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Jul 2016 · 456
Night Proposes.
Fay Slimm Jul 2016
With sun already flaring behind
furnace doors ridges
of cloud turn scarlet, reddened
by glow cut through
dusk's entrance to slice fine lines
into porcelain sea.
With portent of ebony so deeply
embedded in darkening
dome lie unburnt crimson coals
settling on evening.
With handsome day vanquished
in an eye's blink I see
not one last glimmer in twilight's
present foreboding, for
night proposes clapping in cuffs
the near dying sun
and Ol' Sol must yield to his cell.
Seagulls reluctantly whirl
with haphazard simitared custom
as dark gulps with intent
to blanket in murk birds' descent
then frowning day, sunk
sulkily sudden, I wending home
see rising a milky-white
moonbeam sending pale kisses to
light first star and I smile.
With the next dawn sides will roll
out the changes once more.
Jul 2016 · 259
Julying Ripeness.
Fay Slimm Jul 2016
Julying Ripeness.

Oh what rounded succulence lies
in the swelling belly
of tree-filling apples surprisingly
girthed overnight.
Each plump world of green-juiced
abundance readies
itself for hide, fur, feather, human
or worm consumption.
Turning to sun for reddening stain
they begin to cascade
from creaking branches over-laden
with Julying ripeness.
And I look for a wind-fall to chance
biting into sour-sweet
rind before horses or starlings clamp
jaws or beaks to crunch
and stab at orchard's juice-filled drop
of easy bounty or
before autumn's damp sheds the crop.
Jul 2016 · 207
Will We ?
Fay Slimm Jul 2016
Will We ..........?

When we, this mortal shell let go,
shake off fleshly crust,
grow in freedom and exult in new
stature of the unseen............
When our journey extends to scenes
where spirit speaks louder
than any known sound when begins
heaven's composure to feel........
When preparation for some further
assignment is faced may
we calmly accept what is given and
quietly wear a new coat.
When we by adopting the fluxuous
universe find different
notions of sharing in multiples see
best in harmony then
as knowledge of otherness breaks
cover, will we rebel........ ?
When found our breath in music of
spheres as alternative
voice learning new parts and living
perhaps in feather or fur
will we remember who we once were
or be happy just to forget....... ?
Jun 2016 · 313
Without and Within.
Fay Slimm Jun 2016
Below the fields of love lost
emptiness batters against reason
to bury memory
in blanket-cover of sudden shock.

Behind the black ribs of grave's
maw eyes leave wet stains trickling
down fear-draped
reality as life- change invades.

Under stone-cold grief's touch
aloneness shivers as night-dreams
reveal former needs but
sighs begun must cease abruptly.

Over-reaction suffers regret
as sanity clutches at crusts leaving
mourning to wear
thin for things time cannot fetch.

Above the bent face of faith cries
for acceptance break cover pleading
for comfort by
trying to recall all the good times.

Within the core of trust by trial
hope might snake toward courage
and face chance of
learning survival without love's fire.
Jun 2016 · 276
Fay Slimm Jun 2016
Six-petaled lily and five-fold rose,
tall spirals of prettiness
now garden grown
yet rotating round order
where went the wildness those
flowers had known ?

Laboratory-tamed by generation
pale blooms tho still twining
seek lost fragrance
for from ****-sterile loam
growth begets fight,
as with freedom abated, disease
makes itself home.

So beautifully tasteless becomes
cultivation when plants
yield big money
not left to live out unpampered,
each to its own,
as does nature's floral abundance
found in all hedgerows.
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
I Heard.
Fay Slimm Jun 2016
Magic was in the wind today
for from its drone on my windowpane,
I caught a call,
I knew the tone
and thought I heard your voice again.

Murmurs were in the wind's low moan
for in its whisper toward my pillow,
I heard you talk,
I felt you near
and I lost the dread of being alone.

