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Grains of lie tossed in ***.
Boil them. The mess is hot.
That’s not all—we’ll fry it too.
Brains had formed — thoughts is few.

In Russian:

Каша в голове, или Воспитание и пропаганда

Ложим ложь мы в котелок.
Варим. Каша будет в срок.
Мало этого — поджарим.
Ум получим — глупой твари.
35 · Dec 2024
The Donkey's Path
Igor Vykhovanets Dec 2024
A donkey bound by blinders
Cannot find his way alone.
Only carrots hung as markers
Guide him where he's meant to roam.

Blinders, donkey, dangling carrot—
Tiny world, its narrow track.
And the road to Hell inherits
All delight the carrot lacks.

Half your life, the blinders pressing,
Then you chase the bait ahead.
Through the crowd, no end to guessing—
Hooves will follow where they're led.

In Russian:

Путь осла

Ослик после шор не может
Никуда один дойти.
Лишь морковка в том поможет —
Вехами на полпути.

Ослик, шоры и морковка —
Суть мирка. Дорога в Ад
Самой главной. Без сноровки
В Ад дойдёшь, морковке рад.

Половина жизДни шоры
Примеряешь, а затем
За морковкой чрез заторы —
Нет важней копытным тем.
Heroic feats will change no fate
Within this world of fools and lies,
For Evil writes the script of hate,
And lackeys cheer as puppets rise.

Its plot is simple: fools obey,
Accept the chains, embrace the curse—
Just call it "Good," and they won’t stray
As centuries make things far worse.

These plays devour the soul and mind,
The goal is clear: to crush, deceive,
To shape a world where thought is blind,
Where fools are cattle—trained to grieve.

So wiser minds must seek anew
The ways to stand against The Night,
For brutes, led blindly, stand so few—
We cannot win without foresight.

Think before you rush once more
To save the herd that craves the chain,
For freeing fools in ruthless war
Might cast your wisdom down the drain.
Mass Conditioning

First, the ****** Youth were roaring,
Now, "our patriots"—as boring.
Minds are fed with slop and fiction,
Shaped by fear and blind submission.

Stronger pressure, bold intrusion,
Breeds a slave’s deluded fusion:
"Free we are!"—their voices falter,
Yet they’ll follow any order.

War has shown the world before—
Masses sinking past the floor.
What comes next? A fate more rotten:
"Minds" conditioned, thought forgotten.


So-Called "Teacher"

Classroom tyrant, dull and stern,
Makes mind-numbing nonsense learn,
Fills their heads with hollow lies,
Scars their souls and dims their eyes.



Cops aren’t here to guard the streets,
They serve beasts and vile elites.
Placed in numbers far too great,
Just to keep the jelly tamed.

People tremble, soft and weak,
Like a feast for fiends to eat.
Greedy rulers crave it all—
Now the world’s their banquet hall.

This was shown by filth and lies—
Cops uphold what evil buys.
Year by year, the chains grow tighter,
Crushing thought and dimming fighters.

Thus, the world is dirt and gloom,
Reason finds no place to bloom.
Madness reigns, and all obey—
Truth and mind were cast away.


Quack Brigade

Doctors, dull and rotting-minded,
Twist their oaths and walk stone-blinded.
Servants of the darkest night,
Spitting filth with false delight.

Masks were dropped in CowID madness—
Truth revealed in all its badness.
Fools who trust them pay the price,
Health exchanged for stacks of vice.

Greed now rules—no shame, no sorrow.
Such are times of no tomorrow.
As the world sank down in chains,
No one saw the war remains.


Cogs of the Beast

A weak little clerk and his boss, fat and grinning—
The cement of fascism, its rule never thinning.
No use to plead, ask, or hope for a say—
Believe in the system? Your mind’s in decay.


"Science" for Sale

A “scholar” is raised with one goal in his sight—
To prop up the darkness and label it “right.”
“It's proven!”—the fools will obey and will kneel,
For gold buys the “truth” they are paid "to reveal".


Blind Lessons

Dull preachings of teachers, the books filled with lies,
Shape twisted illusions in ignorant minds.
But few break the spell, see the world with new eyes—
For ages, they’ve frightened, deceived, and confined.


The Mindless Herd

A mindless herd…
Will darkness be stirred,
Or led to the knife?
Stand up and fight,
Or sink in the blight—
Find light, or lose life.


Mass "Culture"

The self dissolves in "culture’s tide",
Where fools chase pleasure, greed, and pride.
They’re easy pawns—just spread more lies,
And watch them cheer as reason dies.


To the Light!

The soul is weak,
The mind is breaking.
We've hit the deep—
Madness is taking.

Forget the light,
And filth will find you—
Fear, pain, and blight
Will wrap and blind you.

So fight the Dark—
The cure is daring!
Cast lies apart,
Seek light, unsparing!


The end justifies the way —
That’s the legacy we stay:
Means became the tools of sin,
Simply put — we’re beasts within.


The Snitches

A snitch is quiet, sly, and still —
Loves to listen, loves to spy.
Secret service bends its will,
Catching rebels by the lie.

Words are all some dare to say —
Snitches lurk in every place.
Hundreds, thousands fell their prey
In the Soviet dark embrace...


The World’s Unbroken Dark, or Good Night, Little Ones

Good night… But don’t be quick to rest,
The Endless Night is not your nest.
A false peace poisons souls inside,
While butchers wake and plan their tide.

They never sleep—deceit is might
In wars where reason lost the fight.
The peaceful sons of homeland dear
Prefer to dream, not see, nor hear.

And so, lethargic, on they tread,
Their final path to where it led—
A coward bows his foolish head
Before he's numbered with the dead.


Hark! The Nonsense Floods Again

Hark! Again the nonsense flows—
Culture’s mask in fresh disguise.
Be a brute who only knows:
World is nothing—and so I.


The Nothing All Around and Old Man Rot

A new Führer—same old fool,
Nothing’s changing, that’s the rule.
Culture’s fading, cold and grim…
Who’s their idol? Look at him!



It is hard, forever straining,
Drains your strength, builds up your spite.
If you wish to keep from staining
Your own soul—then leave the blight.

In the silence, thought is clearer,
Free from all their empty creeds.
Rot is spreading ever nearer—
Madness rules, and madness breeds.

CowID showed the world’s condition:
Few stood firm, the rest obeyed.
Fools were ruled by sheer submission,
Fed with fear and lies they swayed.


In the Rot

When you plan, don’t let the lies
Slip away—they're everywhere.
Deep within you, too, it thrives,
And enslaves you—so beware.

Since your childhood, you’ve been taught:
"Stick and carrot"—rule obeyed.
Brutes enforce it as they ought,
Turning all the world to decay.

Trust your gut, let reason guide,
Sharpen thought, keep vision new.
Leave the fools who rot inside,
Drown in minds both fresh and true.

Spirit leads, the mind’s its page,
Free to soar and carve its trail.
Conscience walks with you—be sage.
All else rots, corrupt, and frail.


Lie anew!
Deceive once more!
That’s the essence
Of Darkest lore.


Literary Struggles

All efforts fail, just like before,
As reason fights—a battle sore—
Yet crushed beneath the wheel of fear,
Where ugliness steers ever near.

