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27 · Jan 6
"We've divided life from death and filled the gap between them with fear. Yet life without death does not exist."
Jiddu Krishnamurti

There is no life, nor death, just fear—
A shadow stretching far and near.
Believe the soul that mourns in plight:
This world is dust, bereft of light.

From dust to dust, all dreams confined,
A pseudo-life for humankind.
But soon the Sun will pierce the shade—
To free the souls in darkness swayed.

In Russian:


"Мы отделили жизнь от смерти и заполнили промежуток между ними страхом. Однако жизни без смерти не существует".
Джидду Кришнамурти.

Нету жизни, даже смерти,
Если всё заполнил страх.
Лишь душе несчастной верьте:
Мир безумен — это прах.

В нём прах к праху. Псевдожизнью
Можно это всё назвать.
Скоро Солнце ярче брызнет —
Души, что во Тьме, спасать...
"Modern schools achieve nothing at all. They teach only how to string words together without understanding—
as if for sheep, bleating matters more than feeding."
— Pierre Abelard, 12th century.

Little ever changes—
Darkness dulls the mind,
Leaves the soul in cages,
Trapped and nearly blind.

Wisdom’s crumbs are taken,
Feasts for beasts begin.
Sheep get scraps and fables,
If the Shepherd’s king.

Swap the masks of leaders,
Flocks will never see—
Truth is lost in bleating,
Drowned in sophistry.

Bleat, but never reason—
That is what they teach.
Feed upon illusion,
Sense stays out of reach.

Sing the mind’s last requiem,
For the fools are massed,
And the grip of fascists
Drags the world down fast.
Every little pipette dreams of becoming a big enema

Each little pipette
Dreams big, no regret—
To grow and expand,
A syringe in demand.

A mold is the aim—
Perfection in frame.
A fool longs to feed,
To breed and succeed,
Yet all that he leaves—
A burden of grief.

A fool's iron mold
Chains minds young and old.
This pattern, once drawn,
Becomes almost law.


In general, none...

Well, we don’t question—silent, believing,
Swallowing nonsense, blindly receiving.
Falsehoods are growing, thriving with time,
Lost in delusion—we march in line.

Muzzled like dogs, despised in submission,
CowID has sealed our weak disposition.
Worse days will follow—snakes see it clear:
We are just nothing—empty and mere...


Ideologies of Evil

Submission to the “sacred vision,”
When lies run wild since early days,
Makes nonsense seem a pure decision—
A “truth” adorned in brighter shades.

Most obey—the few unshaken
Stand like rocks against the tide.
All “ideas” serve the makers
Of the chains that trap the mind.

Truth is scarce—it’s crushed and broken,
Hunted down through endless time.
Slaves, deceived, remain unspoken,
Drowned beneath their own decline.

If so, then freedom’s path is waiting,
Reason shines, its course is plain—
Simple, if the mind’s creating,
Not enslaved by forged constraints.


In memory of Imre Lakatos

"All theories are not only equally unfounded, but equally improbable."
Imre Lakatos.

Falsifications flood the pages—
Disproved when core beliefs collapse.
Yet falsehood thrives through all the ages
When evil guides the science maps.

A “belt” of buffers wraps each theory,
Where counterproofs are trapped in vain.
Truth’s voice grows weak, obscure, and weary,
As chaos sweeps the facts away.

And soon, what once was held as learning
Becomes a wreck—its core undone.
The “scholar,” foolish and unearning,
Stands cast aside, his work long gone.

He turns mere water into wages,
But feeds himself, not humankind.
For “science” serves the gold it praises—
Not truth, not reason, nor the mind.

Yet life’s true base is Spirit, guiding—
Where absent, science turns to lies.
The tainted lead, in darkness hiding,
And serve the fiend they idolize.


The thin thread of the inalienable right to Freedom

Through the ages, thin but steady,
Runs resistance to the dark.
Rotten hands would tear it, ready
To erase its final mark.

Slaves obey—so weak, compliant,
Now the thread is nearly gone.
Change accelerates—the tyrant
Sees the time to crush is on.

Darkness grows, no shame restraining,
Brazen, ruthless in its drive.
Still, the Right to Freedom, flaming,
Flickers on—it stays alive.

Though corruption swarms and heightens,
Though the world is filled with swine,
Truth, though battered, never silences—
It survives beyond decline.

When Collapse brings retribution,
This decay will find its end.
Slaves will never be the future,
Life will rise and start again.

Yet for now, deceived and hollow,
Herds are led into the knife,
While the liars preach, and swallow
All that’s left of truth and life.


Born into slavery

Born into chains, yet unaware,
A slave won’t see the bonds he bears.
If all before him knew despair,
Why question what the master dares?

Their children serve the tyrants blindly—
They call it "love for native land."
And traitors walk revered, held highly,
While fools and madness take command.

When lies rule minds for generations,
Then rot selects the ones who lead.
Decay ensures degeneration—
Entropy’s judgment is decreed.

Dare to question, trust your reason,
Seek the truth within, not lies.
Only then can darkness weaken,
Only then can hope arise.

But fear is useless—doom is fated
For those who bow and call it fate.
Yet mothers still repeat, elated:
"Just do your homework—graduate..."


The Essential Question

Can awakening still happen?
If for few—then all is lost.
In a world of hollow patterns,
Truth is rare… The chains still cross.

Is a slave doomed by his station?
Can these bonds be torn apart?
Nothing else deserves fixation—
Fear and shame lead to the dark.


Our Service Helps THEM Well, Yet Hard...

Serve! Obey! Bow down—keep kneeling!
Serve the BEASTS with zeal and grace.
Lie and grovel—earn your dealings,
Gold and honors in their place.

Yet the fool who drowns in faking,
Lost in filth, betrays his soul.
Blindly crawling, never waking,
Dies a coward—dark and cold.


A Hatch Appeared—Don’t Be Confused, It’s Just a Ruse

Astronauts soaring—
"The Moon, they're exploring!"
Much like the drunks
Who find hatches alluring.


Fear of Heights:
Dive into the swamp of "ease"—
Roots and stumps await your knees.


The Question

The stubborn beetle, worming through,
Or a throng of servants, weak and few—
The Earth’s own punishment, a blight,
Worse than the merciless pests' bite?

--- Total 11 poems. ---
26 · Feb 11
Almost cycling
The gap melts away, though you never delay.
Another endeavor—another forever—
Of struggle and trial...
Your path is denial.
26 · Feb 10
The Grayness
The Grayest Zone —
Ages have flown.
Only the black
Pulls the herd back.
26 · Feb 23
False Religions
How absurd the structures seem
Of false beliefs, their gods so cheap—
A fool’s feast, a hollow dream,
Too dull for minds that dare to think.

Three vague lines in sacred scrolls,
And all their writings turn to dust.
The world is built on blinded souls,
Deception thrives, commands their trust.

They bow, obey, and blindly wait,
Toil for pennies, die in wars,
Perish from injections' fate,
As lies consume them more and more.

They dream of life that never ends,
Yet never lived on Earth at all.
Like salted slugs, they crawl in chains—
Together sliding to their fall.
"The most dangerous delusions are those that hold a grain of truth."
— Adam Smith, 18th century.

The world is trapped in blind conviction,
Truth within—a broken part.
Scoundrels shape the same affliction,
Deal their lies with crooked art.

Half-truths twisted, rearranging
With the shifting tides of time.
Swindlers, scheming and deranging,
Feed the masses fraud like crime.

Gullibility and blindness,
Failing facts to comprehend.
Thus begins the rot of mindness,
Thus it spreads—it will not end.

Year by year, the flood grows bolder,
Venom flows in every word.
Lies grow sharper, sly, and colder—
Faith in falsehood stands assured.

