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Feb 2017 · 369
I'm gonna pull
the dangling thread
from the bottom of your
ugly Christmas sweater
strip the maypole

until it
and we

sink in unraveled softness

one endless line
shedding itself

into brilliant new
floor decor
Feb 2017 · 563
animated terror
is side-flip of vivid
awesomely augmented
projection blissings

sated seraphims spin
atop agile toes

but so do
voracious villains

those ******* link arms
and do-si-do

spinning you
wrong 'round

fear dealers
doling out
bunk doses

I keep
throwing up palms
like whoawhoawhoa
not now - got **** to do
inside the ******' zone

ego seen-through
Feb 2017 · 1.9k
these lips
are stitches
Feb 2017 · 459
I guess
we're all just after
the space where we plug in

over and over
mismatched switchboard
unfit cords and sockets

you can jam it in forcibly
breaking both parts
not meant to collide

but sometimes
two tools magnetize
gravitational field owned

by both

like the driver
screws itself in
intuitive spin

genius designs, aligned
moving compulsive

tugged hypnotic
beyond mind
Feb 2017 · 655
the dead end
of blissbrick meanderings
smacks straight into
purpose, full

don't number
nameless incubating
prior to hatch

unimaginable unknowns
may yet manifest

one potential alteration:
me, singer in this
ambiguously yay rap duo

Vernacular Spectacular
Spitshit Linguistic
or maybe Prolix Helixed

first album:
Straight Outta Whoville

you may know
but you never
quite know

the One is THE
ultimate storyspinner
weaving all our tiny threads
into tapestry bigger
than grey matter
can muster

let it
let go
Feb 2017 · 480
caliginous nimbus
preceding primordial
third eye flicked LED

skirt dust swirls
reincarnate tumbleweeds

waltzing slate circles
picking up speed
Feb 2017 · 1.4k
warm, wet
blush flush blooming
unfurled petals bow
to nectar rush
in river's mouth
Feb 2017 · 546
grace after ground zero
sitting in rubble
lingering on leveled

before dismantle
scraped down cyan

this dust
this mess

jagged frags of us

it's all
still here

kissing smithereens
to hide, to lie
to string dangling participles
along on metaphors

use poetry
where lips won't work
and mind can't find
The Way

let crystal crimsom flow
from serrated wrists

obscurity allows for
solshimmers of the ineffable
so don't eff it in the a
like a persie Snap channel

in the event that may potentially be a thing possibly occurring perhaps I dunno and I don't know what I don't know but it sureasshit would be nice to because me and truth are like this [crossies] and on occasion it comes and knocks on my door so the Uni bringeth and I laugheth all the way to the wet sodium facepalm speaking of which I don't like the taste of that **** I like my truth rare and still mooing would you believe I'm a vegetarian tho but still **** ******* like it raw crunch munch nom noms even though I slurp soup like there's no phoking tomorrow also down af for digressing and running onward and sideways stories from where the sidewalk never ends and I really don't think ours does plus it sure is the weirdest neatest thing ever did you bring the proper shoes darling I sure hope you can keep up in all the ways and FYI my door is not blasted off the hinges it's wisened and slightly ajar and I'm standing over threshold with eyes wide and slightly red because I waved goodbye to sunsets left for mf good but never got to see our light rise so just know that these wrung hands are actually open palms crippled from reaching and being singed on handles that seemed oh-so cool from my limited optical view like a mountain of honeycombed Dixie Crystal dust knees that you had been on yours praying for but gave the **** up on long before he walked in and changed EVERYTHING and I am so grateful but I am sad and I am hurt and I am confused but I am not scared like I once was of you and All our tea leaves foretold but scared I am of never really knowing you and the accompanying truths so please give it to me dagger deep I meant what I said and I said what I meant I like my men sharp and penetrative 100% and if you can't handle being earnestly struck by your own syntactic constructs direct in the ******* whinging outta my sometimes salty sacrosanct then me and you just won't do since that happens to be my forte as it were and maybe you're not up for the uphill to heaven with this mystical inferno but if you think perhaps maybe your life will never be the same without me in it someway somehow then let's fill the grey unnamed with a foundation of friendship where all is safe and found and all that means to me is everything so if you trust me to know the things about love a.k.a. the holy mystery which you ahem did as I recall with glowing warm curled around my formerly shaking cold then don't worry about getting back to it there's no such way to a thing it's there - always was, is, will be - it's just we're having this hooded entourage over for dinner first and honey I don't know if we have enough chairs but I'll sit on the floor with you and we can laugh and cry and eat sixteen courses of humble pie until the holy ghost enters the room which she undoubtedly will do and leave periodically only to return when we get all cozy and still or maybe upon the exodus of tears when all the walls have been torn down and we finally see clear through that one room has indeed been forged from two

