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1.7k · Sep 2012
Emma Langley Sep 2012
So, you think I am a dark evil poet eh? Well, get a load of this! What would you write about if everyone you loved, your mom, your dad, your stepmom and your wife all died before you? You wouldn’t exactly be writing about rainbows and butterflies would you?! No, you would write about death, sorrow, and excruciatingly philosophical things too. So quit being so judgmental!  

Crows, sitting, watching you die
Watching, waiting, to feast on carcass
Your carcass they feed on
1.5k · Jan 2013
Emma Langley Jan 2013
Jumping is scary,
and fun,
untill you fall,
shooting twards the ground,
you scream,
and close your eyes,
waiting for the pain
it should be sxrushaiting as you hit the cold hard ground,
you should be burning,
you should be crying.
but you're not.
becasue I cought you,
I told you that when you jumped,
I would be there to catch you.
I told you that when you jumped,
I would be there to catch you,
I would save you,
from the pain of falling.
You didn't believe me,
But now you do.
You know,
that I will never hurt you,
never make you cry,
and always catch you when you fall.
1.5k · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
Coming down in soft flakes,
Melting on my toung
Beautiful for such a short time.
Floating down blissfully
Waiting to land,

Softly being crushed under my boots.
As I walk up the hill to go sledding.
As I zip down the hill,
Snow getting in my eyes,
My cheeks red and burning,
Being cut by a million tiny knifes.
Going over a jump and,
"catching air"
The wind is knocked out of me as I land
Reaching the bottom,
Disipointment at how short the ride is.

Going inside to sit on the couch eating popcorn and drinking cocoa.
Watching to snow flutter down out side.
Thinking about what it is like,
To be a snowflake.
To be created high uo in the clouds,
A beautiful piece of ice crystle.
To small to be marveled at
Only to float blissfully to the ground,
To be crumpled up by a boot.
On its way up a hill to sled.

To be flattend by a sled,
As it zooms down the hill,
Hitting a bump and flying into the air,
To flatten may more of us.

What would it be like to be a snow flake?
Just wrote this up at Mt. Hood with a TON of snpw coming down...hope you like it and comment what you think
1.4k · Apr 2014
Purple Adidas
Emma Langley Apr 2014
There were four noticeable things,
maybe that's why I picked him out
of more than two hundred people he was it,
the one I though was
oh how to put it,
cute I suppose
His lip piercing screamed
I'm a rebel
His brow piercing shouted
I'm different
From the red, black, green, and yellow head phones
to his
Purple Adidas high-tops

He looks well, you could call them average
but those piercings made him
so much more
they said notice me I'm different!
His headphones said I listen to hours
and hours
of music
But most of all,
the thing that was the most amazing
were those
purple Adidas high-tops

His head moving with the beat said,
Wanna listen to?
Those chocolate brown eye whispered
I can listen
The hands constantly fidgeting spoke,
I'm never boring
His fingers flying over the keys of his phone typed,
I'm connected!
But those shoes
I'll never forget
Those purple Adidas high-tops
1.3k · Dec 2012
Emma Langley Dec 2012
I tried,
So hard
To make it work.

I tried so hard because  I hoped,
I hoped that you still loved me.
But you didn't
No matter what I did,
No matter how much I changed my self,
You couldn't love me any more.
It broke my heart when you left me,
And you know you did it
You never tried to fix it,
Just left me there like a broken doll
No one wanted to love.

He tried way to hard,
Couldn't he see,
I didn't love him anymore?
It was almost ridicules,
How much he tried to change.
It almost made me feel bad
when I broke it off,

Now when I see you,
I think of how you look,
And act,
And sound.
You sound broken,
Like I was all you had to live for,
And you will never be happy with out me.

Well I have news for you,
There are plenty of fish in the sea,
Go catch one
1.1k · Nov 2012
A Moment
Emma Langley Nov 2012
A moment,

Can make you proud
When you graduated high school,
And everyone was standing,
And clapping,
And screaming your name.

Can hurt you,
When you fell off your bike for the first time,
And you dad came to help you,
He picked you up
And sent you to mom for a band-aid
Where she smothered you in hugs and kisses

Can comfort you,
Sitting in your moms arms,
Cuddling on the couch
Watching cartoons
Laughing at everything

Can make you happy,
When one year for Christmas,
You got the one thing
That you wanted in the whole world,
It made your Christmas perfect.

