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1.4k · Jun 2018
Nikki Jun 2018
The tears came easily
As I cried for you today
I realized you were gone
With nothing left to say

With each teardrop
Another memory of you

With each teardrop
The sadness only grew

I was always there for you
Always did my best
No matter what you gave me
I passed every test

With each teardrop
I pull myself together

With each teardrop
I start to feel better

It was never enough
So here I am alone
Watching every teardrop
As my heart turns to stone

With each teardrop
They fall til there are none

Watching the last teardrop
I see that we are done
685 · Jul 2017
Stupid Girl
Nikki Jul 2017
You never let me in
So of course I never really knew you
The person I thought to be my friend
Would have never left out of the blue

I heard what you said
When you said you'd never leave
But after everything today
I don't know what to believe

You always told me
'Don't let the light go out'
I guess it meant nothing
What is that about?

You say you can't be what I need
Shouldn't it be I who decides
I was a stupid girl
Soaking in your lies
321 · Aug 2016
Little Dove
Nikki Aug 2016
Fly little dove,
Into heaven above

Fly past the stars,
Away from this world of ours

Fly away from the pain,
Staying here you will not gain

Fly away like a king,
To a place where angels sing

Fly dove, to where it is true,
Do not be afraid, do not be blue

Fly, and do not shed a tear,
Have no fear

Leave this place forevermore
Fly dove, and soar..
Circa 2002
319 · Jun 2018
I'll Find You
Nikki Jun 2018
When the rain is falling down
With the sun behind the clouds
And you can't find your way back
I'll find you

I'll find you
When you're all alone
Stuck in the wilderness
Nowhere to call hone
I'll find you

When you're lost in the darkness
And can't find the right words
To pull you from the madness
I'll find you
312 · Aug 2017
Nikki Aug 2017
Your favorite number is eight
Because on its side it makes infinity
It became a mark of our friendship
Something you always sent to me

It meant we were friends forever
That we would never part
That you would always feel this way
Deep in your heart

But it didn't mean anything
It was all a lie
And you just left me here
Without a proper goodbye
280 · Aug 2016
You Win
Nikki Aug 2016
I hope you see you broke me
Made a cynic of the optimist
But I'm moving on from you
And trust me, you won't be missed..

Don't know why I bothered
I'm always willing to see the good
But I see now
I spent more time than I should..

None of it meant anything
At least not in your eyes
So this will be the last
Of all of our goodbyes..
August 3, 2016
259 · Aug 2016
Still Your Friend
Nikki Aug 2016
No man is an island
That is what you said to me
And that is why
I cannot leave you be..

I loved you once
I think you already know
And you love me too
That is why you want me to go..

Because everything that happened
That has been said and done
May be too hard to move past
It is easier just to run..

Even though the winds change
Some things will never bend
I will still be here for you
I am your friend until the end..
July 15, 2016
258 · Jul 2017
Isn't it Funny
Nikki Jul 2017
It's funny how much louder and more hurtful silence can be than words..

Or how something that meant so much now means so little..

And how quickly distance grows between even the closest of friends..

And isn't it funny, how it isn't funny at all..
253 · Aug 2016
The Doctor
Nikki Aug 2016
Once there was a man
With two hearts in his chest
Although he was sad
He always did his best

He would take with him
Friend after friend
But they had to leave him
In the end

He had to move on
For he couldn't die
Even if his biggest hurt
Was saying goodbye
July 31, 2016
250 · Aug 2016
Nikki Aug 2016
I wrote this for you
This is for my friend
I want to move forward
Let’s put this on the mend

Let me offer myself
To show you that I care
Because we both know
A friendship like ours is rare

I’m always your friend
And I’ll be here for you
Regardless of what you say
Or what you do

So go ahead and push
We both know I can take it
But I’m not going anywhere
Our friendship is what we make it..
May 17, 2016
247 · Aug 2016
Nikki Aug 2016
Can you hear me?
Whispering your name?
It gets quieter

I'm not like you
I can't turn it off like a switch
But I'm getting better

Do you think of me?
When you can't find your way
Out of the dark corners of your mind

I didn't want to leave
You pushed me away
And it got worse

So I sit here
Staring at the moon
Missing you
August 11, 2016
245 · Jul 2017
Fuck You
Nikki Jul 2017
You knew it was coming
I had no time to process
I said things I didn't mean

So I came back later
With a clearer head
But you were already gone
Now all I see is red

******* for not saying goodbye
229 · Aug 2016
Nikki Aug 2016
Meeting you has healed
Meeting you has hurt
I would, I could never go back
To the day before we met
That day was dark and grey

So now I look forward
Look forward to the day
That this pain is stifled
Because I know in my heart
That letting you go was the right thing

But I won’t forget the things we shared
Or the hurt you healed
Know that forever in my heart
You will stay
I will always carry a piece of you with me..
January 28, 2014
227 · Aug 2016
Let's Be Done
Nikki Aug 2016
I wanna turn back the clocks
To the night that we met
Say 'go away' instead of 'hello'
And do this without regret

I wanna say I hate you
That I wish we never were
Then there would have been no pain
Left for me to endure

I wish it hadn't been so easy
For me to fall so hard
But you made it quickly inside
And I let down my guard

Now I'm left here repairing
All the damage you have done
I shouldn't have been smarter
Took one look at you and run

Don't you know how it kills me
When you say hello
You say you no longer love me
So then why don't you just go.

I'm not sure how to end this
Or how to say goodbye
So I'm going to walk away
And try not to cry..
July 31, 2016
186 · Feb 2018
Soul Brother
Nikki Feb 2018
Finding your way through the darkness
Searching for solid ground
Trying to stay connected
While longing to be homeward bound

Take my hand in yours
You don't have to do it on your own
As long as I am here
You will never be alone

No matter the storm
We'll find the way together
Because you're my best friend
My true soul brother
181 · Mar 2018
Nikki Mar 2018
You don't get to affect me
For you, my tears will no longer fall
Ready to begin again
I'm  building up my wall

To me you felt important
So I let you deep inside
Now I know I was mistaken
But it's too late to hide

It doesn't matter anymore
I know what I must do
I'm searching deep inside
To myself I must be true

I need to step back
We will never be the same
But it isn't your fault
No one is to blame

I've been an open book
But I need to protect my heart
I've given it too freely
It's time for a fresh start
March 1, 2018
172 · Aug 2016
Forever Alone
Nikki Aug 2016
I look up at night
And see you there
The man in the moon
Forever alone

I threw up a rope
To lasso you down
But it never caught
Forever alone

I could never reach you
Could never get close
You didn't want me to
Forever alone

I know I should feel bad
But I really don’t
You are where you want to be
Forever alone

I do hope that someday
You let someone in
Because no one should be
Forever alone
July 15, 2016
165 · Feb 2018
Nikki Feb 2018
Wrap your arms around me
Please don't send me home
I want to stay here
I don't wanna feel alone

Being here with you
Feeling like I belong
Finding the perfect words
In the melody of a song

Stay with me in this place
And please don't ever leave
We'll make it together
If we just believe
157 · Feb 2018
Nikki Feb 2018
Love is all that matters
The answer to life's question
It is here to help us
To pull us out of our suppression
156 · Jun 2018
Nikki Jun 2018
Just let me in
Please don't lock the door
Wanna be alone?
I'll be here on the floor

We can sit in silence
No words need be spoken
We can put back the pieces
When you're feeling broken

— The End —