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Jan 2016 · 330
Notes Pt. VII
Eriko Jan 2016
so afraid of oblivion,*
but don't you see
*I am exactly that
Jan 2016 · 120
songs played
Eriko Jan 2016
somethings are*
so ******* hard to say
like that one song
which reminds me of you
*every time it's played
Jan 2016 · 211
Eriko Jan 2016
There cannot be any such thing as coincidence
I dare not to believe it
Our life is so much special without it
and things don't just happen
like the one chance of a midnight stroll
the melody of crickets and feet cold on the concrete
like the breath of a shuffling leaves
leading me to a doorstep
no, there cannot be coincidences
things don't just happen
and I rest better knowing, perhaps
my life isn't wondering so aimless
Jan 2016 · 356
not okay
Eriko Jan 2016
Just feeling dead inside
in the scream of the night
where I can't control my mind
and see what's on the other side
I tried,  my dear
trust I did try
yet something about the empty sigh
I can't keep myself together tonight
I don't have tears to spare
nor a shuddering intake of breath
all I know is that I am not okay
like I told you so before
when it was 3 am
why is it I never know my way
once when I find it
it's whisked away
so I am left yearning after
the reminiscence of
a ghost failure
Jan 2016 · 270
Eriko Jan 2016
An explosion of flavor
blossom on the tongue
the sizzle of vegetables
and laughter sweet sound

the crunch of iced snow
and campfire to keep
our fingers warm
slight stars twinkling

nothing so precious
but time with friends
loose wine and tongues
recounting memories

Etched in stone
Jan 2016 · 259
Eriko Jan 2016
How to stay anything a world gone mad
sickening consumption
so egos may last
bellies teetering
gitty with greed
and yet we all wonder
why there is so much bad

it's all spinning backwards
everything is concaving
why are we so comfortable
being so blind?  
despise the overgrowth,
yet they present life
killing mammals for sport
yet not to eat what they killed

why so tethered to that of our
computer screens
doesn't it bother anybody
there is a world to see
why,  I must ask, why
the people are growing tired of ****
the government can be of so much more

yet the white men reek in their thrones
not knowing anything
calling a nation their own
when really it's the money
which keeps their ego afloat

history repeats itself
doesn't anybody know
the protests and death
alluding to a brink of war

and who would tell
those mad fools
who would cure
the ambiguity in
their holes
Jan 2016 · 111
Eriko Jan 2016
strangers sit quietly*
drizzling jazz music
*rain at their feet
Jan 2016 · 181
Eriko Jan 2016
why listen to those*
who do not know
*how you actually could
Jan 2016 · 132
ocean and moon
Eriko Jan 2016
A cotton hood block the wind
the salt gritty so that everything hurts
i feel them scratching,
whipping against my hood
and I hear the ocean screaming
in pain and in tears
I cry out, why crash
like the way you do?
And the ocean replies
I'm in love with the moon
yet in every waking of the night
I can never reach her
so I drown in her light
Jan 2016 · 316
Eriko Jan 2016
That inexplicable hum
At the ceasless sight
My bones creaking
That all we be
Quite alright,
they dare to live in divine
apart from vernacular stare
they sit apart from the crowd
Comfortable in believing
the impossible which is not
always there,
they feel it in their bones
these vessels of their souls
I want to be like everything like them
Even if my bones creak
louder than they should
yet that is quite good,