Mystic the tune in today's brisk wind
for by its song my grief rescinded,
I knew the lilt,
I had you here
and what I heard my heart believed.
Jun 2016 · 596
Fay Slimm Jun 2016

As dawn began to steal
on night's unyielding obscurity
penetrant sheen
moved into semi-translucence.
Dark slowly gave way
as multiple rays darted opaquely
to gild the east
with wisps of victorious vapour.
Day lifted sky's shade
then blushing, winked welcome
by tinting pink
flush on a morning's pale breast.
Filigree clouds laced
changing horizon as sun's throne
flickered and shone
in the rising blue of azure dome.
Awed watchers thrilled
when night's shawl, shrugged off
by light's order,
performed alteration never forgot.
While black lightened
and gloom's murk scuttled away
sparks began work
as alchemy turned dark into day.
Jun 2016 · 368
Fay Slimm Jun 2016

Today long stripes of sunlight
split by tree-trunks
lie dappling a meadow where
hills fold down into
patches of sunken creases.

A shaky bridge strides banks
of transparent
water while horizon clenches
tight to itself rows of
cropped-naked poplar trees.

A decorative oak sheds nearly
black-shadow necklace
of rings over dewy landscape
scattering diamanté
glitter curving thru straightness.

A front of pale light floods sky
with azure blue and
falls on cows lined alongside
nearly dried hedgerows
munching cud's first fragrance.

A kingfisher strikes quick end
to a fly in flurry of
colour and puckers of current
cover his exit
with stippled chinkles of music.

Today marches on with astute
unawareness while
I clumsily note-taking notice
oozing from wild
nature its fine-textured beauty.
Jun 2016 · 264
Love Used.
Fay Slimm Jun 2016
Love Used.

Few refute that love
stayeth ever brand new
unless it be shown undoubtedly true.

True love remains undiluteable.

No misapplied glue
could cement love within
for meant love showeth not fickleness.

Love is not love if it be reduced

Sensually speaking
love kindles intense delight
tho' it seeketh no untenable height.

Love looketh not for uniformity.

Both in style and
performance in either
corner love wilt deal with any rival.

Love feedeth purely upon itself.

Too much be not
ever enough of what begs
mention as love's eternal profession.

Love used maketh love understood.
Jun 2016 · 872
Fay Slimm Jun 2016

Days run on,bounding over life's hill.
Dash behind haste goads time on further.
Each frantic hour intends keeping still
But in racing along, pace begets ******.

Met are all needs when busy un-bridles.
Quiet rest heals weary saddle-sore self.
If haltered, rush ceases and gallop tires.
As slackening reins never cry out for help.

Staying the ride dismount heady steeds.
Break awhile to pick life's sweet flowers.
Age weighs after taking life at high speed
Yet seizing each moment makes days ours.
Jun 2016 · 680
Blissing Out.
Fay Slimm Jun 2016
Blissing Out.

It is there at the inner edge,
where Self-awareness
meets the ocean of Being
that we can grow most.

There is the real threshold
beyond which lies
a vaster world, tension-free
and universally energetic.

If we allow the two room
to acknowledge and
subtly touch we can begin
the true blissing out.

Breathing feels suddenly
spacious and silence
seems loud, try it and you
will be sure to agree.

It is there at the inner edge,
where Self-awareness
meets the ocean of Being
that we can grow most.
Jun 2016 · 359
Star Features.
Fay Slimm Jun 2016
Star Features.

I chased this evening
dusk's fading clouds as sunset's
tin-foil silver ribbony strands tied
granite-grey into lace filigree.

I saw skirts of tinted daytime
wave hazy farewell as billowing
dark's in-coming diamanté display
added pale to moon's rising.

I viewed invasive swathes
pierced with fire-bright sparkles
move sky's face as night's shoulder
pocked holes for star features.

I marked time battling to
win ethereal applause and sighed
as striated breath-taking shades took
central stage before day expired.
Jun 2016 · 550
First Place.
Fay Slimm Jun 2016
June's furious face
has loosened slow hedgerow's pace
to a racing growth.

Moors dance non-stop
in June's ferny-curled blanket atop
heather's firm hold.

Old granite walls meant
to dagger through June's fervent
****** cannot resist.

Lines of division melt
in June's dashing intention
to cover all signs.

Let man or land stand
and June's hectic battering rams
will recognize neither.

For nature's law throws
human owner-ship overboard
as June's storm bursts.

Nothing can match June's
thirst for first place as the Queen
of Burgeoning.
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
The Edge.
Fay Slimm Jun 2016
The Edge......

This morning I saw light lift the hue
of night-dim lavender
while rivulets fell as blue mist
down tall iris stalks.