CowID showed the depths we've taken—
Now they build a Cyber Cage.
Reason’s breath will be forsaken,
Crushed beneath the War of Fake.
26 · Feb 23
Earthly Life
Factory forging: fools in the press!
Dummies are ready—Chief Devil’s impressed.


******* and masons

Masons plot? That’s just illusion —
We "elect" our kings in play.
Fools believe in grand delusions —
Masons love it all the way.


Trusting lies,
Dreaming bread,
Kills the soul
In Hell’s dread.


****** was nurtured—his path was clear.
What was his sentence for rebel cheer?
Five short years!

Served just nine months, then walked out free.
Treason means death—but they still believe
"He rose alone!"


A clown in power?
Charmed by nonsense,
Fooled by ruin:
Lies spread softly, minds grow weak,
Seven in eight—too blind to see.


Foolishness keeps rising,
Higher every day.
Homeland lost—demising,
Burns in Hell’s decay:
Shortage feeds the flames.


All chase the gold, they heed its calling—
One law remains, none dare protest.
Who stands against it? None are rising,
But those who hear the light suppressed.

Yet there’s a meaning—soul’s salvation
Amidst the chains of earthly wrongs.
And if you do not fall to darkness,
Then you're a outcast among the throngs.


Sheep obey the same old lies:
"Bow to darkness, trust its way!"
World’s a rot that never dies,
Mixed with filth and foul decay.


Kinder Surprise

Mom is fooled, dad’s full of rage,
That’s the life we idolize.
Wrap it up and call it fate—
One big, wicked Dark Surprise.


Earthly Life

"A curse from the skies?"
No, demons rule here.
Hell carves with fire
Those fallen in fear...

--- Total 10 poems. ---
Dark intrigues behind the curtain—
Fear will make the chains more certain.
Keep the masses dull and hollow,
Though they’re fools with minds so shallow.

Plenty work for scheming swine—
Plots are "jokes," yet right on time:
Spin them up through viral chatter,
Memes will make them spread and scatter.

Clowns are fools, absurd and broken;
Some are corpses left unspoken—
Senile minds in dim decay,
Others lost in bluer sway.

Evil rises, takes its course,
Culling weaklings at the source.
This is what we breed and cherish—
Shall we thrive, or shall we perish?..
26 · Feb 3
Spiritual Vision
The "joy" of bonds, the hollow dream,
Still haunts the lost, a monstrous scheme.
It thrives in broken hearts and minds—
Yet yoga holds the truth one finds:

Withdraw within, seek out the key
To all the doubts that ceaselessly
Disturb the few who dare to ask
What lies beyond the fleeting mask.

Who rules this world? Why are you here?
What is the mind? Are you sincere?
Is love pure light or mere desire?
If ties collapse, what fuels the fire?

What is the core of all your pain?
These thoughts will carve the path again.
And once you learn to truly see,
Your soul will break the mind’s decree.

This world’s a fraud—its love, its reason,
Are fleeting shades, its truth—illusion.
The few who grasp what lies above
Transcend the masses, touched by "love".

To rise beyond is all that matters,
No fate nor chance will break these shackles.
Your soul must blaze, ignite its power,
For only strength can end the hour

Of helpless minds, of spirits weak.
True sight is not for those who seek
Through hollow lust or fleeting pleasure,
But those who walk the path of treasure.

In Russian:

Духовное Зрение

"Вы вложили сердце, чувства в других, и когда они умирают или уезжают, чувствуете особое одиночество, пустоту; а в этой пустоте появляется жалость к самому себе, и снова вы грезите о ком-нибудь, кто заполнит пустоту. Вот что происходит во все дни нашей жизни. Узнайте, что означает одиночество и не бегите от него. Смотрите на него, живите с ним, выясните его значение, чтобы ни психологически, ни внутренне ни от кого не зависеть. И только тогда вы узнаете, что такое любовь".
Джидду Кришнамурти.

Химера "счастья", отношений
Среди ущербных поколений
Живуча — настоящий монстр.
Ответ чрез йогу очень прост:

Уйди в себя, ища ответы
На те вопросы, что средь бреда
Толпы так редко возникают,
Сомненьями твой ум терзая.

Под кем сей мир? Зачем ты здесь?
Что за умом? И в нём ты весь?
Любовь Энергия иль похоть?
Коль в отношениях всё плохо,

То в чём там главная проблема?
Найдёшь для размышлений темы.
За ними следуют Прозренья,
Что вне ума, — Духовным Зреньем

Ты научись ВНОВЬ обходиться.
Убогий мир — в нём только мнится
Разумность и Любовь: немногим
Они доступны — полу-боги.

Стать полу-богом — вот задача.
И не поможет в том удача.
Там топливом Души усилья.
Лишь через них своё бессилье

Ты прекратишь. А Дух всесилен.
И без него твой ум стерилен —
Любовь кастратам недоступна
Отдельно, также совокупно.
26 · Feb 26
In the End...
In the End...

A tale of horror is darker, crueler
Than what the dull crowd dares expect.
For in the end, the Beasts grow fouler,
And slaves grow dumber—more abject.

Beasts and slaves—no real exception,
Hope is scarce, the odds are grim.
Drowned in lies, they've lost redemption—
Honor's dead, so waste them all on a whim...


The Cosmos

Its base—deceit.
Its glue—fear’s binding.
The boss—unfit.
Our fate—dust, winding.


Truth and the Reign of Madness

"For truth, it is triumph enough to be accepted by the few who are worthy; to please the many is not its fate."
— Denis Diderot

Truth’s worth is never measured
By numbers in its wake.
The slaves adore false treasures,
Their minds consumed by fake.

Few dare to think—yet fewer,
Their voices fade to none.
Truth drowns in darkness, sewer—
The world is crude, undone.

CowID, war—it's showing,
The madness rules the stage.
A war on thought keeps growing,
A war of lies and rage.

Its end is near—Destruction,
The final storm is drawn.
Then comes the Reconstruction,
When filth is cast and gone.


Breaking Yet Another Bottom

To hit rock bottom? That’s no feat.
But reaching lower—there’s the test.
To sell new lies and not repeat—
That takes a master of the jest.

The Press of Darkness strains and rallies,
Bureaucrats all march in line.
Decay’s an art—they need pure malice,
A beast that’s truly one of a kind.

CowID has shown—no lack of vermin,
Nor slaves who serve the grand deceit.
The smaller press now weaves perversions,
To spice the greater flood of sleet.

Thus, deeper down the pit was shattered,
The stench from underneath arose.
And now we all will breathe this tatter,
As life in filth forever flows.

A global ***** is fast unfolding,
A prison ruled by code and screen.
If lies keep rising, all-consuming,
Its gates will open—sharp and clean.



The Church now serves the Devil’s throne,
The world is upside down.
The honest ones are crushed, dethroned—
Branded traitors, drowned.

One thing stays unshaken—
Shame will never cease.
Reason lies forsaken,
Slaughtered—rest in peace.

If a trace still lingers
In the minds of few,
It won’t change—just sink there,
Down to Hell’s own view!


Life’s Unyielding Dullness

Life is dull—no doubt, no question,
For it thrives on false impressions.
Since our childhood, Beasts betray us,
Swapping truth for murk to slay us.

Mind is fragile, quick to wither,
So the future’s looking bitter:
Trade pure steel for rotting timber—
All will crumble to a cinder.

--- Total 6 poems. ---
25 · Feb 4
The Living Dead
Life is fear, but death is colder,
Fading slowly, growing older.
Shrouded deep in lies unending,
We’ll all perish, lost, unbending.