That wheel rolls on through land and sea,
Destroying all that dares to be.
Refuse to serve a hollow lie?
Then pedal fast, or say goodbye.

Or else it grinds you into dust,
For creatures vile control its ******.
And faster, faster on it goes
Toward the world's most filthy close.


Attack of Lies

The filthiest lies begin their fight,
A fresh assault, a wicked storm.
The ghouls command with dark delight,
To crush what little mind was born.

Yet minds are few—this war’s been raging
For centuries, the same old game.
So serve the Mind, its truth engaging,
Expose the brutes, unmask their shame.

Unfair the fight, but through this trial,
Your Soul stays safe from rotting lies.
So heed its call—it stands on high, while
A mind below is chaos-wise.

Mind is king, and Spirit—God,
A truth once known, yet cast aside.
But if you stand with heart unflawed,
You won’t let that be brushed aside.

--- Total 20 poems. ---
35 · Feb 13
Schoolboyish junk
Has filled up your brain.
Too lazy to think—
You're blind in the rain.
"He who would grasp the present's course
Without the past will fail, of course."
— Gottfried Leibniz, 18th century.

Who will let the past be known,
Help us grasp what once was shown?
Schools just feed the kids with fables,
Truth is locked in secret labels.

Genocide? A "classified" sign—
Never touch the hidden line.
Life was never bright nor stable—
Turned the world into a fable.

Now the present’s dark and hollow—
Souls were left with naught to follow.
Once they killed the gods inside us,
Left the chains to bind and guide us.

Who will grant the right to learn
Slavery’s steps at every turn?
Tyrants rule a world so shallow,
Worship falsehood, bow and follow.

History is all illusion,
Spun by fiends in wild confusion.
If you trust the present blindly,
You will see hell’s fire grinding.

Genocide just shifts its faces,
Masked in ever-changing traces.
Like the moonwalk—what a story!
Fairy tales in all their glory.

In Russian:

Грифы секретности на настоящей истории

"Кто хочет ограничиться настоящим, без знания прошлого, тот никогда настоящего не поймёт".
Готфрид Лейбниц, XVIII-ый век.

Кто даст прошлое узнать
И, тем более, понять?!
Гонят детям в школах мифы —
Вся история под грифом.

Геноцид — и гриф "секретно"
Обязателен. Безбедно
Люди никогда не жили —
Превращали мир в дебилий.

Настоящее убого —
Значит убивали бога
В Душах: вывод очевиден,
Для рабов весьма постыден.

Изучать ступени рабства
Кто нам даст? А суть тиранства? —
Нелюдь правит глупым миром
С давних пор и лже-кумиров

Создаёт, то сплошь в "истории" —
Нелюди фантасмагории.
Ограничься настоящим,
Ад узрев кромешный, длящий

Геноцид, меняя формы
Оного. Все мифы вздорны:
Как пиндосы на Луну,
Мол, слетали — ну и ну!
35 · 7d

Tolerance—just blind endurance
Of the twisted and obscene.
Lies and greed **** all assurance—
Fighting FILTH is hard, unseen.

Law’s true goal? No—DECOMPOSING
All the weak who dare comply.
Serving Satan, fate imposing—
Fools won’t get the reason why...


Never hope for due salvation,
Never call yourself so pure.
Through your toil and dedication,
Seek the Light—stay strong, endure.

Let your voice, though small and fleeting,
Stir the madness, shake the norm,
Bringing glimpses, briefly meeting
Those in need before the storm.

Pain is plenty. Yet when finding
Even cracks where light breaks through,
You’ll respond with understanding
To this world—its faith untrue.


The Wit and the Herd

Shouting truth? To sheep? To fools?
Sheep exist for shearers' tools.
Pigs are caged by stable rules.
All is lost—don’t cry, stay cool.

Few escape the devil’s net—
That’s his game, a winning bet.
Words won’t wake the mindless set,
Clever wit won’t save them yet...


Cry or not, the blade won’t wait—
Execution comes on cue.
This "world order" feeds the fate
Of the minds that twist askew.

For the sane, it spells demise—
CowID showed that, clear as day.
Lucifer just laughs at lies,
While Pure Shame lurks in the fray.


Eternal Pioneers

Lords and sirs and… dark illusions
Rule the world—what wicked fate!
"Pioneers" embrace delusions,
Worship all that breeds the Hate.


Pioneers of Consume

All foundations? We will burn them,
Toss them out without regret!
Faster gadgets—we must earn them,
Drive the world to grave, and yet…

Short-lived pleasures, all-consuming—
Bow and feast, obey the trend!
Lies and filth run life’s programming:
Honest? Then you’ll break, my friend.

Think you're smart? Then you’ll be sinking,
Dragged down deep—no way to climb.
Brains can’t beat the rot we're drinking,
Drowning bright minds in the grime.

Stench? It’s global, we don’t mind it,
Cycles turn, the wheel’s in flow.
Swirling filth? Just sit behind it…
Popcorn’s ready—time for show!


A Prison Without People

This world’s a joke,
Its mind is broken.
The frauds wear cloaks,
The herd stays spoken.

A prison stands,
Yet holds no nations.
The blind obey—
No revelation.

The lies run high,
Beyond all measure.
Just laugh or cry—
There’s no rock bottom.

But why, you ask?
The end is nearing.
Plague into flame!—
No more false meanings.


Slave Morality

Slaves accept their morals,
Forced on them with ease.
Lies became the chorus,
Preached to keep the peace.

Harder to defend them—
Reason still remains,
Fading, but its embers
Fight against the chains.

Darkness spreads through nations,
Fascist rule ascends.
Madness—pure damnation,
Satan’s hand extends.

What this "virtue" harbors
Filth has made quite clear:
Humankind has fallen—
Shame is all that’s near.


Rule of Darkness

— I just want some dinner.
— Eat your GMO.
— Hear a voice of wisdom?
— Scroll through filth below.

— Choose a real leader?
— Look, the Sewer waits,
Craving for the moment
To decide your fate.

"New" deceitful programs,
Drenched in ancient lies.
Darkness owns the servants,
Bound by blackmail ties.

Choice? There’s none—just cursing
All this filth and rot.
Darkness reigns—immersing
All in its own clot…

--- Total 9 poems. ---
35 · Jan 24
"If you’re bored alone with yourself, it means you’re in bad company."
— Jean-Paul Sartre

Bad company surrounds you still,
Outside, within—through mind and will.
The mind will fail; it’s always blind.
So seek the Light that dwells inside.

Let introspection be your guide,
Not "science" held in hollow pride.
This science of decay prevails—
And through its lies, the Spirit pales.

The Spirit’s drowned in empty lore,
By Darkness planned, its ceaseless war.
A Phantasmagoria spreads,
In minds and hearts, where reason treads.

But when your soul’s pure yearnings plead,
You crush them with the world’s false creed.
True breakthroughs lie not outwardly—
They wait within; look in, and see.

See Light—or not—it matters less.
The Search itself is Light’s caress.
So seek, create, with courage vast,
And leave the world’s delusions past.