In dawn's drizzle I noticed sun kiss
the shivering lawn
as honeybee-hunger nosed through
late blooming roses.

I watched wet dry on petals of shiny
chrysanthemums and
warming rays open the daisy-eyed
corners of coming day.

As light splashed more morning at
and round garden paths
a curious gladness took me to the
edge of poetic rapture.
May 2016 · 349
Fay Slimm May 2016
This loaf I bake was once golden wheat
which harvested,
threshed then ground
made flour from ripened ears of blessing.

This cheese I churn was once milky froth
which with countless
turning first creamed then set
to hardened thickness of clotted health.

This wine I drink was once fruity grape
which trodden made
from flesh musty liquid
that time changed to nectar-rich pleasure.

This thanks I give was once humbly said
as harvest custom
so feasters could not forget
that abundance appears when heads bend.
May 2016 · 284
Mantra's Mystique.
Fay Slimm May 2016
What is deep I want fiercely.
What is heart-moving I need to feel.
In what is adventure I wish to partake
and live to fulfillment.

If time and chance allow me to dive
into experience I shall leave the shallows.
With wings boldly grown
what is known as free flight I want to try.

I intend learning the meaning of life's
hidden music.
If there are tunes sweeter dreams feed on
these I will start to sing.

So come forward potential.
I have mantra's mystique to re-invent inner
sensory limitations.
With what are catalysts for energy change
I want a positive avalanche.

If love means completion I shall barter no
more and surrender willingly.
What is bliss I want to fill with and give
my best to the saga of living.
May 2016 · 787
May's Rising.
Fay Slimm May 2016
Rock's chill in early Spring shadow
keeps leaf-buds folded
while greenery's frocks, still frozen
in fuzzy stiff mold,
reveal growth's frigidity goes
hand in glove with cold.

As ice-wind becomes zephyr stone's
rime loses control,
frost melts when pairing takes over,
plants' ****** role
exchanges gender, smouldering
with intent that shows.

May's rising sun resurrects tones
of need-coloured gold,
male and female lustily hone
livened desire, hold
hands, steal kisses and gene-loaded
feel blood embolden.

As time turns to love Nature owns
the chase will not slow
for copulation re-proves growth,
appearing sans snow
stirs fur, feather and human bones,
to what all are prone.

The heat of togetherness sewn
into weather owes
its success to overflowing
need for warm clothing
for cold never turns bread to toast,
or so I am told.
May 2016 · 372
What Happened ?
Fay Slimm May 2016
As night's grizzly crown falls
to the rite of light's way
its servant sun unlocks all
dawn's turreted gables,
azure disposes of shawls
and warmth augments the first rays
as day pierces prisms in dark vault.

But mist gathers to veil
heaven, shrouds my cottage walls
and shuts every windowpane
until grey covers morning
with shadowy swirls of dim change.

What happened to the tuned chorus
of promised blue I thought would stay ?
May 2016 · 868
His Star.
Fay Slimm May 2016
His Star.

I chased this evening
evening's fade in sunset clouds,
silver tin-foiled filigree
tied to grey-as-granite mountains.

Tinted skirts of hazy
daytime's late farewell lit night's
ballooning moon parade
displayed as fire on quiet shoreline.

Invasive scarlet-swathe
hued day's best forgotten noon
when darker stronghold's rain
rolled dust-cascades forming gloom.

Drifted with waning sky's
azure came memory's beams,
pain-shot their spotlighting
shadows still haunting my dreams.

Yet I chased tonight
night's demons away by love's
recall when I saw brighter
his star winking at me from above.
May 2016 · 564
The Farside's Face.
Fay Slimm May 2016
The Farside's Face.

The wish of a painter or poet is to transport
the spirit's deep emotion by pausing
in awe at day or night's high-vaulted scene,
transposing its  beauty to dreams,

then viewing grass as more than green.

An alchemist with no interest in gold
invests time between folds,
finds in the sky thermals on which

to soar on fancy or some surreal whim
to make jasper of sea,  jade of dawn

and perceive gems hidden in flora's form.

A seer catches the farside's face
and traces that world in sentence or paint,
chimeric in nature an artist
whose eye encounters rock gives it heart,
transforms by description  
accepted mundane into mystic meaning,
adds soft to feather, colour to blur

and improves the initial by seeing further.

