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Francisco DH Aug 2014
the path is overgrown with broken beer bottles.
fairies beat their wings to the rhythm of ******
pulsing in their veins.
an audible yet muffled cackle is heard
the source is a stump swollen with cigarette smoke.
And I have five minutes more before I get home.
Francisco DH Sep 2013
I must keep my heart from fallin
Can't travel this road again
Though covered in sweet, sweet roses
The thorns seem so imposin
Seem dangerous those roses.
Francisco DH Aug 2014
My path is overgrown with broken beer bottles
On my black eagle I'm goin full throttle.
It's pouring down, all around they're movin like cattle
But slipping from society is only half the battle.
My arms are ancient road maps if you connect the landmarks
Or crevices my black eagle has punctured and pecked at.
But lost you might end up if you don't get on my saddle.
Just went with it
Francisco DH Feb 2013
Nothing seems better than having
A peach

A round, plump, orange looking peach
Francisco DH Sep 2014
Why do you hate me?
Why is it when i throw a line in your direction you cut it
with jagged glares and "I don't cares?"
Why do you ignore me?
You hear the sounds of desperation but you ****** your chin higher than my vocal range.

*why am I struggling to reach you?
Francisco DH Sep 2013
Don't be foolish.
Pledge allegiance with the moon and stars.
With the creatures of the night.
With the shadows that hide dexterous spies.
In the end it us who win.

Besides...we have ...cookies.
I felt dark and then light Hmmm hungry anyone?
Francisco DH Jan 2014
It's like this
"Count to ten"
"Find A friend"
"Try, try, try Again"

But when we are older

it's like this
"You don't pay the bills"
"Stupid Could gotcha Killed"
"I won't make that deal"
Francisco DH Dec 2014
We are all pieces of paper,
Riding the morning breeze.

We ride elegantly,
Without much strife,
Until it halts.

Until we are stranded
Upon the sidewalk
Scraped for the
Flakes of white.

Until someone takes hold
Of our flesh.
Etches their name
Without being told.
Before boldly erasing,
While avidly cursing,
Our blue lines.
Francisco DH Nov 2013
And then the trees were crying as the winds tried to wipe the tears.
They swayed back and forth until the Earth held them.
We collected them, played with the tears of the Trees
Francisco DH Jan 2015
In the first grade I proclaimed loyalty to the art of writing.
In the Fifth Grade I inked my hands permanently with poetry.
Francisco DH Oct 2014
And it's in the roots of trees I have lost my faith
As they tunnel deeper into earth my life is lapped away.
Francisco DH Sep 2014
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it.
Forgive me for remembering you.
Francisco DH Jan 2015
Never gaze directly at the sun.
Its beauty will engage your pupils to a conversation,
politely ignore their inadvertent stutters,
before stabbing them with an indifferent attitude
leaving you to blink away the tears.
But the moon no matter how long you stare
will never force you to look away.
Francisco DH Sep 2014
Unto you, my only love, I bestow pearls laced with spider's silk.
Francisco DH Apr 2014
I loved a poem before it was written onto paper.
I held it close for days.
Whispered my love as I caressed it's words lengthy and smooth
But to love something you must let it go.
I let my poem go.
Poems Yay ^-^
Francisco DH Nov 2014
'tis the morrow yet it has borrowed the remote sorrow harboring within the roots.

The trees are bare while creatures crawl underneath tearing at the skin.
Francisco DH Nov 2014
An old man whose lungs have felt the smugness of many cigarettes
Looked at me and said, "If you are a poet write a poem about nothing". I took out a piece of paper and handed it to him.
Francisco DH Oct 2013
My tears fell hitting the veins connecting my blood to my heart
My sobs echoed throughout my body rattling my rib cage
But all does not matter no one can read the face of stone I show.
And that is how it should be.
Francisco DH Aug 2014
a little piece of a soul
and we read these stories untold
-we are all the same
Francisco DH Apr 2013
Only need
Every word
They can muster up to
Recite on to paper what they really feel.
You, me, and everyone can write poetry

I will use language
To morph and create a world
That mirrors my own

That tells a story
Of me and what I've been through
All the ups and downs

Poets do the same
They combine this and that and
Everything to make

To make Poetry.
A language only poets
Can understand well.
Francisco DH Jan 2013
I take that hat That you gave me
And I sleep with it
To remind me of what I want

I inhale and a scent dances around my nose
It plays with my mind and creates you

It pretends that you are next to me with an arm protectively around me
It pretends that I am upon your chest and That you kiss my head gently

I snuggle closer to that hat
I pretend I am on top of you and that we are just talking
I pretend that I kiss you sweetly and kiss your neck gently

Then I fall asleep and dream of you
More pretending
But maybe it could be reality
And no more Pretending
I don't know yet
Francisco DH Oct 2012
I see the flag twisting, twirling  dancing with the wind
and showing its colors Red White And blue
But I can't place my right hand over heart
You see I am not proud to be an American

