I do think there's a god,
But sometimes I wonder. Why?
Why would he allow sin to exist
Why do we have to live an entire life of suffering
Before we finally see him on the other side?
Some people say we chose this life, and it was our free will that caused it.
But does that mean there's still sin in heaven?
Or is there no free will?
If it's the latter we could've just skipped this step
And if it's the former is heaven really a place worth going?
I don't mean to sound pessimistic about it but
I just want to understand.
Is this the curse of the tree of knowledge?
Obviously sin doesn't exist in heaven.
Sin can't exist in God's presence.
So that means our ability to sin is gone.
So why did it have to be there from the start?
All free will does is let me make bad choices.
It lets me ruin my life.
Maybe I'll ask him tonight, if I'm brave enough