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 Sep 2012 fa5vO
ryan pemberton
 Sep 2012 fa5vO
ryan pemberton
there is no GOD, and I am his prophet.
don't shove your religion down my
there is no GOD.
to believe in GOD is wishful thinking.
i don't need a boss man
breathing down my neck,
but you must.
you better harden up.

i believe
that you shouldn't believe
in anything, and I believe you
ought to harden up.

face facts.
get real.
it's a raw, dog eat dog world out there
and it's us against them.
you have to be able to
face the cold truth of it all.
life's just what happens
between the maternity ward
and the crematorium.

hear me brother,
this is my sermon:
there is no GOD
and I am his prophet.
 Sep 2012 fa5vO
Alexis Martin
a cigarette is a peculiar thing
it takes me to a different place
with every frail breath I take

I see my mother on the porch
a pack of Camels in her hand
the hand I longed to hold

I see you standing in the rain
a glowing ember near your mouth
the mouth that I longed to claim

I see him leaning against the wind
a Spirit in his hand and his heart on his sleeve
a heart that I longed to understand

I see her gazing out my window
the lighter illuminating her fragile bones
bones that I longed to trace

a cigarette is a peculiar thing
 Sep 2012 fa5vO
Alexis Martin
I hate you
you are less than dead to me
you are the ground that I spit on
you are the ashtray that I put my cigarette out on
I ******* hate you.

Who the **** do you think you are?
Stealing up everyone that used to be mine.
Like you are some kind of special
You aren't.
You are horrid
and vile
and hideous
both inside and out.

Oh how you make
my skin crawl
my blood boil
my head ache
my hands quiver

I don't wish death upon you
for that would be a luxury
I wish heart ache
eternal heart ache
one that can never be healed
no matter how many kisses
how many *****
how many promises
you will forever be alone.
 Sep 2012 fa5vO
Alexis Martin
9. 15
 Sep 2012 fa5vO
Alexis Martin
two years ago today
a part of me was murdered
and it took two years
to see what happened
to relive it over and over
to be haunted by it
to admit it
to vocalize it
and now I sit here
with the ashes of my past
and I want to die.
 Sep 2012 fa5vO
Alexis Martin
tongue tied
knots of guilt
taste like him
taste like you
replace you
I'm trying to
he ****** me hard
better than you
he kissed my forehead
but I still felt you
the *** stained sheets
lead to blood stained wrists
I don't know what else to say
I hope this ruins your day
in one way
or another.
 Sep 2012 fa5vO
 Sep 2012 fa5vO
-After Diana-                                              
The paparrazi are nobody's friend            
It all seems such a pity
He shouldn't have trained his big long lens
On her poor little Bristol Cities

-After Maggie-
When the daisies push up with Maggie beneath
To mark her grave will be taking a chance
For some may come to lay a wreath
But others will come to dance

-After the war-
The Argentine girl was all smiles
All went well between us
I didn't mention the Falkland Isles
And she didn't say Las Malvinas

— The End —