Can make you sad
When you cried and cried and cried,
When you learned that someone you loved
So much had died.
And you were angry with God,
You screamed,
“How could you do this!?”
And never received an answer

One small moment can change your whole day,

When you drank you coffee and thought,

Thought about your kids,
What they will do,
At school,
At home,
In the future when they have jobs.
If they will sit at their kitchen table
And think these same thoughts about their kids

When you said hi to your neighbor,
As you walked out to your car,
With all three of your kids,
Still in your pajamas,
To take them to school.
And your neighbor said hi back,
Waving at your kids.

When you went to work with a smile,
After taking your kids to school,
You sit and type on a computer,
Putting in the stock market to tell you boss,
Working on a big presentation you have to give.

When you went home,
And stopped to give money
To that poor homeless man,
Remembering how fortunate you are,
To have a loving family,
A good job,
And a roof over your head.
As you walked in the door of your house,
And all of your kids ran to the door to give you a hug.

And you realized just how much you love them.

A moment can change you forever.
1.1k · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
To be a bird with
Their sharp beaks,
Their soft feathers,

They long for all the attention
Waiting for a curious eye to find them.
Like humans long knowledge
Of being able to master flight.
Only birds can master flight.
Humans have gotten pretty close,
With their many contraptions,
They try to imitate flight.

But you will never know what it feels like,
To have the wind surround you,
To have the wind ruffle you feathers,
And then fold over, around, and through you
Like a soft blanket the wind will comfort you

You will never know what it is like to land on a branch,
Your scaly yellow talons gripping the rough bark.
To feel that small moment when you fell like you will fall,
And you are surprised that your small talons,
can hold all of this weight

You will never know what it is like,
To fly with beautiful iridescent feathers,
Changing from green, to blue, to gold and back again.
What it is like to have jet black feathers,
That some how change color as well,
Subtly changing from pink, to blue, to gold
As smooth as satin,

We will never know what it is like,
to be comforted by a soft layer of down.
So soft that when you touch just one feather,
It feels as though there is nothing there
Nothing to touch,
nothing to feel
But there is something.
Something so magical that only a bird can feel it.

We will never know what it is like
To sleep in a robin blue egg,
To live for so long in something frail,
yet strong at the same time.

We will never know what it is like,
To hatch,
to bang against a shell with our egg tooth,
and feel the joy,
Of being free.
After being locked away for so many weeks.

We will never know what it is like,
To be birds.
please comment
1.0k · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
Full of many things,
Crunchy but still soft
Cut into little orange disks

Cut into angular halfs

Fed rotten fruit in a pasture
And many other things.
Making the meat sweet.
Now shredded into bits in my bowl.

Cut into little strippes in my bowl.
1.0k · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
Almost sad
But like a backbone the shaft holds it all together
The small filaments with hooks,
Holding on to each other like best friends,
Looking for support.
Because with out them loving each other,
And holding on tightly like a web of tightly woven fabric.
The birds would be cold, wet and miserable.
With out feathers birds could not fly.
This to would make them sad,
not being able to feel the wind on their faces.
The wind rustling their feathers.
Birds need feathers to make them beautiful,
With their iridescent colours feathers make birds beautiful.
With out feathers birds would be nothing.
966 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
Love is stupid,
Love is foolish,
Love is blind,
Love is deft,
Love is hurtful,
Love is cruel,

Love is happiness,
Love is bliss,
Love is amazing,
Love is phenomenal,
Love is necessary.

He was amazing,
He was funny,
He was cute,

He was he was mean
He was my lover,
He was cold,
He was heartless,
He was cruel,

I am hurt
I am sad
I am depressed.
I am happy
I am amazing
I am beautiful
I am strong.
959 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
Rain is poring
No old man is snoring
Makes you day so boring

As I hit the ground
I rebound
Making a pitter pater sound
917 · Dec 2012
Emma Langley Dec 2012
You made me feel what it is like,
to be hurt,
to be hurt so bad,
I thought that I was going to die,
You made me feel like I had been stabbed,
I felt like I had been stabbed in the stomach
Where you knew that there would be no hope,
no hope for recovery,
or for life.
And you enjoyed it
Enjoyed my pain,
and my suffering

You made me feel what it was like to long,
to long for peace,
to long to see any one but you,
yet long to see you everyday at the same time.

