No, ashes no longer fall
From the sky
Those diamonds are precious
Between your thighs
And that pounding in your chest
Fossil fuel, so indespensable
Can keep someone like me full
I'm a minner ready to fall
Into you, most valuable ore
The mere thought of you
Can warm me more
Than coal or wood
You can heat my heart,
Set my body ablaze
A thousand degrees higher
Then lava consuming land
No, ashes no longer fall
From this sky
You must have come
To save me
How brave we,
Knowing love is dangerous
Knowing it can fail,
Trying with no fear or avail
My manifestation of love,
You rise from the shadows
Letting me know I can be yours
Like warm water dew drops
I see you trying to attempt
To hydrate, fortify this force of nature
No, ashes no longer fall
From our sky
Taking it one precious step at time
If our paths allows us
Like two cells engineering one being
Living one life knowing we have each other
December 28, 2012