It is said that fine art opens doors
to show the extraordinary as but normal,
for the good poet or painter
ranks as foremost importance a felt magic

when met with empty paper or canvas.
May 2016 · 1.5k
Fay Slimm May 2016

The thin blue flame in my night-burnt fire
grows dim as dawn unquiets
another day's numberless happenings,
culls light from dark and carries
life forward while I, in sated mood, watch
first ***** in sparrowed pools lost
on those still bedded and fastened to sleep,
hear Spring-born lambs' early bleat,
smell warming grass dewed with new morning
and catch first breeze stirring shored
boats as sand twirls grasses in shivering dunes.
Unlatched my window wafts lures
to ****** some moments of closer approach
as closeted dawn opens
eyes and secretes rising smoke on sun's thaw
inviting a barefoot cavort
to wild-life's awesome nature, all on my own.
May 2016 · 610
Fay Slimm May 2016

   The poem,
     half-written, inches
along numerous tries,
   cramped in places, pinched
   somewhat in style,
its subjective meaning
reluctantly waits
    in the sidelines.
  has not appeared yet
    so I put aside pen
to try later again.
Tenderness, sadness or rage
   cannot be paged
    in too much noise
but former things sundered
   begin to knit
    as subject-choice fits
into a slot before long.
  Boisterous word-swing
rattles a lot in my mind,
    sentencing rings
  bells which battle with lines
as ends slowly begin to rhyme.
   Writing is vital
   in keeping me sane
   betwixt times
   that mix sense with the inane.
May 2016 · 220
Facing It.
Fay Slimm May 2016
Facing It.

Lonely black places engulfing the mind
in caverns of glistening fear.
Phantoms arising from pleasanter times
tauntingly whisper his name in my ear.

Afraid of seeing that smile in my dreams
willingly I lie awake.
Facing relentless ticking of clock keeps
me clocking minutes for sanity's sake.

Ducking below lonely duvet once more,
with broken resolve it is plain.
Sobs fill the space of what life has in store
which will undeniably not be the same.

Words sit in succession inside my head,
spelling clearly the fact he is gone.
But half-empty cupboards untidily left
beg me soon to dry tears and move on.
May 2016 · 230
Never Again.
Fay Slimm May 2016
Never Again.

Never this day again,
never this moment of potent sensation.

Air of sharp crystalline
will not again invade this exact skyline.

The same sun's high display
will never perform this grandeur again.

Not again this daytime
when whirling seagulls hunt high tide.

No more this moment's sheen
diamantéing each ripple over the sea.

Never again this morning
when quiet eats into sound and form.

Nature's speech, in this second
only, will never be bettered for effect.
May 2016 · 289
Nearly Seen.
Fay Slimm May 2016
Nearly Seen.

Through the thinnest of veils there exists
worlds behind and between
mind-tides of seeming reality, semblance
of things intentionally waive
what is thought as experience and effects
on immediate senses.
Not dreams but live essences divined in
the universe as earthly yet
creatureless air holds shape-shifter faces
biding in every corner as
shifting shadows taking different forms.
Speech tho' unvoiced conveys
more in silence from dimensional planes
for primal harmony obeys
awareness of self together with presence
and felt power reverberates
with non-visible beauty in many guises
before assuming any shift
in available love-morphed configuration
to frame the rarely seen.
To those who use viewing beyond things
enough suitable reason
to receive, unafraid, spiritual aid toward
infinity come vague feelings
through thinnest of veils that there exists
worlds behind and between.
May 2016 · 940
Fay Slimm May 2016

Such a beautiful thing is a shell,
floating it sings 'tho half-empty,
sculptured for strength in excess
of accents or patterns an ecstasy
with wave-lovers has undressed
its close-partnered togetherness.

Oh shell of beauty, gone forever
your wholeness but in a sea-bed
still white your glisten measures
pace with the breakers in restless
dance of sheer abandon even yet.
May 2016 · 1.3k
Fay Slimm May 2016

Those whose thoughts have not sprung
from the cadence of waves
will never know songs that were ancient
when all the now agéd were young.

Those whose respect the vast ocean
accepts speak its tongue, sense
vagaries known only to weathered
faces turned to catch tidal motion.

Those whose minds are ocean-attuned,
gather storm-ebb's precocious
mood as ****'s mineral wealth floats
in with extras like fresh crab food.

