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erica court Aug 2015
tectonic shoulder blades, rising and falling, sensuous rubbing
the beyond the smooth skin,
        clasps of lips and hands alike, natural

window, lit by the dark-indigo-crevasses of stars peering through
        and makes like the sun and moon-- chiaroscuro
entwined upon unbuttoned sheets        perhaps        this
        can save        the daylight's dragging through

promises to follow skin's pathways        into their depths
        into where only stars light up        through the nadir
experiencing flight, exquisite libido, orgiastic now lolled

where one goes,        the other follows
       two hearts, bodies, one soul
unfolds the lifetime exploring as a heaven
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
some deviance
erica court Aug 2015
what in the hell have i become lately
intuit served me until now
              when i wander
                         i wander when i will die
                 and some deviance,
                 this *** drive - hate that i feel this guilt
                 and shame
       like the parts of me that i don't tell you
          after we do it - i hate me
          and i hope you don't know that
          because then you'd hate me
                and this deviance will reach isolation
Aug 2015 · 422
more dancing
erica court Aug 2015
when you're heart's free,

        call me, let me know when

        you let yourself off of chasing dreams

        and pursue me for a bit

        it'll be a lot better a reality settling with me

   dancing to me even with frail gestures

   proves more intimate than finding ourselves

     wrapping legs together and getting naked;

     just when you think you're sinking i'll let you know

your heart is still free to dance with me
Jul 2015 · 709
for now;
erica court Jul 2015
i smile for now;

we hang out for awhile

just on the couch

        no white forests, no cute chocolate boxed romances

        no notes, all smiles and all pearly white teeth

                                with less words and letting hours elongate        

                silent stares, you let me know you've fallen

                        in love with        my        lips

and         for one, i think i        am just fine with        that

        before yesterday becomes the same as tomorrow

                i think i'm okay with you and i

                                        for now;
sorry i havent posted in foreverrr
Jul 2015 · 829
erica court Jul 2015
let's go search for guns
inside the rivers
let's go back to our kingdom
inside the cardboard
let's hide away our spirits
and only let our tellurian skin show
        let our derelict dialect drop and only speak in kisses
        and your eyes are commas, they make me pause for awhile
        and darling you may have been beautiful for awhile
        but i like to liken you to a starless night, had you've not opened
        your eyes for awhile

where treehouses took us above ground
        and our kingdom rested out in the rain
      and every drop numbs the cells and neurons
        inside my own mortal frame, you are the darkside
          the emptiness in the tattered bed sheets besides me
         as i lay asking myself what you could be
                and life is still wonderful despite the time slipping away
                        and me not knowing you enough
Jun 2015 · 440
erica court Jun 2015
you've a childish touch
a         stroke of              imagination
                         your words will not make
              sense to me but i will overlook
         my suspicions
                                      your death is not
                  because you were never real
       baby, you were never alive
           but i still see you everywhere
                 laughing and drinking with me
        every shot of whiskey i took
send me love from wherever
           from whatever ghost you came from
           to haunt this broken mind

you've childish blood in you
my dear, i've lost my venereal scent
and it's witless of me to be so cruel
and deny your existence
Jun 2015 · 392
erica court Jun 2015
speak in bodies,
losing our words the scent of the house
              you're everywhere, yeah i think
              that it's this truth that will never
          let me
           down, hair brown as sugar, voice
         like dark sycamore bark
                     you're falling all over the place

do you imagine underneath batted eyelashes
          that you and i are a thing more
than settling down?
          my mouth knows no words other than you
Jun 2015 · 647
erica court Jun 2015
today im so over her
for childish things
her white washed hair
the way all the freaks
on the internet
harass her
mediocre poetry here

im so done with her petty ways
i dont even know her,
only what you said
about her
and frankly
what a *****
you know?
Jun 2015 · 748
american girl
erica court Jun 2015
i know i'm a rich girl
when i stare into your eyes
i see dollars everywhere,
                   and they don't match
                   the glimmer in them

