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Mar 2014 · 523
I Give Up
Alex Bautista Mar 2014
"Hi" that's all i say
then you turn and walk away
and i think you are having a bad day
but oh well, what a shame

You know how much you mean
to me
Everyday i live with pure agony
and you find it very funny

i feel like giving up on you
but i know that wouldn't be right
even thought it's true
and that i don't want to see you in sight
Dec 2013 · 855
The Monster Inside
Alex Bautista Dec 2013
I'm not sure what's happening
I feel very strange
Something is wrong with me
All I would like to do is cause pain,
Don't feel like giving sympathy
Whil I smack you with a cane

Something inside of me wants to come out
I feel it breathe,
Kick and pout
Sometime soon it will come out of me
And just shout
And feel free
With out a doubt

It's a monster a swear!
I have fear
For it, I wouldn't dare
To bother it my dear,
But as I think of it, we make a good pair
Don't worry, I'll make things clear

Evil Smirk

I have this ****** feeling inside me so I had to express myself in some way, so why not describe the way how I feel
Nov 2013 · 1.7k
The Broken and Confused
Alex Bautista Nov 2013
Alex is his name,
People say he's insane,
He's always the one to blame,
Don't trust him they say,
He'll hurt you,
He'll betray you,
And the list goes on....

One day Alex met this
Beautiful young girl
"Ashley",he said
With such bliss.

He gazed at her,
He hung out with her,
He played with her,
Then something kicked in
But he doesn't know what it is.

"What is this strange feeling?", he said

"The thing you are feeling right now is LOVE Alex", Ashley responded

"Love huh, I like it", Alex said while starring at her with a smile

Alex was very happy
Oh boy
What joy
He was feeling that day
He kept thinking of Ashley daily
And made a list of things he would say
To her

Months passed by,
As the two young teen begin to walk,
Ashley told Alex something that threw him off

"What are you trying to say?", asked Alex

"Look,I'm sorry about this", Ashley responded "I should have told you this since we met,but I'm in a relationship already."

Oh what damage did poor little Alex received that day
He didn't know how to do,
He didn't know what to say,

He looked away,
Very slowly,
With the feeling of sadness,
He was at the point to just wreck everything.

"What am I suppose to do now?", he asked himself"

"I can't go back with her, I trusted her, why did she do this to me? This is unfair, what did I do to diserve this?"

Five have months passed since the incident
Alex was playing music at the park under a tree,
Far out in the distance
He sees
Ashley crying by the fountain by herself.
He decides to go and cheer her up

"Ashley what's wrong?", Alex asked softly.

"I broke up with my partner, I don't know what to do or feel", she responded

"This reminds me of the incident we had five months ago, I know exactly how you are feeling right now." He said

"I'm sorry about that Alex,can you forgive me,please?",Ashley cried

"I will forgive you,but I won't go back with you, I am now known as 'The Broken and Confused'." He replied as he picked up Ashley from the fountain

Later that day they became friends

Till this day,
Alex is still known as

"The Broken and Confused"
Its been a while since I've been here on Hello Poetry, I'm all excited to see what you guys think of this =)
Sep 2013 · 669
In The End
Alex Bautista Sep 2013
The return,is not that far from this day
When you come and ****,but wait!
What's this? If I may,
Stop you
How will this affect me?

The death of so call "Friends",
Will this change of who I am?
Well,that might just depend
Of how it ends

The whole time we knew
What was wrong
I knew everything was true
And I have no one else to blame but YOU!!

I can't handle this ****
My only escape
Is in the pit
Where no one gets framed
And where no thing is perfect

Sorry bro
Just can't chill with you no more
I head has too much pressure
And its about to explode

My respiration
Will stop
Without any hesitation
My head and heart will pop

Goodbye my friends
We will meet
Eventually in the end
So much emotion and I just had to let it out
Aug 2013 · 379
Alex Bautista Aug 2013
Days go by as the sun rises and sets
People have lived with regrets
But then searched and love the people they met
Mar 2013 · 886
From Day to Day
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
Screams and Shouts
From In and Out
It starts Quiet then to Loud

White and black
Front and Back
I start to crack

Sunday at chapel
Monday at funeral
I miss you -being literal

Music in general
Listening to Metal
Whatching the rose petal

Fall into the grave
I must be brave
But I will visit you,from day to day
Accepting my friends death and a short discription of what has happened.....
Mar 2013 · 619
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
My dear old friend
Who was beautiful in her way
She never knew who to depend
But then she found me and may

It was in the 4th grade when we met
Happy little kids we were
And we still are,I bet
Just want to make sure

Last saturday I was busy
While she was home,
She was breathing
Not sure if she was alone

That night was filled with tragedy
No words can explain
It was very badly
I was filled with pain

Now she is part of the stars at night,
One of the clouds in the day
Who ever killed her at the fight
I promise you .......... they will pay
This is dedicated to friend Cynthia also known as Ashely,who sadly passed away last saturday 3-9-13 R.I.P Cynthia I love you and wished we had spent more time
Mar 2013 · 822
Beware of the Heart
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
Some say its just crazy
But I say its great
That I'm not going to make it
Now I only rely on faith

The nice smooth sound of the instrument
Next to the sound of the a lovely voice
Is like making a judgment
And saying its brilliant like there's no choice

Some have simple hearts
But mine is not like theirs
It can turn to a piece of art
And if not,beware!
I feel like I did a lot of mistakes,if so please correct me I don't mind
Mar 2013 · 633
About Me
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
You see a guy like me
Will enjoy weather like this,
I will smile and see
And have a face filled with bliss

Music is my reality
All means much to I,
In fact its more peacefully
Than bells beggining to chime

When I think of this girl
I would imagine her in front of me,
Bright and shiny as a pearl,
And us smilling at eachother like a couple of dweebs

So much joy
Yet so much pain,
I'm just a young boy
That has a lot more to gain
Mar 2013 · 471
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
I'll make a sketch
And I'll let you see

If you dance with me
I'll make you move your hips

I'll be happy
To make you mine
Mar 2013 · 888
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
You turned left,I turned right
You run,I chase
There's a fight
And that's what I hate

My brain
My heart
Will always be insane
But that's just my part

Your quiet
Your fun
We both start a riot
I love you my sweet ***

But then I knew
That there's someon else
Now I'm plain confused
That care only for yourself
Mar 2013 · 631
That One Night
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
As the young boy sits in the dark
Slowly a shadow is laying on the floor
And a small dog starts to bark
The boy stands up with his face filled frightness
As if he had seen a movie filled with gore

His parents heard a shout from the room
From that little boy
As if he just met his doom
He was just a boy filled with joy

Now he is gone
Since the time of his fright
It was nice for him and his dog to bond
Eversince that one night
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
He's In Love
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
He's in love
Let him show you what he can do
Get in the car
Its a bright blue Subaru
Mar 2013 · 405
Alex Bautista Mar 2013
Darkness everywhere I see
I thought this day would never come
But sadly this is how it would be
And I wouldn't know where it came from

The mist will rise from the ground
With this cold feeling
Everywhere you go it will be around
Probably this thing might be breathing
Feb 2013 · 458
Alex Bautista Feb 2013
Music is my passion
And so are you
I play the guitar
You play the piano
So I had this crazy idea of becoming a crew

Let's do this for fun
Not for fame
Since we will be together
Whether we get happy
Or we both are to blame
Our passion for love and music
Will always stay the same
Feb 2013 · 716
Alex Bautista Feb 2013
I saw things in black and white
How shall I see the road clearly with all this mist in front of me covering the paths of right and wrong
At first I thought all hope was gone,until I met you

— The End —