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i’m not afraid of bridges anymore
what’s it’s gonna do?
crumble beneath me?
i hope it does
i hope it consumes me
i hope it buries me underneath its rubble
i hope it suffocates me with impure air
i hope my bones crumble softly
let me see my saviour for the last time as i fall under my bridge  

i hope it hurts
i hope you’ll never save me
sept 10/21
what should i do?
do i text them??
it feels to awkward and useless,
it feels wrong.
but it feels wrong to discard a friendship that has changed me.
and more self aware too.
but at the same time i’m glad that i don’t have to talk to them but i worry from time to time and it hurts so i don’t want to text them out of guilt and instead out of memory.
but how?
should i just text them “hey, it’s been awhile, sorry about that, hope you’ve been doing well”
that’s actually good.
but it’s too late now. or is it?
i don’t know…

i hope you are doing well and that you will be in the future.
jan 11/22
i’m bored of death
and overtly obsessed
with being a chaotic mess
aug 7/21
i made a room for
you in my mind it’s lovely
please stay here for now
sept 4/21
i was ashamed of us
idk why i was
i just never had him on my lock screen in fear of someone mocking me for being in a relationship
i was scared that i deserved to be in a good relationship
a relationship that slipped so soundlessly into the night whilst i sobbed into his hoodie i wore
it ended in the nighttime the same way it started
it’s was in tatters
i used too much in so little time
impulsive and indulgent was all it was in the end
in the end i felt free
like i has finally let go of a trapped beetle that wiggled about in my clasped
squirming to get out
and i said i loved him so many times
so many times i thought that if i reminded him he was loved, he wouldn’t let go
i was wrong
i was truly standing by myself when he decided to only respond to whatever i was saying
and i knew it was over when i became obsessive of us breaking up because i couldn’t worry anymore
i couldn’t worry about every little thing he was doing
anything that i could imagine and it came true
i’m so glad it came true
i was so ashamed of us
because it meant that i was going to sabotage this relationship soon and i knew it would be on purpose
just as i have done to myself
never did do anything to deserve these kind things
it’s probably selfish of me that i don’t recognise these kind acts i’ve done but i’ve
humbled myself to the point i’m ashamed of the relationship i’ve had with him
however, would i do it again?
yes, yes i would
do i regret it?
no, no i do not
then why?
because he was simply to good for me.
i could never be ashamed of him
i was just ashamed of myself
for being such a fool to think i was ever forgivable for moving away.
Doth thee not know
Or hath come for books
There’s a maiden here who’s knowledge’s grows
She takes them by thine binder and gives them shook
Listens for the t1nkle of the bell
And then decides if it’s divine
She learns about earth and below, hell
She learns about heaven and takes some of mine
just for fun
where’s the blood?
the warmth i’m missing,
where’s your hand to hold on to
when i leave.
when i leave, i’ll be crawling to the exit leaving a trail
like a slimy snail
with my shell cracked open and the fluids leaking.
like a snail, the salt wounds me, making me die of a salty death.
like a snail.
the blood has drained my humanity
and it’s on your hands.
_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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