In Russian:

Живые мертвецы

Страшно жить; не жить — страшнее;
Медленно мы околеем:
Ложь тотальная как саван
Нас накроет — всех бесславных.
25 · Feb 18
Judas in a White Coat
A mutant mind, so crude,
Now a doctor? Just a shrewd
Merchant peddling toxic lies,
Selling sickness in disguise.

CowID flashed before our eyes,
Just like "AIDS"—same old disguise.
Lower than the lowest tier,
Fools and traitors thrive down here.

Drugs prescribed with soulless greed,
Bringing home their thirty’s fee.
Strengthening the web of lies,
Spreading madness far and wide.

Darkness rules this hollow sphere,
Only villains prosper here.
Shadows feast, and reason fades,
Dying faith, a world decayed.

Doom is near—no second chance.
Fascist reign will end at last.
With their spawn, they’ll burn and fall.
Nothing’s left to save at all.
25 · 3d

"Their goal is reached. On Saturdays, the young
Choose malls, not books—their minds undone."
—Noam Chomsky

Clothes and fast food, fleeting pleasures,
Thoughts? Just boredom once was measured,
Now—no thoughts, just empty eyes:
Beasts in humanly disguise.

Thus the world’s transformation’s done,
Filth has conquered, all have run,
Greed and Mammon rule supreme,
Rotting souls in poisoned dream.

Stables ruled by Satan’s order,
Fascism dressed in finer borders,
Soon, like cattle, none will fight—
Dumbness deemed the final right.

Camps arise—white flags with crosses,
Branding minds with mental losses,
Pricked like livestock, marked and drained,
Till they rot—together slain.


Nothing’s left behind, ruins lie ahead,
In between—disgrace and filth,
Yet they preach: “Have hope instead!”—
Truth’s now seen as useless spilth.


The Voice of Essence

Hear the voice of Essence—
That’s your soul inside.
World is filled with falsehood,
Cast the filth aside!

Chase your own ideas,
Ones that burn in you.
Act with fearless spirit—
Time is running through.

If your strength is fading,
If your days are thin,
Would you fall for nonsense
Wrapped in golden skin?

Wise men know the answer:
Every fate is near,
Life flies by—so strike it,
Hit the lies sincere!

Smash deceit—your legacy
Will be truth, not chains,
Spitting in the faces
Of the wretched fiends.

Let the flame of passion
Shape your fleeting days—
Even midst the shadows,
Joy will light your way.

Hear the voice of Essence—
Strength will grow within,
Creativity will
Break through all the din.

Yet the rule is simple:
Each must find their own,
Truth is drowned in falsehood,
Lies have overgrown.

Madness reigns unshaken
In this world of fools,
But with Essence guiding,
You will break their rules.


The Mighty Fool

The Mighty Fool, the Great, the Strong—
True king of beasts, he struts along.
Outshines the crocodile with grace—
No trace of thought left in its place.

For thought’s a flaw—who’d bear its weight?
In tyrant’s rule, it seals your fate.
With mind intact, you won’t belong—
No king—just chained, where fools belong.


Controlling the Herd

Lie anew—the game’s the same,
Slaves must bow and praise their chain.
Trading shackles, full of hope,
Dreaming of a golden rope.


Survival of the Worst

The lowest rung—a petty thief,
While sold-out rulers play the chief.
The weakling whining at the game
Is crushed and drowned in filth and shame.

For here the **** will rise and reign,
With lies that echo and remain.
The honest fall, dismissed, betrayed—
Corruption thrives, and crime is paid.


"Defending" the Masses’ Cause

The foolish crowd believes the clown
Will guard their sacred right.
Enchanted by each new letdown,
They march back to the fight.

Yet every law and every measure
Serves not their needs at all.
From one disaster to another—
Their path is but a fall.



Decadence is like a game—
Cheaters hold the deck.
Not a chance to win or claim,
Only loss and wreck.

Throw your cards right in their face,
Break the rules at last!
Smoke now rises—soon the blaze
Will burn away the past.

Fire swallows all decay,
Melts the lies and sin.
Till that moment—stench and gray,
As filth drowns all within.


Half a Step to Truth

Take one step toward the knowing
Of the filth that fills this land—
Madness lurks, but rage keeps growing,
Clutching sanity in hand.

Rage is born from sheer corruption,
While submission—praised and spread—
Is the mark of Swine's seduction,
Built on lies that keep them fed.

Lies in science, schools, and teaching,
Propaganda—word on word.
Human cattle, bred for bleeding,
Even paid before they're heard.


Shallow "Life"

A shallow "life"—a curse indeed,
For twisted souls, a hollow creed.
In truth, it’s slime—decay and blight,
Where madmen serve the reign of night.

A Grey-Green Palette

Green grows your sorrow if the grey
Prevails in this dull world around.
Yet face it bravely—find your way,
Or join the lifeless in the ground.

"The same as all." The walking dead
Have drowned the world—a surging tide.
And reason fades—soon none are left,
For "misanthropes" to stand beside.


Here, Every Soul's a Captive

Here, every soul's a war-bound slave,
The fight is lost—or nearly so.
A dream is all that victory gave,
No path remains for us to go.

Betrayal lurks at every turn,
Deceivers thrive in endless streams.
The blind majority won't learn,
Nor wake from their deluded dreams



A Pavlov’s dog stands cast aside—
The object here is humankind.
Where weakness shows, the vultures bite,
For centuries—this fate designed.

Fascism, genocide—rehearsed,
A test to break us, twist our minds.
But reason’s frail, and at its worst,
We fall when Evil leaves us blind.

Who set this trap? For what dark aim—
To shatter souls in Hell’s embrace?
Summing this world up, I claim:
It’s lost within a madman’s maze.

Through madness, fleeting souls may strive
To pierce the dark—but most will fail.
This "experiment" won’t survive
If all bow down to Evil’s tale.

A soul has limits—false the word
That it’s immortal, free from scars.
It tears apart when depths are stirred,
When Hell has dragged it down too far.

CowID and wars have made it clear:
The bottom’s close, the end in sight.
Yet some still stand and persevere—
Defying Evil, holding light.


The Easy Road

"If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way."
— Terry Goodkind, "Soul of the Fire", 1999.

The road is smooth, the cash flows free,
Yet something whispers—this can’t be.
You’ve made your choice, embraced the night,
And left the path that once was right.

Neon signs and streetlights glow,
A lantern hums where shadows creep.
You toss your cash—the drinks soon flow,
But something stirs and will not sleep.

All seems fine, yet deep inside,
Your soul still aches, won’t let you be.
No girl, no drink can turn the tide—
They only dull the misery.


Hamster in a Wheel and a Dilemma

A world of black, a world of white,
A question burns—his mind’s a mess.
The hamster’s trapped—no end in sight,
A lifeless scheme fuels his duress.

The spinning wheel won’t set him free,
It drives him toward a hollow dream.
Yet every choice—just yes or no,
No deeper truth beyond the scheme.

To think beyond, to see the lie—
This maze allows no room to feel.
For all he knows, for all he tries,
His only truth is running still.


The Social Ladder

Who needs that ladder? What’s the cost?
The price is high—you pay in soul.
Betrayal strikes, and all is lost,
Yet many chase that hollow goal.

You won’t find heights, but something worse—
A middle rank of filth and lies.
The blind don’t see it as a curse,
They fight for scraps and call it prize.

Forget the race, just walk away,
Ignore their games, don’t play along.
Their world is twisted, false, and grey,
A stage for greed, deceit, and wrong.

Betray your soul? A fate more grim
Than any death—it breaks you whole.
Don’t be just one of them, don’t swim
Among the rats who sold their soul.