In Russian:


"Если тебе скучно наедине с собой, значит, ты в дурном обществе".
Жан-Поль Сартр.

Компания дурная
Снаружи и внутри,
Ведь ум ВСЕГДА лажает.
Так Свет внутри узри!

Поможет интроспекция —
"Науке" как фетиш.
Науку деградации
Тогда везде узришь.

Похерен Дух в теориях,
И то нарочно: Тьма
Кругом Фантасмагорию
Внедряет. Без ума,

Когда Души порывы
Ты чушью заглушишь,
Снаружи что. Прорывы
Всегда внутри: узришь

Ты Свет иль нет — не важно,
Ведь Поиск и есть Свет.
Ищи, твори отважно,
Отринув мира БРЕД.
"Truth stays the truth, though the crowd may deny it."
— Baruch Spinoza

Nonsense is praised, and the masses believe—
"Free is the world!"—yet they're doomed to deceive.
Truth stays in chains, left in shadows to hide,
Hard is the path to walk by its side.

Lies must be shattered, and fears cast away,
Thinking is toil—few last through the fray.
Gallows will loom for the ones who resist,
If they won’t bend or betray with a twist.

Fight against filth, though no glory remains,
Seeking no medals, rewards, nor acclaim.
Few have the will to be noble and wise—
While weakness and greed are the virtues rabble prize.

In Russian:

Спиноза как заноза

"Вещь не перестаёт быть истиной от того, что она не признана многими".
Бенедикт Спиноза.

Многими признана чушь несусветная:
"В мире свободном" живут... дураки.
Истина в рабстве всегда неприметная,
Да и пути к ней всегда нелегки:

Надо отринуть обманы и страхи;
Мыслить учиться — то тягостный труд.
Всюду маячат отчаянным плахи,
Если они никогда не соврут,

Будут пытаться бороться с Уродством,
Не ожидая хвалы и наград.
Мало такого ума, благородства —
"Нормою" стал Злу податливый гад.
34 · Jan 18
Courtyard Cats
Furry friends and mates of mine,
With souls alive, not toys, divine.
A ram approaches, bold and vain—
A citizen of lands profane.

Comparison’s a slippery *****,
To insult one may lose all hope.
For sheep's decay has reached its peak;
Your souls outshine those who are weak.

Unlike the lamb, so blind to fate,
While goat "sages" dictate and hate,
They herd the flock to slaughter's door—
And you may follow, lost once more.

In Russian:

Дворовые кошки

Друзья мохнатые, подружки:
Сознанье есть — вы не игрушки.
Идёт навстречу вам баран —
То гражданин фиктивных стран.

Сравненье трудно — в оскорбленья
Сползти легко, ведь РАЗЛОЖЕНЬЕ
Среди баранов на пределе.
У вас Души побольше в теле,

Чем у послушной Злу овцы:
Козлы в отаре "мудрецы" —
Они всех гонят на убой.
И вас утащат за собой...
34 · Feb 10
The Golden Key
You won’t find that key,
Cheap and bright as gold.
Turn inside—be free,
Let your soul unfold.

Wealth’s within, yet lies
Rot the world outside.
Since your youth, unwise,
You have chased the bribe.

Tricks replace the mind,
Falsehood blinds the way.
Truth is left behind,
Masked in grand display.

Honor doesn’t pay—
So you play the game.
Fake it all the way,
Lie without a shame.

Soon you'll lose your pride,
Conscience fades to dust.
But you’ll rise so high—
In deceit they trust.

Youthful flames burn out,
Tamed into a beast.
"Joyful life," they tout—
Half a man at least.

Cross the line—too late,
There's no turning back.
Now you serve their fate,
Tied into the pack.

Strong ones—you devour,
Yet to them, you’re ****.
What went wrong? The power
Of the Spirit’s numb.

So while young, decide—
Walk the path with might!
Leave the filthy tide,
Stand—a mountain bright!
"The only way to improve our reasoning
is to make it as clear as in mathematics—
so errors can be seen with our eyes.
And if disputes arise, one may simply say:
‘Let us calculate!’—and truth will be revealed."
—Gottfried Leibniz, 18th century

The tree of thought, once strong and growing,
Wilts where lies and filth are flowing.
Truth is drowned in brute suppression,
Crushed by "fascist mind" oppression.

Year by year, decay advances—
Fiends ensure no thought enhances.
CowID showed the final toll—
Feeble minds and shriveled soul.

In Russian:

Большие проблемы с мышлением

"Единственное средство улучшить наши умозаключения состоит в том, чтобы сделать их столь же наглядными, как и у математиков, – такими, что их ошибочность можно было бы увидеть глазами, и если между людьми возникли разногласия, достаточно было бы сказать «Вычислим!», чтобы без дальнейших околичностей стало ясно, кто прав".
Готфрид Лейбниц, XVIII-ый век.

Древо мысленных конструкций
Средь тотальной лжи, обструкций
Чутких-честных излияний
Посреди Фашисткой Срани,

С каждым годом увядает —
ТВАРИ Разум добивают:
Показал всё Дно говнид —
Куцость мыслей просто стыд.
34 · Feb 26
Hellish Sumo
Hellish Sumo

The "sumo champs" have seized the ring,
Pushed the rest beyond the line.
Yet the fallen chose to cling
To sick delusions—"It's just fine."

Fat and ruthless, bold and vile,
Now they rule, their greed unfurled.
Those who think? Declared defiled.
Those too weak? Not of this world.

Ninth Circle? Maybe—who can tell?
I've lost track inside this game.
Those outside—near dead, as well,
Drowned in lies and bloated shame.



Their brains have melted into goo—
The world is sinking, lost from view.
For mindless greed’s a greater blight—
It rules the fools—beasts cheer in spite.


They Preach Acceptance Everywhere

They preach acceptance far and wide,
So rot of “tolerance” can thrive.
A cursed world, where truth is denied—
It shouts out “no!” to real life.


Higher? Lower?

"Mankind, as a whole, is but a horde of selfish, lowly swine—
Above the beasts in only this: their greed’s by thought refined."
— Ernest Renan

A mind that serves to scheme and ******,
To hoard and seize with growing hunger—
The longer near the feast you latch,
The wilder grows your grasping thunder.

Stay too long—you turn to stone,
Cold and cruel beyond all measure.
Wait too slow—you’re overthrown
By the next in line for treasure.

Endless race—yet never plenty!
More! And more! And still not nearly!
First to win are those whose empty
Souls have vanished almost clearly.

Beasts are humbler, soft in motion,
Free of greed and vain ambition.
Humans burn with dark devotion,
Driving hate to war’s ignition.

Higher? Lower? Just illusion.
Measures fail, the world’s gone hollow.
Beasts aren't lost in mad delusion—
Humans? Most are dumb to follow.


Express Train to NOWHERE

A journey straight to Nowhere bound,
From Doomsville—next in line.
No worries, friends—no turning ‘round,
Your ticket’s one-way signed.

But on the way, enjoy the ride,
Dine finely, drink your fill.
Don’t pull the brake—doors locked inside,
Sealed tight with iron will.

No exit here, no way to stray,
No matter wild or meek.
The train speeds forth, it won’t delay,
Through night so vast and bleak.

