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In this age of interwoven everything
Incensed that Bourdain's death
Receive more attention than those
Of many lost veterans
(My father a veteran
With yet a glint of hope
To live out his years
To their natural end
And my grandfather
A serviceman long ago
Carrying light betrayals
Of this said great nation
Great men both, and)
Great those who give their all
Yet what gave us Bourdain?
Just as much
In equal measure
A life
Hard lived
Worn and weary and truthfully
All peoples feel
The terrible weight of their sins
At days end,
Those who profess no belief
Bourdain gave art
Bought with sweat and blood and
Costly time
(For all of us
Time is valuable beyond gold)
And food
And good cheer
Spent in the late evenings
And long mornings
Surrounded by all manner of
Gripping yarn
A double life?
Not unlikely
A wounded wanderer?
Most assuredly
A value immeasurable?
Beyond doubt
And what would we all do?
Should we write, or read, or sing, or paint, or eat, or travel, or labor, or rest, or weep, or laugh, or cook, or question, or answer, or defend, or break?
And live.
Veterans of this warring world
Cooks of worthy creations