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"Raindrops fall from the sky
As blood drips from my eyes
The ground rips and resists
As I cut open my wrists

Sunlight fails to shine
Darkness becomes my shrine
Fire shoots up in the air
As my soul I declare

This demon from hell to take
The anger I can't take
cold fingers of darkness reach for my hand
As lightening wreaks havoc across the land

Evil courses through my veins
My heart pounding as it strains
Now that I've told you what I've become
It's more true to you than some
If you try to save me from this fate."
"A drop of heaven from the sky
A sun kissed feather gliding by
A gentle breeze blown through my hair
Communicating with a stare
Dancing in a thunder storm
Sun's embrace so soft and warm
Angel's opening my eyes
Reaching up to touch the skies
Falling back into a bed
Not regretting what was said
Hearing your most favorite song
Your loves embrace so sweet and strong
A full moon smiling back at you
A goodnight kiss or maybe two
Never taking only giving
Your smile makes my life worth living."
"I was once a rose who layed dying in the shadows
While all the others bloomed with beauty
I wanted what they had
Then one day a bright light shined down on me
At first I did not know what it was
Then I relized it was your love
Before I knew it I was blooming into a beautiful rose
I am who I am today thanks to you
I love you."
"Your kiss is like fire coursing through my veins
So soft and warm to the touch
Your eyes so full of life and joy
Your arms so strong and gentle when you hold me
I know you will protect me
So please tell me you love me andyou'll never leave me.
"The way he makes me feel is impossible to explain,
The way he makes me smile is impossible to explain.
When I cry he's always there to pull me through,
When someone hurts me he's always there to kick their ***.
And when I yell and scream and try to push him away,
He dosen't move.
No matter how much my world goes crazy he will always love me."
"When the tears come down,
When I'm lost but not found,
When my fate is bound,

You are my last hope.

When I'm down on my knees,
When I turn to take my leave,
When I have no love to give or keep,

You are my last hope.

When I'm left on my own,
When I'm so lost and alone,
When my heart is cold as stone,

You are my last hope.

When everyone stops and stares,
When there is noone left to care,
When the love I have is oh so bare,

You are my last hope."
"I know what people say about us,
I know they doubt the way we feel.
If they only knew the love we share,
How every night I hold you tight.
If the only knew the gift you've given me,
So please, oh please share this gift with me.
Stand by me to see this oh so precious gift,
This gift that will change our lives forever.
Know that we have little time to hold this gift,
So let us cherish the time we have together.
With all my heart I will cherish this gift forever more."
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