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920 · Apr 2014
Emma Apr 2014
i don't ever want you
to let me go


i don't know
if you really have me
at all
570 · Feb 2014
Emma Feb 2014

it took 1 year.
one year and I was
f r e e.

no more open wounds.
no more pain. No
more stolen blades pressed
to tender, pink flesh.
No more blazing desires of
by chemicals compacted
into a small pill, labeled

Hundred and
Sixty-five days.

My wounded flesh
Was healing.
My broken thoughts
Were mending.
My tattered mind
Was recovering.

52 weeks and

I took
One less sip of
That intoxicating liquid.
Each day I took
One more breath of

Three hundred and
Sixty-five days I
To mend myself
from a lifetime
of misery.

For three-hundred and sixty-five days,
for fifty-two weeks, for twelve months, for
eight thousand seven hundred and
sixty-six hours, for all those minutes
and all those seconds I spent trying.

I slowly improved.

And in one, fleeting moment,
Those twelve months of mending,

V a n i s h e d .

Day 364

My head was heavy
With profound thoughts and
My heart was brimming
With unwavering love
As two pairs of passionate
And hungry eyes stared
into the other.
The intensity of yearning,
Of love.

Day 365

I, what was left of me,
Crouched to the floor
Picking up
The shattered remnants of
My heart.
Not a silly girl picking up
failed love.
Not a girl mourning
The loss of a boy
But a girl gathering broken shards,
Broken shards of tender love.
Shards of happiness. Of life.
Shards of passions
And shards of light.
A memory of warmth.
A thought of hope,
Of being whole.

And each piece of life,
Each moment of love
tore my fingers,
nicked my flesh.
And I knelt to the ground
plucking each little piece.

My thoughts lingered
On your goodbye
Not a silly girl with
A broken heart
Just a girl who
finally realized
she was not

and that day I pieced
myself back together.
I put a piece here
And a piece there,
Not quite finding a
Place for each shard.
Others were missing.
Not shards of you, love,
But shards of me from you.

For 365 days
I had not mutilated my body.
I had not uselessly abused
my insides with alcohol.

But months after
Saying goodbye
And endless days
Of living in fragments
With missing pieces
I poured that glass of
Clear liquid.
I filled my lungs
With smoke.
I drowned out my thoughts
With noise,
And I put nails to skin
and pressed
harder and harder
and harder,
physically masking my
Drowning out my thoughts
And replacing
an unwavering emotional pain
with a tangible physical pain.

And right then
All I worked for,
was gone.
It took just one moment
For everything to


And right then
Three hundred
And sixty-five days
Were gone.
365 days were
489 · Mar 2014
do you not understand?
Emma Mar 2014
do you not understand
that i would follow you
to the end of eternity
to bask in your warmth?

do you not understand
that i would spend the
rest of my life giving
you all the love i am able?

do you not understand
that you are my reason
for happiness?
my means to survival?

do you not understand
that i gave myself to you
when i had nothing in me?

do you not understand
that when you walked away
i turned hollow?
that everything you showed me
and everything you poured into me
was stripped from my being
the moment you turned you head?

because, my love,
i understand that you
and only you
are able to put
my broken body
back together

only you are capable
of giving me air to breathe,
heat to stay warm,
and happiness to survive
454 · Feb 2014
go where the love is
Emma Feb 2014
You ask me what I want to be
and how I will get there.
You ask me why.

I say,
I want to be peaceful.
I want to be free.
And I will do this through love
because I want to be happy.

But you tell me no.
You say that is not the question.
What do you want to do?
You ask.

I just told you.
I want to create love
and feel it.
I want to find happiness
and share it.
I want to be free
and enjoy it.
I want to know peace
and spread it.

You say,
no, you are still not
And you laugh at me.

Not understanding what?

You ask again,
what do you want to do
with your life?

I can't help but smile
and I think about
where we are
in that exact moment--
beneath the sun above
and the earth below.
physically together,
yet minds apart.

Minds apart
because when I look at you
I see that really
you don't get it.

And I say,
No, you are not understanding.

We live in a world
where conformity
is the trend.
Where money
is power.
Where materials
are 'necessary.'
Where survival
is not our bodies,
but a vehicle.
And 'happiness' comes
in the form of an
outdated document
with an idea
of what it means
to be 'free.'
And 'peace' is
the invasion of a country
where we don't belong
because it is right,
it is our duty
because we feel
we must
because we care so much
we care so much

about ourselves.

That is not love.

It is not me
who misunderstands.
It is you.

