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Jan 2016 · 399
Eriko Jan 2016
sitting dazed on top of the mossy rooftops
listening to the crickets die out to the breeze
a long way down it is, to the comforting grass
far below, the earth pulses its warmth
yet it escapes me somehow and I am left feeling
the loving affection between tree and wind,
intimate nudge between blue sky and twinkling peaks
thrilling dance of moon and salty seas
simply cease to be
leaving me alone to my thoughts
wondering, oh wondering
what the fall would be like from the mossy rooftop
Jan 2016 · 141
Eriko Jan 2016
some things within us*
*never really leave
Jan 2016 · 159
Eriko Jan 2016
a fleet of matches
to strike for our ways
carried in our pockets
saved for those rare days
they come and go
and pile on the floor
yet we never quite realize
they follow wherever we go
Jan 2016 · 884
Eriko Jan 2016
sometimes I see everything*
*but sometimes nothing at all
Jan 2016 · 265
Eriko Jan 2016
the galaxy stretched far above
the ghosts of mountains
and whistle of sea shells
just the serenity of a moments pause
afraid to look down
and see the ground
vanish before my feet
Jan 2016 · 359
Eriko Jan 2016
The smell of crackling firewood
The grey woodsmoke swirling
Echo of past memories burning
Not away, no that's not the case
But more like the pain
Which used to be
And the amazement
Which persists to reel
In circles and circles
Wondering when the new year
Will bring its worthwhile
Jan 2016 · 305
Eriko Jan 2016
The flooding of golden light
The murmur of crisp blue
Glinting like those marvelous
Icebergs chilling in the sights
Soon the light ceases to glint
And the hues deepens so that
Only the tree tops in brisk evenings
And towering sloping peaks
Reach out to chance a dancing feat
With the fleeting gazes of mourning  blue
Dec 2015 · 246
Eriko Dec 2015
This will be the best
It will ever be...*
A question dangles
Like a cliffhanger
Or a period presumes
To stunt the night
And I'll live every second of my life
Wandering when I'll ever know
Which ending best fits
The pages of this fantasy
Dec 2015 · 217
Eriko Dec 2015
Remember that time
That splendid time at the hills
The swarming scent of falling stars
Tears ran fast as we watched
The lights twinkling so still
Silence hushed between us
Nothing but the flutter of our thoughts
The sweet sweet fragrance of outside
Listening to the memories which have yet to be
Realizing our time together
May never be...
Loathing the day that we are
Fated to leave
Dec 2015 · 114
Eriko Dec 2015
From the dusk I wake
And dawn I sleep
Living in a backwards relativity
I would rather have it
Just you and me
Dec 2015 · 129
Eriko Dec 2015
a careening sensation
towering blue heights
thoughts of few
Dec 2015 · 259
Eriko Dec 2015
Heedless of the words
Thrown into the abyss
Like forgotten dreams
Songs wander lost
To the swallowed wind
A shout, a wallowing shriek
The ecstasy drumming to the head
Mouths foaming, ears splitting
Bare feet scraping against the concrete
She wanders along the wakes of nigh
Feeling these imaginary creatures
Seeing what they have done to her
Yet not knowing what else to do
These frights happening to her,
She sometimes have no recollection
Or consciousness meanwhile on blur
Like a lavender wallflower
--or malachite, cerulean, and maroon--
Never let her wander alone,
By herself under the glare of the moon
Dec 2015 · 118
Notes Pt. V
Eriko Dec 2015
not a ******* comparison*
simply a free-spirited soul
*on the edge of the world
Dec 2015 · 311
Eriko Dec 2015
the clash of frightful teeth
the piercing gaze of defeat
how the barbel encloses tightly
to the path which holds truth,
on the run, feet set in panic
the labored breathing and
knots rattling in our rib cages,
coming along we balance the cup
and try, try we must
to keep the warmth
from spilling into abyss,
yet always, like always
our clothes get snagged,
our hearts put into relapse
at every attempt to leap
over the intertwined barbel,
so difficult to face the stones,
the pebbles skipped across the waters,
the ripple of those reflections
the desperation to hold on,
yet never, never we know
always standing on the other side
watching the stones skip away
and hearing our own lives pass away,
the barbel cuts into our skins
and dear, dear it hurts so much
wondering for the entirety of our hearts
and the sands of our entity
Dec 2015 · 212
global realities
Eriko Dec 2015
a momentary severity
in the place we hold so dearly
like how the sun protrudes
through the dark cloudy atmosphere,
laying stiffly by the soil
the grass enriched and soaking through
without quite realizing
we revolve in our globes reality,
smitten by the greed
and sweet, sweet affection
the stench of weary muscles
and teeth from chewing
all the **** which feeds,
take care, to each and every
pair of glistening eyes,
manipulation of reality, that's who we are
assassins dwelling in the crevasses
where the soil no longer holds
and flowers do not breed,
sitting in our thrones
and sipping our cups of tea
fooling that's a healthy thing to do
yet, in the decay of withering trees
internal manifestation and resentment,
the fever have spoiled in our very pores
choosing to simply ignore
Dec 2015 · 206
December rain
Eriko Dec 2015
the glittering windshield
brilliant blur of lights
smell of December rain
Dec 2015 · 262
Eriko Dec 2015
the brisk rap of rain
slipping down the window pane
the slight blinded gaze,
the blur of a glittering dance
as the past begins to cry
stolen clothes in folds
the past versions of myself
trying on the skins
I tried to squeeze into molds
Dec 2015 · 177
solid ground
Eriko Dec 2015
the solid ground
words falling away
drop dead weight
Dec 2015 · 361
Eriko Dec 2015
look out for the best of us
the way the greatest dance
is sung to the spill of light
the anxiety tucked away nice and neat
tie it with pretty bow
stuff it in a box,
loved the best are those things
held closely to our chests,
cradle the box in the crook of my arm
as I run as fast my legs could carry,
plunge into the frothy shoreline
and I hold onto my breath,
feeling like those boxes of fright
which keeps me awake at night
***** away my breath
I try to save for the swim
across the cerulean waves,
yet the boxes only ***** away
the breaths I try to save
for the day I will I finally
learn to speak
Dec 2015 · 151
Eriko Dec 2015
the falling hush engrossed
a silent subtle chill
the pearly moon glinting
Dec 2015 · 280
wishful death
Eriko Dec 2015
please, oh my god please,
don't ever ******* say that again
at how you want death to come
and ****** the galaxy from your eyes
and steal the life
right out from your warmth,
to turn cold and still,
to never hold a loving hand,
to never see the light of day again,
and how the breeze simply brushes
and swoons in the great blue sky,
to never feel the kiss of rain
trickle down the back of your neck,
never say that you prefer death,
that is so agonizing,
it's so ******* terrifying
watch the golden sun spill on the bedroom walls,
stare in awe at how the butterfly
flutters in an ocean of lavender,
taste the spicy tang
feel the smooth alcohol spill
in the pit of your stomach,
knowing it's so easy to fall
victim to the such clutches
just never decide to go
just keeping holding on
to the music on hold
Dec 2015 · 257
Eriko Dec 2015
a forsaken breath
sliced like shadows
a dreadful weight
flung into the mess
how easy it is
to fall to the blackness
how exhausting it is
to watch from afar
Dec 2015 · 237
Eriko Dec 2015
The eve of a small joke
the ghost of a smile
hidden behind our masks
grown too comfortable,  
the secrecy behind eyes
the softest desires of lips
the eve of gentle rainfalls
the tenderness of night
grown too famaliar,  
these nights carry far
into reminiscences of
our future memories,
smitten and forever stolen
these long hours
spent on silver
Dec 2015 · 227
Eriko Dec 2015
the gentlest smile
the rain glittering
the night intertwining
Dec 2015 · 337
peace nights
Eriko Dec 2015
The soft splutter of rain
gentle glimmer of twinkling golds
the softest touch of dreams
and the cool breath of midnight swoon

