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2.7k · Mar 2019
am i pretty yet ?
julie Mar 2019
to love yourself is an art-
so i let nameless men sketch
their fantasies along my hips
to prove that i am too,
                                                a masterpiece.

**** in an antique wooden frame
that hangs by my throat
gagging on the subject of
julie Feb 2019
the devil dances with me at night.
he makes love with prose  
and by morning he will not have remembered what he said.
before sunrise,
he falls asleep and i am left with unsaid words.

willingly, ive become his.

i believe that you are too chaotic for me
     but my angels are
      screaming for salvation.

you are my escape under the moon
and a deal with the devil has made
        everything all right.
943 · Nov 2018
i know you're busy
julie Nov 2018
you do not say goodnight to me anymore
  and because of that my nights do not end.
  my days do not begin until i pretend to forget
and i will fall asleep hoping that
not say goodnight

to someone else.
652 · Sep 2021
seeking a feeling
julie Sep 2021
high in the
the only way
  down was to
ride it.
575 · May 2019
will i call you tonight?
julie May 2019
your voice provides comfort that
i cannot provide myself.
perambulating on perturbation
due to the lack of words your lips provide now;
resulting in the need for a distraction
such as the stinging feeling of alcohol
sleeping in the cool creases of my heart.
immerse yourself in the hazy feeling of being alone
452 · Feb 2019
i feel as if were neighbors
julie Feb 2019
strands of my hair
       tangle around your fingers.
you're pulling on the strings
                    of my mind.

so delicate
with your touch.

        it reminds me of
sunday mornings
making love.
398 · Dec 2019
julie Dec 2019
unreligious soul
bound to the earth forever
named its sacred home
unreligious: 1 : irreligious. 2 : having no connection with or relation to religion : involving no religious import or idea : nonreligious unreligious education.
395 · Nov 2019
i like my seat warmer on
julie Nov 2019
keep me warm
with your hands around my neck
or a sweater of yours,
whichever you prefer.
i’ll trace the places we’ve been on your arm and think this is fate,
it must be your pretty veins.

flashes of roses fly around my head
in a rushing manner but the world does not see your smile.
and i am lost within two thousand lost souls, including yours,
but i feel your hands and i feel safe.

love tell me a secret.
how long will i sink in an abyss of confusion?
well i guess i’m a bit silly for that question, but that means you are too.
let me rise above the god forbidden clouds and transpire like castles in tiny village.
380 · Dec 2019
julie Dec 2019
affront your demons
and instead of letting them insult
your cowardice for not going into the dark,  ask them:
why are they scared of coming into the light?
352 · Dec 2019
julie Dec 2019
passionate lovers
loud in a fiery silence
they found upon them.
249 · Jun 2021
my heart knows only love
julie Jun 2021
it blossoms itself from mossy ponds and glistens in humid summer rains. the days pass so often it’s quick to reminiscence
how beautiful it has been.
do you want me to go home when you want me.

my heart stumbled into this/ jane gallagher, will you be mine?
i’ll surrender my kings for your company that has proved to be divine.
how can my heart write but all what is
241 · Jun 2020
julie Jun 2020
the mad woman shot the
bare black sky & said “please, goddess of light, can death spring a thousand
red rose petals in my blue dreams?”
238 · Dec 2020
julie Dec 2020
lets talk love under these duvet sheets, boy,
youll see what i mean we can kiss and nibble on each
other's needs and **** our fantasies into ecstasy
ill trace my nails across your pink lips just as long as you tell me please
sweet talkin and my sweet voice
i wont hesitate to make you mine, boy,
but we can be patient and i can keep  waitin, for now ill just keep  layin under these duvet sheets
while you push yourself up against me and  kiss my forehead to sleep
131 · Jan 2020
julie Jan 2020
i’ve felt my soul grown quieter with every passing day.
my lungs are tired
compressed in a vessel
that poisons it’s very own heart.
i’m not asking that you save me,
only that you read my confessions that depict every inch of my being
and accept the way i bathe in my sins.
41 · Mar 2019
julie Mar 2019
foundation set on skin
concealing the expectations life begins with
rosy nails and acrylic cheeks
mixed up in what we believe beauty to be

— The End —