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Oct 2013 · 1.4k
Coral Estelle Oct 2013
Salt and sand all over my hands and in the air
Lending that tossed, windy texture to your hair
Sand covered wheels roll us down the boardwalk beside
The push and pull of wanting and waiting  blue waves
My fever and thrill so desperate to hold onto you
Burning and impulsive I ask you to bring me to life.

So the sun laid its hand on my scalp, gentle and beaming
Like the perfect roundness of your eyes, gentle and beaming
I absorb the heat from you both, a seaside pocket of heaven

To be a lover when the air is hot and the vibrant colors burn
To explore the world in the ****** of summer, passionately, together
Is the best way to get to know some one, you said to me.

The water lights up so stunning and bright in the midday heat
Like blinding diamonds across miles of blue disappearing edges
So perfect it makes me forget I am not new, nor the first to find you
But it’s impossible to harbor such feelings before a perfect dreamy horizon
So I let it all go,

I’m aware of what we are
What my hair, my lips, my eyes are all symbols of
Suns, moons, and stars from a world sister to ours
A world without the structure and friction these people know

With you I’m unafraid to take this world, to claim that I belong here
To kiss your lips on the boardwalk, to wear my hair down in the wind
To show my skin under the sunlight, to lift up my arms and beam
One person can ******* alive, one summer, one bright beachy day.
Sep 2013 · 1.5k
Coral Estelle Sep 2013
Where the air is clean I can be alone, with you
Stretch my legs out over miles of wild woods
Let my hips sway and my hair fall down my back
Free to be a spirit to the fullest extent of this world
Tree trunk drums beat with a rhythm I learn to follow
Fresh air sweeps over my skin and blows into my lungs
Crisp and clean the highest leaves of the forest ceiling
Untouched by anything but sunlight and floating songs

We took no boat or train, but here we are somehow
For a mermaid to tell you to make a wish on a sea shell,
and throw it into the sea
Leading it down to the ocean floor where it can live forever
Changing green and blue while the sky burns red and orange
So we kiss in front of the sunset
Our face's silhouette large as the burning bulb over the horizon
I would not care if the water washed over my feet
and the rocks came out from beneath me
Everything is perfect here with you.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Coral Estelle Jul 2013
At dusk we watch the windows of the hotel tell their stories
Some are a warm summer yellow and inside, their lovers are at peace
Some flash with florescent brightness, as colors slap their eggshell walls
I imagine the lives that other people lead, and am glad I have my own with you
Someone who will pause to look out at the world with me, and wonder what it means

I watch you talk about the contrast and the unity of this city and of nature
About how the city rises up in front of the ocean like a purposeful backdrop
And how it towers above the Earth as men believe we have the right to
Attempting to make natural and unnatural beauty cohabitants of one another
I let my heart agree, and give into the skyline imprinted on the horizon

I suppose I've been waiting to meet you. And now I have
So I can feel my way around a perfect summer's night
So we can drink blueberry wine and watch the sky fade into a similar flavor
A gradient from icy light blue to a full-bodied purple haze

You kiss me perfectly in the easy, mellow middle of nowhere
Sweet like a summer peach and soft like a blanket of sun
Covering me everywhere and kissing right beneath the bones
In a small farming town I learn more about you than ever before
It’s not my home, but I know I would be happy with the change

I let you wonder what I’m thinking because it’s too heavy for the air
The little mystery I withhold from you is my only way of slowing down
This whole hearted, light headed revolution of my brand new soul
This eternal adventure I embarked upon without a second thought

We could do anything together, making new memories as we swap old ones
You say you've only felt this way a couple of times before. But I never have
So I let you win, I let you lead, even when you talk to me sounding like a father.
I come to you like a ****** to love with a blank slate for a heart and a future

Your right for me simply because you do not ground me
You coincide with the dreamer and thinker that no one else hears or sees
And you listen and look at me in a way that no one else comprehends

