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May 2013 · 1.2k
Curtain of Anonymity
Eshani May 2013
Never thought distances would be of this sort,
when you sit right in front of me,
But you are no more mine,
our relation is distant that the closeness of our bodies,

You were like the scent in a breeze,
You were like the breath that held me alive,
You were, once upon a time,
what you are'nt anymore,

I hear some soft footsteps,
that used to tremble my heart beats,
I still hear them in the brisk leaves,
and the pounding rain,

But when I dare to look across the door,
Silence prevails in its infinite bounty,
and I realize,
those sounds were just the echo of my own thoughts.

As we sit against one another today,
smitten by the hazed mirror of past,
Our eyes bear the curtain of anonymity,
and I wish,
If they had to look across this barrier,
They'd better have pulled across the curtain amongst us,
before we ever laid eyes on each other.
Mar 2013 · 3.7k
Eshani Mar 2013
My strength, my being, my colour , my pride,
The soil I was born from,

A breath of that nation, I am.

My mother, my family, is this nation,
The successor of a profound civilization,

The sky I fly in, the freedom I spoil in.

The borders that define me,
The states which surround me,

A culture which builds in every word I speak.

I will be born here time and again,
To repay my debts of life and death,

A nation which will store my identity, past time, past life.
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
Eshani Jan 2013
A maze is what you are,
Dwindling with the strands of hope,

A hope to find out the hidden way to my heart,
I have wandered so far, so long,
Yet I am not even close to your presence,

I may fall blindly into your illusions,
That bereft me of pain and pain, but some more,

Your silhouette puzzles me past these though,
And then again I stroll with the same hope,
A hope of insanity to find you!

You, are my soul mate hidden past these walls,
And I shall meet you on one such crazed end of the maze.
Jan 2013 · 970
Eshani Jan 2013
You have touched my heart, like a smile touches lips,
You have held my hand, the way wind holds the leaf’s arm,
You have looked into my eyes, the way rainbow peeps into the sky,
You have loved me, the way shore loves the ocean,
Lips, touched with the brightness of a smile,
A solitary leaf, now into the arms of the wind,
Rainbow, shimmering in the wet crystals of sky,
Ocean engulfed by the strength of the shore,
Shore, incomplete without the splash of the Ocean.
Love, boundless, infinite, profound.
Jan 2013 · 987
Lost & Found
Eshani Jan 2013
A memory that had kept me awake the whole night,
Took me onto a walk, in the dawns flight,
While a stranger walking past me that morning,
Nodded with a smile and unknowingly swept a tear from my eyes,
A reason to smile back to him, was enough to pave through my solitary plight,

Walking by a lonely pavement one day,
My watch broke away from upon my wrist,
into a splatter upon the cracked road,
I looked upon the shards,
as the last touch of my mother lay scattered bereft and cold,
Just as I was about to hold the cracked glass with a heavy heart,
A tear rolled down my cheek, and was glimpsed by a kind soul,
Who walking past my loss said,
“Don’t let the metal break your heart,
Let the heart breathe life into those shards.”

A smile, a nod, a word, an advice,
A glance of hope, a gaze of strength,
Will find you the way to the happiness deep within,
Happiness, shared by a rose, passed by the wind,
Cradled in the waves of the ocean, lapped in the waving leaves,

All you need is a reason to find its way,
Way to the depths of happiness ,
bundled in the bounties of a thundering heart.
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Like The Wind
Eshani Jan 2013
I wish I could fly like the wind,
across borders, past rivers, like the sky's kin,

I wish to fly past you like a passing breeze,
I wish to hold your hand when your hopes cease,

I wish to breathe within you like the waft of a flower,
I wish to caress your hair, like the streaming drops of a rainy shower,

I wish I could fly like the wind,
across borders, past rivers, like the sky's kin,

I wish I could run ahead of your path,
and warn you of the harm, that awaits with a silent wrath,

I wish like the wind I could spell sounds into your ear,
tell you stories, I live with just your dreams, here,

Apart, aloof of my voice, and thought,
there you reside where your dreams you sought,