The dark grows thick, the engine screams,
No god awaits your fall.
And if despair has spared your dreams,
Then fear—he waits for all.

His crown of fire, fierce and bright,
A judge with eyes aglow.
The final stop—no end in sight,
Just endless flames below.


Dimwits of Pseudo-Science

"An economist is one who speaks
Of things he does not understand,
Yet makes you feel the fool who seeks
A grasp on all that's planned."
— Herbert Prochnow

These frauds of fog and tangled lies—
Save math and physics, all is dust.
Their books confuse, their jargon ties
Even themselves in webs of rust.

And yet, with graphs and gadgets bare,
They lead—but where? They have no clue.
Their masters do—the ones who tear
The soul apart, then sell it new.

Through babbling nonsense, dull and grim,
They crush the mind, they dull the spark.
And media joins in with them—
A chorus spreading lies in dark.

The fool who serves, so proud, so blind,
Licks at the boots of beasts above.
No thought, no soul, no higher mind—
Just hollow words for hollow love.


Sense of Nonsense

The Sense of Nonsense—key to stay,
To keep a mind both sharp and free.
For reason’s crushed in brutal play,
Yet feeling sees what eyes don’t see.

If you can cast the nonsense out,
Let instinct rise above the mind,
Then let it grow, erase all doubt—
And wisdom stays, refined.


To the Summit!

Do not walk—rise up in flight!
There’s no other way to go.
This was always nature’s right,
Now as ever—leave the low!

Depths are foul, a shameful snare,
Only Spirit—burning bright—
Stands as real in dark despair,
Guided by its inner light.

Only fire within can show
Paths beyond the choking night.
Fall to lies, deceit, and woe—
And you're lost without a fight.

--- Total 8 poems. ---
What remains? Just weary sorrow.
Bear the Filth a little longer,
Feel no pity, just be stronger—
Leave for Light, forget the hollow.

Maybe Light is nowhere near—
Try to find it, don’t give in.
Would you waste your soul within
Newborn Hell of beasts austere?!
34 · Feb 18
To Bleat and Moo
The beastly order shapes the way—
It trains the herd to bleat and moo.
And even minds will go astray
If they embrace the lies of Ruin.

So sharpen doubt, stay bold and wise,
Let intuition be your guide.
Reject the Lie—you’ll rise and rise,
Believe in it—you’re beast inside.
Puppets we are—our kin and forebears,
Strings in the Devil's hands laid bare.
They strike with lies, fool minds so deftly,
To wars they march and labor hefty.

A toil so futile, yet without cease,
It strengthens Evil’s threads of grief.
The Beast’s vile flock, secure in shadow,
Thrive under Hoof of Goat so callow.

The Goat, his lackeys—half-men, base—
A wretched mob of hollow disgrace.
They dream of gold, of miracles fleeting,
But soon they’ll face their final meeting.

CowID has shown; the wars, unbroken,
Confirm the truth these signs have spoken.
But puppets, worthless in their role,
Deserve their fate—mere empty souls.

In Russian:

Чёрт, его подпёздки и марионетки

Марионетки —
Все мы и предки.
А нити к Чёту приведут.
Но ложью бьют в придурков метко —
Идут на войны и на труд.
На труд напрасный,
Что ежечасно
Сплошь укрепляет Нити Зла.
ТВАРЬЁ устроилось прекрасно
В сени Жестокого Козла.
Козёл, подпёздки полу-люди,
Марионеток жалкий сброд
Мечтает о деньгах и чуде,
Но скоро пустят их в расход.
То показал говнид. А войны
Лишь подтвердили мненье то.
А впрочем, этого достойны
Все куклы — полное ничто.
Nonsense, fear—the dust of time,
Prayers won’t save you, not divine,
If you bow and drift along,
Letting rot consume the throng.
34 · Jan 24
Ask the vital questions,
Keep them sharp and clear:
Slavery? Oppression?
Thoughts consumed by fear?

Spirit lost, forsaken—
Does the world lack soul?
Satan's throne unshaken?
Filth remains the goal?

Everywhere's delusion,
Media feeds the lies?
Are the **** in power,
Truth beneath disguise?

Idiocy reigning,
Is it now the norm?
Does this world of Creatures
Breed a vicious swarm?

What’s the share of sane ones?
Barely worth a glance?
Is the madness growing,
Pushing all to dance?

Are we mere experiments
In Hell's cruel design?
Rotting in confinement,
While the fools feel fine?

Ask the vital questions,
Seek the truth within—
Not in this polluted
World of lies where madness grins.

In Russian:


Главные вопросы
Задавай всегда.
Рабство? Перекосы
В мыслях? И беда

С Духом — он в загоне —
Бездуховный мир?
Сатана на троне?
Мразь всегда кумир?

Оглупленье всюду?
СМРАДы гонят ложь?
"Наверху" паскуды
Под контролем Лож?

Дебилизм как норма —
Большинство таких?
Пожирает прорва
ТВАРЕЙ мир? Я псих?

Сколько здесь не психов —
Невелик процент?
И чем дальше, дикость
Тем сильней? Эксперимент

Здесь над нами? В Аде,
Что здесь воплощён,
Все гниём? В отраде
Только мудозвон?

Задавай вопросы
И ищи ответ
Лишь в себе — в поносе
Лживых слов мирок: тотальный бред.
33 · Feb 18
Myth and Truth
"Just because everyone thinks so, it does not mean it is so."
— Ludwig Wittgenstein

You believe you're free and bright,
Feel alive — but is it right?
Darkness fills a twisted face,
Lies within like foul disgrace.

People — or just festering sores?
Myth or truth behind closed doors?
"Live in joy"— a poisoned breath,
Like a plague that whispers death.

Chains and rot — the world’s own weight,
This is truth — no twist of fate.
Walk ahead and speak out loud,
**** the filth, expose the shroud.
33 · Jan 21
Spying Plague
From Windows, let us part—farewell!
A spying plague, a living hell.
Their “updates” always bring distress—
For monsters, more info is less.

And gone’s the interface, so neat,
That “Seven” offered—truly sweet.
The user’s now a shadowed prey,
A “compromising” case to slay.

They’ll shape him into number six,
Through schemes and endless, sneaky tricks.
Such “updates” pave a wicked path:
Degradation, wrath by wrath.

And spying? Merely just a slice.
Dulling minds—that’s their device.
For beasts to rule and power claim,
While cowards live without a name.

In Russian:

Шпионская чума

От Винды как от винта!
Мразь шпионская достала:
"Измененья" неспроста —
Тварям 'инфы всегда мало.

И похерен интерфейс,
Что удобен был в "семёрке".
Юзер — надо сделать кейс
"Компромата", чтоб в шестёрку

Превратить его потом.
Вот такие измененья:
Чернь здесь делают скотом —
Неотступно РАЗЛОЖЕНЬЕ.

Слежка этого лишь часть —
Оглупленье самым главным:
ТВАРИ укрепляют власть
Над "народцем", сплошь бесславным.
Cracked Wide Open

Shell so thick and hollow,
Made of pure deceit.
What's inside? Just sorrow,
Fear, and false conceit.