Those whose living has grown safer
with knowing sea-swell pictures
wave behaviour hear vague whispers
of sound-change in rising breakers.

Those who receive news of bad gales
before skies turn black have read
wisdom's past signs and hear sea-bed
rhythms not heard by strangers.
Apr 2016 · 494
Meant Thanks.
Fay Slimm Apr 2016
Oh Light, you travel so fast,
invisibly cladding
this planet in change which
nothing can hinder,
altering colourless night-hue
you, in an eye's flick
gilt sea's face, reveal distance,
you, more than that
touch land in filigree-silver,
melting black fingers
of mist netting dune's grass
and more than that,
your whispers to unfolding
flora in still-dark
corners make numberless
petals succumb
to your calls, sensuous fur
feels your warming
as feathery sleep blinks in
readiness to dawn's
breezy ruffles for morning
stirs wings, fins
stretch in watery beds and
more than that,
humanity worldwide yawns
at your warning
of lullaby's finish and shakes
off drowse to see
how labour for hours ahead,
can be a life-giving
force with daylight's ready
aid, more than that
each sunset aims to put end
to your daily
performance but not before
that glittering exit,
the show of best-rays taking
central stage after
which Oh Light, you sink
slowly back into
your secret abyss and wait,
for more than
unthinkable would be life's
disastrous lack
if your worthy entrance it's
cue ever missed,
and for this, every earthling
human or otherwise
relaxes while offering sighs
of meant thanks.
to Light and to its Creator.
Apr 2016 · 759
Fay Slimm Apr 2016
I witnessed the moon eclipsing tonight,
like the silver stud on my sable dress
or a shimmering pearl securely tied
to the velvet of my black necklace.
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Held by love's cosmic pull, her eye,
never losing veiled lustre turns pale
like you the gone jewel of my sad sky,
vanished from sight yet always remain.
Apr 2016 · 367
Fay Slimm Apr 2016
Oh vast bellied dome above sceptred earth,
you the keeper of light and dark,
revealer of crocus-star clusters, unfettered
moon-******, the vortex saluter
who sends us solar creation every morning
accept prayer's persistence.

Oh highway to space that, eternity sewn,
binds this great globe in waves
of sham separation to show humanity no
order can be restored without
crossing reef's barriers to regain former
secrets of paradise living.

Lost in terror of time we dwellers still war
against peace, seal fate by signing
for ego's supremacy, look at skin before
spirit so losing our neighbourly
natural affection which would open doors
to beyond mere existence.

Oh limitless silence of the above, sky-scape
of Heaven maintaining divinity
lies in forgiveness and understanding that
Love being but a whisper away
offers angelic assistance that, should we ask,
waits to make us alive again

so to you on behalf of the many I add Amen.
Apr 2016 · 503
Fay Slimm Apr 2016
There is one time during twilight when meet two lovers
and discreetly, behind sunset's cover, they first
must dance round each other's girth  
under dusky sky then, in russet-style soon couple.    

Sparks fly as Dark embraces Light for at his touch stars
rush to the scene, blue blushes red at confessed
union, hues meld in wild expression
before Dark has to stay and reluctant Day departs.

Grey is then dominant shade as waits setting silence
with bated breath until comes change to wrench
paired bliss again as rays descend
'til morning breaks loose from ******* to night.

When Dark and Light next unite dawn knows well
it will be but moments before their goodbye      
but used to addiction hours will fly
toward  flickering chance as time ties them again.
Apr 2016 · 492
Fay Slimm Apr 2016
How amazing that Now unveils its face,
sets me in motion,
reshapes and changes so life will embrace
my emergence as a free soul.

I suddenly feel like striding up mountains
reaching summits and
shout my request so that Fate may count
me blessed in this Everland.

Instead of digesting manna of loneliness
I shall dine on soul-bread
kneaded by affinity's fingers in golden
awareness I will never forget.

Heaven allows me to play destiny's hand
as it shows me new love
for in lighting faith's candle I understand
what time can no longer touch.

Transformed I will dance on a fresh alter,
imbibe desire's nectar
embrace the passion of later-love water
and taste bliss in pleasure's bed.

For a few precious moments I can escape
celled walls of apathy
and in unfettered Self-Space celebrate
belief in wished-for happiness.