I look around and see people pledging allegiance
But do they see what state the country is in?
To be an American you have to let education be second
To be an American the church run the country cause they know more about the world then the people they try to suppress
To be an American you have to talk about civil rights movement and then be like the blind man down the street who didn't see acts against others

yeah we might have it better than most but we are not the best

To Be an American you let laws be passed that discriminate against how you look
Te be an American you build tolerance like high walls but they crash down when you create earthquakes on the ones who are different
To be an American You follow what you hear and not question the government because they are not wasting our money and its not patriotic
To be an American you have to be afraid to be who you are even if they say we accept
To be an American you have to watch what you say or do
because something can result from your freedom of speech

After all that I have said
I wonder if you are proud to be an American too
Please don't be putting any hating messages, this my opinion
Francisco DH Mar 2013
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
I think I finally know what it means

At first I was one of the cases that proved this little saying wrong
For the words and phrases others threw were strong
Slamming my head on the wall against my will
Pinching my skin leaving marks all over

But then I realized take there words and find the true meaning
Find that and their words are less demeaning
They no longer have the power to make you feel
So small that you feel like an ant with the that glass above you
as they try to burn you

Take the words they throw at you and toss back the meanings
Toss them with such force that they recognize what their words means
then walk away and smile
and chant

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
Francisco DH Sep 2014
In the meadows where trees are seldom,
purple flowers congregate.
Their petals flutter as they mutter
hidden by the breeze.
In the meadow where trees are seldom,
purple flowers congregate
Their stems contort as they abort
dew from their leaves.
In the meadows are purple flowers.
Are those flowers free?
Francisco DH Nov 2013
When do you know you have fallen?
When you don't even want to get up....
Francisco DH Jul 2013
Where are you on this lonely night in May?
Did your car go up and die while you were on the way?
Or maybe you left for you could not stay?

Where are you while I sit on this chair?
Did you stop and think of How I cared?
Or Maybe you took your heart and left me bare?
Francisco DH Nov 2013
Do I dare get closer when I know he will be gone?
Do I let the words flow even when they are wrong?
Do I be at his side be that friend but go home and cry?
Do I just hide in my shell to never come out?
Francisco DH Dec 2013
Does it start like this?
With Conversations that seem to never end
With continuous laughter through the lonely night
With virtual hugs
Does falling for him start like this?
Talking to a guy and I don't know he is basically everything in a guy I want..... shrugs...
Francisco DH May 2013
Ripples spread throughout the water
Another drop hits disrupting the beautiful ripples.
I watch more drops fall and look to the sky feeling a sense of sadness
Not that there is something to be sad for it's just that the world is crying that's all

Remaining slight for a minute  then I cry along with the world
Another tear falls disrupting the ripples, the beautiful ripples.
I let them fall and look to the sky feeling the world's sadness wrap itself around me.
Not stopping it from keeping me warm, Not going to stop crying not until the world stops.
Francisco DH Dec 2013
Each tear that we shed
Is a tear of injustice
Colored with our blood

We wipe them away
Trying to be the soldiers
They think we can't be.

We are numb to words
That otherwise shred

Our hearts but we wear
Vests that bear "It gets better"
So that protects us.

We walk down the streets
not knowing if we would live
To see tomorrow.

We take in every
"***", "****", with a false smile
Hold our tounges we do

We come back from war
Hoping we would feel the warmth
But we are shut out

From our family.
We fight here there everywhere
To wear our colors.

We fight everyday
The tears that threaten to fall
for we are soldiers.
What I got but going to work with it fora bit
Francisco DH Mar 2013
One, Two, three punches to the brain
He tries but he can't hold the pain
So he lets go the only way he knows how
and let his Rainbow tears fall down

******, Queer, ***, circle him with fire
He feels them as they cut him like wire
He lets his face get covered in his rainbow tears
as he begins to show all his fears

Run, Run ,Run away and not look back
Don't think of them just run and don't look back
He sheds the rainbow drops but he smiles
After all the harsh treatment he still lives by the Rainbow Style

Rainbow tears dry
No longer he cries
He waves the seven colors with pride like he wanted to all those years
As they fall, happy Rainbow tears
Francisco DH Oct 2013
I let your words fall like rain drops upon my skin.
Let them hit lightly then watch them inch there way down and pool together.
Watch them collect, one by one until a drop falls onto the ground.
But like Rain drops on a cool September day they don't bother me.
Francisco DH Apr 2014
And then the rain drenched my hands.
Looking up I saw the sun angry with me.
I was pelted with my past transgressions
but it's alright, it's cool, Every bad seed deserves to drown.
Francisco DH Aug 2013
When the days are cold with the snow covering the ground
While black birds fly over head
As tracks are left ,things that once were.
Francisco DH Sep 2013
And he spoke
And I melted
He reached
I pulled back
He walked
But I walked away
Francisco DH Sep 2013
Winter Green
Show off
Francisco DH Apr 2013
Wishes  are for children
Dreaming also
Reality is too strong to ignore because it hits you everyday
Reminding you that it's always going to be there
And there isn't time to wish and dream.
Francisco DH Jan 2013
I saw this article
It screamed
Leah Shipman, Ex-Teacher, Marries North Carolina Student She Was Accused Of Having *** With

I read it and now I am furious
I am sick
I am disgusted

She had *** with him when he was 15
She gets married to him Yay for them
But for me

I am prohibited
Not allowed
Restricted from marrying the guy  I want

Good Job Society
Good Job North Carolina
Good Job
Francisco DH Jul 2013
Come! screams the wind
Come and Dance with me!
But he is not my friend,
Nor will he ever be.