You made me feel what it was like to need,
to need to get away from you,
but also need to be with you.

You were like the sun,
warm and pleasent,
yet cold and out of reach,
I needed you to go on,
but you shined in my eyes blinding me,
blinding me to you motive,
to break my heart,

I was your icicle,
you melted me little my little in the beggining,
but then made me freeze up.

You were the bull,
and I was your matador
I evaded you for a while,
and then tired,
letting my guard down
and you hit me,
you hit me so har
I flew backwards
hitting the fans in the grand stands.
I was dazed for a while,
and then got angery,
I took revenge on you,
but you won again,
I was hurt,
and always will be.
891 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
Today I am uninspired
Nothing to write about
Nothing to say

Today I am uninspired
No opinions about the world
No thoughts worth writing down

Nothing to write about
Should I write about unicorns?
No to cheesey

Nothing to say
I am tired
And have no thoughts
877 · Dec 2012
Emma Langley Dec 2012
how can butterfly?
Do they have bread wings,
and butter bodies?
Or butter wings and bread bodies?

Do horse flies look like horses?
Lewis Carol says that they look like rocking horses,
with wings like dragonflies

That reminds me,
What do dragonflies look like?
Are they like little dragons with wings like flies?
Or little flies with wings like dragons?

You know what dragons remind me of?
the way that dragons fly
and curving.
As they soar through the sky.

Do you know what that reminds me of?
All kinds of birds soar,
but mostly birds of prey.

Do you know what that reminds me of?
Do you know why that reminds me of him?
Because you're supposed to prey to him.
Doesn't mean I do though.

You know what that reminds me of?
You know why that reminds me of bullies?
Because bullies are mean,
the push,
and hit,
and say mean things to little kids.

Why do I have to be so random?
860 · Sep 2012
Emma Langley Sep 2012
Words are hard to make fit
You change and alter things so it works
Words like iridescent

Who would ever use the word incipient?
When would the word baleful ever work?
Words are hard to make fit

If you can use these words well then aren’t you full of wit
Maybe that guy over there can, I think his name’s Kirk
Words like iridescent

Trying to make words fit is like falling into an icy pit
They sneak up on you like a spy doing undercover work
Words are hard to make fit

Fitting in words is like having no banana on your banana split
If you don’t use them people think you’re a piece of work
Words like iridescent

It’s like a baleful adolescent
Well this is better that being a desk clerk
Words are hard to make fit
Words like iridescent
856 · Nov 2012
I wish
Emma Langley Nov 2012
I never new you very well,
All I knew was,
You were gay,
You were my uncle,
Your name was Johnny,
And that I loved you.

I don't remember much about you,
only that you were tall,
had brown hair,
and that you were kind.

I think,
You will be happy to know,
That you have a great niece named after you,
Her name is Johnnie,
She is four years old and very out going

When you died,
I remember being sad,
I knew that you death had been slow,
I knew you had died because something in your body,

The only thing I know about you,
Is that you died because of ***
I will never forgive that desiese
for taking your life.
I wish I could have gotten to know you more,
I love you.
856 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
I am sad
I need a friend
I need someones shoulder to cry on.
I need you,
But you have left me.
I don't need him,
He is gone,
He is the reason for my crying,
He is the reason for my sadness.
If I had not known him,
If I had not said yes,
If I had not gone, to that stupid dance
If I had not met him,
I wouldn't be as strong as I am now.
I wouldn't be able to say;
I am strong,
I am a survivor,
I am not weak,
I don't need YOU!
I will thank you though,
Despite all you did,
Despite all you said,
I will forgive you.
Because I am strong.
831 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
Wind is amazing,
It brings out new smells like tendrils,
urging to crawl up our noses.
To make us remember things from our past,
Bring new feelings to the present,
And guiding us to our future.
Smells like roses, so sweet and pure
Freshly baked bread from the bakery down the street.
And the smell of him the one you love, he smells like
Perfection he never talks to you,
Mostly because you keep your distance.
Worried that you will ruin it for yourself
By saying something stupid.