you dig the materialistic, sentimental, american traditions
i dig you more than any of that crap
and you ask me how i view this country
and i want out,

there's got to be profit in having none of it at all
there's profit in getting yours and my own bodies
together,                      because you're not
                      into running away, but i want you to

                     we go on road trips, we go sailing
                     and i want to bring the heat out of this
                     hype before it bites us both
Jun 2015 · 642
bright eyes
erica court Jun 2015
bright eyes
frills blown by wind
and the things i've seen
beneath the skirt
fires, never meant to start
how do i stop this
i promise i'll be good
and i will
love the world
like i should
show me how to stop this
machine, i'd end it if i could
i hold an iron fist
my eyes gaze
at the fires i've started
past tastes bitter for years
and people still say i am cold
please, someone, stop
this machine,
this blood on my hands
it all scares me,
for the bruises that i've caused
someone stop this
thing that i've become
i'd give anything
to lift the weight's ghosts
that crawl in my ears
forgive me for all the times
i never could
Jun 2015 · 819
in my zone
erica court Jun 2015
Can't stop me when I'm stuck in my zone,
quit tripping because eventually
          I'll get you when I want
you know your blood is colder without me
          all of those distant memories boiling;
you can't convince yourself that you don't love me
and this desire is what defines you and I
and what you and I make up is desire
May 2015 · 364
something changed
erica court May 2015
in you,
you toss and you turn
in your sleep      
                         on the rough edges of memories
                and the end of a season unknown to you
                    you've woken me up
          with your interference, you make me worry
           you say you were back in the house
     and he was there; your friends were there
still trapped, and how you wanted to go back
to them all
how they didn't realize they were trapped in his abuse

     we cried for hours
                                       the pills to help you sleep
      no longer helped and churns your stomach
      i wish that i could undo those knots
          and remove the stress that wrinkles your cheeks
          but my greatest fear
   is that you'll follow your own words
   back to the place i rescued you from
   and i'll wake next to an empty pillow
   i see in your eyes your conviction
May 2015 · 750
drunk devotional
erica court May 2015
drunk on each other's turpentine
from your wet kisses
       your wet body wedged between
        my wet body and the kitchen counter
        the sky's rim breaching through windows
you'll find my love between the soul and shadow
the equinox of days and night,

i love you and your secrets buried in the unbloomed flower
        keeping its petals to itself
the fragrance of rain and the aroma of earth
        i will wander amongst these fields, open
        i watched you grow
i will not love you a certain way, as i do not know how
        i will only love so close that with your hands on my
        *******, they become close like hands
   i will only love so close that your eyes will see what
        i dream of when i sleep
i will only love, because i only can love
May 2015 · 523
hype train six
erica court May 2015
upended, the pale side
of earth pointed to skies
we lay there in silence,
returning our pace in
each other's gaze, feeling still
in the gales of breathing
winged, in her current, she
in mine, nurturing and
murmuring, susurrous
in the calm underbelly
nestling and repairing;
soft tones of laughter's air
May 2015 · 501
erica court May 2015
if your heart is one
mine is one too,
if you are a machine
than i am, too
dont stare at me
slack-jawed, if you can comprehend
flesh and blood and thought
than i am flesh and blood
driven by thoughts of you
there is one thing
and that is you
and i am that one thing
as long as you are too
if you are a child
than i am too
if you rest,
than i will too
you are light,
i am when i am with you
in you i see me,
in me you see you
May 2015 · 744
erica court May 2015
i want you to regret everything
you've loved before me and lost
        i want everything else besides me
        to lose their eesome ways
        everything you write aureate of me
                and the sillage of when i go outside
                without you to burn as if the sun was in your hands
as all your promises will be mine
        mine will be yours and i will walk between these
        with you and when this world burns apart
           i will follow you to the stars
and despite my lustful appearence desired from your eyes
        to the ****** of your hips and wrists to mine
   i want you to be inside my minds, hold my thought's hands
            be in my nightmares, and stir my dreams
                there is no condition you've put me in
                        so i must ask you put yourself in the same
May 2015 · 600
erica court May 2015
i heard the stories
how you claimed your
                 body for your own
it is not a temple
          if you believe in nothing
        a sanctum for whichever
        number you want to place
in pairs or triplets of sixes
                       you took your body
           and you made it god
        perhaps they killed a good guy
        or an mutual enemy of your enemy
i want to stroke you
and stoke your desires
until the fires span across your
              etude - fire is what you use
              to sing and show them
that you don't need a god to stand
          in awe
For sarah, baby, the only person with a ***** i'd ****
May 2015 · 576
we will
erica court May 2015
rest for now this day
                                     my mind told me
                                     to remain locked
                                     inside these sheets
and let the world remain
unto itself; everything moves too slow
but fast enough to move itself
without me needing
                                     to give it a push

