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Feb 2014 · 586
A Purple Rose
I kissed a purple flower tattooed on her thigh.
High as a kite, we made love all night.
She bit down upon Jesus nailed to the cross;
while covered in silver, He rests on my chest.
Scratches of passion flowed down my back.
Teeth-marks engrave her shoulder.
My sweat.
Her aroma.
Eyes closed
Perky *******
Teeth-marks fade away.
Scratches heal.
Jesus forgives
When the wind dies down, like a kite, we come down.
That kiss will remain, for a tattooed purple flower won't ever wilt and die.
Feb 2014 · 276
The Lucky Few
Another fish in the sea
feeling as lucky as can be.

Another zebra in the herd
prancing up higher than a bird.

Another wolf in the pack
rolling happily on its back.

Another flower in the field
blooming  to be revealed.

Another star in the sky
shining bright upon the eye.

Another man on the Earth
searching for what he's worth.
Feb 2014 · 429
A Love Contradiction
On a cold Winter's day
    a plume of white smoke
could be seen from far away.

Not the smoke from a chimney or a cigarette lit,
this was a plume of heavy breathing
from two lovers having a fit.

Snow capped trees surround them as they argue,
neither wants to leave without first saying,
"I love you."

She pulls on the tips of her long black hair,
     standing in the middle of a forest,
unbeknownst to how she got there.

He fiddles with the lighter in his pocket,
wondering if leaving her
would be worth it.

Although it may not seem like it,
these two have made love,
                                             found love,
                                                                   and are in love.

The plume of heavy breathing will subside
    like the flame between them now
and turn into an ember
    burning long and bright,
as long as each one of them has the courage
     to say what's right.
Dec 2013 · 265
"No." Whispered Alex
With that the loving Sandra kissed Alex gently on his cheek and although she had kissed his cheek many times before, there was something different about this one, a little bit longer, a little bit warmer, a little bit harder. She was saying her goodbye.

He wanted to say something, but nothing would come out. She gave him a comforting smile, turned and began to walk away, each step tearing away more and more of Alex's courage until she disappeared into the fog and falling snow.
This is an excerpt from a short story I'm working on, I thought it had some poetic beauty to it and was curious to see what kind of reaction it might have here.
He opened his eyes to view ***** hands regretfully in filth.
Sitting in the rain he realized it.
splish, splash, patter patter
He had made a mistake.
splish, splash, patter, patter
He kept his eyes closed believing the rain would wash the filth away.
splish, splash, patter patter
It wasn't until that moment in the rain.
He opened his eyes to view ***** hands regretfully in filth.
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Waiting for the Return
The first word, amazing
The second, conquer
Look to the mountains
Where the Blue Jay wanders
In the sky where clouds abide
Floating fountains flow far and wide
At the horizon and in the sun
I can see the shadow of my woman
Turn and give me one last kiss
The third word, goodbye
The final is, missed.
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Room of Darkness
Live in a room of darkness for a while
the touch of a light-bulb will be beautiful.
It makes finding a lamp an obsession
Because the thought of light is hope.

Searching for light in a room of darkness
can lead to forgetting what is already there.
Be aware of the surroundings within
A shattered light-bulb won't work.

Cherish the light-bulb.
Find the lamp.
Use the light.
Open the door.
**See the truth.
Sep 2012 · 741
I want to go on an adventure
where no one will bother me,
yet everywhere I go smiles.

Smiles like a child,
or smiles like the sun.

I want to go on an adventure

see the night on busy streets of the city,
wonder if the stars are brighter at sea,
feel the green grass of a meadow on a partly clouded day,
sleep on the sand and listen to the ocean,
make friends with a man who has no house but still has a home,
dance around a fire while drinking in an unsuspecting little town,

walk 'till my feet hurt ,
beg some more,

Through begging I'll find my fortune,
Like El Dorado.

I want to go on an adventure.
Sep 2012 · 513
If a man walked up and pointed a gun at my head and said,
"I can **** you or your friend. Now choose who will be dead."
I'd gladly choose myself to die instead.
Sep 2012 · 901
Lonely am I, when I lay in bed.
Holding on to you with just a thread.
Memories flash before me and I see you lying there,
All I want is to run my fingers through your hair.

You got mad when I didn't kiss you goodbye.
Every once and a while you told an occasional lie.
At times you were boring.
A few times I heard you snoring.
You never had anything to say.
We still had to talk everyday.
You didn't understand the hard life I lived.
You really didn't have much to give.

My room has no light,
and I sleep in the dark.
I shut my eyes but it lights up a spark.

Lonely am I, when I lay in bed.
With thoughts of you swirling in my head,
I become very sad, and then very glad.
Only if only I had not been so mad.

Your beautiful neck was so soft to kiss.
It is one of those memories I truly miss.
I always worry about that thread,
the one that makes me lonely, as I lay here in bed.

— The End —