Your hold on me feels just right against the silence and sleeping darkness
I feel a lot more than the quiet night can hold when I finally let you fall asleep
As your dreaming I’m thinking about you recklessly, holding on as long as I can
If I can feel your breathing, your beating heart, your train of thought
I can slip into your dreams with you, ultimately together in a shared subconscious
And if I wake up to those sun beams and bright blue, I’ll be happy until next time.
Jul 2013 · 649
Into the Wild
Coral Estelle Jul 2013
From all the scripted things I've said to you
To all the brand new and the nerves
I rise and set around you ever since
Wishing everything was mine and yours
It's a slow unrolling gaining force each time
And avalanching into every day's dreams
I wasn't ready to admit it, but now
I couldn't have designed you better
I can't help but concentrate on
How perfect you are
Because you remind me of everything good
And the tone of your voice can level me out
I think about you coming like a flash of lightning
I think about you changing my mind
I would have never given in except over you
You overrule me with any effortless laughter
At the first sign he will be that kind of starry eyed forever
I will sign away my everything, and venture into that wild.
Jun 2013 · 767
The Graduate
Coral Estelle Jun 2013
We fall into to the night without saying a word
Nothing could be said, nothing should be said
No words are clean enough to cut the peace.
We open our eyes to the morning light with a laugh
I know exactly what that smile means
I’ve learned your expressions like a dialect.
An undeniably happy face, sticky and syrupy sweet
From all the silent praises I’ve planted on your cheek
I let the quiet sing, things I shouldn't yet say.
When we kiss, I leave, like a spirit from a hollow body
Turning completely liquid under a tickled, happy layer of skin
Feeling so content and full, like soul food on the weekend
Hearing the perfect white noise of your record player
While it sings for me during my shower
Inhaling the incense we forgot we lit, so long ago
A day ago, three days ago, but I’ve almost known you always.
We expand the concept of a minute, an hour, a night
Learning more in the framework of a flash
Than some may learn in a lifetime
A paralyzing combination of heat and honesty of heart
We once were parallel, but completely unaware
Now we are perpendicular, in motion, in crossing
In a quick intersection we wish could trap us
We have both been propelled towards different horizons
But that doesn't take away the thrill of the present tense
It makes it all the more romantic
Dec 2012 · 2.0k
Your Sweaters
Coral Estelle Dec 2012
Today you wear a black sweater.
Standing in the marshy December atmosphere
With a cigarette between your two most learned fingers
You do not take shame in such a habit
But you make it so appealing.

That day you wore a beige knitted number
I saw you at dinner, and recognized you right away
Your distinctive ****** features peeking out
Over the loosely woven yarn that hugs your torso
That face I still cannot quite figure out.

I watched that beige collared cloth
Hang down your back and angle at your neck
As you danced behind that girl I didn’t know
And then I watched that same sweater
Stumble on over to me, ecstatic to be there
I had no reason not to indulge you.

And when you wear your school’s sweater
I know you need to belong, and play a part
You’re a rugby star, a lettered fraternal success
But I also know that grey cotton crew neck
Clings closer to you, than I ever will.
Dec 2012 · 2.2k
Wild Child
Coral Estelle Dec 2012
I was a woman on the war path
Chanting, beating my chest, painting my face
I was new at life and bleeding that youthful aura
But now I’ve gone dry, thirsty for what I let go.
I watch him stand over your body,
And painfully remove all I had adorned you with.
I had used you as a sanctuary for all my dreams.
You had seen the best and worst of me
But now you see me worst of all, retired.

I no longer venture into the night and roll into the morning
I don’t climb the walls, or shout to the seasons
I don’t cry with all-consuming  passion
I don’t love with reckless infatuation
I don’t hate myself when I’m high on angst
I even don’t love myself when I’m high on vanity
I was the epitome of extremes and starved for thrills
The runaway, the rolling stone, the troublemaker
The flirt, the fighter, the drinker and smoker.

I’m grateful you’re too fogged to notice me
Because I know you wouldn’t believe
The shrewd and quiet ghost I’ve grown up to be.
Dec 2012 · 675
Midnight Breakfast
Coral Estelle Dec 2012
A quiet child in the backseat, with two lesbian mothers
A new age experiment with granola and ****
I can’t even edge my way into the conversation, I can’t even force it
I can’t understand why you leave so much empty space hanging around
I need someone to lessen the divide, someone I can see myself in

Someone who fills up all the space and doesn't care how
Someone who will feast and starve just to know the craving
Someone who wants a thrill, who wants to know all the ways we can feel
Someone who can match my steps as I walk home, no longer alone
Sharply aware of any creatures awake in the dark, because we’re one of them
With some kind of tropical taste in my mouth even in the dead of winter

I have the empty squares on the calendar to look forward to; I have time to find you.
Dec 2012 · 2.2k
Coral Estelle Dec 2012
I find safety in the darkness of the crowd
The cumulative hum is deafening until
My ears ring with incompetence for the sound
My hips are going in between the claps
And my legs burn from dancing too ferociously
Only flashes of light reveal my expression
Beaming with a misplaced innocence