When Now stands still I pledge to leap
between unused seconds
and ****** Fantasy's chances to hear
as another dimension beckons.
Apr 2016 · 389
Fay Slimm Apr 2016
There exists silence not found by sound,
in the heart of a desert or deep
under oceans
where, mutely profound,
voiceless vibrations intend to be given
full hearing for
destined truth their presence propounds
thus when two
fated human souls meet and exchange
first rapt greetings
they too interpret belief, tho' not aloud,
silently speaking
to transfer desire of twin-flamed feelings
knowing love's
secret whispers will never need sound.
May 2015 · 430
Love's Muse.
Fay Slimm May 2015
Let me show you the magic of how one dream
brings action into being.

Bells peal as Utopia opens for need unshackles
attraction that lasts.

I am the queen of Surreal whose spell will make
your wishes unbreakable.

I demonstrate fresh ways to enhance happiness
by alchemic fantasy.

The food of Eden grows round secret intentions
of sowing togetherness.

The feel of forever arises each time a proaction
evokes atoms of passion.

I am love's Muse so if your desire is for ecstasy
call nightly for me.
May 2015 · 613
His Scent.
Fay Slimm May 2015
Scent of the storm he aroused in my heart
sends memory's perfume to bathe
every tortured dream.
Whispers of verse seared to my core start
a chain of re-tasting late love's
delightful appeal.

Zest of meant words fed me excitement,
bound me to vows of contact on
fierce clandestine pyres.
Can pierced bliss retrieve grief's surprise
or from separate corners could we
re-charge empty fires ?

Intention's lost cause breeds displacing,
as hopes fade and lonely nostalgia
replaces out-worn plans.
Yet love's voice once heard is not effaced
and days arrive when comfort may
take hold of cold hands.

Past fragrance drunk down can enliven
and again make rejoicing recalled
stir heart's needed ferment.
Despite tears spilt at nectar's sweet lines
I still breathe his scent.
May 2015 · 412
Doing His Best.
Fay Slimm May 2015
Heavy with deepest deep sleep
he feels layers begin to un-zip
one by a bleary other
they all strip off.

Aware now of small moving feet
shuffling away he starts a hazy
ascent but finds drousiness
wanting to stay.

Too early, he knows he leaves
dreams half done and grieves
missing wars almost won
but rudely awakened
chores have begun.

Wearily raises sleep-held lids
to see standing, wide-eyed
and night-attired his kids
with tray over-filled.

And all shouting as planned
a loud 'Happy Father's Day'
for tho' tactlessly done
in a flash he rolls over
hugging each one.

"Love" as a word expresses
and covers
a single Dad doing his best.
Mar 2015 · 726
Tribute to Woman.
Fay Slimm Mar 2015
A verse to celebrate International Woman's Day.

I, Woman
consider myself rightly the female guardian
of humanity's decency,
the feminine mountain of care and example
of ageless achievement.

A win or lose mirror who separates dreamers
from willing doers
I have grown from challenging problems ready
to shape my future
and with endurance I look on any unassailable
course as already won.

I am Woman,
the force who owes all to her own existence,
the Self who, travelling towards
light of revelation discovers genuine courage
inside female gender.

I stand alone yet am happy to choose things
which I do with faith
in authenticity, facing consequence bravely.
An icon of tenderness,
an I who fosters respect but whose eye when
catching need feels tender compassion.

She who mother's man and leaps to defend
male maladjustment
when attacked by makers of trouble or a he
who allows doubt to undermine.

Inveterate my conscience treating all as free,
yet I know there is never a come or go,
not a yes or no,
nor a birth or death
with any whisper of weight ....... without Me.

I dare to make my own mistakes and have the
strength to forgive,
empowering thereafter some rectification.

But better look out, as when tested

I, Woman,

am impregnable.
Nov 2014 · 525
Fay Slimm Nov 2014
at Now's surreal boundary where rough
meets mind's edges, life invites
ears to timely hearing

as pebble-tough questions lie underfoot

and as sting of saline rimes wet cheeks
in unkind steps when reason
meets stress rises queries,

needs to ask things not yet understood

there, as endings mingle mysteriously
with every beginning does grief's
hold let go for life to begin

in one who gladly late love undertook?
Nov 2014 · 509
Fay Slimm Nov 2014
Now tilts light into November.
Sags Ol' Sol low in shortened day.
Now is the season of pallored earth.
Time when cracked-open kernels decay.

