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Lyka Feb 2013
I'll sit and watch my own sunset.
And if it ever stops
I know where to find the stars.
The passion colors, the clouds
so far away they might as well be memories.

Remembering is hard to do.
Is forgetting even harder?

My arms are crossed
and my wings are folded around you.

Your wings are black.
You call them curses.

I always laugh when you talk like this.
What else can I do, when you seem so convinced.

What else is a raven, but a gateway to magic.

Will you hear me, from across the world.
Even if by the time the wind reaches you
by following the marks your dreams left
I've danced into another me.
One closer and farther from you.
Lyka Feb 2013
We'll hide like leopards,
Wearing invisibility,
cloaked in a pattern of light and dark.
Hiding in the shadows
cast by the wind

Heart seeking heart.

I wont tell you my secrets
because then they would have to be yours too.

It was bad timing on my part.
Lyka Feb 2013
So I did,
exactly what I told you not to do.
Except in a different way.

And now that I want to go back,
what I really want to do is to go forward.
Because while people have taught me many things
I have taught myself that things will be okay

And its not okay that I'm looking for.  
But I guess it will work for now.

I'll bury that part.
In a chest, in a dungeon, in an abandoned castle.
In an abandoned world.
Guarded by a patient dragon.

I'll hide the key to the chest in one part of my mind.
And a map to the castle in another.
Or maybe I will trick myself
and hide it in my heart instead.

I will never know what web of coincidences have brought me to this point.
I only know the decisions I have made.

I don't know these words,
are they even mine.

They were here before anyone was born.
That's all I remember.
Lyka Feb 2013
I'll kiss every part of you.
Plant my love for you,
(which is only yours that you keep hidden,
mirrored the lights of my eyes)
If I planted them like seeds in the wilderness
would you care for them?
Would you bring out your light so that they could grow?
I'll leave small hints along the way to help you
secrets that everyone knows.

That its fire that protects the heart.
But you already knew that.

And when those seedlings turned into flowering trees
we would become children to climb and swing in their branches.
Weaving their blossoms into our hearts and eyes.
And we'd play prince and princess.

And when princess's become queens and
when roses turn into dragons,
We will be lovers in that garden.
And I will rescue fate.

And I will tell you another secret.
That the shadows you fear, are the ones terrified of you,
because they know how strong you really are.
And the moment you realize this
they will be nothing more then the ash left after a forest fire.
Making way for the new seeds
Which you can plant next to mine.
Lyka Jan 2013
I wanted to drown in the storm of your true light.
But before those blue waters take me I have to command the the winds of my own raging fire.
Only then will we see who is fire proof.

This love is a contest of who can cast the darkest shadow.
Then seeing what kind of light is called in.
And isn't it true, when the demons get bigger you have just leveled up.

Grow a pair of new eyes, if it stings at first don't worry that's a good thing.
The knife hurts going in, and it hurts coming out.
But jesus christ don't just leave it there!

What? You can't pull it out by yourself?
But I guess I'm not strong enough either.
I'll be back when I can, with my own set of knives.
It wont be her that comes back though. Her heart is getting to big for her body.
and then you lit it on fire, but its not your fault.
Thank god its almost over

And no we wont ever forget you.
We couldn't even if we wanted to.
The vows are stored in the the deepest roots of that tree.
So now she knows.
It's also store in the tallest branch tips, where only the sky can reach.
So now he knows too.
And this illusion known as death is a lie remember?
So your memory will not leave with me.

I promise I wont miss you. You aren't really going anywhere
and I am always right here. Just make sure you show up.
That's all that I'm asking.
Lyka Jan 2013
You're somewhere in that distant city, just a breath away,
hiding from the stars.
Life doesn't try to disguise its light... its people that do.
So when starlight is the only beam you shine under
how to I begin to try and find you.
I guess its time to learn to see in the dark,
the shadows will be my guide.

You pierced my heart and left the blade in
and the emotions are filling up and spilling out.
And I can't speak because the words are caught in your throat.
And you wont ever understand my tears, they are yours.

When we weave our threads together
we realize that the river of time is a lake.
We are in charge of these seconds, we can break the clocks
but we can never go back,

Don't look at me with faraway eyes
because your heart matches them.
Rings around fingers and necks, the strongest chains are invisible.
Please don't fade away from my dreams
that's the only place you visit me.
Lyka Jan 2013
Don't look down, your feet know where they are going.
These old worn paths, oh so new. Just because you've never walked them,
at least this time around.
Like too many lights gathered around your eyes.
And you can't ask the sky,

"What color is the floor?"

Because there are too many doors, down too many hallways
and you can only pick one.
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