My bones didn't even move
Jan 2016 · 183
Field of flowers
Eriko Jan 2016
A gander into a field
Stained denim jeans
The flagrance of flowers
Jan 2016 · 178
Eriko Jan 2016
The lonely man sits upon a hill
Under the glint of a sky and the sway
Of golden, rustling sky
His hair gleams of streaking grey
Yet the blood still runs young in his humming veins
Stares out, into the roaming oblivion
His mind dwells on that of his past demons
He clasped his hands, his jaw set quiet and grim
The wind howls in his ears and scars from within
He sits quite still like the stupor of gin
His throat collapses and his back stiffens
A sudden spreading warmth touches his shoulder
And he look to the side and sees five delicate fingers
Clutching gently, the hand scarlet from the sun's linger
Twilight soon takes the couple by a starry fold
Of two companions with a story begging to be told
Jan 2016 · 131
too late
Eriko Jan 2016
It's my utmost fear
for someone to say*
*that it is too late
Jan 2016 · 189
Eriko Jan 2016
maybe it's just me
but if feels like
everyone around me
wants to keep their feet
set firmly on the ground,
no, my friends
my heart will not content to be
so still, without the heat
of a wandering legacy
maybe it's my importance complexion
an arrogance to prove
that I am not like the rest
or to say I have done it
with strife and memories upon hill
yet I refuse to think true
that I cannot touch the stars
which have shone with brilliance
what can I say to myself
if I never tried,
it's my bountiful ignorance
which I have yet to cure
from my mind
Jan 2016 · 186
Eriko Jan 2016
that inexplicable chill which numbs my fingers
typing away with all the wonders
they cram in my head, leading my mind
off into the distant wild lands
of unknown adventures and tiring feet
and sitting in a warm glow
of Sunday morning coffee
I type and type away
filling my heart's content with such dreams
cursing the day I stop believing
I will type until the cold penetrate my will
Type a world which we have all come to fill
Jan 2016 · 684
Eriko Jan 2016
maybe those were the days
of aching hearts and sweaty palms
the uneasiness etched in our expressions
as we plaster our happiness on our quilted sleeves
the crunch of chips in the height of the night
so dark the stars would shine so bright,
of half-glimpsed eyes shot in the crowd
and our feet running, galloping
tile after tile in the blank of a hall
of swollen eyes from crying the night before
clutching our chests as the ache refuses to subside
of our lips pressed into thin lines,
grown tired from pressing against
the syllables of our desires,
maybe these are the days
in moments of catch phrases
and any excuse to pick an eye lash
to blow a wish, possibly making all of it
to be forever true,
yet life goes on and our bones grow stronger
as our plans sets us apart a bit longer
but the earth is spinning in circles and circles,
maybe the best of our days are only ahead of us
going in circles and circles
Jan 2016 · 193
Eriko Jan 2016
Sometimes I feel like
We are all solitary flesh
Of floating driftwood
Gone lost in the great expanse
Of the big blue sea
And those who are fated to be
Came from the same tree
Always swimming together
As far as they can see
And the bits and pieces
Which are left behind
Are what remains of the ones
Who have been struck by lightning
A flash of searing heat
The downpour of mournful rain
The blinding white light
And thundering sight
Sometimes we get scorched
Before we find our way
Jan 2016 · 167
Eriko Jan 2016
Well, life isn't supposed to be lived
behind a computer screen.
That's why.
Jan 2016 · 352
Eriko Jan 2016
That old man,
Of twinkling eyes
And handsome cheeks
Carved like a landscape
From a slender blade,
Eyes the softest glimmer
Of a cerulean hue
My dear old friend,
Of a voice rumbling deep
And laughter to always keep
And the kindest words
Swelling with wisdom
Trailed by stark wit and humor
May you rest in peace
Knowing that you have
Arrived to eternal sleep
Jan 2016 · 163
Eriko Jan 2016
what can I do for you miss?