Cramped and dim the space is
Underneath the shell.
Fear has left its traces,
Carved a narrow cell.

Now the cracks are showing—
NONSENSE floods your mind.
Like a sponge, absorbing
Rot of the worst kind.

Rot of fascist madness
Spreads across the lands.
Hear them knocking—ruthless,
Iron in their hands.


By the TV

In the ceiling—hatch ajar,
Peeks a tanker, cold and grim...
Just like that, the TV's char
Spews delusions, loud and slim.


Rose-Colored Glasses Won’t Clear the Smoke

We wear our glasses, sit, and chill—
All feels just fine. Yet here’s the hitch:
Thick, biting smoke creeps in to ****...
But under fascism—we stay speech-less.


The Living Word

The sacred Word once shone so bright,
But now it's lost in bleak decay.
All that remains—cold chains of night,
No path is left to flee the gray.


All in Vain

Your efforts turn to ashes,
Your dreams just fade like mist.
The world is sick with madness,
And you—crushed in its fist.


Petty Souls

Deception, fear, and hollow minds,
Small people rule the stage.
Toxic books will keep you blind,
A log that blocks your gaze.


The Severity of Style

This harsh is justified
By CowID and wars obscene.
But those who cherish softer lies
Are closer to the deep.

The world derails, a hopeless land,
No saving light ahead.
Through sharp and scrutinizing glance,
It’s drowned in rabid dread.

CowID, the war—again, the same,
Yet I don’t care to stop.
Where once were thoughts—a hollow frame,
Now rots a festering slop.


A Tale vs. This Hollow World

Old fairy tales held wiser themes—
Today's "princesses" chase their schemes.
Greedy, vain—no grace in sight,
While "princes" lack both wit and might.

And Ivan the Fool? He sold his soul,
Left with nothing—lost control.
Only the Leshy still remains,
Now a poet, dull and drained.


The Tale Is Gone

The prologue’s done, the tale erased,
Forgotten, left to rust.
Now lies are served in every place—
The storyteller’s dust.


The End of Days in a World of Lies

The beasts will bring the liars low,
Thus History will end the show.
But Doom itself will lead the way—
Our "holy father" of today.

The few who still deserve the light
Will cross beyond, escape the blight.
While soulless husks, just shells of men,
Will rot in hellish filth again.

--- Total 10 poems. ---
Like a nuclear inferno,
Evil chokes the Earth in chains.
Monstrous rulers reign in sorrow,
Turning crowds to mindless brains.

Lies, like poison, slowly creeping,
Rotting souls with every breath—
Masks of silence, downward sweeping,
Drag them to the pit of death.

Torn from reason, bound and broken,
Falling fast like soulless sheep.
Tyrants—madness now outspoken—
Know their rule will never keep.

For the End is swiftly nearing,
Bringing doom upon their scheme.
Chaos strikes—a fate unyielding—
Crushing lies, decay, and dreams.
33 · Feb 16
Filth and Frenzy
Filth and frenzy,
Lies keep spreading.
The more brazen,
The more blatant
Grows their preaching.
Vile and screeching,
Till the herd is drowning deep—
Trust the evil, stay asleep!
33 · Jan 20
War by Eating Lies
A meal,
To seal
Your hunger’s need,
Breakfast rich:
Devour Deceit.
Should you choke, your sons will dine,
Finishing the feast in strife.
Lies ferment the endless grind—
War consumes both truth and life.

In Russian:

Поедание Лжи

И обед,
Плотный завтрак:
Впрок жри БРЕД.
А подавишься, сыны
Доедят среди войны.
Ложью нагоняют бред.
То война — тотальный вред.
Artificial Problems

The PLAN of PROBLEMS, all arranged,
For BEASTLY minds—a mapped-out way.
A brand-new cycle is exchanged
Once the LOWER hits its day.

The feeble crowd, so blind, misled,
Needs old-time tales with fresh decay—
A touch of "new" on what was dead,
And all will cheer and drift away.


Fake Originality

You chase your "joy," yourself adore,
A twisted PATH—there’s nothing more.
A standard freak, the same old way,
Just lost among the mindless stray.

Try to twist, to play pretend,
Shape yourself, yet in the end,
You can't outsmart what nature gave—
A freak you were, a freak you'll stay.


The Lie of "Normal Life"

To write of "normal life" is bland,
No duller pastime could be found.
For COMMON LIFE is sleight of hand,
A farce that turns to madness round.

You wear a mask—till mind is split,
Illusions drag you down the road.
One path remains—the soul to lift,
Yet FEW will walk that heavy load.

No pretense there—just truth shines bright,
If fearless, you will see it through.
And "normal" burns in blinding light—
Replaced by something pure and true.


"Thanksgiving," They Say

A feast on blood—
Gluttony disguised.
So much "love"—
How we're mesmerized.

But first, let's slay
The tribes once more,
Pour some punch,
Then feast galore.

Two hundred years—
What will remain?
Just the bird—
The rest's in vain.

Pour a drink
To drown the past,
While terror here
Still holds us fast.

Brutal hands,
Their greed obscene,
Marching sheep
Through gates unseen.

A tyrant grins,
Brings war anew—
Lies, fear, shame
Drown all in view.


The Real Hunchback

A hunchback’s not the one who’s bent,
But he who bears the lies—content,
And drags them on from birth to grave,
Still chanting, "Trust the chiefs, behave!"

Yet filth and nonsense pile high,
His path is heavy—crushed thereby.
That weight will lead where fates align:
A CowID ward or a fascist line.


Global Insanity

The madness grows, runs wild, untamed,
And few escape it unashamed.
The path is hard, the price is steep
For Brave and True—yet not the weak.


Generations on Their Knees

Generations bow in chains,
Yet some insist they’re free from pain—
So "happy," lost in blind delight,
With rotting minds and hollow sight.



A pawn won’t rise to claim the throne
Unless the Master sets the tone.
The path "upstairs" is smeared and sealed—
A truth the lowly won’t reveal.

They claw their way, they push and shove,
Yet sink in glue instead of move.
But serve the top—then wait and see,
A "rise" may come as your decree.

Yet only those within the pack
Will get a shove to stay on track.
The fools are told, "They've earned their place!"
Or fed some lie to keep the pace.

The Soviets proved it well enough:
The chosen rose—the rest were stuck.
A rotten caste, no shred of grace,
Where honor lost its rightful place.

And now it's worse—the filth runs deep,
They serve the BEAST and watch us weep.
A world in chains, held tight once more
By fear, by lies, by Satan’s war.


Stacked Deck

A game where cheats don’t rule the spread—
A rare exotic dream instead.
And suckers hear the same old phrase:
"No luck for you—just lost the race."

But this is more than cards they play—
It’s life itself, a rigged charade.
The deck is stacked, the rules are fake—
A hollow "order" built to break.

--- Total 9 poems. ---
33 · Jan 16
Light Above the Canvas
A painter dipped his brush in grime—
Without the Light, it's always so:
A wretched smear, a mark of time,
A slave’s disgrace for all to show.

When twisted canvases take flight,
Herds cheer for "depths of fragile soul."
The answer’s simple: bend through Light,
Transform each work to make it whole.