The wind will bring things to us and take things away.
Angry words will be screamed into the wind and forgotten.
That ripped up love letter that you were going to give to him
That angry letter you were going to give to you mom,
But decided to rip to shreds instead.
The wind is amazing
800 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
I love you,
Not the I wanna date you love,
but the you're my best friend love

I love your hair,
It is short, and soft, and brown
I love to run my fingers through it,
And feel it move through as smooth as silk

I love your eyes,
Their deep brown,
Like pools of chocolate
They melt me through and through every time you look at me

I love your body,
I love the way that when I hug you,
My arms fit around your waist
And my head rests on your chest
Like it was ment to be there
I love how soft you face is,
How smooth it feels
When I run my hand along it

I love your personality,
To others you appear quiet,
But I know that under that mask,
You are talkative,
And bubbly,
And funny.

I love you,
You are my best friend
757 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
You are such a drama queen,
I mean seriously you need to learn
how to solve your own problems.
And no I will not help you find your 'x'
You need to learn how to move on
You definitely have the most complicated
I have ever tried to solve.
And probably ever will.
746 · Sep 2012
Emma Langley Sep 2012
Your journal is like a sanctuary
Where you can always be you
It is full of little bits
And pieces,
Of you.

No one will ever criticize you in your journal,
No one will read your journal.
Except, for those few people who you can trust
With your whole heart.
Those are the people who you
Will rember your whole life.

Your journal is full
Of odds and ends
Unfinished stories,
Unfinished tales,
Unfinished lives.
You may never finish some of them,
But that is the way a journal is supposed to be,
Full of unfinished things.
Things that my never happen.
It is you in the raw.
737 · Nov 2012
Colored Hair
Emma Langley Nov 2012
These are the colors of the rainbow,
the colors of nature.
Not ment to be put into peoples hair,
yet we do it anyways,
we take things that arn't ours,
and use them in ways they arn't suposed to be used.

In a way it is beautiful,
the way some people can weave the color into their hair,
and make it look like it is theirs,
make it look like it belongs,
but on the inside they know it doesn't belong.
That those are natures colors,
and that without nature
they wouldn't be able to put it in their hair.
They thank their hair stylest for doing such a good job.

When really they should be thanking mother nature,
for giving us these colors,
for gicing us the oppertunity to use them.
For giving us a part of nature

These are the colors of nature
736 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
When you look at a clock
You see numbers, lines, and hands.
Not the kind of hands you're thinking about,
Just long thin lines, no fingers, no feeling.

But when you take it apart and look inside of it,
You see a very complicated thing
Grears, springs, and wires.

Vagly resembeling the insides of us,
A complicated inside.
Full of water and blood and guts

In the core is a heart or a spring if you a clock.
That keeps us moving, pumping blood to all the far corners of our bodies.
Or moving the gears that move the hand that make time go bye.

This is how a body functions,
or a clock,
or what every you want to make this metaphore represent.
720 · Dec 2012
Emma Langley Dec 2012
What is family?
I know that it is any one related to you,
you know,
second cousin twice removed and all that.
I love all my family dearly,
my aunts and uncles,
brother and sister,
great aunts,
great uncles etc.

But I also have another family,
My best friends who are like brothers and sister to me,
Emme Shoup,
Frances Calvin,
Sophia Hale,
Jacqueline Peaglow ,
Taylor Corkil,
Dakota Thrall,
Jazmin Villasenor,
Crimson Morgan,
Marshall McIvor,
And many others,
I want to thank you for always being there,
When I needed you most,
You have helped me through the hard times,
And laughed with me through the funny ones,
You have never given up on me.

I would like to say one thing to you all,
Even if you give up on your selves,
I will never,
give up on you
You are the siblings I never had,
My sisters from other misters,
My brothers from other mothers
I love you.
696 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
I said I loved you,
I don't know if I ment it,
My mom asked me questions,
"What colour are his eyes?"
"I don't know blue I think"
"Is he left or right handed?"
"Left I think,"
"If you loved him you would be able to ansewer these."
I think that is when I knew,
That I didn't love you.
You were irivicably in love with me.
There was nothing I could do,
To convince you not to love me.
I tried to let you down gentaly,
And you apreared to handle it well.
But later I saw you eyes,
They were red and puffy,
There were tearstains on you cheeks,
And I knew that you still loved me.
I heard that you were going to **** your self.
The first thing I thought was,
"If he is going to **** you self over a girl you have some seriouse issues,"
Then I heard from someone else
That you were saying it to get my attention.
And I thought,
"He is way to desperate,"
I am glad I broke up with you.
I am not sorry I broke your heart.
Please comment
694 · Sep 2012
Emma Langley Sep 2012
Time flying by
Sitting on this park bench
No one here but you and I