or whatever
Jan 2017 · 716
he made me
stand still

that was
THE thing

not adrift on passé
or futuristic projectings
not jumping rope
on hyped-up think strings

all of me
to feel all of him
every inner switch
flicked on forever
KC lights streaming

wired spinefire
warming its way
to burst through skin
invisible firecrackers
jumpstarting the air
revolt from suffocating

we were

(+ think we dropped pins in)

all molecules at ATTN
his lip blueprints existing
eternal in my synaptic tracks

beyond the say breathes
the evermore of listen
eardrum heartstrum
empathic rhythm

his brainfire ringing
my threshold doorbells
syntactic turrets spitting
direct hits beyond ramparts
into unshuttered windows

bizarro blurbs
wrap me uppers
10,000 suction cup tentacles
asphyxiating the cloak of me
skinning and bonding me
to particles of matterthings

self-conscious and judgment
marked absent
we resounded here!
but no hands in the air
to Be seen

sensory nonsense pitterpatters
into where All is found lost
to hallowed delights

except for the realies
don't ******* that ****
it's my cryptonite
Jan 2017 · 285
the umm
leaching into
my hollows

immobilized maybes
orbit the shatter
of our halos

it doesn't

and light shrapnel
starts accreting
Jan 2017 · 388
this isn't poetry
this is purge
toxic upchuck sludge
rigorous rigor mortis decay
it's not pretty, but it's real

wish I had cupped hands overflowing
with moon rocks and pixie dust
but I'm plumb out at the moment

these words are septic
and the valves rusted over
to get it running again
you gotta let flow

stomach sores fester
bloated bile gurgle
sloshing esophageal shores
the unsaid brimming ruefully

on the cusp of all that was, is
or doesn't even matter anymore
**** if I know

it's all stagnant murky
Jan 2017 · 391
I take my cues from U
and when I thought
perhaps I was
undead in bloom

felt so unsure
what to do
what to do...

dropped to knees, praying
for cosmic signage
like I do

and when I walked in
to my parents' house that evening
the very first thing my dad says to me:
we're watching this tonight

in his hand, a DVD
Pride and Prejudice Zombies

I can't make this **** up...
Jan 2017 · 457
we defied
societal op orders

usually it goes hello
then eons of pretense
exquisitely painted masks
marveling at each other's *******

but we tripped
some secret passage switch
falling through corridors
landed abruptly
in the phosphorescent core
and tagged the pulsing walls
with lines visceral

it's a backwards procession
and we keep eating asphalt
imagining simple things
seems rather inconceivable
like tea...

and when I do imagine
it's usually a pantomime
of exaggerated expressions
giggles and holding back tears
from all that can never be said

it's safe to say
I'm lost
and confused

somewhere between

and you
Jan 2017 · 561
I think
he was always
wanting, waiting
to take this walk with me

back turned at the edge of the woods
I called to him, said I was coming

and when I arrived at his side
our feet synced and tongues entwined
in stride, aligned and winding along
this colloidal ladder of a path
inside vines climbing into curls

we were so green

verdant bloom mouthing heartbeats
in synchronic lightstreams

remember when
we stepped into the clearing
where treetops parted for the sky
we both looked up, then laid down
inside the other's mind
neither push nor pull
but stilled

by backlit rhythmic ribs
arising and ebbing harmonic
bathing in the shores of soul
they dive deeper, you know...

it didn't matter
when the rains came
because you stayed with me
even though you bemoaned
the falling wet charcoal
I tousled your ashen hair
and listened

then I straddled you
and spoke of rainbow spectrums
visible only
after the clouds cry

and you
you let me
crawl inside your ear
with whispers of black-lined blissings

and in that instant
the sky vibrantly bowed
arcing prismatic across rays
bestowing halos on us both
imperfect beings
perfectly seeing
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
nasal coup
allergens tickle in
like snorting
Pop Rocks

respiratory passages
closing up shop
to mouth-breathing

until I summon
to bomb the ****
out of my face
Liquid Plumber
of snot

side effects may include:
scrambled brains
traces of ether
floating a foot off the ground
perhaps the sexiest poem ever written
and tmi
Jan 2017 · 565
a think factory explodes
and streaks my heart walls inky

I don't want to keep
grieving the passed
it hijacks the now

it's all we have

just a string
of fleeting, fragile moments
with zero guarantees
Jan 2017 · 369
inadvertently hurt
at some point
I just have
to laugh

or else cry

and I've already
my eyes

pacing sordid circles
with rambling feet
shot off the curve
of this smoking hip

behind me
an errant path
of scar-let tracks

it's so silly

all the things we did
and didn't do

all the things we said
and meant to follow through
Jan 2017 · 258
once upon a time
you were
the biggest folder
in my Evernote
labeled Prolix Ranter

because I got sick
of scrolling your ****
and wanted precise

I deleted it
then swallowed
my tongue
and for so long

no words would come

then you trickled in
iridescent thought bubbles
with minds and time
all their own

