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Jul 2018 · 157
To Carry
Eriko Jul 2018
To carry a big heart
To open more
To feel more
To give more

To believe
To sacrifice
To dream

To be exposed
To teeter
To be shaken
Jul 2018 · 118
Eriko Jul 2018
I refuse to be eaten up by nothing
By the coercion ******* the flowers
Rooted in my lungs
The heat from my cheeks
The dazzling fierceness which
Propels me to bounce to
The ***** of my feet every morn,
Burning like a furnace that in my rib cage.
I tire of hiding my teeth
Of living in lukewarm tragedy
Of living a crescent life
Granted, the rain pelts ******* hard
With a terror that threatens
To buckle my knees
My thoughts at most times stings
Like a hive of angry, angry bees
And my sight becomes hollow
Or I shatter inside
An extremity,
Channeling the world
Into saturated hues,
Sickly and taught with
A crackling tension
My heart thunders in that dangerous way
My palms sweat with
Static energy
My tears beg for them, to me,
To stop
Yet, I continue to climb
To touch the sky when day
Folds into night,
When there are those perfect
Pockets of light
When the golden rays kiss
Where it hurts
When the world tilts into magic
When I know where there is so much beauty,
A naked, honest beauty,
She rules from her throne
At a moment of in between,
I know, too
I will be okay
With myself constantly shifting
From full, to crescent, to nothing
But always, eventually,
To something
Jul 2018 · 260
Eriko Jul 2018
The weight, the tug
The pains which lace
The thoughts which peck
The eyes which thwart
The inner caches
Shift under light
Collecting change,
Giving more away
~A window,
A candle aflame
A breath of summer sweets
Rushing in the chest
Still under renovation
Paint the walls anew
Settle in down with wild flowers
A buzz of bees,
A trickling creek
Build a skylight
Allow the night to heal
A heart to be
A heart to grow
A heart to cup
With warmth
Jul 2018 · 147
Eriko Jul 2018
I’m small
I’m nothing
I’m not but a speck

I click and rattle
Each waking moment
Clink, clink

Yet with each breath
I bubble with mirth
I paint a dream

I reach
Jul 2018 · 144
Eriko Jul 2018
fazed, wandering the summer night
of ricocheting melodies,
orange infused and bouncing
as crickets shoot like ping pongs
and cicadas echo over
the green, rolling hills
pockets of light encased
within our laughter,
a cheek to cheek grin
a composition bestowed
of teetering vertigo
and unsettled dust,
the chaos rolls and crackles
plugging the ears,
snatching syllables,
eyes steel shut and we yell,
scream, crackle and smile,
our hammering hearts
closing in orbit
Apr 2018 · 221
Eriko Apr 2018
the waning sunlight
strikes a ray of brilliance
once more
blanketing the air
in thick strokes
of burnt oranges
and yellows so rich
they speak of gold

the sky dances and dazzles
and sparkling blues
underlay the patchwork
of oncoming dusk
caught in a twilight,
in an inexplicable in-between
of settling day
and waking night

a sliver of transformation
a destined evolution of time
I race and embrace
I ache for it to stay
yet in vain I hail
in its temperance
it shall remake
Apr 2018 · 220
what am i
Eriko Apr 2018
what am I
but an impression in the world
a twilight of life
an ephemeral speck
a temporary flame
a fleeting beauty
of bones and soul
Apr 2018 · 273
Eriko Apr 2018
reminiscing in sweet memories
savoring the laughter, cheeks
sore from laughter
and hearts flushed with
warmth and desire
and with these memories
often leave a bitter edge
a yearning for it
when it's all not
Mar 2018 · 1.0k
Eriko Mar 2018
my mind small,
my hands small,
my words reach
not so far
I exist only with
a heart
Mar 2018 · 158
Eriko Mar 2018
keep it low,
keep it low,
the signatures of malice
the tears and tears
negligence consumes
and hatred blinds
how to prevail pass
its parasitic teeth
Mar 2018 · 301
Eriko Mar 2018
why is it that around you
I feel like a blur
like a constellation of sights,
sound and feeling
sensations plummet and ascend
playing with my hair
heart beating fast
that my tongue is loose
and awareness detached,
from my closest self
who is this person,
this youthful fool
a head of dreams and
hands of whispers,
eyes lingering where
beauty lies silenced,
she's still in her weight
yet flying by the edge of her throne
which  she constructed herself
out of sand and corals
the particles of time and patience
chafing against the relentless
hammer of her
Feb 2018 · 111
Eriko Feb 2018
the magic of looking, breathing
and drinking
~drinking the light, sounds
movement, emotion,
the story~
that is the magic
of art making
Feb 2018 · 156
Eriko Feb 2018
drink in the sky,*
the moon, the stars
the puddles in the streets
and the quiet moments
where souls hold breath
on the brink of a clattering
Feb 2018 · 139
Eriko Feb 2018
feelings can
tear me apart*

