She doesn't know a thing about the immense strength Her teeth have over my attention Or how I would rather have my eyes fall out of their sockets, from lack of blinking, than to miss even a single moment of her grin.
The forgotten tale of a young girl with bloodshot eyes and traces of broken wishbones. Death on doorsteps and tails-end pennies scattered beneath her feet. The garden of good and evil has not existed for a long while since it hasn't stopped raining, and by now, the fields of purity are drenched in melon-cholia. Maybe next time.
How desperately I cling to the image of a lost cause with a side of despair, tomorrow I will be a blithering fool, but today I am content with just being next to the furnace with the radio on.
Her face suddenly turns to me with Exite - you're glittering again, you're full of warmth. Was I cold before, I ask her. No, but I couldn't put my hands in your pockets the same way I used to. Come here. I am back.
The problem that lies within my raisin-swelled brain is that I do not like to speed on open highways or smoke behind chipped bathroom doors.
I vomited in the kitchen sink once because I couldn't make it to the trash. Now when I dye my hair and rinse it out under that faucet I get extremely uncomfortable.