I love you is all I hide,
from you, for your dreams to stride,

and so I feel the pain and urge,
to love you more, with each tidal surge,

and so ,

I wish I could fly like the wind,
across borders, past rivers to be your kin.
Dec 2012 · 13.8k
Eshani Dec 2012
The landscape of a sacred river, which speaks of a story,
The landscape of the life of Lord Krishna,
Krishna, the God of truth and courage,
Krishna , the smile of every living self around,
Krishna , the sound of eternity  past lands,
Krishna the bearer of all that is sand and soul,
Krishna, the selfless warrior ,
Krishna, an armor less sculpture , victory residing in his eyes,
Krishna the epitome of love ,
Krishna , who lies in those remains deep down in the sea,
Krishna, past centuries residing in the hearts of millions,
Krishna , visible in the eyes of believers of his love,
Krishna embedded in the sound of every string, every rhythm, every breathe of mine.
Nov 2012 · 659
Dream Love
Eshani Nov 2012
Let your voice for once, listen to your feelings,
For words and tears wait for none,
Let those eyes be as silent as ever,
Else they might speak the bitterness of your heart

Yes I remember those sleepless nights,
And those lamps, that burned with your memories,
Yes those black crisp petals are still afresh with your memories,
As I can still smell the scent of love that lingered around you, within me,

Yes I still remember the sound of your steps under the storm of sunlight,
Narrowing towards me like the ripples of water towards the shore,
Yes I still smell the scent of love that once came with the breeze you brought along,
Now I realize, remembering and dreaming are not so varied after all.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Eshani Oct 2012
Those drizzling mounds are coming my way,
Those moving with speeds of the winds are crowding my day,

I can feel their movement past the vast expanse,
I can sense their arrival while birds gather with their sounds, to dance,

They are near by and their sounds are drowning my senses,
The wind they came with, is spreading the word through fences,

There they come in a giant grey swirl,
with the striking thunder cutting across their curls,

They descend in volumes of sparkling drops,
They ripple apart the surface wide with pops,

The celebration of the heavens adorns the earth,
every living, being and bead now soaks in their mirth.
Oct 2012 · 960
Gone With the Wind
Eshani Oct 2012
A falling leaf drifted among'st  many like herself,
wondering why the others were still as green as supple,
Why the others were held proudly in the breeze,
While she was abandoned, to die and crease,

She pondered upon the rest with haste with greed,
while the thorn tore her apart with a blatant tease,

She could not even turn around to the cursed thorn,
She could not even cry out through the swirling storm,

Just when she was about to succumb to the apathy of fate,
Just when she was to let go the hanging threads of fate,

Did a breeze flew her under the open sky,
Away from the shadows, far away from her cry,

Under the light of freedom, upon the dust of times play,
On the cold black rocks, upon the waterfall's crystal spray,

She found back hope with passing wind and drizzling rain,
She found back her life, just after she was lead by her pain.
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
One Fine Life
Eshani Sep 2012
I woke up with a breeze knocking at my window,
I woke up to the sun, sending a ray of hay aglow,
My feet crawled me to the open hands of the clouds,
Where morning stood smiling, with the chirping sounds,

A breeze came along yet again to brush my hair,
While the rose perched proudly, upon the stem of a leafy pair,

The dew was lying on the velvety red petal,
The soft earth, waiting its return to the warm natal,

I finally took myself into my own senses,
and drifted to a life that was unlike the morning, cribbed with stenches,

But life this beautiful should not hold you back,
to take a step ahead, and finally unhook fate's rigid backpack,

Life is about those feathery white clouds,
Life is about earths' scented mounds,
Life is about the crawling of dew drops,
Life is about those smiling golden crops.
Sep 2012 · 696
I Dream
Eshani Sep 2012
The violins string in my ears each night,
As I meet you under a star studded night,
when I seamlessly fall into dreams,
Where the small piece of moon is flowing like streams,

You meet me there every night,
As I meet you only in my dreams every night,
You hold my hand, you hold me in your sight,
You walk ahead my path, you take me away into the flowing light,

