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Sep 5 · 61
milky way
the nights i spend with you
feel like a brisk walk through the big heavens
makes me forget that there are only 24 hours in a day
but when you leave i remember oh so well
i wanna eat you up, be in your skin
cut you open and be safe within
never leave this home that we have made
this comfort and warmth we radiate
Sep 5 · 22
nothing left
i wish i knew that leaving you
would make me feel so empty
you made me feel whole once
now i am just feeling like a hole
you used me
abused me
amused me
you made me so happy
and also so sad
you made me change everything i ever had
just to be perfect
just for you
i wanted you to like me
see me for who i was
i wanted you to understand
i wanted you to hold my hand
but you are as cold as ice
you don’t play nice
you don’t like spice

what you wanted was a pet
something to be had and kept
something you could tell what to do instead

but you got a fire *******
a casa nova
you got me
and when i started showing signs of my own mentality
you would get mad at me
‘how dare she?!?’

you are so entitled
you think everything is yours to have and yours to get
and when you don’t get it instantly
you get pouty and ugly
and afterwards you have the audacity to blame me
for ruining your day
for making a mistake
for voicing a no
for saying something you didn’t like at all

you took everything from me
you took everything i had to give
and even then you demanded more
you made me tone down every little thing about myself
you made me a bore
you made me feel like a *****
you made me feel completely insane
just for asking for more

and now when i leave
i will leave with not much left
i will leave
and i will have to leave you in the past
i will leave with one thing you could never have
no matter how hard you tried
and how much you beat me down
now when i leave
i will leave with my crown
on top of my head
representing the dignity and spirit
that i still have left

you took everything
and when i left
i took the best thing
you ever had

— The End —