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Fauzan Dec 2018
Maybe if i were stronger
I could remove this lingering eerie feely,
Towards what you believe and,
Perceive about me

Maybe if i were a mere feeble
I could hide behind your blurry eyes and,
Told myself to stopped halfway,
So i could face you in the next day

Maybe if i could disappear
Well of course,
This is what you wanted
From the very start

Sorry, you can let go
While i'm here,
Looking down on myself
And my own grave
Fauzan Sep 2015
Against your dogma
Felt like a solace
Being said that,
It's a constitution

Humans vail
Agreed to their stupid conception
Made by
Their greatest grandfather

Shriveled, i say
The gyves
Yet they still asking,
Where is my rights?

And you just sat there,
Befriends with silence
Behind the coffin
Fauzan Sep 2015
These houses
Run the same colors
All black
With red oxbloodish gradient

Everytime my friends crawling their way
To their houses
It's popped out from my mind
The colors
When will they fade away

Am i going to paint my house
Or just grow up with the others
And crawly on

— The End —