The Professor of Sour Stew

The professor of spoiled stew
Knows it all and plays it wise.
He feeds the crowd his twisted view,
And fools get lost in cooked-up lies.


The Stench of Newspeak

That rotten Newspeak’s everywhere—
"Moderation"—so they claim.
But call it truth? They wouldn’t dare.
It’s just censorship—**** the flame!

The lifeless swarm to honeyed lies,
Deception feeds their hollow core.
And censors, shameless, mesmerize—
They push pure nonsense evermore.


A Slippery Road

A slippery road
Through fools unfolds.
Just wait—your load
Is Hell’s to hold.

False hopes will fade,
And fears will die.
Yet fools remain—
They trust the lie.

--- Total 19 poems. ---
25 · Mar 3
At Full Speed...
At Full Speed...

A machine of sweat and grinding,
A diseased and toxic sphere,
Where the blind and mute are writhing,
Only ******* rule in here.

Not real lords—just slaves in hiding,
Licking boots to keep their place.
Hellish cogs—no guiding, no deciding,
Fools serve blindly in disgrace.

Like mere cattle, men are kneeling,
Hoping "lords" will bring them light,
While the dream of change is fleeting,
Crushed beneath the wheels of might.

Few escape—their ranks diminish,
Fewer left to stand and fight,
As new waves of fools replenish,
Breeding madness day and night.

Freaks, dimwits, psychotic wreckage—
Forms of ruin, doomed and vexed.
Not for long, though—crash and wreckage,
Armageddon’s racing next.


Hear and Believe...

Hear it—trust it. Blind devotion.
Thinking hurts—so why insist?
Open doors without a notion
For the brazen egotist.

He will set the facts in order,
Twist the truth to fit his line.
And if scholars serve as warders,
Fools will bow—“They must be right!”

Like a gambler, slyly dealing,
He reshapes what once was real.
Dark magician, false revealing,
Masters lies with polished skill.

Screens will show the grand illusion,
Staged to dazzle, stir, ignite,
Hiding hell in bright profusion,
Flags ablaze in crimson light.

Crowds of puppets, dumb and fervent,
March to battle or to toil.
Empty labor, pointless purpose—
But as long as there's some spoil,
Idiots will lap the poison,
Sing their hymns and stand in line.
Thought is dead—once minds are frozen,
Rulers strengthen by design.


Slave Mentality

Judge no evil, just forgive it,
Call your shackles "life" instead.
Teach your children how to live it—
Turn their souls to slime and dread.

Centuries of tyrant ruling,
Rot and filth—no shame to see.
Blind submission, crude and drooling,
That’s a slave’s philosophy.

Sacred laws will ban derision,
Preach submission, hush the doubt.
Judas reigns—it’s called “decision,”
“Fate” is how they spell it out.

“God’s own slave”... but scriptures reek of
Satan’s mark in every thread.
That is why, with fascists’ bleak love,
Priests stand smiling, cloaked in red.

Man’s no more than Hell’s dumb minion,
Servant to the cloven beast.
Heaven’s gate—no grand dominion,
Just a test of pain increased.


Against Nature...

But nature’s laws are strong and ruthless,
No “human rules” can stand their test.
Yet mankind fights—a war so fruitless,
And soon the flames will do the rest.

The sun burns hotter, magma rumbles,
Cracks are spreading through the crust.
But “kings” still hide in dreams that crumble,
Hoping holes will shield their dust.

They’ve built their burrows deep and sprawling,
Whole cities lurk beneath the land.
But conscience lost to greed enthralling
Won’t grant them safety as they planned.

No vault will save them—no exemption,
For all will face the final call.
And nature’s wrath grants no redemption—
You cannot turn the world to thrall.


The Price of Truth

The price of truth is steep and grim—
Your very life’s the cost to pay.
As children, blinded, we grow dim,
Trapped in the slime of foul decay.

It wraps us tight—no space to run,
And home’s no haven from the lies.
The world, in sum, is mad, undone—
A madhouse ruled by wicked ties.

Yet if you stand, refuse to kneel,
And guard the truth with all you’ve got,
You’ll find its presence, strong and real—
An oasis in a wasteland hot.

An oasis—meaning starved and weak,
Alone, yet pushing through the strain.
While scorching winds from all sides shriek—
The stench of lies, corrupt and plain.

Slime and storm—this verse may weave
In metaphors both sharp and wild.
But should you fall, submit, and leave,
The truth will call another child.

--- Total 5 poems. ---
25 · Feb 13
Anger at "mercy"
Wrath turns "kindness,"
"Kindness" — poison.
Not a dream — it's
Snakes rejoicing.
The Gate to Hell Opens Wide, or Binding All Slaves with "Sin"

"There is no righteous man on earth who does good and never sins."
— The Old Testament.
"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
— The New Testament.

We paint them all with "sin" and grime,
Even those of younger time,
So the fools, enslaved by lies,
Stay obedient, stay blind.

Marching in a fascist order,
Thinking they will build their fortune,
For the price of pain and loss —
They’ll be petted up by "Gods."

Grins of Lucifer shine brightly —
Fake beliefs and science fight thee.
Propaganda seals the lie,
Dumbs them down—no "how" or "why."

Madmen, lost, submit and falter
In this world, so strange, so altered.
Shall we call it Hell’s Front Door?
Since it breeds the fiends of war.

First they break you, call it training,
Then "education" starts the chaining.
Minds are kneaded, shaped, then bound —
Once you’re caught, you won’t be found.

If you trust and let them fool you,
If you yield—there’s no renewal.
Cross the point of no return,
And the Beast will watch you burn.

Sin, to fiends, feels like a warning,
Yet they bow to Hell each morning,
Bending lower, more and more —
Till the flames are at their door.

Soon that gate will gape and swallow,
No escape—no hole to burrow.
Hell’s deep rabbit hole awaits,
And you’re walking through its gates…


The Plumbing of Unconscious Minds

Will a plunger clear the brain,
Wash the clogs of thought away?
Fools won’t budge with truth so biting—
Lost for good if not igniting…


Perverted School

Not a teacher—just a grinder,
Molds your mind and strains it tighter.
Breed of beasts will make you kneel—
Only fools obey and yield.

Mindless petting—that’s the lesson,
If you cast out thought’s possession.
“Knowledge” piles in rotten stacks,
Crushing sense—just empty tracks.


Fear and Delusion

Storefronts, cages, screens that glisten,
Endless scrolling, vacant vision.
Aging doll, your mind’s enslaved,
Trapped in fear and thoughts depraved.

Starting fresh? Too late, it’s fleeting—
World will burn, its end is nearing.
Honor’s lost, the mind is weak,
Crushed and shriveled, frail and bleak.


Truth Grows on the Soil of Delusion

"I would never die for my beliefs, because I might be wrong."
— Bertrand Russell

To die for lies—how blind, how vain!
Just feeding madness, fanning flames,
While pompous frauds, with hollow claims,
Still twist the world to fit their games.

A swarm of sellouts rules the stage,
Their rotten guilds of bought-out scholars.
How low they’ve sunk! How fierce their rage!
Truth drowned beneath their tainted dollars.

Yet through delusions runs the Search,
Each step—a bridge to something newer.
The stubborn seeker dares to lurch
Through falsehood’s fog toward glimpses truer.

And in their hands, worn raw by lies,
Truth’s grains, like dust, may briefly glisten,
Till ******* hands, with cunning guise,
Recast them—warped—so none will listen.

Press through their noise, through filth and fraud,
Ignore their words, their gilded prisons.
Move toward the Light—heed not the fog,
Or drown within their dark derisions.

Your inner sense will show the way,
While logic guides—its hand unshaken.
So fear and madness fade away
In seas where many minds have broken.


