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Aridea P Mar 2017
Palembang, 27 Maret 2017

Aku lupa bagaimana rasanya jatuh cinta
Jatuh cinta pada seorang Pria
969 · Jan 2014
For My Grandma
Aridea P Jan 2014
Palembang, 29 September 2010

Thanks Grand Ma for taking care of me
Thanks for the time you've spent just for me
Thanks for many advises you said
Thanks for everything in my short 15th/18th years
I Love You Grand Ma

And sorry for what I've done wrong
Sorry I made mistakes many time
Sorry I'm still a little girl in the room
Sorry for hard to say I Love You
Sorry for hurt that you've got
Cause I just don't know what to do

Wish, I could give you the bestest
To make you proud and smile for me
We know nothing is impossible
And I believing my self, Someday
I'll give you everything you need
Love Ya Grand Ma...

(Now you are not around anymore
You are the shining star above
Your body so fragile now
But your soul is lives in our hearts
Sorry for made you cry
Sorry if your husband, your children and your grandchildren made you sad before you leave
Sorry is the last thing that we could do
But we'll never stop to say "I LOVE YOU"

Rest In Peace Nana
946 · Mar 2017
Mencari Jawaban
Aridea P Mar 2017
Palembang, 27 Maret 2017

aku menyendiri,
bukan karena ku tak memiliki teman
tetapi aku mundur perlahan dari pertemanan

aku mengunci diri di kamar,
bukan karena aku tak memiliki tempat tuk dituju
tetapi aku berharap kelak ada yang menemukanku

aku menenggelamkan jiwa ke relung alam sadar paling dalam,
bukan untuk berlari dari kenyataan
tetapi untuk menemukan jawaban
940 · Feb 2013
Aridea P Feb 2013
Palembang, 6 Februari 2013

Aku ini pohon muda yang ditebang

Aku ini kursi rotan yang patah

Aku ini daun hijau yang jatuh

Aku ini aku yang Rapuh
Tak tersentuh
896 · Apr 2013
Will Never Be Mine
Aridea P Apr 2013
Palembang, 19 April 2012

A long ago ...
I see beautiful person on screen
Friendly smile, hazel green eyed
As I saw you since that day, I want to see you any longer
Everyday, I see you, with or without turn on the screen
I paced back and forth and smiling
It was felt like I lose my brain
I can't think anything, anyone but you
I went home from school to turn on the screen, to see you
You are the shadow whom I hug when night fall
And you are the first thought in the morning when I woke
Happily I declared to the world, that I am falling for you

Right now ...
I wanna cry, remember those faces
Face of you and her are spinning around my head
I can't forget that smiles for the rest of my life
As I paced back and forth all this time, I couldn't understood
How can I falling for you?
You are someone I don't know anything about
You are like a strangers came to my life, forcibly grabbed my heart, without you knowing it
How dare I save this love only for you? Without sharing with others?

In another day I could see
She look so beautiful in White, pink roses are in her hands
As you looking in her eyes so deep, she smiling on you
People thinking that you both are matching bride, and hoping all best for you both
Somewhere far far away I only can see the bride standing in front of you
She thank God for a man she had now

For forever and all the questions
When can I claim you as mine?
When can I say that I'm exist because of you?
When can I say that I'm where you belong?
When can I listen the vow you made for me?
When can I stop this hurt feelings?
I wanna cry but I couldn't
I wanna smile but I'm so hurt
I wanna laugh but it's so painful
I stop doing anything, I'm not focus
Too busy with this feelings
696 · Jan 2014
I Say Mom
Aridea P Jan 2014
Palembang, Senin 4 Oktober 2010

Mom, I know you know that I love you
Although I never say that in front of you
But I believe you feel the same with me
That we both are never be apart
We are always be together, Forever
Until the end of time, And the age is die
664 · Jan 2014
I Lose My Faith
Aridea P Jan 2014
I lose my faith.
When I see the world is larger than I imagine.
Live in this world so wild.
And never thought about good things but lies.
Pretending to be a good person is really we are.
And even the right thing truly done by us.
I could run from the reality behind.
But I couldn't hide from tomorrow will comes.
Acting so wrong to a person.
An apology is just not enough.
Only an anger left in hearts.

I lose my faith.
When I grew up and found how strange life is.
Good people, bad people seems no different.
Cheat and lie has never been failed.
Boys, girls, no this is not about gender.
Expensive, cheap, no this is not about the price.
Good, wrong, bad, this is about the truth.

I shouldn't have lose my faith.
If I don't want to live so wrong.
I shouldn't have never ever lose my faith.
If I still alive, I'll always remember that I live in the strangest world on planet.
God will never leave me alone.
651 · Jan 2014
When You Fell Down
Aridea P Jan 2014
Palembang,19 Januari 2014

Life is so short
Life is so hard
So when you fell down
Do not ever give up
Trying hard to stand again
If you believe in Allah SWT
You will got it easily
Life must goes on and on
And on
Struggle for a better life

"Be strong, me"
630 · Aug 2012
You Are My Nightmare
Aridea P Aug 2012
You are my nightmare.
595 · Dec 2016
Aridea P Dec 2016
Palembang, 2 Juni 2013

Bukankah hidup itu sulit?
Sulit untuk melupakan,
sulit tuk memaafkan

Bukankah hidup itu sulit?
Sulit untuk memulai,
Sulit tuk menilai
562 · Jan 2014
Aridea P Jan 2014
Jakarta, Senin 20 Oktober 2008

I am trying to forget you
But I couldn’t
You’re always in my heart

That is special thing, that’s my love

How can I have you in my life?
No, I couldn't.
How can I think about you?
Why you always here?
Why you’re not go away?
Go so far away!
From my life
Why?? Why??

(edited Thursday, January 2nd 2014)
461 · Jun 2017
You Are The STAR
Aridea P Jun 2017
You are the STAR.
I can only see you from far.
I can only call you from deep inside.
I can only feel you in my heart.
I can only admire you...
I can't have you in my life.
Dedicated to my 2017 lover, BP.
387 · Aug 2012
Last Word
Aridea P Aug 2012


356 · Apr 2018
Mati Rasa
Aridea P Apr 2018
Semalam aku terjun dari ketinggian 13.000 kaki dari permukaan laut
Menembus awan dan menantang angin
Lalu aku terjatuh ke dalam samudera, jatuh sangat keras
Aku menangis, tapi mati rasa

Pagi ini aku menyelami segitiga bermuda
Tak tahu arah
Aku menangis, tapi tak bersuara
im broken my own heart, i was lost and I regret what i've done last night
314 · May 2018
Happy Birthday
Aridea P May 2018
Happy Birthday to me!
312 · Apr 2018

— The End —