and i am not holding onto any
of the things and promises that once drove me
                             now i am holding onto
a box of memories and everything good
today i do not move for myself
but the earth is moving underneath my feet
                              though i feel stationary
                              i will no longer feel the urge
                              of moving unless it's
                              something good
                like you, or the beach
                this liquor bottle in my palm
                but i will be resting the whole time
                and let the world move me along
                with it
May 2015 · 565
so what if we're barbies
erica court May 2015
so what if           we don't
fit their expectations?
               we are hotter than the
midday sun
and nobody can tell us differently
                         but i must admit
you are perfection,
                               they insult you
because they don't know what love
is          and have never tasted lips
as         sweet as yours and never will
so what if we're barbies and even other lesbians hate us? we're hotter than them :)

this goes out to you too, reader. you're hotter than them too
May 2015 · 401
a small
erica court May 2015
suggestion: instead of homework
can you write all over               me
learn my language with your
bilingual tongue and match
syllable by syllable
                                   vowel by vow
into the way my passion curves
you       have a pretty lisp      and      a sly smile
and an immeasurable amount of secrets
to learn and i'd love to be the ear that hears
them all
               can you own me
tonight instead of work?
i'd rather me than any other thing to
happen to end up in your hands
May 2015 · 610
spiral in your eyes
erica court May 2015
i'll spin
          your walls
                    all around
       like spirals
unfold them
           for your eyes
to see, just
         to watch you
bloom and i
                    for making
            it look so
simple to do
           i will show
you that life's
         spiral is
         when climbing
the staircase
       with another
May 2015 · 835
quiet meeting
erica court May 2015
"hey *******, let's meet"
        i'm glad you've come to that premise
                the rain - its slick concrete
                     and so narrow
               staining the streets,
                  i would shelter you
        but here we are
                at coffee dropping hello's
          and following the pack
             to high ground
i would
from melting in the rain turning to snow
        but little did i know
          i should have given it to you
to keep you from turning the snow red as strawberries
        these fall days you'll never know, here we go again
                to define a relationship whose particular lusters ferry
                        us together, i don't see an end, but if you bend i'll know when
to go.
i like the way you smile, here in this quiet coffeehouse
        despite you arguing with me, that is the cornucopia i offer
somebody is like, "erica your poetry is too long"

