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Emma Jacobson Jul 2011
Everywhere I look, I see shadows of you
Black magic outlines of your body sleep with me through the hollow nights
Music isn't the same without your love sizzling notes onto the petals of my skin
The world turned to a blurry ******* mess when cupid  shot arrows into my eyes
Do you see the blood crawling down my cheeks?
My eyes rain because you're not here to look at
My sun has turned to ash
Every time you walk through my brain, the razors on your soles turn my thoughts to ribbons
And the only thing that is real is the winter in my lungs
and rubies where my blood is suppose to be.
All i feel is rocks.
Emma Jacobson Apr 2011
i spilled my self into your bed the other night
my body dripped down your sheets like lava
as your arms held me fastened to the base beat of a heart, shy and scarred beneath your chest
your lips found mine in the dark
they danced, and laughed and cried up against each other as your hands answered questions along my moon skin
our clothes quickly became a memory
and our bodies became urgent with curiosity and too much *****
your teeth left reminders on my neck
on my hips
on my inner thighs
and i smile every time the mirror reminds me that you were there
I love this one.
Emma Jacobson Apr 2011
I'm going to sip your fire through a straw
and let its embers ignite in my eyes
fire flies stuck in columns of my spine
my blood is lava and yours is the sun
my heart supernovas every time you burn me
your sweet heat plays with the bones of my hips
I love the bonfires you light on my lips
when we collide, its sunrise and sunset from every point in the raging sky
nuclear fusion melts our cells to one another
you've injected yourself into my veins and burnt me to a blissful crisp
a firey drug
an explosive love
addicted to your flaming fix
Emma Jacobson Apr 2011
Sing to me
Caress me with your lullaby
Let the notes float around my skin
And attach themselves to me
Pull me close to your chest
Lay my head on your heart
So i can hear the rhythm of your soul
The percussion of your being
Push your lips to my lips
Let them play
Let them curl around eachother
Urgent and lovely
Breath me in
And let your kisses fall
Like raindrops on my cheeks
Look into my eyes
Hold me there
Come into me
See the complexities of my mind
Feel the passion racing through my veins
Hear the music of my essence
Smell the beauty in my blood
Taste the darkness in my brain
Perceive the universe around us
Only us
The sun, the moon
See the stars scald
the entire indigo sky stops
As we lay in blissful ignorance
As you love me to sleep
I wrote this about the 1st boy i ever loved intensely when i was going into 11th grade.  It was quite a relationship.
Emma Jacobson Apr 2011
My head is spinning
Death is winning
as i lose my mind
crazy thoughts, dance and waltz
rest impossible to find
shouting, screaming
heart erratically beating
tension seething
no escape
black covers all
bottomless fall
into desolate waste
blood's all i taste
dripping, running
wrists flooding
with crimson rows of happiness
clawing, crawling
my minds keeps falling
my heart is stalling
into nothingness
option depleting
my mind is succeeding
in corroding, eroding
into blank space
the curtain is closing
my blood has stopped flowing
as death wraps me in its loveliness
I wrote this when i was 16. I was having..issues.
Emma Jacobson Apr 2011
Feel the sun beating down on my bones
Rays of heat dance on me as my eyes close
Feel your fingers thirst for mine
Hands interlocked
As we lay in this day of only us
Light as air, not a care in our minds
Your fingertips graze my lips
And our souls align
High on each other, what a fix
My lips are your syringe
Addicted to all of your drugs
Stuck inside a lovely binge
Feel your breath crawl on my neck
Satisfaction in our veins and minds are our of calling range
As i feel your kisses rain
Rain on my back, rain on my cheeks
Rain on my curving hips
The hurricane of kisses rain
Drown by those lips
I wrote this when I was wasn't about anyone in particular. Its the fantasy I have of one day finding real love.
Emma Jacobson Apr 2011
Sometimes it hurts to be me
I sit and think about my life a lot
My 19 years of living
And all I can do is cry
Tears lay down on my cheeks
Restless, they can't even sleep
They don't flow
They stick like dew does to grass in the morning
They hang from my leaves and glisten
When I cry, it feels like centuries go by before one can hit the ground
The faster they leave my ducts the slower they leave my face
They're comfortable there
They've known that place for a long time
Wiping them away doesn't  help because the simple touch of my finger is a howling reminder of how touching me can only leave to hurt
Words have hit my face just as much as angry fists
I've hurt myself more than anyone else ever has
I've kissed my skin with razor blades but it hurts more just being me
Just being Emma
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