But where the darkness tends to creep,
The Light will rise above the frame—
Complexity through anger seeps,
A modern artist's subtle flame.

Yet fools alone would hold their peace
When life around is filth and woe;
Darkness marches, finds release,
To pierce the depths of all below.

And then the "darkened" canvas yearns,
A burst of Light reveals no lies;
Its filth dissolved, its truth returns—
The Light within must always rise.

How can you reach it? Turn your gaze
From outward lies to inward skies.
The outer world’s a fleeting haze—
True growth begins where wisdom lies.

In Russian:

Свет "над" холстом

Художник кисть макнул в дерьмо —
Коль нету Света, так всегда:
Мазня убогая, клеймо
Раба на ней. Сожрут стада,

Когда раскрутят мерзкий холст,
Найдя в нём "тонкости души".
Ответ обычно очень прост —
Чрез Свет переломить спеши

Любое творчество. Притом,
Где чернота обычный гость,
Его отыщешь "над" холстом —
Приёмом сложным ныне Злость.

Не злится только идиот,
Когда и жизнь вокруг говно,
Тьма в наступление идёт,
Пробив очередное ДНО.

Порывом к Свету "тёмный" холст
Тогда является, ведь ложь
Исчезла в нём. Говно-вопрос,
Где Свет. ВНУТРИ, коль до того дорос.

Как дорасти? Извне вовнутрь
Вниманье ВСЁ ты обрати.
Вовне всегда обманы, жуть —
Там лишь до КАРЛИКА расти.
Bows and wrappers—child believes,
Parents wear no hidden sleeves.
Dad’s so wise, like sages arc—
Takes her strolling through the park.
**** the fools—there’ll be no dearth,
The womb will grant them endless birth.
But talents rare. They're cast aside.
And that’s why chaos spreads worldwide.

In Russian:

Убьют придурков, нарожает
Пизда ещё — говно-вопрос.
А вот с талантами лажает.
Вот потому весь мир — вразнос.
Igor Vykhovanets Dec 2024
The rhythm's in me, yet I'm in the mire,
Enough of verses, they're not required.
Down in the depths, where hunger stews,
Creation's spark is of no use.

Earn, indulge, **** your brain,
If crumbs of thought still remain.
Don't write—let boredom's noose draw tight,
Snapping the neck in endless night.

In Russian:

Самоубийство отсутствием Творчества

Ритм во мне, а я в говне —
Хватит вирши уж писать:
Не нужны они на Дне —
Там стремление пожрать,

Заработать, развлекухой
Ум добить, коль есть ещё.
Не писать — удавкой скуки
Шею сжать, сломав её.
About the Mad Age of Sheep-Virus

The city pens of CowID,
Put to the test, exposed their breed.
The trial failed: vile lice of greed
Have bent the world to suit their need.


Memes of the Luciferian System

The System’s rules—deceit and lies,
Its memes ensure "progressive" guise,
A tool to tighten, bit by bit,
The beasts' dominion, force, and grip.

The memes grew sharper, bolder still,
More obscene and full of skill—
For many eager, servile swine
Have honed the craft and toed the line.

Their teacher, Goebbels, did his best
To shape the feeble, clueless nest.
Now dumber crowds obey and bend,
So memes must spread without an end.

With tangled words they rule the weak,
The halfwits taught the lines to speak.
And for the docile, brainwashed lot—
A catchy meme will do the job.


Mindless Rot: No Thought, Just Plot

Thinking’s hard? Then why pretend?
Or has your brain just gone to rot?
A hollow stump with thoughtless hands
Now builds the world into a knot...


The Poisonous Mire

To shake the beasts with fear and fire—
That's how deception takes its root.
Seek knowledge, sharpen and aspire,
Or drown within the Poisonous Mute.

For lies in "wisdom" lurk and fester,
Yet only instincts see the snare.
Expose the fraud, reveal the jester,
Let reason blaze instead of flare.

Don’t let it smolder, choked by feeling—
The path is clear, yet few will try.
The fools, in blind emotion kneeling,
See nothing greater than their pride.


"Choice," They Say

Fish may choose,
Or some big wheel.
Or the bend
Of shower steel.

Naught beyond—
That’s all we know.
Clear as day:
We've hit the low.


The Mind’s Futile Toil

The world is swarmed with half-beast kin,
Thus reason’s works all meet their fall—
For only HUMANS hear within
The Highest calling—if at all.

Yet minds fall ill, consumed by blight,
Few stand to heed the noble peak.
And toil of reason, stripped of light,
If blind to Him—then you’re a freak.


The Freaks of Politics

So many twisted, soulless breeds,
Yet all emerge from just one source.
Their goal? To set the kin at odds,
To pit the neighbor in the course.

Their master—Satan. Few will see,
Just party heads know what’s at play.
The rest are pawns, they serve for free—
No physicist will light their way.

One cashbox fuels the whole charade,
Yet tell the fools their banks compete.
They twist the minds through lies well-paid,
Like poisoned cheese—a deadly treat.

The Cheesemaster will grant them more,
For folly feeds his grandest feast.
Deception spreads—the richest store,
And fools bring profit to the beast.

That profit? Agony and dread,
The beasts extract from human prey.
And puppets dance as Satan’s bred—
Just minions in this foul play.


Muse or Girth?

For poets, oft the choice is clear—
The belly wins, the verse must die.
Thus many songs just disappear...
All hail the filth they raise up high!


The Muse That Drags You Down

The Muse pulls down—a heavy chain—
To social depths, a hopeless mire.
Yet rising high, a stench remains,
Where eagles, cranes will choke and tire.

A foolish canary, caged in gold,
Still sings for beasts in their domain,
Its feeble tunes, so meek and cold,
Just blend into their wailing strain.


"Choice," They Say

Is it choice—
Or just a gleam?
World’s a rack,
And beasts—extreme.

--- Total 10 poems. ---
32 · Feb 18
Fools Have Strayed
Fools have strayed from Nature’s order,
Lost in troubles, lost in gloom.
Now they kneel, their blind devotion
Offered to the Filth they groom.
32 · Jan 4
Swine Paradise
Party. Fun. A wild delight.
Boredom gnaws through every night—
*****, music, endless play,
Just a dried-up cake of clay:
Thoughts have crumbled, soaked in *****,
Moldy crusts my mind did choose.
Dreamt I woke in heaven’s glow—
But a swine's dumb face did show.
Only fools and gluttons gain
"Heaven’s gates" through gluttony’s reign:
Eat, indulge, and take your fill,
Grab it all—consume at will!

In Russian:

Свинский рай

Пара. Шара. Развлекуха.
Одолела жизДни скука —
Водка, музыка и секс.
Я крутой засохший кекс —
Ум от водки превратился
В корж, что с плесенью. Приснился
Сон, что я уже в раю:
Только глупую свинью
Принимают в жрущих рай.
Развлекайся, потребляй,
Урви больше — не зевай!
32 · Jan 5
The Mind’s Gangrene
The gangrene’s rot consumed the mind,
Three-fourths of reason lost, confined.
And Russia fell beneath them all,
Where fools on fools their ranks enthrall.