yet I have the strength  

to collect the pieces
and paint them under

*a new light
Feb 2018 · 167
A Half Life
Eriko Feb 2018
perhaps she doesn't know much else
lifting her feet flagstone by flagstone
and breathing with a fierceness
which trailed behind her gaze
she fumbled under the twilight haze
mumbling with half shadows and half light,
her life captivated by half truths and half loves
stranded on an in-between
like coral reefs and rolling fogs
she dreamt of a life of absolutes,
crooning with morning calls,
so deliberate in their musical merit
yet she walked with half steps
and lukewarm indignation,
her reach falling short by indecision,
So she anchored in what unearthed her heart
with fantastical reads and splash of color
and afternoon gold-drenched walks
she yearned for a full truth, a clarity
yet little did she know the coral reefs
housed by far the most beautiful
of creatures
Feb 2018 · 272
Eriko Feb 2018
my heart betrays me
knowing, witnessing a definite pitfall
I've run through these toxic hills
have heaved for breath
and quenched the consuming fire
with slow, deliberate pails of water
as flames scorched my everglades, my morning dew
and golden grass fields,
I have tasted these winds
and ash already collect on my tongue
I betray my own
for I hope
Feb 2018 · 168
Eriko Feb 2018
pillars of light
spill like bubbling mirth
so sweet, so healing

a heart which still quakes
a hand which throbs awake
welcome, to all, I say
Feb 2018 · 167
Eriko Feb 2018
looking for you
is like searching for a
gap in the clouds,
under the blanket of night
scattered with ocean sprays
whilst searching down alleyways
lit with fountains of light,
so with a punctured vision
and clothes drenched cold
through a city I don't know
I still search for you
Feb 2018 · 197
Eriko Feb 2018
She carried loneliness
like an old friend

She cultivated strength
to unbolt her hinges

I've unleashed spirit
to go on
Feb 2018 · 211
Star Born
Eriko Feb 2018
the cold cement and buffeting wind
a gentleness to the moon

the rustle of night's reign
blanketing the world unseen*

Alone I walk, dreaming inside
with an ear to ear grin

melodies bouncing like light
with the heat of the sun

*inside my stomach
Feb 2018 · 898
Eriko Feb 2018
while reminiscing through
the thickly pined forests,
the gurgling streams
and fiery sky, blinking
through the notches and scars
with blazing beauty,
with sea's gentle drumbeat
and silvery descendant of heavens,
caress my numbing hands
with a mitten woven with
precious gems and
Jan 2018 · 1.4k
Eriko Jan 2018
like watercolors,
like light leaking
and souls breathing
like scribbling ink
like fragrance of dusk
and friendships caught
in embrace
the dearest, the closest
to heart
crumble like that
of fragile earth
Jan 2018 · 208
Eriko Jan 2018
flutter of fain keynotes*
chiming of icicles
rattle of soft hurts
and embraces of affection
flowing warmth
*and desire for artistry
Jan 2018 · 112
Eriko Jan 2018
I wade through clouds and sea
through these souls note awake and carefree
eyes locking and hearing sporadic
we all feed envy and cruelty*
*and in return desire zeal and love
Jan 2018 · 122
to soar
Eriko Jan 2018
soar high, high up above*
past the withering carcasses
of hollow dead-eyed fellows
high, I say!
far above the parasitic perpetuations
and petty misdemeanors,
far, breathe untouched air
witness the blissful expanse
of open, pure sky
so there you can witness the flirtatious moon
and noble sun waltzing lovingly,
the flight of clouds sailing
like in pursuit of treasure
of feeling your body untethered and free
*of soaring with joy succumbing to sublimity
Jan 2018 · 114
Eriko Jan 2018
a stray needle stuck within the knitted sweaters,
thick wool of dark forest green,
or that of soft spoken orange
stitched with reds and blues
of a sunset setting behind evergreens,
the swift stroke, a patch of red
and tight fitted turtle necks
to tickle the hair, the ears
worn under the brilliant cascades of snowflakes
falling, whispering, sighing as the air
shimmers with a piercing blue
and snow melting on the flushed red of cheeks
the stray needle slips from hug to embrace,
from kiss to piggyback,
pricking pain far further than spilling blood,
the crackle of pain and echo of loneliness,
the sear of rejection and haunting isolation,
so it slips unnoticed,
twinkling under the moonlight
Jan 2018 · 123
Eriko Jan 2018
be kind to yourself
as the tempest sweeps over
be gentle with your folly
as pain laces your spirit
be allowing of acceptance
on those days of
unimaginable pain
Jan 2018 · 131
Eriko Jan 2018
like stones in a pocket
the aches of the past
persist to haunt
in my waking dream