I try to focus on his face only to find myself
Staring down black pupils like barrels of a gun
It’s been a long day, I’m clean out of epinephrine
It feels good to have your shoulder in my throat
To put my weight on something else and forget gravity
I’ve made an escape, the result of a good night
I find consolation in a repeated tomorrow

I catch a free ride and stumble into the city
By night I’m so much further than where I arose
Drifting unintentionally and forgetting all the rules
Always late to arrive and early to leave,
I’m never where you need me to be
Just a mind finite and floating
But if I lived as just a heart
As just a shrine for my soul to breathe
Then, I would be perfect.
It’s this bag of flesh that slows me down
Like an expiration date.
Dec 2012 · 875
Coral Estelle Dec 2012
My face is numb from smiling like I found the whole truth
My heart’s your tiny dancer, all pirouetting around its thoracic cage
All lit up like New Year’s Eve, all twirling and careless like a rich girl
If we dance slow I’ll whisper you something epic, a stolen Shakespeare quote
Cameras rolling over our shoulders for a glimpse at the panoramic love
Because it’s all about to happen, like a long awaited legalization, a celebration
I lay out a stage for you, an invitation to make me a star
Because you’re just so smooth, Smooth like it comes to you naturally
Smooth like you know something I don’t, like you have it all figured out
Like when you’re standing front and center in your slacks and blazer,
Seeming like you’re so much older
You wield our tender attention spans, and prey on my weakness for romance
Like only you know how to do.
My mind is your magnifying glass, faithfully interpreting every bit of you
I have seen in you my every need from the existential to the animalistic
I’m hungry anxious and unpredictable as unlit fireworks
I just wait for the day.
Dec 2012 · 864
Coral Estelle Dec 2012
A woman with her arms out wide, as if suspended in the sky
For that one final moment before the crash
The physics and theology I can’t understand
She doesn't come to end me,
But to rescue me.
I am so overdone,
And just want to be silenced
I’m asking for her finger on my lips
I’m asking for a nurturer, a place to sleep
I try to tell her I've loved her all along
I put away the lies I've learned, the lives I've led
She takes me home to forgive me forever
To a place where I can find that quiet hymn
Where time is just a myth,
And I can finally be put to rest.
Dec 2012 · 9.0k
Coral Estelle Dec 2012
I’m working to unwrap you slowly
To form you up like a theory
To create a habitat for you in my head
My steps grow wider when I see you at the end
Lying, lounging, an old lion
Afternoon sun low and tired
Rays and shadows streak the road like enveloping arms
As I grow closer, you project even further away
I just long to reach you
Rest my head against your ***** and
Sleep against your softness like a pile of feathers
To rest at last.

But at times I think I’ll never reach you,
As I approach you reflect even further away
I wonder that this road is endless, thinning into the distance
The black wires radiate into the air above me
Mutating my simple DNA into something else entirely
A sole purpose survivor, a solider
The cause is more desperate now
They’re buzzing to each other above my head, talking about me
Their scrutiny banging between my ears
The dust becomes a new layer of me, with incredible thirst
Just fields of dehydrated dandelions, just nothing

They soak up the liquid from everything
With their chemical and electrical waves
The fields are screeching as they shrivel up, like dying children
Now it’s all yellow, beige, and far away
It’s all so tiny against the horizon,
For all I know, your silhouette has become a statue by now
Just this long stripe of dirt I treat like a passageway
Just a ladder to a final place of rest
I’m desperate for a stop in my trudging motion
But I know I can’t lie down in this unworthy sand.
Dec 2012 · 983
Coral Estelle Dec 2012
It doesn't matter there’s no air
And my hair is matted to my neck, a blonde mane beside my face
Because I catch you, don’t I? And you pass by a few times
I like where you find me when I’m unaware, in my wild uncensored state
You’ll have no idea how I seek you out
Because tonight I tell you no, and I take the throne
The beer in your hand and your knit sweater
Make you look like something older
With a sort of sleepy drunken smile, happy like a baby
My finger loved the stubble on your messy cheek
Within our effortless, accidental embrace
My body one among millions and yet somehow
Illuminated like nobody else’s
Everyone is asking now, because I’ve become quite the show.
A rush of newfound power and I’m immediately corrupted
Before, I was just an alien in that shaking body
But tonight I am the North Star, absolutely glistening
Coming into myself in an astonishing somehow
There was fallout from the ritual
When I spit that no off my tongue
I would have given you that sway you were looking for
I would have gave you something to wonder over
I would have given you a lot more than you know.
But I told you no
Just to go home and dream what would have happened if
I said yes.
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
Coral Estelle Nov 2012
I soak you up
As If I could save you for later.
I know I won’t see you tomorrow,
And you look so handsome today.
The scruff on your neck
Leading the way down your unbuttoned chest
Your eyes all sparked up
From the brief spurts of sun
They all turn to stare out the steamed glass
But I remain fixated on those candle lit globes
You gaze out from behind them with utmost politeness
All white and glistening from withheld information
You smile as if it proved everything you feel
I ready myself for you, wishing for even just a whisper
But you only spit out those cliché fixes
So I make my way around again
I have number the last few visits we will have
And all I need is an answer, specifically, a yes.
Nov 2012 · 523
Coral Estelle Nov 2012
I don’t fuss
For once
I let the wind blow my hair away
I let myself look like a fool
I let my skin feel cold
And I enjoy it
Today, I am not in a hurry
For the first time
The rain touches me like a mother