Watching people as the glide by
And still we sit watching.
Time flying by

Talking the time away
Sitting on this park bench
No one here but you and I

Talking and wasting time
Like we have all the time
Time flying by

Laughing, speaking, crying
Walking now, not sitting
No one here but you and I

Walking home, saying good bye
All alone now.
Time flying by
No one here but you and I
681 · Dec 2012
Emma Langley Dec 2012
Why did you leave me?
I lvoed you so much,
ANd tried so hard,
To get you to stay.

But you didn't want me anymore
I was just a toy for you to play with.
I'm sure you had a lot of fun,
Trying to figure out how to break me.
I thought,
I thought that you loved me,
I guess that acting is one of you strong points.
But why?
Why did you do this to me?
You shattered me into a million tiny pieces.
And what could you possibly gain?


Wh­y were you so ignorant?
It was so easy to lure you into my waiting grasp,
All it took was some sweet talk,
and pretending,
Maybe I loved  you for a little bit,
Or maybe I have gotten so good at faking that I fooled my self.

In the end it was fun to break your heart.
Now do you know why?
679 · Nov 2012
Friendship braclet
Emma Langley Nov 2012
Woven with many colors,
Woven with so much care,
Not one imperfection lies in its string.
Woven in a pattern,
That can not be described,
It is too complicated,
Like the friendship it represents.
Too complicated to be described in words.
Only capable of being described though feeling.

As it wraps around your wrist after so many years,
You remember,
You remember the little girl that you
Bought it from all those years ago,
You gave her two dollars,
And now you realize she deserved more,
She deserved more for putting in
All those painstaking hours,
To make that bracelet perfect.
To make it mean something,
It might never mean anything to you,
And she knew it,
But she knows,
It will always mean something to her.
625 · Sep 2012
Drawn back
Emma Langley Sep 2012
The never talk                            
Waiting for you                              
To speak first                                  
They are someone you can talk to    
When you just need someone          
Who will listen                              
Without interruption                      
Then when you are finished          
They sit there                                  

Silently pondering your woes
Then ever so quietly,
They begin to speak

Not many words
Just enough to make a point
Never engaging in useless conversation

They are always in the distance
Sitting while you talk
With other friends

They wit
Like a vulture
Waiting for prey

Only they wait
to jump to your defense
And when they do

They speak in little words
But those words are enough
To make the pain go away

While you eat lunch    
They engage in small talk
And show you their vocabulary

  This is how
My friend is, she has asked
Me not to mention her name
605 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
As a baby,
You learn so much
How to eat without spilling it on yourself,
How to talk real words,
Words that have meaning

Before you get to go to school
They expect you to be able to perform these skills
Before they begin to teach you new ones

By the time you walked out of elementary school,
You learned how to
Write in kindergarten
Honing that skill in second grade.
You learned how to read in first grade,
And began to read chapter books in third.
You learned multiplication in third grade,
And long division in fourth.
You learned how ecosystems work in fourth grade,
And made one in fifth.

In middle school
You learned how to love,
You learned what it felt like to want to hold someone’s hand,
You wanted it so badly you could feel how soft his hand was,
You could imagine yourself wrapping you arms around his body
As he spins you around in the air.
You learn what it feels like,
To have your heart broken
To be able to do nothing but sit on the couch in you P.Js
And eat ice cream while you cry.

In high school,
You learned how to be an adult,
How to get a job,
Going through the application process
And going to an interview,
You learned how to get into a good collage,
How to cheer when the form came telling you,
That you were accepted into the school of your dreams

In collage,
You learn how to love someone
And know deep down in your heart that he is the person
You are going to marry.
You learn what it is like to be on your own in the world,
What it is like,
To have to pay your own bills,
To have to worry about how you will pay your rent,
And what is like to have a job with a steady paycheck.