the sliver of days
morph into senseless pain
pushing love away
while all the way craving it

recoiling, I cry out for haven
far, far from the torrents of pain
I see my spirit is not of one half
but rather laced

with that of human imperfection
Jan 2018 · 231
Eriko Jan 2018
she leans into the wind,
feeling her gravity tilt,
the world trickle into sparks
the whistling burrows
into her ears,
the sun streaks grandiosely,
leaving glowing pockets of flesh
like gold sweetened with wine
as the warmth hits
the side of her face,
and she smiles, grinning mischievously
as gravity encases her and she falls,
head first towards the mossy, steaming earth
a cool mists roll through valleys,
and as she banks into total darkness
she climbs through only to find
her hair whipping like fire,
her muscles taught with life
and eyes bright as silver
as she soars through the skies,
finding her haven was waiting, patiently
beyond the trenches
of defeat
Dec 2017 · 439
Spit of Fire
Eriko Dec 2017
my blood boils,
reeling thickly through my veins
my limbs swell with red,
breath quickens and hastens
for an explosion of incoherent material,
simply permitting the emotion
to tremble deep in the marrow
of my bones like the way the earth
rumbles with exhilarating fury,
the world vanished and I'm consumed
with this parasite inside of me
and I fume and tremble,
anticipating the impeding scream
building in the hall in my chest,
its digging fingers creeping through
the cavities and pulsing throat,
and I open my mouth to shout, to scream,
yet nothing escapes...
I walk silently, the quaking of my knocking knees
and darting of my eyes
betraying the sizzling coals
boiling the red I feel
pooled in the pit of my stomach
and like spit fire, my fury collapses in
its own exhaustion,
so simmering and flickering,
I burrow into an empty shell...
waiting for my wounds to heal
Nov 2017 · 120
Eriko Nov 2017
I long for those
nights, those shining days
where I streaked
with such youthful
Nov 2017 · 192
Eriko Nov 2017
I hate,
I forgive,
I rewind
those fantasies,
those honeysuckle

I run,
I climb,
I cling
to movement,
to steer clear from
succumbing to
Nov 2017 · 285
Floating of Mind
Eriko Nov 2017
a hazy blue evening,
the sun receding
like the slivers of ocean's sleeve
blemishes of bright purple and pink
strokes of red and green
pacing through the buffeting wind
and strongholds of damp sand,
my mind wanders aimlessly as such,

rich aromas of food
sweet splendor and sticky adventures
a current of fluttering notes
and laughing conjecture passes by
as blank as grey on a wall

my feet travel, my mind unravels
my feelings coil and roil
so I lose count of my breath,  
sweet with loneliness and wine
to escape from such
harsh resentment, suffocating
with a worthlessness of mine
Nov 2017 · 212
Eriko Nov 2017
my life thus far
have been finding a home
a living space to house my love
a kindling hearth
to trust and fall
Nov 2017 · 254
Eriko Nov 2017
door slamming in the thunder,
rumbling blemishes
and coiling swaths of color
a brisk bite of chilly autumn air
and the swinging of the ground floor,
window panes taught from the strain
leaves pouring through the neglected window
crackling peels of paint
and lazy glows of aged bulbs,
a house toppling as the tempest endures
a house resisting the urge to fall,
you see, look closely
through the knocking of the storm,
the walls cannot fall
and nor can the roof,
there is a treasure to protect,
and memories to cherish,
all the lifetimes of happy fishes
and warm pies to relish,
a house of this kind cannot perish
it guards the kisses
and the starry night wishes
Nov 2017 · 155
four letters
Eriko Nov 2017
Nov 2017 · 513
Eriko Nov 2017
cup my heart*
with dawn's pink down

ease my stomach
with pine's brisk aroma

heal my sores
*with water's gentle touch
Nov 2017 · 179
Eriko Nov 2017
two notes of laughter
interweave like stream water*
trickling and shimmering
two voices who
love one another

a companionship
which eludes my grasp
trembling and sinking
I stand feeling like
*an alien
Nov 2017 · 139
Chasm of Cracks
Eriko Nov 2017
my words, they halt like rusted hinges
they feel down and heavy,
translation of my inner whirlpool of feelings
thoughts and ideas, interests and loves
held on mute, so all I receive
is static noise or echoes of a ghost self,
the inner chord which rings with every step
which put a bounce in my cheeks
and a shine to my hair,
where has gone its magnificent self?
it's tugged, dragged down, deeper and deeper
into the chasm of cracks
which pried itself open with
the hauntings of loneliness,
so that the warmth and admiration
pooled in my stomach recoils and gets ****** in
to what feels like a icy numbness creeping
like a parasite without hesitation
a pit writhing with black snakes
and I'm left plucking at air, at a nothing
to which I am no longer aware,
and when will this aching strife
cease to be, when will this pain halt
its seize, when the loneliness shrinks
back to its corner of the world
and I left to smile and breathe?
Nov 2017 · 465
Collecting Rocks
Eriko Nov 2017
I collect rocks where my heart
felt light and soul bright
and love infinite in the sky,

