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I am from "Shut up" and "Why are you so stupid?"
From an older brother who's opinion for some reason matters
From skinny jeans, skull shirts, dresses, and boots
I'm from cheeseburgers and fries with family and ice cream cake
I'm from hay rack rides on haunted trails during Halloween

I'm From sheet music that comes to life with each note
From the smell of my leather jacket in the rain
I'm from dream boards and bucket lists
From clarinets and microphones
From "you're Michael's little sister?" or "you're Mrs. Hanson's daughter?"

I am from the black, grey and white ball of fur cuddling next to me while I sleep
From my best friends tears as I beg her not to go and trying to make her feel better in hopes she'll be ok
From my boyfriend's smile that transports me to a completely different universe.
I am from days at work and weekends with friends

I am from learning:
There aren't always happy endings but you have to keep trying until you find one
Music and books taught me that we can escape from our reality
And my mom, who taught me everything I know
My friend gave me  a sample poem someone else wrote with the "I am from" topic. I figured I would try my own.
Only 19 but my mind isn’t older
The world keeps getting colder
and I'm not talking about the weather
unless you count the storm in my head whenever we're together
Not sure how I feel about you yet
I don't want you to be someone I regret
Feel like we're moving too fast
Don't wanna make the same mistake I did in my past
I wanna hold you close
but at the same time I wanna let you go
I can't risk my heart breaking
you tell me it's a risk worth taking
Maybe you right
Just hold me tight
Trudging along in the winter snow
Please...never let me go
How could this happen?
I was so careful
So cautious
I had my guard up
and yet you snuck up on me
You were something I wasn't expecting
and I think I'm in love again
I don't know how to explain it
I though my heart was forever in pieces
yet some how you fixed it
it all happened so fast I didn't have time to stop it
But now that it's in motion I don't think I can
I know I'm in love again
Where were you before the heartbreak?
Why couldn't I have met you first?
Where were you before the mistake,
before the promises became just words?

Where were you before the leaves turned brown,
before their color started to fade?
Where were you before they all fell down,
before everything turned to grey?

Where were you before the snow,
before everything was nothing but cold?
Where were you when he wouldn't hold me,
before I was so lonely?

Oh didn't even know me

— The End —