Come! Whispers the shadows
Come and Jest with I
But as he creeps on by
I notice evil intent in his eyes
As they shimer and  glow.

Come! beckons the ocean
But its fast and slow motion
make me nauseous
and Cautious

Come! Orders the Sun
But I am not one to be ordered
So I turn my back and shun
The king.

I dont listen to none of them
I wont Come nor Will i ever
Francisco DH Mar 2013
When You told me I felt a mixture of emotions
My heart was a *** boiling with sadness as some salt of anger was poured in
And when the pepper of hope was added my heart just went blank
My mind went blank
but my mouth manged to say "Oh"

When I told you about a dream of you and a friend
you told me something I wasn't expecting
Noodles of Hurt was added to the ***
More Peppers of Hope were added
and some more salt of anger was sprinkled
But something was missing to this meal you were creating
then you added the secret ingredient.
I don't even know what it is
but it made the cuisine finished

After all was added and cooked
All I manged to say was "Oh"
Francisco DH Dec 2014
How can the heart mend?
When I break it over and over?
How can a heart fend?
When I strike it over and over?

When I look in the mirror I say it was them
They couldn't handle a twisted man
But the mirror is cracked split before me
I am that mirror, The mirror is me.
Francisco DH Sep 2014
Eat the Fruit.

But I rather taste the bitterness of ignorance than sweet knowledge you promise

Eat the Fruit

But, when I read those lips I see malicious intent not the concern you softly present

Eat The Fruit


I wish I could do it over again.
I don't regret much things in my life
But I wish I could have those three years of my life back.
Francisco DH Sep 2014
I am without garments
My soul fully disclosed.
The fruit offered seductively
is dropped pit half exposed.
The juice drenches my flesh,
I am drenched only in woe.
Never will I see the heavens
When I've tasted down below.
Francisco DH Jul 2013
There is one thing that we all live with.
Its buried in our thoughts. Whispers of possibilities cloud our heads because  of it.
That thing is Regret.
We regret one thing or another.
Something we did and/or we something we didn't do.
It haunts us every waking moment, as we greet the day with half of dreams still in our heads.
As we walk down the stairs letting the noise of it play and replay.
Regret is something that will always occur
This is what I regret.

There isn't a day, there isn't a night
When I don't think
of What
I should have said.

Lost in those words
I should have said.
Confronted every time by those words
I should have said.
I want to be yours
I want to be at your side
I think I love you
Can I be yours even if it is for a while

Now, what is it that you Regret.
Everyone regrets something I really regret not being just straightforward with what I felt.
Francisco DH Jan 2013
11:11 Am
I wish for him to be with me
11:11 pm
I wish for him to be with me

Everyday it's the same wish
Everyday I recite it like a memorized line for a play
This wish doesn't change and will never change until it comes true

And maybe it will never come true
But that won't stop me from loving you
Cause wishing gives me hope
It lets me cope
Wishing the same thing again and again let's me know that I still want you
Francisco DH Apr 2013
"Will you be at the pearly gates?"
No, sorry, I already booked my table in Hell.

"You need Jesus and need to serve him"
Sorry, I have my own demons that will serve me.

"God loves all and will help you"
Sorry I have the devil to help me

I made a reservation in Hell
but it wasn't my choice
I was just born with my name already on the table draped with a rainbow table cloth.

So Sorry can't get saved
Or go to heaven
I have a reservation in hell.
Me: Where you going
Jed: Going to hell want to come
Me: Yeah I am already going
Jed: Yeah you have reservation in hell already
Francisco DH Jul 2013
I have to revist the past for the past contains you
I wish you were not in the past but in the present beside me
I wish that the future contained you and me but
I am not sure what the future holds

No one does
Francisco DH Oct 2013
Ripples in my heart, echo the love that once was.
Fading, slowly drifting from my heart like you walking away that night becoming the blur mixing with the the trees then nothing.
Fading, slowly growing in distance like you when you had to "work late" but you had already clocked out.
Ripples in my heart
they echo the love that once was
like you.
Francisco DH Jan 2014
The memory of you is the ripples that always echo.
Francisco DH Feb 2013
Can't you see that I am not falling, But rising
rising above you so you can't touch me

No longer will my heart be pulled with your strings
you are not the puppet master

I will be in the sky and fly with my wings
So you can't touch me

I am rising out of love with you
No longer falling in love with you
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