Nonsense Is Useful, Gibberish Is Light

Nonsense shines, a guiding ray,
For the mind that's gone astray.
Sickly thoughts, a fearful haze,
Trapped in madness, lost in maze.

Stacks of “knowledge”—all in vain,
Drowned in lies that still remain.
Just be “useful,” serve the crowd—
Drop your science, bow and cow!


Pure Sport

Push and strain with all your might,
Still, you’ll place a hundredth tight.
Gold’s no prize for sweat and grit—
Money shapes the game’s deceit.

Honor, conscience—cast away,
Chasing records, blind obey.
Every cheat is quick and bold—
Sick of faces smug with gold…


Chimeras Unchained

Delusions run wild,
The mind’s torn apart.
March on, young defilers—
Bring doom from the start!


Seek Knowledge Boldly, Fiercely, True

Seek knowledge boldly, all your days,
Let nothing turn you from its ways.
For nonsense here is freely spread—
And drives the blind toward the edge.


"The Perfect Life"

A tiny, cozy little nest,
Where all feels safe, where all seems best.
Drifting deep in sweet repose,
Forgetting all—how life just flows.

That’s the dream the herd protects,
Feeding Evil’s grand success.
Casting Conscience far aside,
Where it rots and breaks their lives.

Till the end, the fate is grim—
Shameless ones consumed by sin.

--- Total 10 poems. ---
24 · Feb 22
Slow Boil
Transformation into NOTHING

The mind, through Heresy— a sieve!
Add sticky fear, and thus we live,
And turn the world to dust and ash,
A fleeting dream, a final crash.


Transformation in Dark NOTHING
Through The False — see Foolish coming!
Mix in fear, cold and  Black—
And the world won’t e’er come back.


Sharp Rise in Egg Prices

The price of eggs has soared so high—
For poor folks, less to eat again.
They bow before the wicked lie,
And life turns harder now for them...

A man-made scheme in full control—
The grip of death will tighten fast.
Deception reigns—its final goal:
A flood of lies too vast to grasp.


I See and I Know

I see it, I know—
My verses will show.
That’s work, that’s my duty!
Yet sorrow’s sharp beauty
Still rings, never fading,
For fate is invading
My soul with its fire—
Not lost in the mire
Of this world of lies,
But where spirits rise,
Where demigods reign.
A poem may guide—
If you don’t comply...


Slow Boil

The frog had heard a tale so grim—
A *** where heat would slowly rise.
Yet she believed it was a whim—
Until she boiled... to her surprise.

You’ll see the truth when it's too late:
The cook pretends to feed us all.
But beasts are food—he sets their fate.
His goal’s to boil, not to enthrall!



The "new" fool rises once again
To spread the Lies of those in power,
And chains grow tighter on all men—
Their nonsense chills us by the hour.

The few who see—too rare to save,
A fading kind, a dying breed.
The world is lost, beyond the grave—
The Depths laid bare by CowID’s deed.


False Religions

"If triangles had their own god’s might,
He’d surely be a three-sided sight."
— Montesquieu

How weak the gods that men devise,
Mere foolish food, absurd and vain.
Their holy books repeat old lies—
Three lines, and all begins to wane.

This world is built on dull deceit,
Its masses led by fraud and fear—
To slave for crumbs, accept defeat,
To die in wars, or rot right here.

They trust in myths, they kneel and wait
For bliss beyond, yet fail to see:
They’ve never truly lived to date—
Like salted slugs, they crawl to sea.


No savior will come, none will aid—
So fight as you can ‘gainst the Wrong.
But Death is the judge, and it’s weighed:
Were you just a fool all along?


Crystals of Truth Amid Mountains of Mire

They’ll write up tons of hollow lines—
Editors rule with careful hand,
Selecting all that twists and blinds
The soul, so darkness grips the land.

They lift up ego, sharpen guile,
And heap deception on the pyre.
Confusion blooms—a numbing smile,
While minds are drowning in the mire.

This trash was made to cloud the sight,
Truth’s crystals lost within the lies.
The media now owns the night,
As Bedlam feeds the world’s disguise.

So finding truth—just slim remains—
Like searching needles in the stains.



To twist your soul, just heed the lies,
Let nonsense fill your ears and eyes.
To **** the mind—obey once more,
Drink poison words that Evil pours.

Decay will spread, enslaving all,
And you will help the darkness crawl.
For greed alone you play the game,
All else erased without a shame.

The world is blind, corrupt, untrue,
And those who see are far too few.
No handful here can turn the tide—
Decay will grow. It won’t subside.


Managing the Mob

The ministers all play their game,
The parliament's a joke, a shame.
The president’s a mindless fool—
The mob just loves a puppet’s rule.

The ministers don’t waste their stay—
No time for pride, just loot and play.
Their terms are short, so steal it fast,
Before the chance has quickly passed.

The media now runs the show—
The fools consume the filth they throw,
Obeying plans of those in power,
Drunk on lies from hour to hour.

Yet behind the scenes, the beast
Tightens chains and won’t release.
Bound by dirt, they nod and crawl—
Obey, and you may rise—or fall.

The tale’s old, but still it grows,
And madness deepens as it flows.

--- Total 11 poems. ---
24 · 4d
City Mirage
City Mirage

Is it city,
Or just haze?
Clouds of pity,
Mindless maze.

Rulers — vile,
And the "crowd" —
Lost in guile,
Wild and loud.



From lower minds, their twisted lore,
False sciences are born and bred.
While mystics dare to seek for more,
Blind servants bow to gold instead.

Who pays commands what must be sought,
Corrupting truth to fit his reign.
And Satan’s ranks march on, self-taught,
Proclaiming thought is man's domain.

Intuition—cast aside,
Locked in the cellar, deemed a sham.
But Spirit leads where truths reside—
Too high for fools to understand.



No fear, no lies shall cloud your sight,
No fleeting rage, no hollow schemes,
Once you reject the twisted blight
Of beasts who trade in broken dreams.

Awakening brings life anew,
Where Spirit reigns, unchained, supreme.
The lost one stays among the crew
That serves the dark in lifeless dream.

The world is drenched in Satan’s lore—
Seek answers deep within your soul.
False "isms" lead you from the shore;
Believe their tales—accept the toll.


Overthrowing the Chains

Rebels rise—no mere disguise,
Living free among the chained.
Yet the strong who break the ties
Make the system fall, unfeigned.

Lies corrupt and spread like mold,
Slaves obey without a doubt.
Denying chains—so blindly bold,
A fool’s belief to flout.


Guru "Yo-Yo"—Titan of Tube

A YouTube titan, "Yo-Yo" sage,
TV-born, his wisdom spreads.
Fools grow duller, stage by stage—
Doom is looming, count the heads.


Drowned in Slime

Fear and filth—piled high, obscene,
Yet they call it “righteous way.”
Truth is lost in lies unseen,
Evil clings like black decay.

Slime in droplets—weak, unwise,
But as one—it hardens strong.
Slugs are people in disguise,
While the vile deceiver rules along.


Pass On—Just Pass By!

Pass on—just pass by!
Through the years, move along.
Nothing’s here—don’t rely,
Only herds without thought.

Don’t seek the rare mind,
Chance is fleeting, too weak.
If you're stuck, never whine—
Seems your mind chose to sleep.



Soon the world will be erased—
Cleansed at last in searing flame.
Rot and ruin are embraced,
Only fire ends the game.

Ash will settle, cold and dry,
Lifeless wasteland, still and bare.
Yet it won’t be gone for long—
Bullets never fade to air.


Grab and Never Let Go!

Grab and never let go!
Feed them lies—make it flow!
Beasts will thrive in delight,
Let the rest fade from sight...


