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Oct 2010 · 897
Fill Thou Me.
Fay Slimm Oct 2010
Fill my dull frame with stronger light.
Take thou
from me this darkest shroud
And re-ignite our flame.

Such blighted spirit can  but  disallow
our happiness,
thus this day I pray thee,
do thou
plainly comfort me.

I needest thou,
and with  gentle lifting of  heart's pain,
mine own
dark mood will surely quick relent,
then perchance
shall we lie peacefully again.

Come then, fill thou me
with gallantry and  heaven-sent
romantic words,
without delay I prithee Sire,
court me now
in thine own enthralling way.
Oct 2010 · 684
Sweet Stormy Voice.
Fay Slimm Oct 2010
Scent of the storm you arouse in my heart
sends rainbow of blessings to bathe
my dreams
in showers of tasteful repeats with which
to start a cascade
of crystaline waterfall in glass-streaming rays.

Soul-warming feelings
in my pounding breast always astound me,
then reeling, set me alight.
Can a soul drown in vibrating soundlessness ?

Threads of an almost-created new heart stand
now impaled
by arrowed decisions because they have found
a fresh start.

They have embroidered time at each corner
of my blazing need,
stitched it with seed-beads to spare
the over-sewn grasses of autumnal hope
to show that though worn,
life is not yet beyond careful repair.

That being so, the taste
of passion's sweet stormy voice will never
again become effaced.
Oct 2010 · 606
Unfinished Music
Fay Slimm Oct 2010
Your sweet golden notes penetrate my soul.

They strike life's
bowl of plaintive
and replay inaudible
by injecting a warm
of chords
as an amorous goal.

Let who will condemn, we sing life our way.

Yet bittersweet, but
one day
this chorus of repeated
yearning will
loudly and relay
for love to play.

When fleshed, ardent desire will be sated.

Destiny's fire will have
off-beat keys, complete
and bonded
we will harmonise
created the better for
having waited.
Sep 2010 · 1.0k
Moon Parade.
Fay Slimm Sep 2010
I chased this evening
Evening's fading sunset clouds,
Silver tin-foiled ribbons, tied
To grey-as-granite filigree.
Tinted skirts of hazy
Daytime's late farewell,
Night's ballooning moon parade
Displayed pale firework-light
Invasive coloured swathes
Across the best forgotten
Rainy afternoon.
Night's foothold sparked scuffs
Of steel in dust cascades
Across the waning light
While I stayed chasing
Sep 2010 · 856
Enter Tonight.
Fay Slimm Sep 2010
If thou be the spear that pierces my soul
Never will ****** seem so sweet.
The softest of places thou wouldst control
If thou enter, and never retreat.

Open the flood-gates to this waiting heart
The bolts to thy power will yield.
Love for thee oils them and no rust will part
Or bar thy way if thou makest a  start.

Enter thy sword in this scabbard of mine.
Mine armour bides ready for thee.
Reside in this haven, love as divine
Thou wilt find with no other than me.

Sojourn within this palace my lord, white
Sheets of satin deck this my bed.
Thy lady awaits, so enter tonight.
For by the sweet morrow we shall be wed.
Sep 2010 · 826
At Long Last.
Fay Slimm Sep 2010
Up from the deeps of darkest corners
my soul sees lightning
then hears a call
and as long fingers of love begin falling
from shivery heights
they start to distill
love's sweet nectar so I may be fulfilled.

A far ether-star loads and then installs
me in new time with
such awesome
style, my sky-boat takes its mooring
to line's full length
as now it hates
any but non-ventured high places.

Whimsy eats into my all-white awning,
because the grey cloud
which was on shore
has floated away, and the tallest
of rainbows is colouring
the past
out of my eyes, at long long last.
Sep 2010 · 682
Up Into Space.
Fay Slimm Sep 2010
Night captures a darkness ink black,
when sound
takes from stillness tangibility.

Emerging now beautiful gem-stars,
which bring
a rounded diamond brightness to night-time.

And, surging toward me as prostrate I lie,
they embrace my soul.

I pluck them, and thick velvet black
becomes holed.

I fall up into space as they race to my eye,
then I lose track of duality.

One with the cosmos, I am flying.

With such beauty pain is lost.
Sep 2010 · 540
Outside of Time.
Fay Slimm Sep 2010
Pasts were forgotten.
They were strangers no more
To each other,
But unknown now to themselves.

They stood in awe
Of what they knew had begun.
Now outside of time,
They learnt nothing but new.

Their sense became numb.
They realised fate meant
To open love's toll-gate,
So they became one.

Beyond time's bounds
Begins destiny's chance
And there they waited
For their reality.

— The End —