A story of a founder
Maria Luisa Rosales
My grandma felt cold
Even with 5 blankets
Shivering Unfolds
My mother was 21 years of age
My oldest sister was 3 months
To be conceived best believe
At the moment in the hospital
She was choking, painful inability
Drinking fluids was an impossibility
Everyone wondering what could this be?
With her dry lips,, my mother
Couldn't help but assist her anyway possible
She used a wet clothe to damp her lips
With water, soon it became harder
Unfortunately, she didnt make it
No one couldn't take it, wives faked it
Later on two days later,
My mother found two voo doo dolls
Underneath the ground of her own home
With my grandmas hair wrapped around
The dolls neck, evils wreck had consumed
My mothers brothers wife was a witch
A careless stupid *****, my uncle would tell
Stories of them lighting candles,
Performing dancing scandals, rituals
Taking part in a wicked ceremony
Lastly, my mother always told me
Never eat food from anyone or receive
Anything, for which it may come with evil
True story thee occult is always buried
And never spoken of, to disguise what's up above
Rest In The Heavens