Lament for the Internet

A swarm of fools keeps spewing lies,
Drowning thought in endless haze.
Filth and madness flood the skies,
Trapping minds in twisted maze.

Truth is lost beneath the tide,
Buried deep in rotting waste.
Frauds and vermin march with pride,
Spewing falsehoods in a haste.

Fools obey a liar’s hand,
Fortress built on filth and fraud.
CowID and war sweep through the land—
Don't just weep—howl to God!

--- Total 10 poems. ---
24 · Feb 10
The Path to the Top
The road to the Peak is shattered—
Only trails are left to tread.
Hard to find them, though it matters,
Even sleepless, lost in dread.

Schemes and tricks won't lift you higher,
Though you plot them night and day.
And despair, a creeping fire,
Spreads like plague along the way.
24 · Feb 16
Sleeping Conscience
"Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience—this is the ideal life."
— Mark Twain

When conscience sleeps, your "friends" deceive,
And books spew nonsense, dull yet sly.
No biting wit—just jokes that leave
Their mark too low to hit the sky.
Between some crap, much worse, and worse,
Your "choice" is offered, gift or curse.
When Hell’s abyss becomes the stage,
They dress it up with softer rage.

The choices gleam, a polished lie,
Each hyped as something rare and high.
Then all the filth is stirred anew—
And poured straight into souls like glue.

In Russian:

"Свобода выбора"

Между говном, дерьмом, ДЕРЬМИЩЕМ
Обычно выбор здесь дают.
Раз мир давно на адском днище,
Приличным словом назовут

Объекты выбора, раскрутят
Как будто то отдельный фрукт.
Потом дерьмо всё взбаламутят
И снова в души всем насрут.
Let’s sing the madness to its end —
We’ll rot away, as fate intends.
And beasts shall rise to take our place:
Today’s cops are their truest face.

Madness reigns, it’s off the charts,
Idiots thrive in every part.
The "people," dumb and blind, still cheer
The fiends they’ve trusted year by year.

Fascism triumphs — don’t delay,
Build the New Camp without dismay!
The loaf will feed the fiends once more,
While fools get scraps, like times before.

I, too, shall sing the End of Days;
Its shadow looms in choking haze.
Yet fools still chase their fleeting dreams —
A sinking world in dire streams.

Below, where **** find their delight,
Beneath the Evil’s shrouding night,
Decay unfolds in silence deep —
While greed consumes, and souls still sleep.

In Russian:

Нынешний мент как прообраз будущего ...

Конец МАРАЗМА воспоём —
Мы скоро в оном догниём.
На смену нам придут скоты:
Образчиком сейчас менты.

МАРАЗМ зашкален — идиот
Сплошь большинством. Тупой "народ"
Вновь верит ТВАРЯМ — ничего
Не изменилось. Торжество

Фашизма всюду: не зевай,
Строй Новый Лагерь! Каравай
Достанется опять ТВАРЬЮ,
А дырка — дурням. Воспою

И я Конец Времён. И он
Уж настаёт, но мудозвон
За "счастьем" гонится. Оно
Ушло с мирком стремглав на Дно.

На Дне подонкам "счастье" лишь —
Под слоем Зла всё гладь и тишь:
И РАЗЛОЖЕНЬЕ незаметно —
Лишь о баблишке все приметы...
24 · Feb 10
The asshole
Master of Words? It’s all in vain
If you dare to speak so plain.
Lie—your gift will fade away;
Truth won’t earn you gold today.


A fleeting spark of Insight bright
In pseudo-life, so blurred from sight,
You seek in vain—it's hard to find.
Miss it once—don't fret or mind:
Truth can't bloom in rotting lies,
Where deception never dies.


The *******

Faith is sulfur, mind in chains,
Fear and nonsense flood the brains.
He can’t wake—no light, no choice,
Doomed to bow before the Void.

--- Total 3 poems. ---
Gods have no love for the joyful and bright,
Schemes they unleash feed on madness and fright.
Fear rules the world—now it’s darkened and grim,
Demons they are—don’t be thinking like them.

Fear and emotions? Throw thoughts all away!
That is the devil’s control and his way.
Blind is the world, full of folly and lies,
Rotten it turns—while the Master Vampire

Grins in delight. Darkness thickens again.
Yet it’s not growing alone—but by men,
Fawning and false, who for handfuls of gold
Nurture the lies that they’re endlessly told.


Savage police on the prowl,
Judges who sell every right,
Fiends from the courts, wicked, foul—
Plunged the whole world into blight.

Scares with a "virus" they spread,
Then with a war they deceive.
Traitors and cowards misled,
Drowning in fear and disease.

No way ahead—NOTHING stays,
Turning the world into Evil's Trust.
Soon they will burn all to waste,
Others will settle like birds in the dust.


Declaration of Black Pessimism

Don’t blame us for thoughts that are gloomy and grim—
First try to grow up, gain some sense, learn to swim.
Then call us the rude, the sardonic, the cursed—
Yet fools always burn out, while we burn the worst.

For “dark” thoughts absorb all the light that remains,
Much like in physics—it's simple, it's plain.
A mind sharp with sarcasm cuts deeper, more fine,
While dull little brains are just sieves full of slime.

The BEAST pours its "water"—but filth is retained,
Its source? Just a cesspool of lies preordained.
The one who rejects it will never give in—
He's nothing to lose… but the shame deep within.

And "dark" thoughts of his are no meaningless tide—
There’s always a reason, no chance undenied.
If all the world's cruel beyond what is sane,
Then bright-colored lies just embellish the pain.


Negative Selection—
A death sentence, no correction.
Only techies, dull yet sly,
Push their way as others die

In a world of twisted faces,
Where the goal is holding places,
Clawing, feeding, apes as clowns,
Trampling all the best ones down.


Red Cross

Greed and pride together
Build a "mighty land."
So it was forever,
Ruled by iron hand.

Then they dragged us under,
Fools obeyed the lie.
Now the world is smothered—
Fascists rule the sky.

Digital slave cages,
Globally they rise.
On the flag—a crossmark,
"Health" in hollow guise...

Yet this cross is final,
Seals the world’s demise.
Plots grow ever wider,
Truth is drowned in lies.

--- Total 5 poems. ---
"I call free the one who hopes for nothing and fears nothing."
— Democritus

Forget your hopes, cast fear aside,
Descend where rotting flames abide.
Break all that binds—no cause to kneel,
Or else you’re mad, a worm of steel.

True freedom’s goal may stay unclaimed,
Yet in the fight, your soul remains.
Submit, and you’ll be lost again—
This hell still thirsts for shackled men.

But storms will tear this world apart,
Its madness pushed beyond the mark.
A foolish realm in chains still proud,
While tyranny proclaims it loud.
Longing for the Silver Age

"The world is full of people, yet so few are truly men."
— Diogenes Laërtius, 3rd century BC.

A flaw is clear—no need to wonder,
The mob’s "mind" crumbles day by day.
They drown in ignorance and blunder,
As slaves, they crawl and waste away.

So low they fall—can we still name them
As human, thinking, standing tall?
No, let the past shine bright to tame them—
The Silver Age... To this, let fall!


Heart, Stomach, Soul, and Mind

The heart pumps blood—its duty given,
To feed the gut—it's supper time.
Day after day, the same dominion,
The fool forgets all thought of conscience,
Drowns in the feast, numbed by the grime.

Then stumbles on—a life so hollow,
The fading soul, a lost regret.
To eat, to sleep, then dust to follow—
A walking corpse that lingers yet.


Hell on Earth

The herd is worse than beasts of fable,
More than monsters dulls their sight.
Hell's dark gate swings wide and able—
Opened simply. That's the plight.