get me the *****
*out of this place
Just a spark
Jan 2016 · 255
Eriko Jan 2016
My feet plunged into cold water
You could hear the ice
Cackling with cruelty
Snapping me
To a startling reality
And the stars ceased to sing
My friend, I began to sink
In all the mounting pressure
Like that day
Of clouded gestures
Jan 2016 · 206
spoiled treasures
Eriko Jan 2016
leave me be
to my desires
my spoiled treasures
and dangerous
Jan 2016 · 290
Eriko Jan 2016
the passage of time insists
to wilt away upon each passing sway
time slips by without
our consent,
our grip once set firm
slackening in return
maybe that's why
we grow anxious
of what is yet to come
in the morrow
Jan 2016 · 205
Eriko Jan 2016
simply, in my humble opinion
the old man said
you are not magnificent
with an odd twinkle
in his grey eyes
and his shot of white hair
glistening in the moonlight
yet I hold a compass, a pencil
and a mind to will
no, I said
I am only not
as such
to you
Jan 2016 · 154
howling dreams
Eriko Jan 2016
sometimes the howling of the wind
under the starry winter sky
must be the rush of dreams
that dances in our sleep
they travel far, they travel wide  
they howl maybe because
they are no longer for us to keep
infatuated by the obsession
of a better reality
Jan 2016 · 575
Eriko Jan 2016
How far will
We grow
Before we
Are fated
To part?
Jan 2016 · 272
Eriko Jan 2016
Who am I
With the settlement
In what I consistently do
In what I unconditionally feel
To entertain your happiness
Just as they are my own
Most, in fact is
The love I have
For my friends

And what would it feel like
I always ask myself
Striving to be the best
Filling my cup of tea
By the affection reciprocated
Yet to actually have a beloved
Who would unconditionally
Feel and do the same
For me
Jan 2016 · 904
Eriko Jan 2016
music has a way*
of simply releasing
all the pain
washing away
the bitterness and decay
no wonder we walk all day
with earbuds in our
Jan 2016 · 283
To do
Eriko Jan 2016
We all learn
Not to be certain way
Yet there are precious moments
In my day
I just want to clasp
With all my strength
And not give a ****
But u learned right
They all jeer
Not to do that
And that moment passes
And I am left clutching the air
So I nod like I always do
And go about my day
Jan 2016 · 109
safe distance
Eriko Jan 2016
just breathe,
                    in and out
just keep
              my thoughts

                                                                                                     at a safe distance
Jan 2016 · 295
Eriko Jan 2016
I just can't sleep on some things
on certain nights*
especially that one thing
about hearts being
some with barbels,
and some with warmth
it's just a matter of fate
to find the one
*which ache
Jan 2016 · 295
Eriko Jan 2016
a chance taken straight
into the heart of the night,
carrying on the good vigor
which held onto so tight
the splash of lights
and rumbles of engines,
feeling the winding road
eat up with waning mileage
the heat of the car will keep
my loneliness from icing,
the swaying of the curving roads
will accompany the stars tonight
just the road and me,
keep on travelling
into the far
Jan 2016 · 192
Eriko Jan 2016
nothing to keep my mind company*
at the dead of the night
only the night isn't as so
when I have dreams
of building a castle
yet in the darkness it will rise
and in the darkness it shall perish
forever accompanied
by the song of
*traveling wishes
Jan 2016 · 197
Eriko Jan 2016
That piercing glimpse of reality
When you see a person
In utter
Three dimensions,
Nothing is so riveting
Wanting to steal a little part
To cherish forever
Jan 2016 · 232
Eriko Jan 2016
to marvel at nothing but a flat expanse
the rippling gaze of shining sun
the silent kiss of a silver moon
blinding the expanses
with light and its absence
so that as I step out onto the reflecting pool
I see my silhouette shrouded
by my past self
and the streaking comets
at yet what is still to come
staring out, I know quite not
where the earth greets the sky
the perception of the horizon
lost to the clutches of time
I know not where the compass points
yet as long as my heart wills to go
I will follow, into the great
Jan 2016 · 183
just now
Eriko Jan 2016
This moment right now
Everything seems right
Yet I am a little sad inside
Knowing tomorrow's sprite
Will tower with great fright
As always nothing gold can stay
And the fearful monsters
Will come to claw away
My sight
Jan 2016 · 1.4k
off the beaten path
Eriko Jan 2016
I would like nothing more
than a chance to walk out the door
there is no turning back,
for the adventure would embark
forever more

to marvel at the yawn of dawn
as the luminescent rays of gold
streak over the earthly molds
the wind carrying the salty seas

or the fire crackling in brink of night
the stars gazing and twinkling
the chilling comfort and weary feet
yet with a hand to hold into quite tight