You are society.
You see what they see.
And I am a bird.
I want to be free.
384 · Feb 2014
Emma Feb 2014
i can't watch you leave
my body will break
into a million

but each piece
i will give to you
and they will
at every step you take
at every breath you make
my body will
to the ground

and i will walk
to the end of earth
after you
picking up
each little piece
along the way

i will follow you
i will beg you to stay
379 · Apr 2014
Emma Apr 2014
trying to push
sound out of silence
is a daunting task

for words,
for sound,
for noise,

for you

because I will
endlessly listen
to the cacophony,
the racket
surrounding me
until it is no longer
just noise
I hear

but your voice
in my ears

I will spend
the rest of time
waiting for the silence
to turn to sound
silence is the absence of sound
but is it silence if i still hear you in every thought
375 · Apr 2014
Title (optional)
Emma Apr 2014
we are all lost
blindly searching for meaning
in a life where meaning is
a nine-five job,
a house left alone,
an engine for mobility

does the search ever end?

is being lost
hopelessly for death?

is being lost
the potential
to live?

really just that?

is it anything at all?
n o t h i n g .

is it an escape?

is searching for meaning
being astray?
being found?
or created?

created from the pursuit,
from the struggle,
*from the meaningless
glide from moment
to moment
knowing only
that death is certain
319 · Feb 2014
my old friend
Emma Feb 2014
my old friend
is creeping back in,
what did i do to
deserve this again?

my old friend,
you gnawed
on my mind
you ripped
and tore
until i
went blind

my old friend
why are you here?
i was feeling again
and then you appear

let me be
can you not see
that you are
killing me?
305 · Mar 2014
lost soul
Emma Mar 2014
where did i go?
where there was once
ravenous light
there is now only
a soft, dull, burning  glow
304 · Apr 2014
turning back time
Emma Apr 2014
i want to go back
f o u r months
and stay tucked between the sheets
in the comfort of the unknown
before i met you-
before you changed me-
before you ruined me

i want to go back
s i x months
and beg you to stay-
to grovel at your feet
and make me okay
before i let you slip away-
before i let me lose my way

i want to go back
1 0 months
to know what i now know
before you changed my mind-
before you brought me back to life

i want to go back
f o u r t e e n years
and freeze time-
to be innocent-
before my light
turned dark-
to know not
what i now know-
before my mind met

i want to go back
t w e n t y years
and erase the future-
to erase the pain-

b a c k before coming to existence
in a place measured by time-
before life was an en  d    l    e     s        s stretch
and death was a goal-
before life was a burden-
before knowing a meaningless existence-
before corruption consumed me

but truly
i need to go back
ten months-
when you,
only you
were capable of soothing my thoughts-
when you pulled me out of the dark
to show me the light
as if the sun was suspended
in a endless night sky

i need to go back
six months-
and tell you to stay-
to tell you that when you leave
i, too, would go away-

just six months-
before i let who i was with you
before i welcomed the negativity-
before i let it consume me-
before i met the boy who **ruined me
298 · Apr 2014
where is my head?
Emma Apr 2014
where is my head?
it has disappeard
it's been picked and prodded
it's been shattered and knotted

come find me

i'm l o s t
endlessly searching
for any thoughts
288 · May 2014
Emma May 2014
how do i turn

e v e r y



o f f?
283 · Feb 2014
you took everything
Emma Feb 2014
this morning
you left
and i truly
do not know
where my heart
is now kept

this feeling
of pain
is nothing
i've ever felt

you turned
and left
leaving my mind
e m p t y
and blind
271 · Feb 2014
Was is my fault?
Emma Feb 2014
You whisper to me
that you care

You put thoughts
in my mind that
make me feel like
I matter

But I know these words are not real
I know that these words are drunken lies

And I let you feed me
I let you feed me lie
after lie
because it makes
me feel alive

And I fell into your trance
and I let you use my body
like a little *****

But I don't know
what made you think
that this time was different

And I don't know
what made you think
you could push
and push


"turn over" you said
forcing me to lay *** up

"let me do it"

"it won't hurt"

"i will go slow"

you said.

and I said no.
I said please.
I said no.
stop I said.

and your body felt
like a million pounds
on top of me

I couldn't get you off

You wouldn't let me free

you kept going
and you pushed
and pushed

and all I felt was
p a i n

while I tried
not to let you see
the tears around my eyes,
I begged you.
I pleaded.

I tried to get your
drunken body off of mine
but you tried to tell me
that it was okay

You told me to stop
You told me I liked it
Was it my fault
because I already
let you inside me

Was it my fault
because this wasn't
the first time?

Was it my fault
because I didn't say
"no" loud enough?

Was it my fault
because I wasn't
strong enough
to push your
body off of me?

Was it my fault
because I didn't
please you enough
this time?

Was it my fault
because I let you
see that I cared
about you
and you thought
that I wanted to be your
214 · Mar 2014
Emma Mar 2014
you were the sun
that turned my darkness
into light

and you were the wind
that blew away all
of my fright

you held my head
so softly
you gave me sight

but now the sun
and the wind
are as dark as night

— The End —