It’s my last day for this race
I do not pull away from the night
I do not draw back from the moon
I let the world push on,
Push over me
Leave me
Nov 2012 · 701
Coral Estelle Nov 2012
You are autumn to me
Orange brown and burgundy
A breath between the heat and the freeze.
Warm enough to melt me into softness
But cold enough to keep me quite alive.
You are a falling asleep,
With the intention of a new awakening.
You are an icon of style,
Effortlessly thoughtful
A medium of practicality and luxury.
You are a narcotic spell,
Spices from a native blend
Something I breathe in,
And it completely changes me
Before I breathe it out again.
You are a season to me
And I click over a bead,
Nov 2012 · 1.7k
As Your Surrogate
Coral Estelle Nov 2012
We circle around you in absolute awe
Adoring your every murmur
Loving you so completely, almost jealous
Wishing we could be so fresh.
I gather you in my hands, an infant saint
You embrace me with innocent reciprocation
Finding sleep easy in my trusted arms.
Not by genetics, but by love, I guard you
Playing mother for the needs you cannot speak.

Now is your beginning, the slow decline of your novelty.
More perfect now than you ever will be,
Rolling around softly in your untried possibilities
Smiling laughing at nothing, everything
You stare out at us whole hearted with wonder.

But one day, you will no longer need to be mothered.
You’ll stretch out your limbs to leave,
Learn the words to wish me goodbye.
We’ll ship you out, a predestined bundle of reeds
Out to float the river, and find a wife to replace me.
It stings to imagine you then, heavy with age.
I wish you would forsake tradition
And remain a tiny ornament of this family
An emblem of purity against the contemporary.

I know you will outgrow your nurturer
But someday I will be the one in need, helplessly tired
And then you will be to me, what I once was to you
The child will become the giver, the plant become the seed.
Nov 2012 · 569
Ten Two
Coral Estelle Nov 2012
A man who drives like he’s mad
A mirage in the summer,
And a ghost in the winter.
The air is epileptic with heat
Going on like a rippling curtain
I let go, and reattach myself
I am here, maybe there
Somehow, I grew this bitterness
Ashamed I let myself submerge
Whole hearted and light headed
Into this handsome revolution.
My lips are a clean slate,
Perhaps I have returned.
Oct 2012 · 756
Coral Estelle Oct 2012
I tire so easily, falling into a conscious sleep
A painted face in front of a quiet void
I can feel you running up behind me,
Bringing with you a gush of fresh air
You exhaust me
Between loving and loathing you
Bitter that you are a trophy to this earth
I cannot resist the need to worship you
Enamored only because I cannot escape you
I synthesize all my energy into speech
Straining to choose words you would like to hear
For when I despair in you I seem to fall out through gravity
Who am I if not your faithful solar system
You are a pulsating warm body, and I am just your reflection
The bitter and the sweet pump through me like an icy burn
And inflate me till I stand once more.
You and your laurel,
You exhaust me.
Sep 2012 · 560
Coral Estelle Sep 2012
With light feet, you trace the inside of your home
You forget that you are there to stay, and wander
You look up doll eyed, and wonder
Your head is so empty, completely floating
You lose yourself in the dreaming world.
You are so flighty, taken away on light a breeze
Your only aim in spoken by the heart
You know nothing of solid things
You have no idea of anything
You girl, you girl
Nothing is real in your world.
You've baked too long in the sun
Mind soaked too long in smoke
All is soft where you stay,
All is painted up and just to keep your concentration
You do nothing but feel and use your eyes.
All you can do is look, look, look,
Look on and smile, with a helpless little mind.
Sep 2012 · 604
Coral Estelle Sep 2012
I looked up at the night and saw the stars
All waltz down in a resigned unity
Falling slowly as if in a rain
Stars set in motion like ships in the sky
They were planets, dendrites
They took the shape of many things.
Disastrous, graceful, but I was unafraid.
I beheld an effigy. Endless, proud, and floating
Sheer and illuminated in the gleam of it all.

