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ficklesouls Sep 2013
I'm on the edge of nowhere
Feeling awfully bitter and cynical
And worn down
Pondering what it is about me that keeps him out
Because all I ever do is love him when he's sad
And happy
And lost
And angry enough to burn holes in once cherished photographs
Now he's smiling
And laughing
And he's in need of no reassurance
He's the reason I'm failing tests and zoning out at the dinner table
All that is left in me is static
I just hope he knows
That I've never wished unhappiness on anyone until now
ficklesouls Sep 2013
I try my hardest to find someone to escape myself with
I find a person that makes it easiest for me to stray from my darkest thoughts
I've been running from myself since I was a child
Does that make me childish, that I try so hard to escape my own faults?
Or does it rather, make me human?
I go to people to get away from me, that makes me a terrible person right?
I’m like a leech
I **** the happiness and wisdom from those around me until they burn me off
That could only mean I’m better off alone right?
I am writing this piece about myself, that makes me conceited, right?
I found this in my old journal
ficklesouls Sep 2013
There are many things that I am
Cynical and sarcastic
Sardonic and witty
Lazy and nostalgic
But one thing that I am not
Is yours
ficklesouls Sep 2013
That night was the best and worst night of my life
You helped me up off the floor
Both literally and metaphorically
There was something forceful to the way you said my name
When you walked into the room witnessing me unzip my veins

I don't remember what happened after the moment when you rushed over to me
I think I passed out from blood loss
I might have fallen faint from emotion overdose
All I remember is waking up on a couch in your arms covered in bandages

You told me that you'd be there with me forever
And that night was the best and worst part of my life
Because for a while that was true
And my veins remained untouched
And then you left me

I don't really remember what happened after you left
But I'm still here today
I mean I guess you could say that I'm physically here
But my mind and my spirit always drift off to search for you
And they scream out "you promised"

You see when my spirit and mind leave me
I can't control my physical self very well
And my physical self has the tendency to search for the inner workings of my veins
Just as my mind and spirit search for you
(My physical self is looking for you too
It knows that you're somewhere in there)

That night was the best and worst part of my life
For many ludicrous reasons
The funniest thing about it all
Is that I believed a beloved liar would keep my veins mended
ficklesouls Sep 2013
I think I was alive once
But I don't believe I am any-more
There are a few gaping gashes on my upper thighs
That keep telling me that if I am
I won't be for much longer

I tried digging my aches out
I tried burning my aches up
And cutting them open seemed to be the only viable way
Of letting them all escape

There are a few gaping gashes on my upper thighs
And they won't stop asking me questions
"Did he really mean it?"
"Why would you do that?"
"Why are you such a monster?"
So I dig a little deeper
Into the gashes in my thighs
And yet again
I find no answers in the droplets of blood

You see the thing is
The sea will never stop asking me for a kiss
The rope will never stop telling me to make it a noose
The gashes on my thighs will never stop asking me questions
My phone will never tell me not to answer your call
And I don't think I'm strong enough
To resist those poisonous addictions

I think I was alive once
I think I died a long time ago
I think my thighs are a mausoleum of dead flesh
I think my thoughts have finally stopped processing
I think everything is finally over
ficklesouls Sep 2013
I've developed a bad habit
Of biting my lips until the skin won't tear
Which I never did when you were around
Because you always liked them perfectly glossed
I don't fall asleep with my phone near my ear now
But apparently that gives you cancer anyway
(I hope you don't get cancer
While you're talking to your new lover)
And I have quite a few more glasses of ***** now than I ever did
And my laugh just isn't as loud and vibrant
And my daily make-up routine is much more complex
And I can't listen to certain songs anymore
And I sometimes wonder if I'll ever feel loved again
If anyone could pretend to care as much as you did
But I haven't given up hope quite yet
ficklesouls Sep 2013
There are bright lights in my eyes
I'm dressed in all white
This was the final battle
And I've lost the fight

My flesh has become a canvas
There are tubes clenching my arms
I have a painstaking ache to be free
And these doctors won't stop the alarms

I've broken free of the bed
And traced my pains on the wall
My eyes scan the room blankly
And on you they don't fall

These mutilated arms long to hold you
Waiting for everyone to leave is a chore
I've missed you too long, dear
I'll just fall to the floor

The doctors are gone now
And I didn't yell
When I slipped from the window
And laughed as I fell

I've been longing too long
My mind's finally cracked
All I needed to live
Was for you to come back
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