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Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
do you really know what you're getting into?
i am dangerous
do you like that?
so you like the taste of my danger?
you tasted me last night
what is my taste?
do i taste like sugar?
what's my taste?
You taste like happiness, excitement, desire
like clouds and the ocean
like grape jelly and poetry
you taste like good music and smoke
like long conversations about nothing and everything
like long days at the beach and long nights in my bed
you taste like possibilities
like flustered hot cheeks
like kryptonite
like steaming rain and warm silk
I wrote this about a guy i had a short fling with one summer.  I was afraid for him to get to know me.
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
sometimes i feel like I'm walking up a down staircase
like the whole world is moving in one harmonious direction
and I'm lost in a sea of roads antagonized by dead ends
my head feels crazy
bolts are unscrewed and wires are crossed
a mechanical malfunction
sometimes i am up
up up up
my skin tingles with activity
dynamite in under the surface ready to be detonated
vibrations circulate
and cells dance with one another
i am wild

sometimes i am down
down down down
darkened hope reigns
a wave of black water runs around me in circles
my lungs spill over with it and i suffocate
my throat burns with sorrow
suspended in pure agony
as the waves laugh and swallow me
i am devoured by ebony
terrorized by my own thoughts
body stuck in a tar of sadness
i feel death smile down on my distortion
he waits for the waves to finally drown me

Some times i am red
red red red
anger is all there is
it clouds my vision
making my ember eyes glow
fire runs through my blood
feeding into my muscles
pure rage envelops me in its choke hold and i lose control
violence plays my core like a set of flaming drums
furry has made a home in my chest
covered in red, the anger waxes
consuming me in a blood moon


a see-saw in my head.
I feel like this emotions are explosive.
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
the angel sits lovely on a cloud
beauty suspended in white
no gray to be found
bliss overwhelms as the sun heats her bones
enraptured in pearl fleece she lays happily alone
she suddenly looks down at the world below
and gray infects her spotless snow
the sky of crystal darkens
turning light to cold
indigo wraps her in a crushing hold
screaming invades her helpless mind
blackness coats her onyx eyes
leaving her blind
the angel falls from her place on the cloud
tar of sadness weighing her down
she feels herself falling deep into night
delicate wings unable to fight
she hits the ground with a splintering smack
little bones decorated with cracks
broken and beautiful the angel lays
disaster consumes her in its rage
from her lips rubies seethe
as the angel no longer breathes.
this is a bit dark. I think i wrote this when i was 15.
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
They say love can be a tricky little thing
Make your heart bruise and bleed slowly
But i fail to see why I should be stuck on lonely
So I'll open my arms
Open my heart
Leave room to be filled with your stars
Take me all the way
Make me want to play
Show me your soul today
It's growing harder to stay
With my feet on the ground
When your eyes open wide can lift me up without a sound
They're arrows in my heart
As i feel your fire start
Makes me never want to be apart
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
you hurt me the other day
thought you should know
I'm aware that you are afraid
but that doesn't give you license to ****
to **** me.
you don't want to get hurt
i get that
more than you realize
but hurting me because you don't want to get hurt is such an annoying/amazing contradiction
it is not okay to hurt me in order to protect yourself
but I'm not mad
you have good intentions
just don't do it again
I've spent enough time in my short existence
crying over men
cutting over men
dying over men
i do not need any more nights screaming my lungs to sleep because it feels better than dealing with emotions
i am easy to hurt
fragile even, although i may not seem that way
just touching me wrong makes me bruise
you could probably **** me with three words and dead eyes...
you will never see this and i will never show it to you
but i will always know
love isn't any easy dance
it takes suffering
but its a beautiful kind of suffering
hopefully you can let go a bit
life is too **** short to hold back these kind of feelings
i am nothing to be afraid of really
i don't bite.
well, not true, but that was a metaphor.
but in all honestly i need you to just feel
feel everything
that's meaning here in this prison
oh, i mean "life"
just. feel.
basic thoughts. I wrote this at the very beginning of a recent relationship...i should have listened to myself.
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
I close my eyes
and lightening flies
dance around inside my mind
I'm the girl who plays with fire
who's veins are made of silver wires
who's skin lights up with neon granite
who isn't really from this planet
I'll scream my name until you all fall at my feet
swing from laughing, ancient trees
dance until the earth decides to break
die with a smile, my soul awake.
Dont know where this came from.  something inside me is prettty fiery
Emma Jacobson Mar 2011
every time your eyes fall over me
my body is ecstasy
all that matters is electricity
lightening is what i see
as I'm taken into a frenzy
lips ooze static energy
bolts travel free
and i am me
electric as can be.
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