Stationed from my watch, I wondered.
I appraised my worth against this sight
Taken by the hand, I was pulled away
And realized  I am completely helpless.
Unimpassioned, I let the days melt away
Time stood still, but was all used up
I watched and watched, it was the end.

I could hear the bombs and feel the flashbacks
I was a fighter, but the battle was stale.
The moon was neon, teased and stretched like elastic
Bitter with the competition,
He was desperately pleading with me
Saying, go to bed.
Sep 2012 · 967
Coral Estelle Sep 2012
I leave the door open
I make plans for you
An imaginary correlation, an absent importance
I revel in the moment I catch your eye
And lasso it in like a blue rose in the desert
We smile
Reserved, empty of ambition
We silently say,
I know your there.
And I know your there.
I acknowledge that you exist

Even from far away,
I can tell you smell like fresh air
Time beneath the western sun
Has contoured your face, and lit up your hair
You sit back as if you’re a portrait,
A wild horse I would never restrain.

The little fact that you exist excites me
Please stay somewhere on this Earth
We leave space in between us
Somewhere for our thoughts to go
You send me waves through the dry air
Wordless pronunciations
I will never touch you
I just like to know you’re alive
Indifferent, yet completely saturated in your image.
Sep 2012 · 770
Eternal Optimist
Coral Estelle Sep 2012
Eyes, spotless prisms of
Refracting light.
Hands, immovable columns
Of ageless stone.
Soul, a simmering hearth
Of softly beaming heaven.
I make you out to be,
Something so eternal.
I love you yet to be,
Anything less than enthralled.
Your novel florescence
Is never ending intrigue
For a washed out girl
Like me.
Feb 2012 · 968
Coral Estelle Feb 2012
Suspended in a dusky spell,
I wait for all my worries
To come collect my night.
I look them in the eyes
And entertain their every possibility.
I accept them as my only friends
Frightening, yet so familiar.

I draw a lukewarm bath,
And let all things pass.
Chew on a mouthful of rotten fruit,
And consider the naivety with which
I labored away all my days
With sweat in my palms and bare feet
Rooted in dry, hopeless dirt
All for nothing.
An infinite, hollow, hateful nothing.

And to hear myself admit it,
Is like a quiet crushing.
A step in the snow
A fist full of foil
That undeniable sound
In absolute silence.
For nothing, for nothing, for nothing.

I let myself go,
And sink backwards into the mud.
“You have to do what you love.”
They say with a belly full of blood.
I'm disgusting.
Feb 2012 · 1.3k
Coral Estelle Feb 2012
I have an insatiable need
To be young.
I have an unquenchable thirst
to be thrilled.
I don't want to change the world.
But I'd to love lay upon its lawn,
And feel it spin beneath me.
An insignificant baby blossom
On its timeless rotating face.

I'd love to sleep through the freeze
And emerge in July.
A born again sun child
With soft skin and fresh eyes.
I 'd aspire only to simplicity.
Tell them all to go on without me
For I only aim to abide aimlessly
In the warm womb summer
Out of touch, and abandoned by time.
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Coral Estelle Jan 2012
I've spread my roots across these panels
Lived a life within these walls.
I can make no movements,
But my eyes are wild.
Solitary and unspoiled
With nothing to need.
Until one day,
You rose in place of the sun.

I grew to live for the moment
In which you shone.
In this freshly sun soaked room,
I come apart.
I watch you bloom
Your a warm yellow,
And I can see straight through.
In that short second,
I become uncontrollable.
I reach so far I break,
but I have no arms.
I writhe and beat,
but have nowhere to burst.
I can do nothing, but die of wanting.
I am glued to this wall.

