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explorereality Jun 2013
I followed you blindly into the light,
All that shined was our love,
Then like flowers it wilted and died,
I am now only a shadow a lost soul caught...
Snagged against the tree of our love,
Waiting for you to come back and help me,
You never came and I just sat there to die...
Till morning came again and I found a new lover,
The one and only prince charming on his white horse...
explorereality May 2013
All I've ever wanted was you...
To grow old with you,
Have a happy life with you,
To talk on the phone all night,
To look at you and have my breath taken every time,  
To take long walks,
Getting married in a little church,
Moving to the country,
Having a family,
To rock on the porch surrounded by our grandchildren,
To die old and happy embraced in your arms in my sleep.

All the things I want to do with you...
All I've ever wanted was you...
explorereality May 2013
A soft kiss on the lips in the moonlight,
that was my end,
I lost all my sanity from a brush of your lips,
It was a great night...
All I dream of is that kiss,
All I think of is that kiss,
I still feel the electricity from the kiss,  
I still smell the cologne from your neck,
I still see the fireworks from the sensations,
I will never forget that.

A soft kiss on the lips in the moonlight.
Edited by Kestrel
explorereality May 2013
Your always there when I need you,
You hold me tight against your chest for no reason,
You pretend to sleep when I know your not,
You try not to wake me when I sleep on your chest,

Reality has been taken aback because I found you,
Nobody else will do,
Just simply you.
explorereality May 2013
The blood running down my face,
Mixed with tears of my lover and my own,
I lie here in the street...
With a knife-mark on my cheek,
Not deep but still enough to die,
All I can see through my tears is my lover,
He's sobbing in my chest saying I'm sorry...
explorereality May 2013
Running my fingers through your hair,
Cuddling in your arms all night,
Watching you sleep because I'm not tired,
Waking you up with the light touch of my lips,
You ticking me to get your phone back,  
Whispering back and forth I love you,
Everything I want to do in life with a certain person.
explorereality May 2013
Watching midnight strike,
The clock stands at the foot of my bed,
Ticking the seconds till death becomes me,
Thinking about life is all I can do,
Watching others love while I waste away,
The torture and humiliation of high school,
The death of my soul,
The beautiful music I made,
The love I gave but was never given back,
One last pill or cut of the wrist...
I welcome you death with open arms.
**I'm not suicidal I just decided to write a poem about death**
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