Now with no violence ground sleeps.
Beds the worm down in blackened grass.
Now, burnt-out all heat in harvested fields
Time eases flight while growth turns to ashes.

Now slows to drowse wise November.
Mutes to silence past labours of birthing.
Now into seared dreams of tired meadows
Time breathes but whispers of far-off Spring.

Now seems the time to leave pre-winter
quietly savouring November's short peace.
Oct 2014 · 729
Fay Slimm Oct 2014
The wind that day
made hairy spray of the horses tails
and drove them along.

By night we were hungry.

On reaching the Inn
was offered a bed of swan's down to
pillow my wearisome day.

And slept like a baby.

While my brothers
went wenching I stayed close by the
Hostelry's turreted home.

Used to being alone.

Next morning I woke
to breakfast off salmon served fresh
in a bowl of old pewter.

Boatmen kept me amused.

From the casement
they looked like cushioned swans all
ready and pilgrim-waiting.

******* to their labour.

Ladies and maids ferried
to market left men squatting on boat
bottoms until their return .

All day I went wordless.

Night had fallen when
I heard noisy returns and asked for
the latest Armada news.

But it was refused.

I was so thankful
my lively un-born was not yet ready
to greet times of war.

I fastened my door.

Elizabeth's glory was
not yet to its end for she as our Queen
still ruled the year 1558.

I prayed for long reign.

Fatherless but not
unprotected my baby would savour
her grace.

I knew I was favoured.

The mother-of-storms
had passed when we set on our way
again to the Queen's Court.

Ladies in Waiting never falter.
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Fay Slimm Oct 2014
Summers of larks bred sun-torn
wilderness flowers all round my colourful home
and scented dialect of childhood
still utters recollections of well-trodden roaming.

In that haven of steep meadows
sheaves leaned roasting among searing hot fields
as hosts of moss roses fed nectar
to butterflies which still ghost my wistful dreams.

Autumn-red juiced my girlhood
when it etched its vermillion into each adventure
yet where could young fervour
find an entrance again to freedom's real treasure ?
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Behind Blinds.
Fay Slimm Oct 2014
Between ten and eleven-thirty p.m. this Cornish
village, for the most part gets itself quietly ready
to find comfort in bed.
No exception tonight, beneath cold arc of moon
time takes command as cats are put out, doors
latched and no dog barks.
Mist is rising under fading depths of navy-blue
sky as neighbours pull blinds and hiding behind
upstairs curtains undress.
Clothes are being thrown about, noses get blown,
teeth cleaned, backs scratched and toilets flushed
before baring days' secrets.
Outbursts of *** meet with collapse as confession
of headache becomes forgotten in gasps of gossip
that start giggling sessions.
Suppers crumbing clean sheets vye with a shared
cigarette between couples who, tho' sleep-heavy,
drowsily mumble goodnight.
Peace tumbles around snuffles and snores before
stirring ceases as this small backwater stumbles
toward a new morning.
Men, women and offspring down toys with tools    
as dreams take over while strength refuels weary
bones for more readiness.
For a few hours their world of normality flies to
another dimension then with sunrise legs stretch
and yawning faces distort.
Because betwixt six and seven thirty a.m. this little
community will rise and give inner-thanks before
morning battles start again.
Nobody knows what tears are shed behind blinds
that nightly challenge good folks' efforts in trying          
to make the most of their life.
Aug 2014 · 258
Fay Slimm Aug 2014
I am me,
the product of timeless eternity.
You are you
for whom wisdom created earth's beauty.
We are
citizens of great universality.
Let us
make it a place in which Love is the rule.

There are those
who would of a whim destroy nations
Bring to quick
end proven power of regeneration.
You friend
are he who can change course of history.
I am me who
though weak can add the weight needed.

We individually can make difference
Together humanity can choose lasting
Aug 2014 · 1.6k
Harbour Nights.
Fay Slimm Aug 2014
Summer strides the evening walkway.
Lights hide seaside's dark delight.
Reconnoitering lovers survey
Secret places out of sight.