The bottom proved by CowID and war,
By lies that ******* evermore.
Three-fourths of folks, deceit has stained,
Their hollow heads with falsehoods chained.

In Russian:

Гангрена разума

Гангрена разума отн'яла
Три четверти ума в мирке.
И ниже всех Россия пала,
Ведь там дурак на дураке.

Проверено то Дно говнидом
И новой подлою войной.
Три четверти народца гниды
С пробитой ЛОЖЬЮ головой.
32 · Feb 18
Chains of "Law"
"The more laws and orders are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."
— Laozi, 5th century BCE

Rules and orders, chains of lies,
Binding souls in dark disguise.
Fraud and filth, a slave’s pretense —
Rotting hearts their consequence.

Cops, officials, jesters too,
Politicians—crooks in view.
People, spellbound, stay restrained,
Bound in chains that won’t be maimed.

Wretches forge new chains again,
Spreading ruin, death, and pain.
Darkness swallows all in sight,
World decays in doomed twilight.

Air grows heavy, hope is none,
Judgment nears—there’s no more sun.
Satan, king of mindless fools,
Wields his law, his twisted rules.

Few resist, and fewer stay,
With each century’s decay.
Earth is lost, drowned deep in sin,
Under wretched hands of men.

Fiends now rule and write decrees,
Breeding madness like disease.
Blinding Reason, caging Soul,
Dragging all to their control.

Yet stand firm—let lies be burned,
Lest your spirit be interned.
Fools are lost, they’ve died inside,
Long before their bodies died.
"Victory over oneself is the crown of philosophy."
— Diogenes of Sinope, 3rd century BCE

Petty fears, submission,
Nonsense clouds the mind.
Break through false cognition—
Truth is redefined.

Thoughts dissolve and scatter,
Reason clears the way.
Fools mistake for chatter
Night that blinds the day.

Yet philosophy alone
Fails to set us free.
Sense and introspection—
That’s the golden key.

Slaves must heal through feeling,
Raise the soul above.
World’s decay revealing
Fascist waves thereof.

Mind, when led by spirit,
Sees the hidden rift.
Sense will help us clear it,
Crushing evil swift.
Once created, this will break
Evil’s law—its harsh mandate.
For by default, it guides the blind
To a savage hell-bound mind.

Mind beneath the Soul? No way—
Lies and chains won’t work that way.
Such a trade defies decree,
Bringing loss to tyranny.

This world’s flipped—a twisted sphere,
Stockpiling filth year by year.
Yet its hoard will fade and die
If we let Parnassus fly.

Soul’s the wealth that stands alone.
Leave the world's depraved Cell,
Multiply its light—outgrown,
Building Heaven deep in Hell.
32 · Feb 12
Self-Serving Lies
Don’t dare criticize—
My armor is lies,
And up on my steed
I gallop with speed.

The honest remain
Forgotten, in vain,
While those who deceive
Will make them believe.

One strike—down they fall,
No fairness at all.
Truth’s bounds are defined,
But lies rule mankind.
32 · Jan 23
Pseudo-Life in a Stall
"People imagine they’re in society when they gather in cities or other enclosed spaces. As if crowding together, huddling like sheep in a pen, could mean living in society."
— Pyotr Chaadayev

Are you in society, or just in a pen?
A question that haunts the hearts of men.
To rot in the stall, as we often do,
When words mean nothing, yet still seem true.

We cherish the babble, dismiss the calm,
Forgetting the soul finds peace in its psalm.
To live in silence, with courage rare,
Is a path for the few who dare not despair.

To shun the madness of aimless crowds,
To stand unbowed when darkness shrouds—
Retreat within, if you cannot flee,
For cities breed lies and debauchery.

Find solace in creation, your sacred light,
Write poems, or shape new worlds in flight.
Say "no" to the falsehoods this life conceals,
And brand its pretense with truth that heals.

In Russian:

Псевдожизнь в Стойле

"Люди воображают, что находятся в обществе, когда сходятся в городах или в других огороженных местах. Как будто тесниться один к другому, сбиваться в кучу, держаться стадом, как бараны, – означает жить в обществе".
Пётр Чаадаев.

Ты в обществе иль в стойле?
Всегда больной вопрос.
Гнить в стойле мы достойны,
Когда из слов понос

Считаем чем-то важным.
Иначе жить в тиши,
В забвении, отважно,
С отрадой для Души,

Все стали бы. Но это
Удел для единиц,
Что чужды скопищ БРЕДА,
Пред Злом не пали ниц.

Уйди в себя, коль город
Покинуть нету сил.
Как нарик он упорот
Обманами, дебил

В нём большинством. В Твореньи
Найди заветный Свет:
Хотя б стихотворенья
Сказавши миру "нет!",

Пиши, иль что иное
Придумай: не боись
Убожество земное
Клеймить — всю псевдо-жисТь...
32 · Feb 18
The Trace
Leave a trace —
Night disgrace.
Die in peace, yet flames remain —
Scorching marks won’t fade or wane.
32 · Jan 16
Entropy as Fate
Trinkets feed the shallow soul,
Bound to earth, they’ll never rise.
Serve the vile and wear disguise,
Rot in greed till spirit dies—
Such their fate: the entropy.
Empty now, what will they be?
Oblivion! Annihilation!
Madness reigns—degeneration.

In Russian:

Энтропия как Судьба

Ширпотреб — душонок хлеб,
Что не могут Ввысь подняться.
Мерзким тварям подчиняться,
В потреблядстве разлагаться —
Их судьба. То энтропия.
Если ныне никакие,
Что потом? Аннигиляция!
Мир безумен — деградация...
32 · Feb 18
Presumed as Guilty
Presumed as guilty—such are we,
The spawn of Satan's legacy.
While only few hold God inside,
They face the law, no place to hide...
Etched in scars, the grief runs deep,
Woven in a pattern steep.
In my mind—fierce wrath and spite
For the liars, for the Night.
Golden fields of rye are swaying,
In my dreams I see a land
Free from fear and blind obeying,
Free from tyrants’ iron hand.

But I wake — and filth surrounds me.
I will gather strength and Drive,
Crush the filth (or part of it, maybe),
For in filth one cannot live.

Life is hollow, minds are broken,
Tractors plow with poisoned hands.
Toxic seeds in fields are sown, and
Dullness spreads across the lands.

"Education" fuels the madness,
Fools bow down and praise their chains.
Well, my notebook’s open — sadness
Flows through verse with no restrains.

Writing’s easy — evil’s growing,
Everywhere its roots extend.
Fools won’t grasp the words I’m sowing,
All this work may find no end.

Yet a few will see and listen —
They must know they’re not alone!
Without echoes, dark thoughts thicken,
Crushing hearts like lifeless stone.

In Russian:

Стихи в поддержку единиц

Рожь на поле колосится,
И идиллия мне снится:
Мир без страхов и тиранов,
Подчинения обманам.

Но проснулся — снова Мерзость.
Накоплю я силы, дерзость —
Мерзость буду я крушить,
Так как в Мерзости не жить.

