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Manuel John Oct 2018
It’s 15 minutes before I die.
I’ve been here before?
Déjà vu? Routine? Hobby?
Uneasily, I am waiting for my groom.
Loneliness has walked me down the aisle
which is my kitchen, a job well done.
And yes, I have been waiting
all day in my bathrobe
sipping wine; the one called washing dishes
-miserably preparing the witnesses.
How I want to be remembered?
How I want to be forgotten?
They’re all the same to me.
-Men. Always running late.
I’ll wait a little longer, as I’ve always.
Manuel John Sep 2018
Deep in the darkness of my soul
A darkness not even I can behold
Somewhere far beneath my eyes
A spec of light you can barely see lies
You reached out to it but to your greatest surprise
The light within is moved farther despite your tries
Nothing can save me from myself you thought
But even at that, with persistence you sought
Digging through my clusters of damage
Clusters I think not to manage
Risking the many things we that we share
The very thoughts of losing a friend, you seemed not to fear
You dug for my own good "rescue the light before it's long gone"
"For if the light leaves, this can't be undone"
Worried not by the outcome
Giving it your all "still I'll overcome"
Getting closer to the end of the darkness's frontiers
Darkness cannot help but give up "I'll surrender the light" it volunteers
Finally the search and pursue mission is over
In a cage the light is handed over
Retrieved the little light in me
Brought out the light and set it free
"The light is out" darkness begins to cry
"For when light is out how shall we pass by?"
Wiping all the darkness my light broke out
"Finally he is broken" you begin to shout

The old me is gone now, no turning back
My insides no longer painted in black
Darkness is gone, locked away in a cage
So now I can finally turn a new page
So, I finally tried rhyming and I think I pulled it off lol
Manuel John Sep 2018
I am writing as though there were thorns in my sleeve

let me paint you a picture with my tongue instead
A marketplace in heaven, a retail store for souls
flowers of lashes open and flutter at me all day
and it is flattering to be human. Being human-
my sheets tease me of it when I lay alone.
Alone is where I am at some point, so the taste
of white noise will keep stinging.
A dark owl falls in my laps and to the ground
but as a mother would, I nudge her on to fly.
This is becoming routine. All of it, circling
over and over again, a messy time loop.
A ceiling fan with no circuits. A life.
This is where I am at some point,
alone in paradise.
Manuel John Sep 2018
Is it cliché to say that I dream of you
or that I stay up in bed thinking of you?
Indeed an apple falls far from a tree
and into a basket, somewhere overseas.
My Adam’s apple breaking over the phone
and chutzpah china slamming on the floor
leaves few words to remember you by.
My blinds will never carry a scent
yours, too much of a burden to bear.
A wooden bed with walls and moist soil
the only smell I pine for now
the only thing I can pray for now.
Manuel John Sep 2018
lust's hypnotic song
in fervent whispers
seeking servile obedience.
“Please, give me chains”
-man’s latent lyrics, in tune.
His soon remorse;
a plightful penance
in laurel of a deal
- an abyss
beneath wreathed flowers
inlaid with illusions of fruits
-tender, yet forbidden.
Just a gentle kiss,
shortly, a fiery gratification
-vivid and sharp to sense,
then desire seeks an embrace
-trouble’s warm embrace.
The melody changes
to a cloud filled passage
that is forte and ambient;
a gloomy coming awaits.
Best anticipate the dynamics
when desire knocks.
Manuel John Sep 2018
leave heaped pieces of lint in your soul
You wake up to the scent of a nostalgic host
pumping adrenaline to kick start your day
-a hot cup of anxiety to make sure you stay awake
These first days seem to have time at their mercy
-they embrace and dismiss her as they wish
while you just sit back and watch her pass you by
It’s how these first days give you a heavy impression
and give to others, a heavier impression of you
that makes out what other days have to offer
It’s how you hope these first days meet your expectations
that makes these first days linger in your memory
- like the smell of a fresh cigarette, under your breath
It’s how you hope these first days meet your expectations
that makes them and latter days worth living through
These first days are all up to you.
This poem is about the difficulties faced in the first days of mostly anything. I hope it is relatable
Manuel John Sep 2018
like you died a little with each word.
Slow, yet sudden stabs in your chest
every time their tongues danced.
Like glaciers threaded into your ears,
melting into acid on your eardrums.
So much weight that you carry
underneath your eyes
from staying up by the window,
being envious of the moon
-how she’s distant from harm.
Oh, how your night is eventful-
routine compulsion of counting sheep
-the ones jumping off the moon.
Gently, you crawl in bed and count
the ones drowning in the sea
of apathy that is your ceiling
And as your ritual, you find yourself
filling your diary with tears.
Quill tears, and yours to compete
for a place on your pillow
as you fall asleep, ink in hand
and thoughts on a battered paper,
hurt just as much.
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