Swiftly carry my troubles away
far into the reaches of the moon
kiss the pain away from my knuckles
sore from battling all my woes
Dec 2015 · 127
Eriko Dec 2015
I am terrified of being alone
Yet that is where I end up
Dec 2015 · 234
Eriko Dec 2015
I feel like I am drowning
Even though there is no water
To drown in
I feel like I'm falling backwards
Even though I am sitting
Very quite still
I feel like crying
Even though today
Was my birthday
And there is no reason to
Only at how it's so easy
For days to turn dark
What is it, night?
No it's not the night
I can't see the stars
And feel the breath of a better day
On the horizon
Dec 2015 · 436
Broken china
Eriko Dec 2015
The thickness building at the throat
And breathing spiraling
So that my head starts spinning
Realizing I have forgotten my coat

The room seethes of chilly air
I hate to be here right now
Staring at the broken pieces
Leaving only me to collect

Terrified to dare touch the shiny china
Shattered smiles and broken ribs
I simply stare at the spilled tea leaves
And feel the heat slowly fade

Staring at the broken memories
Terrified, so I close me eyes
How easy it is to sit with such hate
Feeling it's better if I just fade away
Dec 2015 · 142
Eriko Dec 2015
I would never want to be
a burden to others
Dec 2015 · 211
Eriko Dec 2015
the crinkle of eyes
the trickle of meaning
lost behind intention

