She's cold* but she needs a fix to warm
Her shattered body withered away from strange
men stuck in a world were make up
is a good enough I.D. so she plays in the snow
A little longer no one dares utter *Merry Holidays
carrying bags filled with goodies for good kids
Who only undress for a bath Shes no sweet piece of pie
It seems everyone knows shes a bad kid though seeking
goodies only handed off in hotel rooms with
water stained ceilings her heart beating to bed springs
She's cold but she needs to make a dollar or two
more to get a flake on her tongue unfeed yet
if everyone knew she was sent here to stay
with a uncle she never knew lived up here
For the holidays another sacrifice for her mom's
Christmas tree habit
She's cold Yet she has to make a snow angel
tonight to feel like she's not just a girl apart of
a group of sixth who sit in between client time
imagining what high school would be like
if daddy would let them attend just
to feel as clean as class room desk
She's cold but its just the right temperature
for her to collapse another vein from pressure
of snow falling to fast for her to move Shivers recede
She's cold but she cant move her body up
in a way feeling a high faster then her arms can spread
wide and her legs can seem to move outward numb
She's cold but she knows in this dead end alley
Only hands of thieves will move her so she closes her
eyes and on Jesus's Birthday feels no more cold
Because snow angels go home to heaven?
Merry Christmas to all the beautiful Snow Angels out there.