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 Feb 2015 Emma Wilton
Justin Case
First World Problems:
My coffee is too hot.
He/she made fun of me.
My Iphone is too old.
I'm too fat.
I'm too skinny.
I'm too ugly.
Nobody likes me.
I need more followers.
Need I go on?

There are more important problems in this world:
*** trafficing,
Slaves in general,
And so much more.

So why are we all so self centered?
And I know I'm a hypocrite for writing this,  
Because I do the same things.
But just stop and think how lucky you are to not have to fight every day just to get something to eat.
Think how lucky you are to have a place to live.
Be grateful for what you have and live every day to the fullest.
I started this poem expecting to write about how being depressed and lonely are real problems too...
 Feb 2015 Emma Wilton
Acacia Rose
I cry because there is so little
we can do about
the things
that don't go quite right
the sorrow and mourning
to the blue skies and mornings
such a spectrum of difference there is.
You smile and my world
lights up
somewhere, someone fades
closes their eyes and their light
burns out like
a candle
and I worry about you not texting back

— The End —