As you go into life,
With a degree
And a steady pay check,
You think that you a have stopped learning
You of course are wrong,
You will never stop learning.
578 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
As a baby,
You learn so much
How to eat without spilling it on yourself,
How to talk real words,
Words that have meaning

Before you get to go to school
They expect you to be able to perform these skills
Before they begin to teach you new ones

By the time you walked out of elementary school,
You learned how to
Write in kindergarten
Honing that skill in second grade.
You learned how to read in first grade,
And began to read chapter books in third.
You learned multiplication in third grade,
And long division in fourth.
You learned how ecosystems work in fourth grade,
And made one in fifth.

In middle school
You learned how to love,
You learned what it felt like to want to hold someone’s hand,
You wanted it so badly you could feel how soft his hand was,
You could imagine yourself wrapping you arms around his body
As he spins you around in the air.
You learn what it feels like,
To have your heart broken
To be able to do nothing but sit on the couch in you P.Js
And eat ice cream while you cry.

In high school,
You learned how to be an adult,
How to get a job,
Going through the application process
And going to an interview,
You learned how to get into a good collage,
How to cheer when the form came telling you,
That you were accepted into the school of your dreams

In collage,
You learn how to love someone
And know deep down in your heart that he is the person
You are going to marry.
You learn what it is like to be on your own in the world,
What it is like,
To have to pay your own bills,
To have to worry about how you will pay your rent,
And what is like to have a job with a steady paycheck.

As you go into life,
With a degree
And a steady pay check,
You think that you a have stopped learning
You of course are wrong,
You will never stop learning.
567 · Dec 2012
Emma Langley Dec 2012
What are in the presents under the tree?
Boxes are covered in smooth satiny wrapping paper
A puzzle full of colours, solid and stiff, waiting to be pressed together by little hands
A doll that can walk and talk, in a frilly dress like a princess, eager to be posed and played with
A shiny new car making noises when it is bumped patiently waiting to be pushed across the floor
New dresses, ironed and ready for wearing, sewn to perfection
Socks, waiting to be recieved with a fake smile and 'thank you', that are later found to be warm and soft
Shiney new leather shoes, that are not so soft,
Accesories covered in sparkles, that rub off as the small package is opened  
A new book, waiting for someone to crack its spine open and start to read
547 · Dec 2012
Emma Langley Dec 2012
I left months ago,
got over you quickly,
and moved on,
got with a group of friends,
While you were still wallowing in your own sadness
I spend the mornings wandering the halls
with my friends
sometimes we cross paths,
but I don't want to look at you.
I found out that you were doing things behind my back,
without my permission,
and I confronted you,
You lied to me,
saying that you didn't do it
I know that you did.
Your tried to get me to take you back,
but I am through with you.

You left me months ago,
Leaving me behind in the dust,
I couldn't get over you,
try as I did.
I found no comfort in my friends,
the same group that you hung out with,
and became a recluse.
Wandering the halls,
not having any particular path
occasionally we crossed paths,
but you would never meet my gaze.
You accused me,
and I lied and said I didn't do them,
but I know I did.
I know I am to blame,
I said that I was sorry,
but you wouldn't take me back.
You said that you were done,
With me,
with boys.
547 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
What does it even mean?
I mean I know the dictionary definition,
To give thanks,
But what does it really mean?
I mean what is so apealing,
about sitting around a table,
stuffing your self to the brim,
and sitting in akward silence with all of your family members?
I know that with my family this isn't the case,
we talk and tell storys about thanksgivings past.
That is until someone,
gets in a fight with someone else.
Then comes the yelling,
and the screaming,
and the crying,
and last but not least,
the "Come on kids we're going"

And then the akward silence in the car,
that is the worst
then one of the kids asks,
"why were you fighting?"
and Mom just answers,
"Don't wory about it,"
and that is the end of it.

Then you get home and get in bed,
and lay there thinking,
"what is the meaning of thanksgiving?"
"I don't think it's fighting with your family."
And then you fall asleep
545 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
Spiney, greed
Photosyntasizing, Oxyginizing, Growing
Growing slowly to become tall
504 · Jan 2013
Emma Langley Jan 2013
You've gotten lost,
wandered away from the path
and never returned
I miss you,
the way you would wrap your arms around me,
and I would feel safe,
safer than I ever have.
Something happened,
something irreversible,
try as I did I could not keep her away.
She pulled off course,
and you didn't realize it until,
it was to late,
she had you trapped,
So deep in the forest of her lies that you could not escape.
You screamed and cried for help,
but no one could hear you.