I collect rocks
to anchor my earnest dreams
Nov 2017 · 144
Climbing nights
Eriko Nov 2017
The walls capsized
Revealing massive luminous structures
Lights spilled, dancing and careening
In the lakeshore northern air
The water swelled, breaching the concrete
And music ballooned through the echoing streets
The sleeping giant tumbled onto wakefulness
The arrow of unconventional beauty
Shot into the climbing night
Nov 2017 · 417
searching through still
Eriko Nov 2017
the expanse between
my ribcage
feels like nothing
like grey,
it's cold and heavy
numb and blind,
wading through it all,
my spirit is shrouded
with fog
its tendrils spill through
the rig bones, consuming
as it goes
I hide in a shell
clinging to the things
which I do know
to weather this storm
of stillness,
as I search for a light
of a magnificent source
Nov 2017 · 116
Eriko Nov 2017
I remember when hurt
bolted my smile
I remember when pain wailed
ceaseless and cruel*
I remember when laughter
trickled like gold
I remember tenderness and love
*healing my sores
Oct 2017 · 102
Eriko Oct 2017
nothing surpasses the beauty,
the spectacular rhythm
whirlwinds of enthused notes
bejeweled like ripe dew drops
on clear, crisp cerulean-blue sky days
when the world is teetering into a ricochet of memories
and an unfurling of colors
behold, their magnificence
casting storms, smudges, highlights
in the structures of our faces
in the marrow of our bones,
the melodies criss cross and intertwine
clutching onto the remaining casts of
sunlight's glow, a swelling feeling
in the canals of my chest, flooded with
the emotions carrying the sediments
from dominances far, far from those days
of silence, of a quiet which
eroded the ebb, the pocket of singing voices
Oct 2017 · 130
night thoughts
Eriko Oct 2017
would it be nice*
for a change
to fall asleep, knowing
I'll never be completely

Oct 2017 · 249
a marathon mystery
Eriko Oct 2017
stuck high, high in a fog
glistening bulbs, whispering
reminiscences of gold and pinks,
of blues and greens,
wading through a marshland
crisscrossing streaks of dreams
wishing upon a falling star
rustle of trees, savoring the breeze
the sweet, crisp wind and icy glares
melted, blasted into watery gazes
with the grinning avalanches
and warm, warm smile,
a mystery, a marathon mystery
twisting through woods
and bridging mountains to the next
a marathon mystery
an ongoing memory
Oct 2017 · 134
the mark maker
Eriko Oct 2017
feel the weight
of its fibers give
under each touch,

the slick sound of canvas
and wood creaking
under each human thought

gaze upon the mark making,
the presence of emotional ailment
of a joy and grief

watch, soak up the arc of the hand
of the eyes whizzing past
bright and intense

the colors overlap,
the hues sing in harmony
or clash in discord
Oct 2017 · 250
on cold days
Eriko Oct 2017
these thoughts careen,
slicing like slick sheets of ice
screeching with a spare of strife,
a wiping gesture and a breath of air
sprays of cold grey
and cascading slivers
of doubt,
of a gnawing sensation
leeching the warmth
from the lining in my stomach
watch the weather pass, the
clouds sailing, unfurling with direction
round and round with the wind
thinking with purple bruising
and shocks of lightning,
I feel the rubber insoles
pounding the pavement,
crunching over gravel,
sinking into dewy grass
my mind unwinds like film
my thoughts fly
would I ever know
where to go
Oct 2017 · 115
Eriko Oct 2017
the salty air
choppy, blue-green shore
two figures walking,
swaying, reminiscing*
Oct 2017 · 225
Eriko Oct 2017
fear sits in the joints
of these clumsy hands*
like a stagnant pond
half drowned in shadow
which syllables could I string?
what words belong?
oh, how fearful these fingers
uneven nails and all
betray my feelings with
its trembling and nervousness
I fail to commit, to uptake
what they really want to say
and never mind the sound of the words
I'm far from ready to hear their notes
writing out would be the first step
to committing, and oh how I fear
that they would have
*never belonged
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