As you set,
I can not restrain your leaving.
There is nothing to cover the hole in which you fall.
As you set,
I let my eyes pour over you quickly.
Flood you over for that last moment,
Forcing myself between every tiny thread
Of your uncharted, bottomless mystery.
Wallflower, gaze while he flies away.
Wallflower, you lost your chance today.
Sep 2011 · 888
Sea Spray
Coral Estelle Sep 2011
Tangled coral finger
Disappear and reappear at ease
Playing with the thick silk sea.
You are so charcoal and gray.
But some day, all yellow and blue to me.

I know you are so clean-
I tell her to come into me.
Braid your beating green to life
Intimate and innocent
Arches and Arches of endless
You have always been so clean,
Lukewarm sea spray queen.

Call me home, and I wonder how
I always forget.
I disappear, but you endure.
Growing and revolving
Dying for my eyes to arrest your motion.
So you can rest, a still life.
Arches and arches of endless
Green, surround me.
Apr 2011 · 724
Racquet Club Estates
Coral Estelle Apr 2011
Estates within the woods, serene with sun.
Warm air, and white prim rose dresses.
Secrets dropped between blades of grass.
Hidden, lost in summer.
But, if asked just right,
Politely and precise,
They will bloom for you.
Quaint little used to be's.
Who used to beat
My heart.


Back yard lawn chair, of crisp yellow and white.
Which once upon an unknowingly historic time,
Embraced the body heat
Of that King.
And his miniature kingdom,
Within me.


It was Summer at the Racquet Club Estates.
His last Summer,
A chance to breathe alive.
Our Last debate,
A heart's final try.
Quaint little used to be.
Who used to beat
My heart.

Apr 2011 · 1.1k
Coral Estelle Apr 2011
Leaves of brown, petals unwound
I shrivel in your awkward shadow.
Had to pluck your roots, snap your stems.
Drown you out with dirt, and other seeds.

But somehow, you spring up again.
Desperately ugly and undead.
Even Earth had to regurgitate
That unsightly, darkened head.

Stubborn smog won't turn to vapor,
Not even seasons wilt your verdure.
Rivalries rage, with out any shame.
What has been done, remains.
Apr 2011 · 1.6k
Coral Estelle Apr 2011
I go outside
To roam the Earth.
To absorb the air,
And watch it turn dark.

I see the most beautiful things.
Glowing golden lights
And their purple reflections.
The sound of chimes
In every direction.

I come to understand
This engagement of mine.
This soul deep devotion
To which I have grown,
So unshakably attached.

I go outside
To absorb the air,
And watch it turn dark.
I see the most beautiful things.
A reassurance and relief
Prompts me to believe,
Such a soul deep devotion
Must cling to me forever.
In this faith and fate,
I am renewed.
Mar 2011 · 738
Coral Estelle Mar 2011
I was never fully able,
To map out that foggy paradise.
Nor did I ever manage,
To completely call it mine.
Steadfast, I studied its
Green water and white sand.
But all in vain.
Father Time had to remind
Foolish, youthful adventurers
That time cannot decline,
It's looming expiration.

But looking back,
It's much more clear.
In my mind,
I can paint every pathway.
Every palm tree, and
Every still life pond.
Wherein reflects,
The signs I missed.
The calls I never heard.

Never understood its turns
Till existence came to rest,
Far out of physical reach.
But then,
It was inevitably too late.

Now I trip
Over scrambled memories
As they wander back to visit me.
Treasures sweet
Shining tokens of gold.

Once in a precious while,
Deep within me
I pretend
I'm soaking in that pond again,
And that face breathes a smile
Reawakening time to begin.
Mar 2011 · 733
Inevitably Too Late
Coral Estelle Mar 2011
Is it old age
To look back,
And be ashamed.
To have to make choices,
While others play games.

Put your head down,
And suffer.
Because it's too late,
To start over.

Feeding off a few laughs,
To keep you live and well.
Strive to keep peace of mind,
But silence soon prevails.

You'll be back and forth,
On your way to weakness.
Till wisdom wraps you forever.
As soon as you know,
It will all be over.
Feb 2011 · 865
Loch Lea
Coral Estelle Feb 2011
I stare into
That water that once washed your skin,
That bright moon that once absorbed your smoke,
As if they held onto a piece of you.
And somehow
If I meditate deep enough,
I could bring it back to life.

And once life has been restored,
I'll keep it locked inside.
I'll echo,
I'll keep it locked inside.
Never again could spirit escape,
A young and promised boyish body.

Regret every decade gone to waste,
Under appreciated opportunity.
There is no nourishment left,
To milk from your bittersweet memory.
Your ten carat ghost from yesterday,
With its Emerald and gold
Matches nothing but your face.