Псевдожизнь кругом. И трактор
Вышел в поле — Зла Аттрактор:
Ядом поле поливает —
Этим ядом оглупляют,

"Воспитания" добавив,
И дебилы Мерзость славят.
Что ж, блокнот открыт: стихи
Против Мерзости легки

В написании — примеров
Зла вокруг ведь выше меры.
Не оценят идиоты —
Стих напрасная работа.

Но заметят единицы —
Поддержать их!: утомиться
Без созвучья мыслям мрачным
Можно быстро, став несчастным.
Pesticides and toxic sprays,
Fake diseases take the stage.
Cures are poison, deaths are sold—
Cowards watch, their silence cold.
32 · Jan 24
The media and Rabble
A fool injects his ******,
An idiot downs his ***** shot.
The Media Lords will always win—
The rabble thrives on lies they’ve got.

Not a people, just a crowd—
A pit of fools in every guise.
The rare wise soul, though sharp and proud,
Sees no hope where reason dies.

Ideas that could bring salvation
Find no soil where truth decays.
To the New Camp’s degradation,
March they must through harsh dismays.

Kicks and blows are “care,” they say,
And the rabble will believe.
So the fools have found their way:
Drink and choke, lest words deceive.

Now the mouth is just for chewing,
Words have lost their weight and worth.
Empty heads, with lies undoing,
Wear a hat and roam the earth.

In Russian:

СМРАДы и сброд

Героин вколол кретин,
Водки выпил идиот.
СМРАДы — высший господин:
Ложью кайф получит сброд.

Не народ — убогий сброд:
Дурачины всех мастей.
Редкий умный не найдёт
Воплощения идей,

Что помогут всех спасти —
Ложь разъела все моги.
В Новый Лагерь лишь идти,
Получая тумаки.

Назовут пинки заботой,
И поверит глупый сброд.
Так что правы идиоты —
Водку пей, закрывши рот.

Рот теперь лишь для жеванья —
Обесценены слова.
Оглупленьем истязанья —
Лишь для шляпы голова.
32 · Jan 24
The River of Oblivion
"All flows, all changes, and no one steps twice into the same river, for the river is not the same, nor are they the same."

The River of Oblivion flows,
Once you step in, it never slows.
Say to the Almighty, "Forgive—
A pawn in Hell’s grim play I lived."

The Abyss roars; where is the Divine?
Far beyond Hell’s cursed confine.
You worshipped beauty, bowed to lies,
A willing serpent in disguise.

Into the River’s depths you wade,
Among the blind, by fear betrayed.
It’s only natural you’ll drown—
The future belongs to those renown.

Few walk the thread, the path so thin,
That leads beyond Hell’s deadly spin.
Follow the Ray—don’t drift, don’t sleep,
The wise must climb, not sink too deep.

That single ray to God ascends;
Seek its light within your soul, my friend.
Through piles of lies and stench, press on—
Your inner spark can’t be undone.

True peace and beauty lie afar,
In Hell, all’s twisted, false, bizarre.
“Salvation” nailed upon the cross,
And “rest” awaits the edge’s loss.

In Russian:

Река Забвения

"Всё течёт, всё меняется. И никто не был дважды в одной реке. Ибо через миг и река была не та, и сам он уже не тот".

Река Забвения: войти
В неё — уже никак не выйти.
Скажи Всевышнему: "Прости,
Я был статистом с Адом битвы".

Кромешный Ад. Всевышний где?
Он далеко — вне Сферы Ада.
Ты "поклонялся красоте",
И был при том покорным гадом?

В Рек'у Забвения войдёшь
С такими же как ты — слепыми,
ЗАКОНОМЕРНО пропадёшь,
Ведь будущее за ИНЫМИ.

Иных тех мало — т'онка "нить",
Идущая за Сферы Ада.
Лишь ПО ЛУЧУ идти, не плыть
Разумному ОТСЮДА надо.

К Всевышнему тот тонкий луч —
Ищи в Душе к нему вхожденье
Среди зловонных лживых куч
Наваленных в неё с рожденья.

Лишь Там покой и красота —
В Аду всё тупо, лживо, криво,
"Спасение" лишь на крестах,
"Отдохновенье" на краю Обрыва.
A noose drawn tight—
Lies smother all.
Mind fades from sight...
Inhuman rule,
The people fall.


A noose is tight —
Lies choke the air.
All fades from sight...
Dark rules ensnare.
A dark canoe, bereft of charms,
Crashed on the rocks in sheer disgrace;
When you reject the magic's arms,
You'll find but emptiness in their place.

Not all charms are born of lies —
Some aren't the witch's twisted spells.
In light, like water, let truth rise,
Not through books, but where the heart dwells.

Hear your soul, its voice is clear;
No scholar’s pride will break the bars.
For if you're but a fool austere,
You'll never leave this prison of ours.

Only shattered, freed by light,
Once the shipwreck claims your past,
A captain, shipless, finds his right —
Among the Worthy, peace at last.

In Russian:

Капитан без корабля

"Вечер. Взморье. Вздохи ветра.
Величавый возглас волн.
Близко буря. В берег бьётся
Чуждый чарам чёрный чёлн".
Константин Бальмонт, "Чёлн томленья", 1894 г.

Чуждый чарам чёрный чёлн
О скалу разбился глупо:
Если Чары гонишь вон,
То получишь лишь залупу.

Чары разные. Одни —
Просто чушь безумной ведьмы.
В Свете как в воде тони,
Не читая книги, Веды,

Слушая лишь Сердце, — так
Ты поймёшь, что значат Чары.
Коль начитанный мудак —
Не покинешь Мира Нары.

Лишь разбившись, в Свет уйдя
После этого спокойно,
Капитан без корабля,
Будешь ты среди Достойных.
Drown in drivel, blissfully—
Ditch your mind and live carefree.
Truth stands trembling on the brink,
Yet you'll miss it—chomp and sink.

In Russian:

Непотребное чтиво и "смотриво"

Пурга чтива — и счастл'иво
Заживёшь, похерив ум.
То, что на краю обрыва,
Не поймёшь, — заглушит хрум.
The professor’s full of empty chatter,
Yet the essential slips his gaze.
Our Souls, the heart of every matter,
Are trampled in his cold-eyed ways.

He clings to atheistic blather
Or feigned religion’s hollow creed.
Both lead to chaos. "Isms" gather
And drag the world to darker deeds.

The Spirit’s wiped from false convictions—
Their "science" seeks to blur the lines.
A pastime born of contradictions,
It plagues us, hollow, by design.

This "science" now a sickness festers;
Its cure, though urgent, none allow.
For those who pay will shun dissenters
And, tyrant-like, suppress the how.

In Russian:

Очкарики и выдуманные ими "измы"

Профессор знает много чуши,
Но основного не видать:
Гвоздём программы наши Души.
На них очкарикам насрать.

Очкарик болен атеизмом
Иль лжерелигией — говно
И то, и это. Строит "измы",
Тем опуская мир на Дно.

Дух вымаран из лжеучений,
Ведь это цель всех лженаук.
Дрочилкой каждых поколений
"Наука" стала. Как недуг

Её рассматривать пора уж,
Но столь решительных шагов,
Кто платит деньги, не потерпят —
Как деспот критику оков.
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