The ability sincere to not in faith
Waver, to never for once cave in
Like Abraham to Sarah's chocolate
Gift of Hagar--
For by her Midas' touch, she
Turned her own maid to a mistress:
The genesis of a prolong distress--
When God's promises look lingering
Like a night dark and weary,
As pressure like tides keeps rising, but
To tarry still in hope and be decidedly
Waiting for heaven's bright day of reality
Like Joseph when folks, as the but-
Ler chief, are
Excelling in life, marriage and career--
Is verily an uncommon genre of grace,
Especially in this world of rat race.
For man, for comparison and jealousy,
Is no sooner despaired than he'd be
Seeking for an alternative in Ishmael, in-
Stead of waiting more for the blessing
Of a great child Isaac,
Who is the promised son and the only
Inheritor of the land brimming with milk--
Canaan--and dripping with honey.