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 Mar 2013 Emma Gabrielle
did you know there
is something worse
than heartbreak?
(c) Brooke Otto
I miss talking to him
I miss asking him how his day was.
I miss him
I miss David.

I wish I would have kept my mouth shut
About the childhood secrets but,
You had to know,
To understand,
That this was not all because,
Of one pig of a man.

I was beaten before.
I was much more broken
All the heart strings
My life was,
Nearing its end.

I know I hurt you,
So badly too.
And I wish I could
Fix me.
So I could fix you.
And we can be together,
Just us two.

I miss my David.
David, I miss you
Being yours.
It's being held safely,
While being beaten sternly. 

Being taken apart,
But held together.
Getting to the edge,
But never jumping.

Your looks from across the room,
reminding me of your dominance.
Your gentle touches to my face,
Telling me how much you cherish me.

All of this and more.
The prize and punishment,
The pleasure and pain,
Of being Yours.
Moving on.
I hate the phrase.
You just don't understand,
That my mind is a maze.

I'm alone and I'm scared.
I need someone to be there.
To tell me it will be okay,
After I've dreamt of you.

Do you not yet realize,
How bad it hurts
To have to get out of bed?

I don't have the luxury of wallowing in these sorrows.
I have to spend 7 hours thinking about you,
And normal high school things.
Then go home, just to think of you more.
You just don't understand.
What you think is moving on, is my dependency on others to survive. I thought you understood that?
What do I do?

With Beautiful skin,
Broken bones.

The beautiful skin, the lovely mask.
With the broken bones, the structures cracked.

Why can only you make me smile?
I need your love for just a little while.

Baby, please.
I'm breaking down.
I loved you once,
And you let me drown.

I am stuck.
Stuck with loving you.
No one compares.
Everyone is scared.

I love you.

Can't you
Love me too?
Your feelings are perplexing,
When I'm not *******.

Your affection is amiss,
I'm sure.

Do you know what you've fallen for?
The monster that you're feeding?
I don't want to hear that you love me,
I just want a firm beating.

You've seemed to have strayed from the trail,
My dear.
You've seemed to have lost your way.
No one will hear your wails,
My dear.
No one will find my prey.
They say you hurt
The ones you love
The most.
I wonder how true
That must be.

I can't even bear to think
Of hurting you.
Yet you give out hurt
Like its a hobby.

With all the pain
You've put me through
You must love me
More than I could ever
Love you.
O, how I long to lay by the sea.
The calming sound of the waves
The tides washing away my worries.

O, how I long to run in the field.
The sun nourishing my needs
The breeze enlightening my senses.

O, how I long to sit along the cliff.
The edge causing adrenaline rushes
The view relaxing my mind.

*O, I wish to be anywhere but here.
It burns. So deathly excruciating.

It's like a never-ending, heart wrenching feeling, that separates all other emotions, all other pains, and all other scars apart.

That feeling of regret and fallen memories, colliding with each other and dragging you down so low that Hell appears to be Heaven.

Why? Why after so many years?

After so many others have managed to steal my heart, even if it was just for a moment.

Why? Even though I know those days are over, that they could never begin again, that there will always be a broken link and I will always shatter, fall, and crumble once more.

Why are these emotions still here? Why do they linger like a black cloud, suffocating me and chaining me down like a wild animal?

I know that you are only a memory, so then why are you still here?

Why do I think about you, dream about you?

Why even though I know all of your flaws and your undeniably inexcusable actions do I grip at my heart and say "I still love you"?

Even though time after time I have told myself the very opposite.

Time and time again I have banished you from my life and yet hoped there was still a chapter left of this dark story.

Why after so many countless times where I have been defeated by you, where I have fallen once more for the ****** games you play,
twisting your black fingers around my spine and seeing how far you can go until it breaks?

Why do my forsaken eyes mistake you as an angel, when you are the devil himself?

Must I continue to have hope, wishing that I could try again, even though I know you're going to once more watch as I lose all sight of the truth?