to begin anew where no one knows my name
to catch a flight far away from here
to meet those people who travel as I do
off the beaten path, never turning back
Jan 2016 · 279
Eriko Jan 2016
the piercing glare of moonlight
running along the stairwell wall
the silent creep of hurried footsteps
scurrying across the darkened hall
nothing but an unsteady breath
and lonesome thoughts to accompany her
losing herself in a world without gravity
to weigh her down to the tethers of sanity
no, she's not completely mad
but when the night transforms into a tunneled capsule
knowing that there is none but herself
it's a little hard to keep a steady silence
on the intangible colors which boom
like fireworks, making all that noise
inside her head
Jan 2016 · 161
shallow pool
Eriko Jan 2016
ready a shallow pool
I won't be diving*
after secrecy
Jan 2016 · 184
torn of two things
Eriko Jan 2016
I need to get far, far from here
far from where I don't feel like a disgrace
a silent girl  falling to obedience
just so that she won't create
an unhappy audience

where has gone her voice
to the things which matter the most
so afraid of disappointing those her trust her
doing anything to appreciate her efforts

since when has she gone silent
since when did she lose her neglect for fear
now her voice resides only her art work
yet even that can be easily misunderstood

imprisoned in this capsule of circling tragedies
with a person who keeps tugging at her feelings
she knows she deserves better
yet she is torn between heart and mind

so where has gone the mighty roar
where has fled her ambition to deflect
now everything only hurts a little part of her
sensitive to slightest parting of ushered clouds--

torn of two things, dangerously messy
her singing heart and battling mind
her hidden voice and rampaging silence
trying to find the truth

which is better to side?
Jan 2016 · 212
salt and fear
Eriko Jan 2016
the extraordinary sights of a reaching hand
the gesture of flights to beckoned upon land
seeing the speck of mountain ridges and peak
while the agonies of life begin to drown me

swim, must I try to swim
struggle against the current
I know what is right and what isn't
yet I can't open the sails to discover

the salt floods into my lungs
the stinging sensation causing me to cough
maybe that's why we have salt in our tears
the reminiscence of our past prevailing fears
Jan 2016 · 213
Eriko Jan 2016
I feel enormously heavy
as the darkened room
presses against my skin
and the cheery melody
echoes far into oblivion
I can't pick up my chin
Or wipe the moisture
from my eyes
or chance a plea
into the sunlight
what I carry inside
they will never know
I have tried to rid of it
But it's a flame
that won't die out
Just feeling isolated at the moment
Jan 2016 · 196
Eriko Jan 2016
I want to cry*
but I mustn't
because people will see
*and begin to wonder
Jan 2016 · 240
A long time ago
Eriko Jan 2016
I can't sleep tonight
Because I realize
What I should have
A long time ago
Jan 2016 · 288
winter exhaust
Eriko Jan 2016
the puff of white breath
dazzling beads of frost
smell of spewing exhaust
just inspired by the routine of warming a car in the morning during the winter
Jan 2016 · 210
not here
Eriko Jan 2016
it just dawned on me
that I do not belong

not here,
maybe I can breathe
not here,
maybe my soul can dream
not here,
maybe one day I'll be kissed
not here,
that's the place I would like to be
Jan 2016 · 797
Eriko Jan 2016
I do not want to live the American Dream
Of unfulfilling consumerism
And chastising whispers content in ways
Which have been declared as the norm
No, I would like to live
The dream of my own
And no one is going
To stop me from reaching
The destinations around
The globe
Jan 2016 · 169
Eriko Jan 2016
that melting melody
the glimpse of eyes*
*two lips divine
Jan 2016 · 142
Eriko Jan 2016
so sorry, believe me
but I have lost the ability*
*to flee
Jan 2016 · 208
loss of words
Eriko Jan 2016
maybe my lips can't exactly mouth what wonderful thoughts
drift in my head, but you see my head is always drifting
far away to fantastic dreams because that's what I do
when reality is too ******* hard
so just water a vase of lilies
and heat a mug of tea
that's what I can do
when my words
have been
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