I have heard you speak your heart out,
I have heard you walk towards me, like love splashing from a pout,
I have felt your words through the winds flight,
I have felt your warmth, when you hold me with love's might,

But I have felt you leave my side every night,
I have felt my dreams fade into reality every single night,
I have heard my heart beat alone with a solitary plight,
I have woken up every morning rushing into reality with a fight,

And I still wish to love you more by each passing day,
I still promise my heart to dream of you each passing day,
I still wish you all the happiness, even though u stand on someone else's side,
I still promise just dreaming you, without any quests to abide.
Eshani Sep 2012
The zest of your starlit eyes,
The sound of your mischievous laughter,
The twists of your black strands past the breeze,
I shall breathe, I shall dream,

That splash of raindrops on your lips, your hands,
That impatient tear, sliding past your dimpled cheek,
Those fake fits of anger,
Those blunt threats of fists and fights,
Shall beat within my heart,
until the my veins throb,
until my words tremble,

The sliding of your  hand out of mine,
The parting of your shadow, and sliding apart with the light,
The aimless wait for your back to turn,
The constant urge for your feet to stop before the next turn,
I shall remember, I shall blame,

For all those lies and broken promises,
For all those dreams that burned into ash,
For all those half heartened prayers,
I shall bereave,
till my chest heaves,
till my eyes gaze,
till my nights dream,
till my soul begs.....
Sep 2012 · 786
One such Sunset..
Eshani Sep 2012
You stormed out,
But you're words willfully held back,
you took away all your promises and leaped out of 'us',
While I stood in silence as your eyes no more looked into  mine;
As your words struck deeper ,

One morning I woke up and found an empty space,
It was within me, and it throbbed with excruciating pain,

Without you, within me,
It felt like I was screaming, loud and shrill,
It felt like I was bleeding tears,
It felt like the world had abandoned me,
All the feelings locked within my cold trembling hands,
hollow eyes, and crisp dry lips,

I was rushing past places.... people....... myself
like an abandoned piece of paper flying down the road,

I was no more mine, I had been your's once,
I was no more living, I was a scattered hope of existence,

I am still standing there, right where you abandoned me,
I am staring at the floor that bid you farewell when I couldn't,
I am standing under one such sun splattered evening,
I am standing alone, looking at one such sunset.
Sep 2012 · 837
A Traveler's Confession
Eshani Sep 2012
Your rails, my ways,
Your wheels, my speeds,
Your trees, my greens,
Your wind,my sting,
Your rain, my gain,
Your drops, my crops,
Your clouds, my shadows,
Your lanes, my cranes,
Your field ,my scenes,
Your farms, my charms,
Your ponds ,my swans,
Your streams, my dreams,
These lives, are strides,
My life, confides,
Without your's, mines' lost,
Mines' alive, on your's cost
Eshani Sep 2012
Life, beaming in a drop, hanging down a leaf,
Life, that surpasses the shackles of belief,

Life, flowing upon the rigid bed of rocks,
Life, like a standing pile of balancing blocks,

Life, always walks a path along the valley steep,
Life, a warrior against the darkness deep,

Life,  breathing hearts’ tiny beat,
Life, like the fading impressions of feet,

Life, that rhymes with the known, and a few unknown,
Life, stands atop the brittle heights of heartless clones,

Life,  to live the worth of each body and soul,
Life, to rest upon after an accomplished goal.
Eshani Sep 2012
Who do I trust, whom should I pry?
Who should be my call, when my lips tremble dry?
Who should I rely upon,for the saddest day of my life?
Who should be by my side, when  life’s the pinpoint of a knife?
Who should hold me with strength ?
Who should walk along my life’s length?
Who should cry on my stiffened body, and cold blood?
Who should remember me , from the scent of soil, and a mystifying bud?
I know the one who should; but who wont,
I know just,the bliss of dreams , desires just my own,
I know the brittle mirror of reality, where he resides,
I know I walk the ray of sunlight, when I should follow the cosmic tides.

— The End —