Sinister and vile as you are, relish in my delusional state, knowing you have me in your claws which scrape at my back and leave scars that not even God could heal.

Do you even know how disgusting, how sickening and maddening it feels to know that you can't even see the pain you have inflicted on me? Sure you can see the bandages, but are you really that blind to the truth of their nature?

How deep these scars truly run? How badly and desperately I screamed and begged for help inside as you dug your claws into my flesh and carved them out yourself?

Can you not see the depression, the hopeless battered soul seeping through my eyes?

I pretend I am strong. I live every day breaking at the cracks and somehow manage not to collapse into a pile of broken pieces.

Tears are dried out and the ache of a heart that has been stomped on so severely that it bleeds gray is only a small burden compared to all of the rest.

I walk on a path where there is a light just in reach, but the path vanishes once you have come close enough to that hopeful light that you can brush it with the tips of your fingers.

Do you have any idea what it feels like to look in the mirror and have to remind yourself every single day that you were never good enough?

That you are a wasted canvas, painted beautifully at first but then crumpled and thrown out because you never had a chance at being satisfactory.

You will never understand that my own emotions are poisoning me.

You have grabbed at my throat and shaken me so violently that I am unable to move, paralyzed in shame. Paralyzed in sorrow.

And yet, as I look into your eyes, I am mesmerized by your face, I fall into a trace, trapped in your spell. Trapped in this deadly cycle.

You have dragged me down into this pitiful thing. This choking, lifeless relationship where I struggle to stay alive while you climb higher on your pedestal.

And despite my previous errors, I willingly fall into your hands. Blinded by the false light you shine above your head.
 Feb 2013 Emma Gabrielle
Let me warn you, my love, that when I fall, I fall very hard.
The first few months there are absolutely zero moments you are not on my mind, voice a soft whispering phantasm in your absence, drunk on whatever I sipped in your soul.
For awhile I become obsessed whether I like it or not.. and let me tell you, I like it as often as not.. but it's not a weird, psychotic obsession. It's an obsession in the sense that an absence of contact for as little as 2 days can feel like 3 weeks all warped together in a slow reality drifting sadly down a stream of redundant repeats of my least favourite New Years Eve paid programming.

I woke up last night at 3 AM imagining that I may not talk to you at all until you're back next Monday, and I'll be completely honest and admit that I cried a little. I shut myself up like a dog yelping for its owner to come home from work, but my heart still ached, and that, I'll admit, embarrassed me. I'm not sure if I can see you doing the same.

Let me warn you, my love, that I am afraid of commitment just as much as I am afraid not to commit. You really do seem worth the time and effort, but whether I like it or not there will be times when I cry into your shoulder and say my love for you is too comfortable. To be honest, my greatest fear at this point is hurting you. I trust myself enough to avoid it, but if I ever become distant or strange, please tell me. Please ask me. We will fix it. I promise.

Now let me tell you that I will never cheat on you. Not even drunk out of my mind could I bring myself to do it. I know how it feels and it's destruction. Eventually I will be so in love with you every other face will glaze over. I will be able to recognize beautiful faces and beautiful minds, but yours will be my dream come true.

I don't doubt you miss me less than I miss you. You're engaged in a brand new world down south, one filled with sky-blue water like dreams and tropic posters, horses on majestic beaches of gold grain.
I'm still carrying out the same motions on the same streets under the same rainy weather. It makes sense that I miss you more.

Let me warn you, my love, that writing pages as honest as these make me wonder if I terrify you in intention. Of course I'm not sure, who could be? All I know is I love you very much and that entails much in the way of future togetherness. Sorry if I am scaring you out of your emotional wits. All of this isn't easy to admit, but it's how I really truly honestly feel.

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. I think distance makes the heart aware of what it hadn't had time to articulate. Hadn't had time to admit.

Most of the time I philosophize on life. Although love is a part of life, I find this distance has me philosophizing less and loving you more.

You'll be back soon.
Soon just isn't soon enough for the heart that wants to hold your hand.
7 days by the end of today.
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