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Lyka May 2013
Its beautiful here, but its not the view I'm looking for                                                    up
This open sky, I want to be so light, lighter then a dandelion wish. I want to float up
away into this sky so I can find your eyes
because what's a few shades of blue.
Then instead of floating I'll just
to the very bottom.

I've never been to this place before, so I guess I should thank you
I guess my heart is dying,
but its time to grow and I have a cocoon in my pocket, and we both need wings if we are going to survive.

A heart on my wrist
and the sacred trickster, reminding me not to take everything so seriously, while teaching important lessons. He probably has something to do with this situation that I'm in.

So I'll run into these dark woods, and call to him. And then together we will call to you and then

Because I love you so much.

And I wanted to hide everything that reminded me of you, (Which is everything by the way)
but that would mean trying to forget,
which would mean broken promises.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
makes so much more sense now.
So many things, make so much more sense.
So I guess I should thank you.
Lyka May 2013
And I'm hopeless,
Hopeless for the countless stars, in a blueblack sky.
Hopeless for the mist in the forest after the rain.
Hopeless for new places, old places
and the old places that I wont ever see again...
I'm hopeless for your hair in my mouth,
and your pillow arms.
I'm hopeless for thunderstorms and anthills,
puppy kisses and fuzzy sweaters.
I'm hopeless for me and you,
Hopeless in wondering if you and I are hopeless.
And wondering if we were ****** from the start...what a wonderful curse to break.
I'm also a hopeless romantic, poetry, sunsets, drunken statements of love, all that jazz
I had you at a hopeless arms length, but my hopeless heart had a different agenda.
I'm hopeless for delusional fairy tails, but with a twist. I've never made a good damsel in distress. I'll be the dragon, and you can be whatever you want to be. But if you ever become a knight I suggest something besides a dinky sword.
I'm hopeless for the ocean, for the snowflakes, for the wind
for moonlight walks, for autumn leaves
Hopeless for sundresses, sad loves songs.
Pokemon, books, books, books,
Hopeless for beginnings.
Hopeless for memories of you, hopeless for any memories at all.
Hopeless for my alone time, hopeless for my time alone with you
Hopeless for small houses in the woods, hopeless for fire
Hopeless for the scars on your arms and the scars on your heart.
I'm hopeless for my friends, and long nights spent with them.
Hopeless for ***, drugs and rock n' roll, sometimes all at the same time.
Hopeless for tears and laughter. Hopeless for rainbows and naps when I'm grumpy.
I'm hopeless for cigaretts and rivers, hot springs
and bats, hopeless for dancing and back rubs.
I'm hopeless because you are the reason that I am going,
and the reason that I am staying.
Lyka Apr 2013
but is it long enough?
Lyka Apr 2013
So you came back from too many days ago
from a life built of oh so precious moments.
Filling up the space that you left.
Did you make your own?

I'll take you to the pretty places inside my own head
and show you these dreamcasters weaving dreamcatchers.

Where do the ghosts go, when there are no more ghost towns
when the old one forgets...
did we even exist at all?

You're the pressure under my skin
If you're water, can you drown?
Lyka Feb 2013
I wont live trapped in my "if only's"
          because the past can be a road map or a road block. And I
Wasn't able to tell what colors my secrets were.
         So I have heard that everything is
Supposed to happen for a reason. (I don't know if I believe this yet)
        and even if it is true, it doesn't make it any easier. I decided I don't want
To live trapped in my "maybe one day" or "We'll see's"
        But now whenever it gets cold and the rain starts to
Fall all I can think of is a cat at our feet.
         and cabins
In the woods, where for a few short moments there is no distance.
         and I wonder if
Love is enough to stop time,
         because if you asked I would run away with you,( So please don't ask)
But this is bigger then the two of us, even though we are the reason why
         there are stars in the sky. What
I wanted, almost more then anything, was to say
        Welcome Home. And kiss you hello instead of goodbye. Everything I
Did was my fault (obviously)
        because I wasn't supposed to fall in love, but I did
Lyka Feb 2013
Lyka Feb 2013
You're so blind.
I whisper, as you take away my eyes.
But not my ability to see.

Can you tell me who won,
In the battle against yourself.
Was it a victory, or a surrender.
Which would be worse?

I'll live in the silence.
My Silence.
Which is different then the silence of a haunted ghost ship.
Trapped between two storms.
Which is worlds away from Shadow Silence.
One place I visit frequently.
And all of those silences are almost, but not quite unlike the
Snow Silence.

Maybe I am lying to you,
because these things aren't silent at all.
But what if I am the only one here who can hear them.
Does that make it a lie,
Or are you just not trying hard enough.

Are you trying at all?

Even though these silences are so loud
that you can't hear them.
Where are the real silences?

Right now all I know
is that my hands
have not felt the whisper
of you
underneath them
in quite some time.
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