I want you back,
please help me find you.
491 · Dec 2012
I Love You
Emma Langley Dec 2012
I love you,
For everything,
Everything that you did,
Have done,
And will do for me.

I love you for you,
your personality,
So happy and bubbly,
yet sad and gloomy,
Both balancing the other out,
but bother are needed,
in order to mate the perfect person,
A person without flaw,
At least to me.

But you don't l;ove me,
You love her,
I have told you that I loved you,
But that couldn't change your mind,
I love her too,
Yet hate her at the same time,
For hurting you,
And by extension she hurt me.
But I will forgive her,
Because you have,
and I love you.
470 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
I am mad
I am mad at him
I am mad at me
For thinking that there could ever be an "us"
It was always about him,
He made me think it was about us
But it was always about him, and no one else.
I knew that the moment he asked me to kiss him.
I said no,
He kept pushing it,
I said no,
He kept pushing it,
And I refused to put up with it.
He said he was sorry but he didn't mean it.
He called me a player,
He said that I played him,
I never played you,
You played me.
You made me love you,
You brought up the past,
That was unfair of you.
Someone once said,
"Once it's happend keep on walkin and don't look back."
I follow this and I think it's true.
So you can go break some other girls heart,
I will forgive you,
Because I am better than you.
please comment
469 · Oct 2012
Court Yard
Emma Langley Oct 2012
Ceader planks on brick
Two small teas standing proudly
Rain crashing on stone
447 · Dec 2012
Emma Langley Dec 2012
Why do humans have to be so structured?
We are expected to be sculpted and perfect,
As if we are made of granite.
But why?
Why are we expected to
and act perfectly?

Why is being yourself discouraged?
What is wrong with being a part of that weird goth group
even if you aren't goth?
What is the problem,
with your favorite subject being math?
Why do we all have to conform to the same rules?

Answer me this one question,
Why can't you just be your self?
432 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
what does it mean?
I get the whole part with Christmas
I understand how it was supposedly Jesus'  birthday
but what does it really mean?

Surely every childhood sensation about Christmas,
is not the real purpose.
Destroying the wrapping paper beautifully wrapping presents,
ripping off sparkling bows,
All to get to the piece of joy inside.

Surely the feeling of bringing someone joy is enough,
to satisfy you wishes for Christmas, but it is not.
We must have physical gifts for Christmas to make us happy.
These things you call emotional gifts are no good.
If we do not gain anything what is the point?

Surely the meaning of Christmas,
is to be yourself,
have fun,
and praise the Lord Jesus Christ
We obviously do not do that
431 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
Fire has the power,

The power to burn,
The largest trees,
The smallest plants,

The power to destroy,
The largest forests
The most beautiful homes

Fire has the ability,

The ability to make space,
When all the old trees burn,
It makes room for new trees to grow.

The ability to bring people together,
When a fire devastates a community
They come together to help those who have lost.

Fire is hot,
The heat burning your skin,
The tree’s bark,
The dirt’s ants.

Fire so hot
It is cold
When it licks at your skin like a dog,
You freeze,
With fear,
With a strange happiness.
421 · Nov 2012
Emma Langley Nov 2012
I miss you,
the way you would hug me
and I would press tight against your stomach.
I miss the wrinkles that would appear
besides your eyes when you would smile.
I miss the way your eyes would sparkle,
and light up,
every time you saw me.
I miss your smell,
you smelled like something,
to hard to explain with words.
I miss how you would laugh,
at everything we said,
even if it wasn't funny.
I miss you fozz
409 · Apr 2014
Emma Langley Apr 2014
It drips down from the sky,
The little birds flit about,
searching for the now soggy bird feed
In a pitiful attempt to stay warm
their feathers fluffed out,
trying to keep the wind
out of their petite bodies
Their tiny clawed feet
scratch miserably in the mud
that one small worm to dance up from the earth
So the small bird can go home to his tiny family
with some sort of token
to show he cares
398 · Oct 2012
Emma Langley Oct 2012
A lone tree standing proud
Like a person on his own
Sadness envelopes
For the collaboration with Tsac

— The End —