Few would dare to glimpse its warning,
Thus, the world is doomed to drown.
Mindless masses keep descending,
Hitting depths—yet sinking down.

Past the bottom, cracks are showing,
Doom is near—a closing trick.
Yet the surface—smooth, unknowing,
Lies have made the crowd go sick.


The Blaze of Knowledge in Earthly Hell

A fruitless task—each hour trying
To grasp Hell’s depths, to make it plain,
To shape its horror into sayings.
And through verse? Still more confining.
Few can bear the blaze defining—
Lose its fire, and you're restrained,
Drowned in Lies, forever chained.

A fruitless task—if judged by vision,
Truth is granted through decision,
Only honest hearts may find it.
Fools get lies, a wage—then grind it.

--- Total 4 poems. ---
23 · Feb 18
So-Called "Fashion"
Fashion says: "That freakish style!"—
Fools obey without a doubt.
Nature’s voice is met with trial,
Truth is twisted inside out.

In this world of contradiction,
Rags and silk combine as one—
Like a spoon of honey missing
In a broth of grease and ****.
23 · Feb 14
"Come and get it, prices dropping!
What a deal—no need for shopping!
Quality went down instead...
Ugh, these faces—make me dread!"
23 · Feb 18
The glaze on top
A *** of filth, the glaze on top,
With "a thoughtful world" inscribed to stop.
But foolishness, still, by glaze was swayed,
What to do with such shallow charade?
Twilight veils the Soul,
Shine a light—control,
Or it will be swallowed,
Doomed, condemned, and hollowed.

Hell is all around,
Men—mere pawns unbound,
Monsters move with reason,
Satan—grim and seasoned—

Judges every game,
All will burn the same.
But the final thunder
Tears this Hell asunder.

Wait not for salvation,
Passive resignation
Leads to slow decay—
Rotting souls betray.

Hell is built on lies,
News, false facts arise.
Generation’s blunder—
Brains reduced to plunder.

Fools make Hell seem steady,
Blind and dull—but ready.
Zombies fill the masses,
Selfhood quickly passes.

Struggle means your slaughter—
Trapped, enslaved, and quartered.
Here, survival’s price
Is a Soul’s demise.

Questions, sharp and bright,
Die in floods of blight.
Silence grows in fashion,
Lies suppress compassion.

Hell corrupts the Spirit,
Demons guard its limits,
Digging deeper holes—
Graves for sleeping Souls.

Not a ******—self!
That’s the twist itself.
Fiends will only taunt you,
It’s their task to haunt you.

Break this scheme apart,
Tear it from the start!
Hell’s design is madness,
Mind reduced to sadness.

Learn, and you may flee,
Rise and break the spree
Of the brainless herds,
Fighting with your words.

Only so! No other!
Else you’ll choke and smother,
Drowned in filth and fear,
Burning since your year—

Since your birth, ensnared,
Turned to corpses, scared.
Living dead walk endless,
Few break through the senseless.

Rare the minds that wake—
Lies strike Souls opaque.
So don’t waste your breath—
Save your Mind from death!
23 · Feb 18
"Psychological" Flicks
They serve up villains’ twisted minds
As if they’re something deep and grand.
Perverted plots of every kind —
A sick agenda, finely planned.

They drill their "norms" in foolish heads,
Make filth a lesson, teach the youth.
The chasm grows, it gapes and spreads —
Damnation swallows all, in truth...
The world is sick — the same refrain,
And generations bear the pain
Of this foul plague, a curse unspoken,
The end result — a slave, heartbroken.

The lie resounds in every hall,
With wretches working to forestall
The truth, erased by cunning schemes,
A shadow cast on fading dreams.

Truth is Spirit — you’re a part,
A spark within your weary heart.
If survival's all you see,
Then Darkness molds your destiny.
22 · Feb 17
All Talk, No Deed
Endless chatter, action—none,
All dissent is dead and gone.
How to break the fascist scheme—
Global lies in foul regime?
The mold persists, as if a mother
Would feed her child this worthless creed—
The Fool and Brute compete with each other
For minds, for souls, for ears in need.

And worse than words that fools have spoken—
They write whole books in dire despair,
In hopes to spread their vile, unbroken
Clichés of filth beyond repair.

The sharp, the bright, the deep, the clever—
The mob will call them mad at best,
For those who shatter norms forever
Are outcasts, freaks, unlike the rest.

To speak with style, with strength and passion
Demands a soul of rarest kind,
Yet minds are crushed in brutal fashion—
A war on Reason leaves them blind.

And filth prevails—it floods the masses,
Yet masked as jokes, as random plays.
But wit perceives the hidden passes
Where fate condemns the keenest brains.

Who dares to trace the foul mechanics
That rule this world, where fools expand?
Each pyramid is built on panic,
Each bigger fool the lesser’s hand.

Is this mere chance, or dark dominion?
Who writes the script? Who casts the die?
Illusion crafts the world’s opinion,
And minds are chained without a cry.

Who plumbs such depths and sees the measure
Of total darkness, thought controlled?
A mind deprived of depth and pleasure
Will fail to grasp the lies retold.

Yet who will count the cost and tally
The wounds left by this dull disease?
To tear through filth and face the valley
Demands a tongue the ages seize.

Through years they twist and taint expression—
Take "be-" and turn it into "less".
With Fear and Lies they force submission,
And fools embrace each new distress.

Their "measures" proved through fear’s compliance,
As CowID’s grip would twist and bind.
To stand against deceit and silence
Requires a force they’ll never find.
22 · Feb 17
Drowned in Lies
"Serve a cause!"—they chant and cry,
Preaching duty, selling lies.
Only to your soul comply,
Truth is lost where falsehood thrives.
Bold-faced deception to cover the traces—
Genocide worse than a war in most cases.
Terrorist acts? Just a part of the staging—
Spooks are adept at deceit and engaging.

In Russian:

Ложь, геноцид и спецслужбы

Бравый пиздёж для сокрытия факта —
Сплошь геноцид, что похуже терактов.
Впрочем, последние есть постановки —
Службы лихи на любые уловки.
21 · Feb 13
A Poet’s Lonely Song
I have learned—there’s no salvation,
No one sings this Song with me.
Fools bow down in resignation,
Spirit’s death is all I see.

Minds decay in dull submission,
Fear and nonsense rule the land.
Truthful voices face omission,
Honest words meet their last stand.

Few remain with hearts unshaken—
Where’s the chorus? None belong.
All is lost, the path forsaken:
Degradation reigns as law.

Law unyielding, cold, and endless,
Mocking all that once stood bright.
Fools obey, submissive, friendless,
Drowning reason out of sight.

Man-made rules, mere chains to bind us,
Tools to keep the minds enslaved.
Break the laws? None dare remind us—
Only cowards stay well-behaved.

Easier now to crush resistance,
To control or to erase.
Evil builds its grand existence,
Turns the world into its place.

Honest minds are soon defeated,
Camps arise, the chains are tight.
Doubt is gone, the fools—contented,
Lost in darkness, void of light.
21 · Feb 17
In Hell
Nothing’s here for you to find,
Only loss and wasted time.
Yet you wait—some hope remains...
Till the dark grinds out your veins.
21 · Feb 15
Faith in Pseudoscience
A "scientific breakthrough"
Is rooted in belief—
In vague and hazy theories,
Yet proof is just as brief.

A test confirms the hunches,
Or bends to fit the claim,
And tangled minds will stumble,
Deceived by twisted games.

For faith is all that matters!
Without it—nothing stays.
The rare, cold skeptic shatters
Illusions with a phrase:

"Absurd!"—but none will listen.
His voice is drowned once more.
While blind belief’s dominion
Drags reason to the floor.

