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 Nov 2014 Faiz Sina
Mike Hauser
When the moon forces night
               I'm knocked down to my knees
Memory fading from sight
               Promises I'll never keep
I go and do it again
               Order round after round
Might as well be a gun in my hand
               Deadly shots with no sound
As the snake in the pit
               Takes a bite out of me
I am chewing my lip
               So much wanting to scream
Falling off of the cliff
               Cause my ledge is to weak
Craziness must admit
               Taking the best out of me
Sunlight makes it's first peak
               Over the waters edge
In the gutter I sleep
               I have made my own bed
In which I now lie
               If only I were able
To give up and die
               On this, my torture table
The snake in the pit
               Will not let go of me
I try to shoot from the hip
               To try and bring some relief
I stare at the cliff where I fell
               The climb is to steep
Alcohol has a mighty grip
               That brings me no peace
I did finally escape the grip alcohol had on me 24 years ago today...
If you find yourself in that hell (And HELL it is) I pray you yourself find relief and help.
Are you strong enough to do it on your own? Maybe but I doubt it.
Check out AA or  better yet Celebrate Recovery at a local church..
Believe me it will be one of the best decisions you'll make in life!
Escape is possible!

— The End —