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Drifting away,
Day after day.
Miles closer,
Yet farther apart.
Bent so far as to break,
Deep in its ache,
Forever longing the start.
The storm is coming
The river is rising
It is rising quicker
By the minute
Washing away
Everything in it's path
Its easy to get swept away
The river is rising quick
There is no where to run
No where to hide from the storm
That is coming your way
 Oct 2012 Experimental Habits
I am making a desicion
to clean my body of
your hollow whispered bruises
cracks in my diaphragm
your words left sizzling there
like acid that dripped from your lips
I forgot the deception that swam from your eyes
I have never been stupid
enough to believe
that you were only one
when there were three.
But we stood and watched that house burn
never feeling colder,
than we did that night.
Im sorry your brother died and took
your parents with you.
So you are an orphan that
demonstrated car crashes
in the mere rhythm of your hands
or melody of your speech.
But I find myself drawn to angry cobalt blue eyes
too often enough to know that
I cannot grapple out of your choke-hold
and frozen fingers will bruise me every shade of your
roaring ocean-like blue.
I can only admire the sapphire in your soul from a distance
and hope the red ruby rage turns to wine and not blood.
I have left my marks on too many wooden floorboards, pleaded with too many icy aquamarine eyes;
from boys with steel in their voices but a fury in their hearts.
Too many fingernails stuck between infinite spaces somewhere in houses
where the silence reminded me of the stillness of a teal lake in spring
your eyes are reminiscent of a grey morning I do not wish to remember
I will leave a mark here.
Once a shadow, now a ghost
inside of a realm
where the sea is a woman
who will sweep you
off your feet.
Truth walks unseen across certain things
like a northwesterly wind
does my loneliness......
Copyright 20l2 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
Living Free
Can be as easy
As breathing
Taking in
Each life
Be awake
Each moment
Take the time
To truly
The joy
Of living
The joy
Of life
To that
Breathe in
Breathe out
Don't forget
To take the
Time to truly
Breathing in
Everything good
That is sustaining
That is of life
And letting out
All of the pain
The hurt
That keeps
You from
Living free
Running Away
Can seem easy
Running Away
Can seem like
The best option
It can feel like
Running away
Is the only sane option
The only thing
That seems right
There are times
When we must face
Fight, and battle
Your inner demons
Fight not flight
Fighting against
That happen
Fight for peace
Fight for love
Fight for life
We have to be
Willing to fight
The only thing
We should never fight
Is ourselves
It can be easy
To fight ourselves
While running
From the world
It should be the opposite
We should be
Embracing ourselves
And fighting
For the people
And a world
That needs
Fighting for
It happens in the fall

when the leaves

make a play on these words

when my heart plays along


it seems we are all falling

into a memory


into what will be

leaving one question

Will you be there with me …

even briefly?

If you were mine

for even a minute

I would pause all 60

of those seconds

one by one

till the last one

Then I will run

to next autumn

and wait for you

to fall into me again
(c) Fall 2012
quite frankly you've put me to shame -
and not for the reasons you think.

my beloveds:
it's your hatred.

i sat in on one of your congregations.
i heard the words you put in my mouth and i smiled, sadly,
at your empty trying.
i heard about that man who performed what you call miracles,
and i heard the words you put in his mouth and i laughed, genuinely,
at how much store you put in a little age-old gossip.

but then i heard the whisperings:
and i have to ask you.

all this behaving as if you know me,
and dancing around with me in your hearts,
and you think i care,

you think i care about those two women
who love each other?
those two men with their beautiful children?
those millions of others?
you think i didn't make them that way -
and just the same as you?

you think you earn my favor,
accusing and oppressing your brothers, your sisters?
you think i smile on your closed minds?

you bring shame on yourselves.
my ad-libbed wrath, i can laugh at that,
and that man from galilee,
i can smile at your childish clinging.

but i didn't make you with hatred.
i didn't make you to see differences as anything
but a celebration.

if someone had told me this is what would take shape,
in my name,
i would have pointed at you hateful few,
and i would have said,

god forbid
(and i do)
that you spread this poison.
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