I don't know
how to pop them

but they sure as ****
know how to find me

and make my fingers

the pen
Jan 2017 · 732
optimism affliction
I get jacked
on the +

my habitual needle
pumping somedays
into my veins

it's how
I stonewall
this tsunami of pain
Jan 2017 · 828
hollow bones
I was so mad
I forgot to be all my sad

survival gremlins work fast
packed most of it up
behind my back
stowed it in the attic

in a dust-draped corner
next to a heap of tangled wires
and a vintage Smith Corona

and now I see
your name permanent, on repeat
a cardboard Sharpie-scrawled
nonlinear timeline
stacked precarious

I keep questioning
why I'm up here
when I crack boxes
they siphon me in
to a grip of whys and ifs
that pin me horizontal

I think I like it
when they topple

pointy perpendicular assault
trying to impale inside
and paper cut

so pulpy marrow
can pry its way back
into my hollow bones
Jan 2017 · 867
partially digested phrases
things never come out
quite the same
in ink
as in mouth


Thank you.
I love you.


I'm sorry...
Jan 2017 · 518
constantly redirecting
me back to
the altar of I dunno

from the falter of
I wanna know

all the things
whisper thier truths
into me

in time
Jan 2017 · 557
my sacred
pulses white light
then vanishes into black

strobing me blind
as fragile fingers feel
along walls for doors
stumbling over furniture

wick flickering
flame dance
amid changeling winds
Jan 2017 · 459
I am olive-grey churn
knocking the shores
out cold

on this crisp
morning without rise
sunblockblur of clouds

air arrests
and ushers
me back

like morgue A/C
on blast
Jan 2017 · 433
bridge out
my heart aches
to exercise itself

to feel

and hands
that hold tight
to me

but my ribbed drawbridge
won't lower
Dec 2016 · 201
what if
we really did birth
a world of words

and it's fused
to both of us

no matter

like our thoughts
ran off together

and left
these bones

in the dust
Dec 2016 · 301
some days
the internet
won't let me

in a barrage
of quotes
and memes

this one
screamed at me:

you can't break up
with a soul mate
Dec 2016 · 313
the fallen dead
your mouth sneaks
over me

a surprise breeze
swift like cyclonic
autumn leaves

the fallen dead
Dec 2016 · 394
my heart is strewn
with strikethroughs
erasure marks
faded pictures
and energetic signatures

crystal visions fissured
into fragments

I sift remnants
frayed memorial squares

who we were
when stitched

into the otherwhere
Dec 2016 · 166
we will always
the words


on each other’s
Dec 2016 · 147
nearly every word
you said
I replayed

my ears

and legs
Dec 2016 · 227
thinking of you
both bums me out
and ignites traces
of magical ether

like emo glitter
Dec 2016 · 482
mandible shard sweeper
how many times
have we about-faced
and walked away?

I mean,
here I am
pt. IV

because every time
I think it's the end

there he is

with something
to blow my mind
and leave my jaw
on the floor
Dec 2016 · 620
those holy moments
I've realized
I can ignore you
for a little while
get ****** up
in other stories

but then the
electromag compass
pulls at me
it's just this thing
beneath the sternum
wants recognition
beyond eyes

and you are
the truest north
it's ever known
so far

it was never the words
but what they represent:
our scripture, an effigy
to ineffable deities
morphed and mirroring
inside those holy moments

my mind says, **** this ****
but my heart cries, I want some more
Dec 2016 · 291
I really need
to get laid
like, a lot

I just can't...

until I find someone
who can whet my heart

because the letdown
when it's not

I can't wash away
the disappointment
Dec 2016 · 306
I'm fairly sure
my soul still
wants to frolic
in the technicolor fields
of our imagination

it's just this
earthly body
has ever-so-many
furrowed brows
eye-rolls and face-palms
(+ curt middle fingers)

I dunno
to do about it
Dec 2016 · 205
every day inches
toward Christmas
and I feel you

you were
the best present ever

black satin
loops and tendrils
Dec 2016 · 516
this curiosity
is gonna be
the death of me

full spiral
- once again -

lying in the grass
thinking of Drink Me bottles
and rabbit holes
to lose myself in
Dec 2016 · 208
he gave me
so many things

resuscitated tongue
more ******

and the iron will
to resolutely
saunter out of hell
to the too few, too late
tears of the devil

with clear, dry eyes
I stared it down
Dec 2016 · 390
pretty sure
I'm a z-blossom

this keeps
killing me

yet, here I am
as ****

missing the taste
of your thoughts

Dec 2016 · 283
wondering where you are
in space
behind your ribbed cage
and if your captive heart beats
like it might

— The End —