Sandy pleasures want no daylight.
Heady times those harbour nights.
Aug 2014 · 401
She Fever
Fay Slimm Aug 2014
From liquid glass to boiling foam
moody sea can gentle be
or scream out her commands.
With restless need for exclusivity
she drowns attempts to flee her reprimands.

Savage mistress she.

As Neptune's wife she skuds the coast    
with smiles that tease
the most unwary to beguile.                    
Her fickle heart loves age-old tricks  
well-performed and slick in saline fury-style.    

Savage actress she.

Watch how in fever she unchains
hellish wave-charge
with such terrifying shock.
On one whim tempestuous sea evokes
yet when transforms to calm she is hypnotic.

Savage dancer she.

Sea-fever has a strangle-hold
on men who know
addiction more than gold is this.
A life-long love of sea remains
like mermaid's kiss unyielding yet alluring still.

Savage sweetheart she.

Go in your ship you coastal child
but beware her
siren's call will make you listen.
Should you wish to quit her iron
will can cleave and salty-hold will you imprison.          

Savage jailor she.
Jan 2011 · 1.1k
A Queenly Affair.
Fay Slimm Jan 2011
The shadow of long-ago noblest of souls
now ghosting
the battements of this
mouldy tumbledown palace moans still,
albeit silently
about the time there was wind
blowing out of control in her royal mind.

Oh there was storm but she held the reins
of the hurricane
that could strip grain bare
if she so wished, and he whom she loved
was there in the room
handsome and bold, she decided to speak.

She was never afraid of tomorrows yet
she trembled
beneath the weight of this
queenly affair, there was something she
had not known
for a very long time
and that now arose to entangle her heart.

The Queen turned of a sudden and asked
for a kiss, oh yes,
she then received the tenderest
of gentle embraces
which would not be forgotten for the rest
of her life, but was
she liked for herself as a person, or not.

Fate though dictated that she never marry
any one man
but be wedded to all,
and such a hard
immensity of role meant belonging soley,
being in charge of her nation
was where mission ever held precedence.

All knew their place, so she lifted her head
as royal a ******
as ever had been, and yet
she was always to ask in her deepest heart
did he kiss her
because she was his Queen,
just to gain favour or did he really mean it.

Elizabeth's shadowy ghost will ever ponder
that unanswered question
in this hazy place as she wanders awaiting
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
Playing At Love.
Fay Slimm Dec 2010
Festtooned around
Tracery of words,
never deeper
Than exquisite phrasing,
Lies counterfeit,
Retrouse' of unmeant
Playing at love
is outright
Two-faced plain
Fake tendrils never
curl round right
And the genuine heart
Knows, pain shows
when hurt starts.
Dec 2010 · 622
Souls Know.
Fay Slimm Dec 2010
Defying barriers of culture or race,
bound in togetherness,
timeless as silence,
strong as the reaches of flame
and deep
as endless unfathomable space
find distance
as in between fades,
into contentment.

Fate floods as it feeds itself into love,
and as surely as
as clear as daylight
souls know
when they become one and the same,
one single flame
Oct 2010 · 950
Untried Dimensions.
Fay Slimm Oct 2010
Shall we pluck intensity from the air  
and perhaps coil it soundly and
extravagantly into a petal-soft bed
of rarely seen dreaming,
where sheets of silk make textured
messages into sequinned bliss
with rainbowed moonbeams ?

Shall we take flight, you and I ?

Untried dimensions wait to take us far,
to make morning metaphors,
and catch sight of bliss
made for our breakfasting bed.

Let us capture euphoria
to feel more elation, and when
glorious sun enters,
rapturous untamed passion
shall paint light on the face
of our embrace leading to ecstasy.

Shall we make haste then to taste eternity ?
Oct 2010 · 893
Born To Live.
Fay Slimm Oct 2010
Let the ties of your heart loose
and shake down soft streams from your fine
feathered dreamings.

Allow them to fly,
and take wing into life's pathway of unlimited  
where failure is not to be found,
and where moreover,
fear will never appear again.

Your choice is unbounded.

Do not die before living your dreams.

Find your zeal in life's hidden field where you pick
every love-seed.

Grow it slowly into a very large tree,
the fruits of which free you to blossom again,
and which when ate
help you live wisely, then your heart will know
for sure it has a fine purpose , you are
born to live.

This is your birthright.

(So read the Holy Man's writings)
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