You were always more distant
Than I would have liked you to be
And now you are officially,
Out of reach.
Feb 2011 · 646
Look, Learn, Hold.
Coral Estelle Feb 2011
Look not to see
But to realize,
That beauty is
Warm summer air
Will give the most
Honest Embrace
You will ever find.

Learn more
From what you hear
In silence,
Than the wooden bells
And cement cymbals
Recklessly, perpetually
Pounding day and night.

When excitement begins
Spinning, fastly reeling
Hold your breath inside,
To feel instead of think.
Inside of your eyelids,
Becomes the center
Of the universe.

The Past,
Will melt behind you.
The Future,
Walking towards you.
What they share
In common,
Will be  a home for you.
Feb 2011 · 828
Coral Estelle Feb 2011
Float, flicker flame.
Swimming in champagne.
Dream, sleeping iris.
You will not miss a thing.

Make believe desire,
Originate Anew.
Reality would be
Rude to awaken you.

Nine days is not too soon
After all the patience,
For faith to finally bloom,
Self-created credence.

Float, flicker flame.
Swimming in champagne.
Dream, sleeping iris.
You will not miss a thing.

Nine days is not too far off,
For hope to hold onto you.
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
May Queen
Coral Estelle Feb 2011
At sun dance my parade arrives,
White daisy chains accent my eyes.
My laughter and my love to buy,
For suitors and their hopeful prize.

In parables, the May Queen sings-
For princely dance and laurel rings.
What gold you'd give to hear me think,
Swell with chivalry or slowly shrink.

I have been preserved for righteousnesses.
But when novena days come to a rest,
At sun dance, love shall turn to life.
A May Queen, and ethereal wife.
Jan 2011 · 574
Coral Estelle Jan 2011
I have hope and trust,
In the Magnificent.
That I will no longer,
Fall ill at night.

I have begged,
Like His little child.
In constant need
Of His help.

When I grow tired,
I will shut my eyes,
And by His grace,
Sleep will be upon me.
Peaceful, Carefree, Weightless,
Jan 2011 · 698
Hemming and Hawing
Coral Estelle Jan 2011
Not quite lost, but wandering.
In the fog between two truths.
On the right is fortitude,
My only love for years.
And on the left,
Is all things new.
Perhaps a sunny day...
This or that to choose.

The mechanics of my mind,
Have never worked that way.
Decisions are not mine to make,
For they make me,

Limbo of contentment. In between.
Where I spend the day.
Until right or left makes me
Magnetized their way.
Jan 2011 · 811
A Memoir
Coral Estelle Jan 2011
Love spilling off his lips,
The taste of accomplishment.
I did what I had to.
I sat in the garden while it rained,
Just to be there when the sun arrived.
I lived and was alive,
In the home his arms built around me.

He was all it took.
The wind that made my waves
The moon that moved my tides,
And I never want to lose.

Sun kissed senses,
Peeling off the dead skin
Of bad memories.
Foolish flower, had to start all over.
Older than anyone else your age
Old soul and growing older
Climbing walls, whispering thunder.
Always knew the same blue green water.

Sore but all the wiser,
His wave will always move me.
Jan 2011 · 814
Coral Estelle Jan 2011
Wise and for granted,
Don't call it being shy.
You die for those who **** you,
And you never ask why.

Take comfort in the plainest things,
Or run on none at all.

Stand still between turning tables.
Humble, silent through the fight.
Extract truth from penny fables
Imagination recreates,
All the things you lack.

Gave hope away, but not refilled.
Weighed down, yet still believe in flight
Subdued for now, But soon shall see
Trust has won eternity.
Jan 2011 · 738
Goodnight My Mysteries
Coral Estelle Jan 2011
When earth Finds her body dead & frozen,
Heaven drops her snowflakes.
Silent symphony of air.
Destination open ended,
Weightlessly embrace what's below.
"I wonder that the snow,
Must love the trees and fields"
To give them so soft a kiss & gentle a touch.
It blankets them, it tucks them in to say;

Goodnight my mysteries
You are the soul of the moment,
And in the next you are absent.
But the cycle of life will again find
Its axis tilted toward your beauty,
To make you glow and dance.
Marveling at it's own miracles,
It will call you summer.
And you will then again live,
And then again die.
Oh pearl, in the strand of time.
Jan 2011 · 1.0k
The American Dream
Coral Estelle Jan 2011
The days dust me with guilt,
Far too humid to shake off.
Angles and Shapes boiling
In hot pressure.