the aching of smiles
not knowing how to keep
the laughter within

the warmth of presence
the buzz of music
and rhythm of feet

the sensation of feeling
the pool of thoughts
like a fluttering dream

the pearly glint of  moon
the rustle of leaves
the last breath before

Dec 2015 · 233
Eriko Dec 2015
a girl only of eighteen
sitting in a lonely room
with windows to personalities
she can only have dreamt for
meeting those she despised
and those she love
once when she feels comfortable
they decide to close to their panes
knocking on the glass,
they only walk away
so she lived her entire life
walking in and out of panes
watching as each window vanish,
and she sits in this room,
she decorated with paint
and words from authors
which kept her sane
the bright morning light filters through
and leaves pink flares
she presses her head to the walls,
and ponder which way to go
she needs the greatest downpour
of shivering rain which smells like
the pours of an ocean coral
she needs the greatest uproar
of golden reflections
which keeps her warm at night
which way is the door?
a hand extended to help her
to show her how to feel
very much alive,
and to get back on her feet
she's tired of meeting those people
which leaves her emotions sore
Dec 2015 · 119
creeping break
Eriko Dec 2015
creeping darkened walls
slices of sunlight
cold cup of coffee
Dec 2015 · 245
Eriko Dec 2015
a faceless runner
away from the slippery sky
the sinking fray
of thoughts beginning
to fall astray
whichever is true
I'm sorry for I do not
know what I really mean
and thoughts falling astray
like eyes gone dilated
--seeing without really knowing--
living lovely lives
which really don't
belong to me
so I run away
from the sores
and sail boats
which leave behind
those bruises
Dec 2015 · 145
Eriko Dec 2015
we become who we truly are
with the people who inspires us
to feel so much very
Dec 2015 · 165
Eriko Dec 2015
the shudder of blue
skylight run crisp
an hour anew
Dec 2015 · 163
me too
Eriko Dec 2015
empty hallways glisten
feet stumbling shyly
our smiles listen
Dec 2015 · 132
Eriko Dec 2015
two white breaths
silence that misses
starry night sky
Dec 2015 · 323
Eriko Dec 2015
a warm December breath
heavy grey sky nuzzled
with the lavender sunset
Dec 2015 · 353
Eriko Dec 2015
the best part of my day*
is picking up a stone
with the dirt still clinging
and the moss still glistening
like how the very grey clouds
nestles in and breathes without sound
this stone does something like that
and everyday it's a different stone
but still the dirt clings on
but of a varying kind
and the moss still glistens
which I hope is still mine  
I feel happy with the slight clap
of the stones in my pocket
yet the weight is becoming heavy
and I hope to bring them to the lake
before my love for them
*is outlived
Dec 2015 · 262
Eriko Dec 2015
do you know that feeling?
that feeling of an encompassed hush
fell over your mouth and eyes
and the thick fragrance
muffling the sounds
which whistles like
a deep blue sky?
like sitting absolutely still
with headphones in
yet no music is played
so that the world suddenly stopped
resonating clearly like
how it's supposed to be?
sometimes I fee like that,
most too often really,
like how I can't figure out
the distinction between
the shadows of two chapels,
or the steam coming off of
a very hot cup of tea,
sometimes I just feel definite,
and sometimes I simply feel
Dec 2015 · 169
starry byes
Eriko Dec 2015
like a catapult of a sun thrown across the sky
happiness is found in a moment so sly
just to be taken away again
and swallowed by the starry
glints of infinite goodbyes
Dec 2015 · 101
Eriko Dec 2015
a ghost here,
and a ghost there,
we all think of memories,
before we cared
Dec 2015 · 313
Eriko Dec 2015
the cushioned seats and inflated beats
the window cracked and the slippery December chill
glanced into our sitting like quiet falling leaves
as the sun descended behind the swollen green hill

the exasperated haze of a cerulean film
a lungful of our smitten reels
a crack of laughter to follow soon after
with silence ringing like clear warm water

simply sitting with knees tucked in
our hearts soaked with the softness of the moment
our chatter rustling like those December leaves
as our half-glanced smiles lift into the beat
Dec 2015 · 208
Eriko Dec 2015
all i need
right now,
with the hounds
breaking my thread,
capsizing in
my head
is a little bit
Dec 2015 · 159
Eriko Dec 2015
I feel like myself again*
knowing that I decided
to unhinge from that
*brittle foundation
Dec 2015 · 239
Eriko Dec 2015
the brighter days*
are creeping again
with the glimpse of dawn
stir me awake
with a brilliant yawn
to finally keep
my feet stepping in
from the backlash drought
and now
*I can finally smile
Nov 2015 · 226
Eriko Nov 2015
it seems to be that I have become speechless
in my way of things,
and I sit in silence
as the words have left me,
is it nostalgia?
a shift in the flutter?
something have happened,
a change in direction
it feels alien,
and I can't get
the colors to speak
and the paint to breathe
like how it used to be before
why is that?
Nov 2015 · 157
Eriko Nov 2015
do we create something out of nothing
is that what it means to be human?
Nov 2015 · 165
Carry On
Eriko Nov 2015
why is it so hard for me
to admit that
all the things I hoped for
will no longer appear
like a camera's flash
take a photo of my life
I don't pose in any of them
I know that this is only
a frame sliding next to
the thickening photo album
thousands of frames to take
and only one to take a shot
I know I'm foolish
a whimsical dreamer
dying to know
how to possibly
carry on
Nov 2015 · 180
Eriko Nov 2015
I don't even know
Where to begin
On this concrete floor
Waiting for the forms
To come bursting in
A dash of color
Or flash of texture
Or even maybe
The grate of silence
Screaming as loud as ever
It's easy to get lost
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