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 Feb 2014 Faith Montgomery
Cold Mountain's calling
Winter days die young
Cold rain is falling
Black cloak has been flung

Carve my face
upon Cold Mountain's ice.
Chisel a trace
of a smile around my eyes.
Cut hard lines
deeply soft beside my mouth.
Send my heart
on a slow boat headed south.

Cold Mountain beckons
I'll be there too soon
Cold river reckons
Cold rain hides the moon

r ~ 3Feb14
They say home is where the heart is
But what if you don't have a heart?
What if you don't have roots or walls or a spine?
What if you have nothing holding you together
And nothing tearing you apart?
What if you're a mere echo of a stray soul stuck in limbo?
A lump of atoms,
A burnt match,
A drifting vagabond,
Naked, lost, and numb in this cosmic paradox
Where satisfaction is but a distant memory
I like to think I'm content but I'm completely out of my comfort zone with nowhere to go but here.
I have never felt like ******
With the wind screaming in my ears
He tells me to
He wants me to
He wants me to slit the mans throat
The man who killed me

The voice can not be heard
By none other but me
He screams insanity in my ears
Yelling for me to bleed

To Bleed out the revenge

But all that does not matter
Not anymore
I'm a nothing
Drifting soundlessly down this street

For I am the demon of myself
I am the man who killed me
I've got a pathetic schoolgirl crush
On the guy down the road
Who I have never spoken to
But know enough about.

I see him in the mornings
Waiting for his bus
I see him in the evenings
Getting on my bus.

When I'm near him
I can't look at him
No matter how much I want to
Because I don't want him to know.

I want him to notice me
I don't want him to notice me noticing him.

I want to know him.
No doubt he'll be at my bus stop tomorrow. And the next day.
In the summer
I stretch out on the shore
And think of you
Had I told the sea
What I felt for you,
It would have left its shores,
Its shells,
Its fish,
And followed me

— The End —