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fibro Jun 2018
It’s dark
the flowers close
The water lily that was showing its self at the light now closed
Hiding away from the dark
Away till the light returns again
Keeping itself warm and tight
It would be easy
To easy
We’re not flowers
We can’t just wait in dark time’s and hide
We can’t aspect that the light will come back when we hide in a dark room
You must get up and put on the light
Don’t wait till someone else does it for you
Because they may not know you are in a dark room
There light may blind them
But just put on the light and open up
Show yourself, show how strong you are
fibro Jun 2018
Always looking forward to what comes next
to the good that is coming
knowing everything will change
the puzzle of your life will come together
Just dream your dream and don’t give up
fight for it
life may **** right now but it will change
you won’t be in this place forever
you still have a whole life ahead of you
But that view changed
It changed the day they told me the pain won’t go away
that changed the day they told me to change my life whit no hope of getting better
the day they told me I was chronically ill and it has no treatment no cure
Now I don’t know what I’m fighting for
every day I wake up knowing it only gets worse
not knowing how long I can do this
Feeling like I can’t handle anymore but it’s just the beginning
so please tell me what I’m I fighting for
because I don’t see the good in what's coming
fibro Jun 2018
Yes i fell
and i fell in the wrong place
so I fell on the cold hard ground
no arms no pillows just ground
so yes it hurt
it felt like they were beating me in a 1000 pieces
but I’m ok now
the bruises are gone
the wounds have healed but the scars are there to stay  
but I’m standing on my legs again
and I’m trying to look away
not from a problem
but away from the past
into the future
am I scared ?
aren’t we all?
but what are we scared of ?
were never scared of the worst part
fibro Jun 2018
I looked
I started to see.
How little I actually am.
How small compared to the mountens and the sea.
But it doesn't make me feel weak.
It makes me feel strong.
Like nothing can touch me.
Cause nobody could make these beautiful scense go away.
Cause every person is as little as I am.
Nobody can make the world stop turning.
Nobody can make the sun stop turning red when its going in to the sea.
Everybody is as little as me
fibro Jun 2018
I don’t wish I could turn back time.
I’ll probably try the same stupid things again.
because I would think they may turn out better this time,
because it is worth the risk.
just taking the chances I get.
do my decisions look stupid to you?
well maybe they are,
but maybe they aren’t
maybe it works out fine ,even great.
time will tell.
but nobody can tell me what tomorrow will bring,
nobody can tell me how everything is going to be.
so I’m going to do what seems right to me.
fibro Jun 2018
If you don't wanne be a part of my life,    
                 stay out of it
If you don't love me
                don't make me love you
If you don't need me
                don't use me
If you don't mean it
                don't say it
I'm not a battery you can drown and recharge, i'm a human just like everyone else and I don't know about you but I have feelings and I think about what someone says or does. Maybe I think to mutch but thats just me and i'm not changing
fibro Jun 2018
When people ask me to tell them about myself
to tell them who I am
I always tell them I’m not good in that, to just ask me what they want to know
I just don’t know
I just don’t know who I am
who am I?
I just want someone to say to me I see who you really are
but how could anybody say that
when I don’t even know who I am anymore
I always wanted to be that  girl I used to be the one who always laughed
but now I don’t know if that was ever true
people think I’m that girl now
but it’s just an act
it’s just because I don’t want to be the person who always isn’t oke the person they worry about
I really feel alone because I just can’t talk to anyone about these things
I need to talk about soo much
and to take the mask off to let the real feelings out
but it just goes natural as If my real feelings are fake and the fake ones real
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