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You turn me on, you make me misty-eyed,
My nascent science of love, years back,
When I followed you downstream, to bloom it began,
The sight of flowers blossom, in earnest we did invest,
Your frail hands, soft and tender,
Your electric touch, skin-deep not,
You taught me to watch the stars, in reflection I wondered,
The Antares and Aldebaran, caught my sigh,
Provoked, you opened the gates to your heart,
You filled me in, you turned me on,
Oh the Aroma, and the beauty to behold,
Two star-crossed lovers,
As breath-taking as the Maasai Mara, we opened to a new world
Full of life,
Full of energy,
Reasons why you turn me on!
He shuffles his muffled way through cardboard aisles,
Oblivious, sheltered, speaking in a mumble of tongues,
His piecemeal truths search for all that is meaningless,
Where he carves a gravestone—arguments in the rows.
Words can do so many things that we'll never understand
A heartbeat won't make you come alive the way one word can
The pictures that they paint can take your breath away
Goodbyes that they whisper will make you want to stay
When they are laced in hatred and fight to make you cry
You find that rhyme within you and realize it was lies
That words would never hurt you, only sticks and stones
Well now you're a few years older and left with broken bones.
When sweet words are spoken from someone that you love
You feel cupid catch you and carry you above
When words are hard to come by because your tongue is tied
It always seems as though your missing an important part of life
When words are placed in music, your soul is pierced within
Whether it be happy, sad or tragic, your heart is singing till the end.
Words can do so many things, and I've only said a few
But put thought before your speech because the power starts with you.
when I was younger
I just wanted to be Alice
so that when I fell down a hole
there would at least be a purpose,
an adventure
and a story to tell.

I would be famous,
befriend the weird and wonderful
& finally belong.

but I got older
acquainted with the real world
and found myself
in a very different hole;
there is no white rabbit
to tell me where to go
and the monster in my head
will not be slain so simply
and my tears don't allow me
to simply float away.

but the biggest disappointment
(I blame growing up and finding love
and losing hope)
is that there is no end
to this hole of mine.

and I'm falling
& falling
&& falling.

and I'm afraid it's too late
to rewrite my ending.
it's too late at night and i'm too tired to hide from depression
so excuse the awful poem please
Whatever you do,
Don't fall in love
With loveless boys.

The boys who stay awake
Until 4 am taking long drags
On cigarettes and blowing
The smoke into the wind.

The boys who down bottles
Of whiskey at a time and
Wipe their mouths with their
Sleeves, eyeing you from
Across the room as they do.

The boys who frequent
Alleyways and rooftops
And libraries because
They are anything but

The boys who watch you
Fall in love with them and
Don't feel a **** thing
For you as you do.

We sit on a tailgate pointed toward
the hills, where life ripples down the slopes
gathers in pools of the creek and begins again
to climb up the peaks and tree trunks on the
other side. It colors the breaths we take
Children run here, learn their legs, as stalks
graze their shoulders and block their
view. They get dizzy as rows rush by.
We rein in our bovine friends here, watch
them jump and kick, see them call in


We walk between rows of highly stacked cement and exhale smog that drifts
upwards to
join the cloud of soot.
We walk among so many abrasive shoulders. We get
hung up on abrasive personalities.
A gray wave in a black sea we’re vapidly
drifting. Legs move quickly to stay afloat.
swimming. Swimming always. Swimming further.


We sit for pictures with clogged eyes and stuffed chests
We coo at portraits of masks and dummies
We write books for laughs and money and friends
We read a little to find the romance and sorrow
and lay cold on the slab while our own pages turn.


We pass out of porcelain faces with their tightly
drawn eyes that cast gazes over shoulders, homes
of last night’s kisses. We pass out of the electrical
current of youth
numbed and still alive
with eyes that look like stained glass windows of the
Church of Holy Suffering.


We wait for Sunday night to turn the dial to the Blues. We keep throwing something for an animal to pick up and return.  We string beads and sell them for redemption.


We think of our friends. They’re draped in a future,
warmed with hot blood rushing through their veins,
slamming fists to tables, pronouncing their minds.
ripping off dresses, sharing their madness.
tossing paint to canvas, showing their hearts.
asking questions to startle, proving their love.


We think of our parents.
dead and gone, dead to us, dead by self-proclamation -
Is their blood cold and still in their withered veins?
Have they their fill of slamming fists and ripped dresses and tossed paint and startling questions?


We are sad.
 Jul 2013 Esmé van Aerden
Dear sea you seem to know me
My hesitations,
My insecurities,
My secrets,
And with your waves you taunt me
Entangling yourself in my regrets.

Dear sea you hypnotize me
Your peaks,
Azure swells,
Your depth,
With your seductive dance you call me,
Through hesitation I hold my breath.

Dear sea it's you that mocks me,
Your banter,
Your finesse,
Your flow.
You tease my feet that yearn to jump,
Knowing they aren't prepared to go.

Oh sea, you've been beside me,
Through tides,
Through storms,
Through shine.
Though somewhere in our voyage,
You stole something that was mine.

Sea, you stole my strength.
You bashed,
You stung,
I drowned.
Your waves took me in,
Your waves took me down.

But dearest sea, I still hold one secret.
One truth,
One desire,
One stake.
I hold within the power to rise,
To overcome your breaks.

So sea, rise I will.
Ill struggle,
Ill push,
Ill strive.
And although you took me under,
I don't regret the dive.
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