From the inside of my own palm,
Silent Skin descends its gift.
Some words hint,
But nothing knows
The mystery of luck
Comes from where God grows.

I steer their perspective
With motions and quotes.
My mind designs the next time
Like drawing from fantasy,
And recycled memories.

When the connection between
Thought and Life is lost,
Feelings vary in values of grey
Love to love, my entertainment.
Adderall, my American dream.
Jan 2011 · 1.0k
Dream Room
Coral Estelle Jan 2011
Wood panels stood
Against my Dream Room walls,
Nightmares locked downstairs.
That was the happiest we've ever been.

But there's no moon glow anymore.
It's daylight, Dream Room.
Stay behind.

In space I've vanished,
But my spirit stays.
Lonely, I linger in your worn out walls.
That day light came and took you away.
Mourn the melted sweets,
Now ghosts in your halls.

Promise of a better time,
I trusted to be mine.
Evaporated into mold,
To think I lost the fight.
Far better to have loved,
But not all of the time.
It's day light Dream Room,
Forget the night.
Dec 2010 · 709
Coral Estelle Dec 2010
Lions love me.
Wait patiently behind every door I close,
Out of faith, that I will open it.
Lions trust me.
I am your gauge of right and wrong
I am the machine in your mind.

In every thought of everyday
Hum my sound,
Smile voice on play.
Spend every dime waiting,  
For me to arrive.
Prove your impressive love,
Dedicated all mine.

Lion as well, I love you too.
Someday when you have to go
I will let you know,
How much You've been for me.
Always underneath,
A cushion to cradle me.
Dec 2010 · 1.0k
Sweet Stability
Coral Estelle Dec 2010
The sweet embrace of stability
Warmly and gently wrapped
His arms around me
Laid me down,
Breathed upon my eyelids.
I can't wait to absorb
His strong face again
Quiet my mind,
Soak him in
And savor, every delicious drop.
Dec 2010 · 867
River Elise
Coral Estelle Dec 2010
I know a girl, A heart.
A warm Autumn afternoon.
Sweet like honey
And glows like the moon.
Lift me up, Spin me around.
She makes me think in pictures,
In burgundy cream and brown.
Perfect like a baby doll
Original like a stone wall
Close up around my thoughts,
And let yourself echo.
More beautiful in real life than in dreams,
My teddy bear when I was five
My best friend all my life.
Dec 2010 · 2.4k
July part 2
Coral Estelle Dec 2010
I remember July
Hot morning watering foxgloves
Waking up to dreams,
Falling asleep to dreams.
I remember July.
Envied or loved, by all who laid eyes.
I'll always remember July.

But now misty marshy October
Has taken over,
Watering the foxgloves for me.
But their colors no longer gleam,
In the rain.

In the rain,
I'll always remember July.
Where everyday was a dream,
For a short sweet while
July, July, July.
Dec 2010 · 1.5k
July part 1
Coral Estelle Dec 2010
First page of the next chapter
Starts with a sunrise to myself
Glowing orange and pink and gold.
Moving through time, morphed into a daydream.
Sun tan kisses,
Long awaited wavy wishes.

Summers dawning just in time
And waiting on the other side,
Were warm, brown blooms 
Found for me to float upon.

Lake water landing, firm and easy.
Foxglove freedom, grew over all the grey.
Worries wilted, giving way
To liberated light.

Star gazer eyes that taste tomorrow,
Hold the hand of your marigold mermaid.
Learn to love her field wood freedom
And her lavender laugh.

Little lily touches
Inconsistent, yet assured,
Shoot their sparks
Up to all the spiraling stars.
The colors of the cosmos sunset overflow,
And bleed their glitter into tomorrow's morning.
Dec 2010 · 737
Ferry Ride
Coral Estelle Dec 2010
Goodbye Strawberry Fields,
You were never even real.
Only an over ripened idea.
Velvet curves and craters
Of the dark blue depths
I only wish I knew you,
Never existed to be picked.
I only wish I knew you well,
Like other people do.
Seeds and leaves of hopes and dreams
Goodbye Strawberry Fields,
You were never even real.
Dec 2010 · 620
Coral Estelle Dec 2010
Simple syrupy stare
Coast across khaki cascades of skin.
Drift in the distance between us
Float in our fuzzy energy,
Roll around in what could be.
Sail unanchored, always.
Skim, until it's time.
Smooth along where I belong
Stream between truth and freedom.
Next page