The scholars turned to preachers,
Yet wear a different guise—
Their sermons built on profit,
Their dogma sold as lies.

Yes, truth still leaves its traces,
Yet nonsense floods the land—
Like fleas upon the spirit,
Like chains upon the mind.
21 · Feb 17
Modern "Farming"
Sow the seeds of doubt and wonder—
Harvest Clarity in turn.
Sow them freely, yet look under—
Weeds of lies will choke and burn.

Lies grow rampant—never ceasing!
Pull them out, then pull once more.
Drink detachment, find some easing,
Then repeat—like years before.

Year by year, refine your labor,
Sharpen hands and clear your view.
Else you’ll die—a twisted traitor,
Selling Nature for what’s untrue.
"Knowledge expands ignorance."
— Anaximenes, 6th century BCE

Deception, fraud, and misbelief
Are twisted in a mighty rope.
It's thick, though rotting underneath,
Yet minds still cling to it in hope.

The world hangs high, the Pit below—
The yawning Hell, the deadly traps.
But ignorance will grow and grow...
And when it snaps—they all collapse.
A balloon—its breath is fire,
Rising, piercing clouds above.
Lies, inflated ever higher,
Choke the air and poison thought.

When the space is overheated,
Soaring’s hardly ever done.
Through the haze of fraud, deceited,
None can stand the noxious ****.

What is left for those who see it?
Clean the sky, dispel the fumes!
Few persist and don’t retreat in
Foul oppression’s toxic gloom.

They must forge new wings for flying,
Find a path beyond the vile—
They can’t breathe where filth is thriving,
Where the swindlers only smile.
Illusion of Freedom

Are the fools now truly free?
Would it were—there's still a king.
But the lie won’t let them see—
Hellish beast controls the ring.


Stupidity Has Taken Root

Mindless fools in droves obey—
Kneel before the Beast, decay.
Swallowed Lies without a care—
Now go toil in your despair.


Slave Mentality

"Woman is unusually inclined to slavery and at the same time inclined to enslave."
—Nikolai Berdyaev

The burden of birth, generation’s demand,
When slavery’s total, it shatters the mind.
They long for the brave—yet monsters are planned,
Corrupting their children as evil grins wide.


The Enemy at the Gates

The mind’s the gate—our last defense,
Yet beasts march in with no pretense.
Their weapon? Noise—just empty sound,
A jest to fools, yet all around.

Grenades won’t break deception’s spell,
They **** a few, but lies—prevail.
Once falsehood takes root in your shell,
It drives out reason, tips the scale.

Now multiply this fate by all
Who’ve lost their minds and let truth fall.
You'll see—we’ve hit the lowest ground,
Where suffering spreads without a sound.

And souls are reaped—no fate is worse,
So break the chains, reject the curse!
Deny the madness all embrace—
A spark of truth may clear the haze.


Luck is but a Lack

Misfortune floods your way,
Yet fate withholds its prize.
A poet, come what may—
Despising flesh and life.



There are no crossroads in your sight
When Spirit holds the helm aright.
But minds will falter, twist, and stray
If trapped among the meek and grey.

The herd serves Darkness, calls it "good,"
And if you march where they have stood,
Your mind’s confined, your soul won’t rise—
A fallen fool in common guise.

Mad or dull—it’s all the same
Among the slaves who play the game.
Avoid "crossroads," walk the line,
And if you stray—return in time.



They rename it through the years,
Yet the chains remain the same.
Cain still knows—deception steers,
Seeps into the mind like flame.

Words distract, but truth is clear—
Darkness reigns, it grips the land.
Now the Harvest Time is here,
Filth and rot on every hand.

CowID and war have shown
Doom’s upon us, death’s in bloom.
Fools obey, consume, atone—
Blind, they march into their doom.


Global Tyranny

"Justice" reigns—so they declare,
Even fools now ride on high.
None but few seem to beware—
Souls are lost, drowned deep in lies.

They still trust in "law" and order—
CowID unmasked that game.
Rotten stench rolls past the border,
Drowning all in filth and shame.


The Vipers’ Den of Darkness

— "Tyranny!"
— "Sheer delusion!"
Slaves will scoff, deny the claim.
Yet their rage betrays confusion—
Sensing Fate’s relentless flame.

Slavery won’t meet its ending
Till the slaves are gone as well.
Nature’s strength is ever bending—
Does it need the meek to dwell?

Hardly so—the Sun is burning,
Scorching Darkness, cleansing sin.
Soon the vipers' den stops churning,
Yet the slaves stay mute within.


Gods Despise the Joyful Kind

Gods hate the ones who live in cheer—
We serve the Fiends that rule us here.
Horned lords keep spreading "righteous light"—
Yet filth and rot still bloom in sight.

--- Total 10 poems. ---
20 · Feb 14
Fake and Doom
Fake is science, fake is culture—
Flesh takes charge, the soul must suffer.
Lies and greed shape all we see,
Rotten fascism, thinly screened.

Fake religions preach submission,
Dragging souls to dark perdition.
What’s ahead? No hope, no light—
Traitors, cowards, left and right.

Crushed to dust, the world will crumble,
All “for good,” yet hear the rumble—
Red Cross waves a flag so pale…
White, surrendered. Doom prevails.
Do not serve the Scheme of Lies—
That’s the path where folly dies,
Chased by "carrots", lashed with pain,
Led to slaughter once again.

Only those who break away
Keep their souls and stand their way.
Evil howls—its endless cry
Marks the fight where spirits die.

Save your soul—don’t waste your breath!
Flee before it sinks in death.
Think it’s deathless? Foolish goal.
This world rots the human soul.
19 · Feb 14
Hollow days
A hedgehog gets it—people don’t,
Just misery and hollow days.
They bow to scoundrels, live on lies,
While fear and nonsense spread like haze.

And Death’s the door—there’s no way out,
No better path, no grand escape.
But go ahead—believe the brutes,
And drown in madness, fear, and hate...
"Common sense" is treacherous,
Greedy to the core,
Blindly serving avarice,
Often but a bore.

Cunning, sly, deceptive,
Yet it fails to see
Light beyond perspectives
Of this world’s debris.

Draped in wealth and fashion,
Yet it drains the mind,
Traps the soul in ashes,
Leaves the heart confined.

If you crush Creation,
Live like all the rest,
Dying in rotation—
Hamster in a nest.

"Common sense" sees nothing,
Nor the spinning wheel,
Fails to see corruption,
Death of soul concealed.

Psy-ops shape the nations,
Minds decay and rot,
Blindly ruled by masses,
Evil’s common thought.

Struggles shall be many
While this "sense" holds sway.
Seek the Spark within you—
That’s the only way.

Else, you'll die a fool, and
Spread the reign of gloom,
Feeding madness further,
Crushing soul in doom.
17 · Feb 17
A Gathering in Hell
The "underground hall" stood bare.
One late demon, in despair,
Looked around—no horns in sight.
All on Earth, all joined the fight.

Lucifer expands his keep,
Building Hell in caverns deep.
Satan’s minions now consist
Of fools who serve the dark abyss.

Scratch their “creeds,” and you'll reveal—
Satan’s mark burns bright and real.
Year by year, it spreads anew—
Nothing here can break through.
Catacombs, the bombs exploding—
Hell beneath, the foe confined.
Like a lubok, fear corroding,
Clots of madness choke the mind.

Bosch’s visions turn to breathing,
All around—a living curse.
In the veins of some, blood's freezing,
While for others—lice are worse.

New Bosch paints a demon gloating,
Lice grotesque beneath its claw.
Fools and beasts—lines lost, eroding:
Darkness reigns instead of law.
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