet
They attempted to mute but they grew weary in defeat.
Closing my eyes I spun facing his general direction.

It was as if an audience drew in breath,
Afraid their breathing would interrupt the ****** of this scene.

White noise complained obnoxiously, fluttering nigh the sides of my ear
An inferno asphyxiated brashly the cells my heart neared.

“You were-are worth it”

But those words muffled by the cradling arms of silence
Were carried by the white noise
Ashed by the inferno.
Francisco DH Mar 2013
Take some time and see that I’m the one
Take some time and see that I love you
Don’t ever forget that I was the first
To break the walls , to get through

Lend closer and feel the warmth inside
Lead closer and feel my heart beat
But don’t forget, oh lord don’t forget
I was the first you did meet

Take my hand and fly away
Take my hand together we’ll stay
Take my hand so we can be alone

Give me the love and the time
So I can say that you are mine
Show me all that I have shown
Francisco DH Oct 2014
You know growing at one point in life we loved our childhood but now my life is even better now that i have you.
you make it so much better girl i just wanna make you happy
and now im free, free falling yeah free fallin you have me feeling like im on cloud 9
let be there for you girl cause i wanna be your forever

my life changed dramaticly when you told me we were through it made me feel like i didnt even wanna live anymore so i told myself i gotta change
so i searched high n low for a girl like you but there was no hope because nobody could ever replace you

so i wrote a note telling you that i wanted you back and if you came back then i would change i took it and hung it up three days later you walked in my house found my body laying on the floor you looked up and saw the note i wrote you just started crying and o how i wish i could wake up but i was already gone
A friend of mine wrote this
Any suggestions on how to make it better???
Francisco DH Nov 2014
The orange ambushed the tip of my tongue
my tongue felt the keen sting of acidity.
Francisco DH Nov 2014
A flower caught in the wind's bent arms I saw today
I began disputing it's given name.
A Calla Lilly, A rose, a daisy
Perhaps it's -I'm just crazy .
It's a flower with beauty and it offers it in display
I saw a flower today
I saw a flower today.
Francisco DH Apr 2013
Take me out to places that I will never see again
Fake a smile here and there while you see other men
Make me chase for your love while you I defend
Wake me up from this dream when my heart can't amend
Break me from fantasy cause it would've never been.
Francisco DH Apr 2013
Rain fell from the sky
Drains into my soul
I regret something
That I never told
Francisco DH Apr 2013
With everything seeming so boring
You were the only thing with color.
Everything was always black and white but
When you came around, everything you touched seem to light up with pink, blue, yellow
You were the color white that gets mixed in with everything to make it be brighter
Francisco DH Apr 2013
Have you heard about the man
Who was hit by a van
He was carry pans
When BAM!
He got hit by a van.
Did you hear about that man?
Francisco DH Apr 2013
I had a dream.
In this dream ,that my mind conjured up for my enjoyment while my body rested, you were there.
I was there and some random lady who was a TV personality was also there.
We were all talking and having fun.
You smiled as she made a joke and my eyes lingered at your lips.
I wanted to kiss you but knowing how you didn't know yourself I contained myself to the spot I was standing in. and Plus I didn't want to do it in front of her cause she gave me the creeps.

You reached into your pockets and there was 30 dollars. You thought you placed them back in but I saw them falling. Twirling like Maple leaves onto the damp floor.
I picked it up and and called your name but you already went.
I spent my time throughout the whole dream trying to find you.
Jogging down stairs I didn't even know Ours school had.
Asking people if they have seen you
I searched and searched but to no avail.

I was left with nothing more than 30 dollars and a sadness that began to sweep it's self over me.
Then the cops came and I was running from them for no reason
then I woke up.
Francisco DH Apr 2013
The robins pick at the ground with grass beneath their feet
while worms try to get away so they wouldn't be eaten.
The wind plays with the leaves above
As the sun gives it's warmth and love.
Francisco DH Apr 2013
Circle Me with red
mark me diagonally with death
Take me heart and use it for your sacrifice
Just know I am already dead
Francisco DH Apr 2013
I let my guard down
And I let you in
But you didn't catch me
I'm still fallin
In and out of love

With every touch
I exploded with Bliss
But With every touch
I longed for your kiss
But you never seemed to give it up

You had me in your grasp
With only enough room to breathe
Twisting and turning
I wanted to be free
From you I had enough
Francisco DH Apr 2013
You can do so many things to hide,
Warp yourself in clothes that show A different view,
Hang with people who don't even know
But in the end
As you lie in your bed,
The you that you try so hard to conceal is there
Patiently waiting for you to shake it's hand and say you are done with hiding
Francisco DH Apr 2013
The pavement absorbs the energy my foot gives As I run
The air is displaced and it chills my skin
Who knew I would be the only one
But I should have known Time and time Again