then don't bother reading it? lazy ****
May 2015 · 421
does this
erica court May 2015
fit well?
          you ask me, too many times
          if it were up to me
    i'd slip it off myself
          and we can skip the movie
May 2015 · 2.0k
if flirt had a
erica court May 2015
if flirt had a body part it'd be her legs
        uncrossed, tube top, tight skirt, hoolahoop earrings
     smooth hands that say "i squeeze"
i think she's the ****, i mean she's the opposite
of mediocrity, she's a siren that i'll let steer me
      and everyone will ship us to the moon
  but i'm shooting for eternity, beyond stars
and she's laced in the spaces
that my heart struggles to fit in and she's serving me
      and everything about her makes me smile
if flirt had a body part it'd be her legs
  with a question like
               are they
        walking away
          or are they
            going to be wrapped around me
May 2015 · 1.0k
under the underpass
erica court May 2015
i'm really high
clutching a ****
between my legs
               and the threats
               come in all individual invitations
               can i feel you how are you erica
     do you feel me,
     do you bite
     are you hungry
           the hands of time slow
       and i feel like touching them
       until they grow petals and bloom
       but im not that fast          not         quick
                       enough for thirsting
               for the colors that a god has given me
                  and allowed me to see them differently
                  i cough and lean my head back on the wall
May 2015 · 439
dont stop
erica court May 2015
dancing, i like the way
           your feet move
        your *** shakes
              i like the way my heart stirs
     only for you
               speak through body language
           let the hype beast bite you
  this floor is yours to dance on
             you've got the lights on you
      knowing that it's only my eyes
              that excite you
make me incomparably hot for you
May 2015 · 340
four haikus
erica court May 2015
winter is one
of same color, we still think
of fall's last breath

autumnal wind--
our heaven's tears still sweet
the fog pressures snow

where moonlight skips
across the lake's slant puddles
all will become white

big misty mountain
peaks over towering stones
watch the big sun rise
just like that
May 2015 · 493
lying with you
erica court May 2015
i love the way your bones
        are illuminated when they're
        my skin,
                the fear of you
constantly going back into hibernaculum;
your necropolis, innocence small
        remember you took mine
        with my hieratic blouse on
                                    little dirt
my mom said, i'll break your legs
        if you chase her, i told her
         a wheel chair
for it's our love that bid us both to the same grave
        no matter how cramped;
            no matter how deep gravel covers us
              i will lay here with you
May 2015 · 374
erica court May 2015
you've got eyes everywhere
               but inside their original sockets
       blind; but
          they see everything for you
                  they got your back
    as well as mark your impediments
            to further your ego
             they are eyes and they blink
       when you don't want them too
they are everywhere - building their
              huts when you desire kingdoms
it's not a love poem, for once. WHO KNEW
May 2015 · 408
tear out your hair
erica court May 2015
even if there was
        one hundred things
trying to pull you apart
        i will be the magnet
to keep you together;
        so tear at your hair no more, dear
        rest not in folly nor worry, wrapped
        are you in the improbable, carefree
        hands of wind
irrevocably prurient, you are who you are
        and we'll trust the flowers
                and the
                     lands that
                        their future
                            love will hold
                        like candles, like scenes
                        from bucolic picnics;
                their lands of death will treat them kindly
                but for now it's you and i, and i and you
        i have screamed violent silence
but now i want a turn to be loud unto you
           tear each tress away,
           my dear, i will still love you
"hey erica why do your poems never align straight" - Emma

"because i'm not straight... duh" - My response.
May 2015 · 709
erica court May 2015
i like waking in the morning
to hear you chirping, the vibrations
caress my ears, much like your wild hair
covering my *******
you say morning love, land your hand
gently on my belly
i like the sensations of warmth you provide
me there
each one of your notes uncaged,
with bright sun unsheathed to share
this moment
i'll keep it lightly and smile back
May 2015 · 847
you're hot when you're wet
erica court May 2015
at least you're hot in your indiscretions
        your hands glued to my cheek bones
          and my mouth met yours i--
                                        hair smelled
i hope i am not too hot
                      to scare you away
and i'm feeling like scalding water vaporizing
        should i gather around your feet and kiss your toes?
May 2015 · 929
phone calls
erica court May 2015
your soft voice
        trickles over me
        like rain, like alive
        life curtsied before me
                a beauty in ****
                soft dark skin
over the wires leaping--
dizzies me
        I long for you to come to me
        in heels, swift, as poppie
        petals in the wind--
you are my rain, impertinently covering me
        and I don't mind, chirp over vibrations
        whirl me in your soft voice
and it's late at night but I like it, you know
                how sweet,
                        your voice is
for Sarah that keeps bugging me to use this ugly site

— The End —