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Esmé van Aerden Jun 2013
There is an empty bitterness
which is sustained here.
One can't help but feel helpless
as loved ones inhale fear
and exhale possible precious breaths.

The "too clean" smell intrudes the senses,
and nervous flickers arise
as the waiting room fills with tensions.
People think of their goodbyes
just in case the worst news comes.

But then there is the expecting room,
which is a hopeful place.
"Baby is coming soon!"
"Come see her pretty face!"

And yet amidst the joy and excitement,
there are still those who don't
receive all they dreamt of,
and perhaps are unable to receive it.

Perhaps they will end up
in the other
sooner than expected.
I hate hospitals.
Esmé van Aerden Jun 2013
Did you really think I was okay?
  when you saw my nicotine-stained teeth
Did you really think I was okay?
  when the only sound heard from recycling were
    the heavy clank! of bottles

Did you really think I was okay?
  when I only wore long sleeves in the steaming

Did you really think I was okay?
   when they cut me open and saw my bruised and
   battered corpse?
Esmé van Aerden Jun 2013
His deep blue eyes
from underneath my gaze,
leaving me to
in the empty nothingness
which was left
out of pity.
Esmé van Aerden Jun 2013
Please don't lose yourself in your wild, untamed mind.

Wait to lose yourself and be consumed by nervous thoughts in the wee hours of the morning until I'm with you.

Wait to explore undiscovered ruins hidden in the crevices of your brain until I find my way to where you have stumbled.

Wait to enter the caverns of lost memories and shattered wishes until I have decoded intricate hieroglyphics.

Wait to illuminate this forgotten jungle until you are ready to let me see all the beautiful and ugly creatures which lurk and cower in its tangled roots.

          I reassure you; I will still adore you no
         matter what evils we stumble upon along our
         for I know,
         deep in the heart of this wild labyrinth
         awaits decadence and beauty.
Esmé van Aerden Jun 2013
don’t tiptoe around her feelings.
don’t smother truths among lies.
don’t think you can mend her porcelain heart.
don’t expect her to listen to you.
don’t tell her to grow up.
don’t ask her too many questions when she’s hurting.
don’t be afraid to touch her scars.
don’t rush her.

do love her endlessly.
do stay with her and just hold her.
do play with her hair.
do kiss away her tears.
do hum in her ear softly as you stroke her back.
do stay with her while she sleeps.
do stay with her while she wakes.
do respect her boundaries.
do have patience.
do feel honoured when she opens up to; it is a rare thing and means she values you.
Esmé van Aerden Jun 2013
i wonder if it makes people feel better by belittling others.

i wonder if it would make them pause a moment when the bullied show their scars, and point to the ones they caused.

i wonder if they would change, if we showed them how much they really hurt us.
Esmé van Aerden Jun 2013
each night 
the ghosts dance out

from underneath the streetlights

and greet my slumber like an old friend,

filling my dreams with

they persistantly tell me,

one day,

you will forget about me,

but i’ll never forget you;
one day,

i’ll be like them,

a ghost consuming happy thoughts.
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