You told me that this was the only we could be together
Me running away from you
But there was never any love to occur
Stuck with my love wanting to get through
Francisco DH Nov 2013
You were right
When you kissed my arm
My blood pressure shot up
leaving me behind to try
and avoid your eyes.
Francisco DH Mar 2014
These Stereotypes
are the barriers I face
Time To break em all
Francisco DH Mar 2013
I don't want to be alone with myself
While your arms are around someone else
I can't handle your name as it falls of my lips
It's the knife that pierces my heart
Slowly the A, the tip,
Pushes its way through the muscle tissue
To the point the pain is too much and my tears swallow my screams

I can't manage being on my own
While I sit wishing you called my phone
I can't stand to see the color purple flash in front of my eyes
It's a light the blinds me
A color that brings my heart to cry
making me turn around with my back to it
I can no longer stand the sight of anything that makes me remember you
Francisco DH Feb 2013
I never had the need to look o'er my shoulder
But Now my heart is growing colder

Never had the need to take some thought
But Now my feelings are getting caught

I never knew that you could be this way
But I guess that's what I get for playing this game

How Could I be so blind?
Time after time, Lie after Lie

I need to step away
To go away and move on
I need to quit this play
Forget this game and move on

I still have these feelings there's no denying that
They always knock always knock
But to act upon would be a selfish act
So I must stay firm and be a rock

I need to take a step back
and go away and never return
I need to stop being whack
and not be this way and not crash or burn.
Francisco DH Aug 2014
You can't hear me can you.
You are too busy  manipulating numbers
trying to collect data of the people you ******.
And why you count another ******
I whisper I love you.
And why you realized you miss counted and configure the numbers again
I whisper I need you.
And why you gloat of your endeavors
I cry in the back room.
Francisco DH Jul 2014
...Night is not the absence of the sun it's the introduction to a different state of light...
Francisco DH Nov 2013
And I cried
Let everything go
and cried.
Francisco DH Jul 2014
And then the tree tried to take time in letting the leaf loose
but then came a humbled hungry homely moose.
Francisco DH Feb 2013
Don't call me back
Cause I will be gone out the door
Don't get my attention
Cause now My heart is torn
But I will ignore the pain
I will forget that I even liked you
Cause you showed me
That you ain't worth it anymore
Francisco DH Jul 2014
I can't help but to feel
I accidentally changed you
For the better
Or worse
remains yet to be seen?
Francisco DH Aug 2014
When there's too much to say I write it all down
When there's too much to write I close my eyes
and sleep
Francisco DH Jun 2013
Nothing speaks to me more than the feeling that blossoms
Whenever our hands touch.

Nothing speaks to me than the feeling that blossoms
whenever our lips touch.

Nothing speaks to me more than the feelings
I develop inside me like the product sugar and sulfuric Acid
Francisco DH Aug 2013
Yes I am jealous.
The fire seeps out my eyes and into your Lover.
I dont hate her.
Just hate that she is with you.
Funny that i am in this perdiceriment again.
Cupid is running a cruel game.
The Irony.
yes i am jealous.
I like you.
Francisco DH Aug 2013
They tell me you're no good
That much is understood.
But they don't know you like I do
No they don't know you like I do.

Your mistakes cover your path
They prevent them to see
That if they were rooted and thrown aside
A good guy you could be.

I guess I am tangled in your hair again.
Anchoring my boat in your eyes.
but now this time
I wonder what is going to happen?
Francisco DH Aug 2013
Everything just disappears.
The walls are not there.
the shower heads are not there.
the people are not there.
Just us.

But there is one thing that does stay.
Its him.
His eyes.
His scent.
His face.
His name.

You see while I fill the void inside me
I think of him.
While I indulged on a feast that satisfied my lust
I think of him.
His name.
His face.
His scent.
His eyes.

I stopped not because the food wasn't good
But because him in my mind was becoming to great.
making me realize that I wasn't eating with him but with another.
Francisco DH Jan 2015
The world is a painting.
We are merely blots of ink.
Francisco DH Dec 2014
I'm tired of feeling like I've been misused
Thrown 'cross the surface of "I Love you"
Only to skip ahead into the thickets and overgrown weeds.
What is sleep?
Francisco DH Oct 2014
Considering you a fallacy is a hollowness in my chest
a bent-out percussion instrument, it's quality won't be the best.
Francisco DH Nov 2014
I read the words of your eyes as I turned you over.
They said, "It's a wonder that the world doesn't explode when two people meet for the first time."
Francisco DH Jan 2013
The time for forgiveness is gone
Nothing will be forgiven
He knows he is not the only one
But he chose not to stay, he's leaving

Leaving it all in the past and will not look behind him
Causes this is now that was then
His eyes will focus towards the light at the end
Because back down that way there is a friend
Who will love him as he is

And when the other wants him again
he will say no, because he can't go back to then
He can't relive the pain and sorrow
And the not wanting to see tomorrow

No, he will deny them Like they did
He will ignore like they did
He will just keep going
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