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maybe people aren't meant to be beacons
maybe they aren't meant to glow
maybe i should have known that the glasses i placed
just so on my face
just so, just for you
had far too many special effects
to know what was real and what was a hex
or a trick of the light
or a slight of my hand
maybe people aren't meant to be beacons
you don't know me
did you used to?
oh my god why aren't i sure?
i'm not sure i'm not i'm not i'm
not oh god oh god
who are you?

stick with me here i'm just
i'm trying to remember the talks we had in my driveway
the texts you sent me from airports that made my heart glow
should i list these things to help myself?
your eyes, my hair
funny looks when you'd stare
at me after saying something dumb
before we started laughing
and i thought how good we were together
i thought how good we were like that
i'm trying i am i am
but loneliness has skimmed the dreaminess from the top of my head
and left me instead
with a vision so broad i can't find the tunnel to you
and now my hands won't stop shaking
and my breath feels all floaty
as if even as i breathe slowly
nothing's happening at all
i don't remember who you are

i miss you but i don't
i miss who you were
and i know about change and time and hearts
i know that sometimes people grow apart
i'm not a child
but i was
such a short time ago
and so were you
so where's the damage at?

i'm scared, love
did i know you then?
do you know me now?
and was the person i am now
hidden inside the child i was?
and if so, did you only know the mask i wore
or did i let you see my face?
please help, i guess i didn't realize
how terribly alone we really are
you make me wonder about you
you do
you make me wonder about you
and about how new
your shirt is and where those scuffed shoes
have been, how your knee got black and blue
(and whether your heart is those colors too)
whether or not you keep up on the news
how long you've done that thing that you do
with your tongue when you're laughing, and who
it was you first kissed until your lips turned blue
and whether or not you have any clue
how every word from your mouth is thoughtful and true
or how adorable it is every time that you
get excited by star wars
or ninja masks
i laid in bed
and listened to you breathe from miles away
like breath from underwater through a straw
100 feet long

when my eyes fluttered closed
your breath blew through my head
and picked up powdered paint
i hadn't known
was lying around
and blew slow swirls of color through the sky
falling softly in your pause between exhale
and inhale
but being spun into motion once more
never getting to the ground
suspended by the idea of you
bright purples and blues
in improvised kaleidoscopes
that i wondered if you could see
from where you were
thank god for tea
thank god for whistles and steam and milk and honey and mugs
thank god for teabags
and warmth and sweet and bitter and soft and sleep and mornings
thank god for kettles
and quiet and windows and pillows and jars and an absence of tears
thank god for tea
because i get cold
and my hands shake without something to hold
and my brain quakes when it isn't told something
anything to do
outside of itself so
thank god for tea
and grandmas and books and kittens and libraries
thank god for teapots
and sunsets and toothpaste and thermoses and treetops
thank god for soft chairs to sit in and sip
crisscross applesauce with a mug at your lips
because i get frightened
and i get cold
and if the only thing that's bold
in this house is this strong cup of tea
and not me
i'll take what i can get
there's something about the movies that screams intimacy to me
i don't mean rented flicks on a tv screen
i mean popcorn and soda straws
hands sticky from sweets
gum stuck lazily on soft red folding seats
and a fabric wall that looks like a tablecloth

come and see a movie with me
the dark is a safe place to touch my hand
and when the characters on screen step outside
and our faces are painted in colored light
you'll remember that you did
and then you'll smile
and i'll know

it's safe to cry in theaters, isn't it?
safe yes, because the reality on screen
is not reality itself
people cry all the time at things of fiction and fancy–
it's the real things that scare them past the point
of letting emotion spill

sit with me at a movie
watch with me a reflection of the world we live in
or don't live in
whichever the case may be
i want to get lost in a story together
one that both does and doesn't belong to us
but that we're allowed to explore regardless

and anyway
i know the dark is the safest place
the safest place to touch your hand
my aunt never read the last chapter of the return of the king
just so, my tongue and lips are heavy with all the 'g's 'o's and 'b's
of all the goodbyes i never asked them to shape

goodbye sounds like a bathtub
a place where you sit and you soak and bubbles float
and you think a but
and you sift through the dirt that rests on your skin
and try to ignore the dirt that lives in your skull
and rests in the crevices of memory fences
where the paint has worn away,
leaving a map of paint chips scattered on the ground
to lead you to where your sea meets your sky,
that cognitive horizon, clouded by brainfog,
its map fallen from fence posts stripped from trees where lilacs used to grow
and now line your thoughts like the cellophane
that lined the caramels that came out of piñatas at your old birthday parties

i think about that sometimes
how the return of the king must have been so important to my aunt
that she went and stripped posts from her own lilac tree
or maybe it was an apple blossom (my aunt is from connecticut)
but whatever it was, she built that memory fence
she waited to say goodbye and then she never did
and i'm sure she sits in bathtubs sometimes and looks at the soap
and wonders if it would be easier to wash her face
if she knew what it would look like afterwards
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