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Emma Jacobson Apr 2011
Your eyes trace notes onto the pages of my skin
like my lips composing music along the scales of your neck
Every time you look at me I feel the ocean rush in
and your waves splash around, like a drum, in my chest
Your fingers play my heart strings like a base guitar
slow, heavy, and dripping with thoughtful sweat
Play me till your hands need sleep and your tongue grows heavy
The piano keys you're searching for are carved into my back
Black, white and easy.
This was pretty recent. Don't fall for musicians.
Emma Jacobson Apr 2011
Hit me with everything you got
Because I love every last shot
All of these bullet holes are filled with iron
My veins drip with ****** fire
I take every blow with laughter spilling over in my eyes
Diamonds hang like glass from my pupils when i cry
Was feeling powerful when i wrote this.
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
i don't want the sun on my skin
just in my bones
burn me form within
set your flames and disenegrate my sins
for i have many
and i don't seek to repent
or to forget
but have a new chapter in my novel
while knowing everything i now resent
i do not waste my time with regret
but better yet
keep everything people like to forget
on the brim of my brain
so i feel all of my pain
but do not let it drip down the drain
and move on with each lesson in mind
not to delete, but to live in a different time
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
I've felt the fire before
but yours is a different kind of fire
its slower
more subdued
it wraps its flames gently around my bones and whispers wind into my marrow
its lovely heat fills my mouth
its fingers trace letters of lava onto my shoulders
and its breath leaves embers tangled in my eyelashes
the more i am burned, the more i crave
your kisses leave brands along my neck
leaking passion into my pores
fiery venom spreading through my blood
to my heart where its poison hums a smokey lullaby
This was written about a guy I was in a relationship with for a year.  It was different than a lot of other relationships I'd had in the was slower, not as fiery, but still beautiful.
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
she's the girl you just can't comprehend
the one who's nobody's definition of "right"
the one who likes black roses on Valentine's Day
the girl who drinks blood instead of wine
the girl who thinks combat boots go with a field of daises
the girl with a brain of stars an a mind of barbed wire
the girl who confuses cigarettes with candy
the girl who dreams of smokey jazz and rain covered windows
the girl who has eyes that drip with midnight and black magic
the girl who picks flowers and eats them
the girl that licks moonlight during the daytime
the girl that carries dragon flies and rock and roll in her pocket
the girl that paints her face indigo and ***** in dead grass
the girl that bites fire and breaths onyx
the girl whose lips seethe uranium
the girl that hears tea leaves and drinks gasoline
the girl that slides down black rainbows and sleeps in liquid rubies
she is just that girl.
i guess you could say i'm "that girl"
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
I've sinned
over and over again
sin is what always wins
envy makes my blood turn green
wrath makes my eyes glow red
lust makes my body hot
sloth makes my legs go dead
gluttony makes my mouth drip blue
pride makes my head heavy with gold
greed makes my heart beat silver
seven and deadly, these sins have my soul.
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
i wish i could be part of the rain
falling from the dark sky
making the streets glisten
dampening grass
sticking to windows
i want to fall on everyone
caress the as i drop
kiss their cheeks with liquid lips
hang from their eyelashes
wipe them clean of everything
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